☄ Glimpses of the End - Derek Prince

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I want to say that Prague knowing how to proclaim the Word of God can be a matter of life and death I really don't believe I'm the Ruth or I would be here and alive tonight if we had not learned the power of proclamation and I want to just give you one proclamation which is in psalm 118 verse 17 the psalmist says I shall not die but live and declare the works of the law and that Saint can save you from death you know that it's a decision you can make and I'd like to suggest that you say that with me tonight and if there's a dark spirit of death hobbling over you dispel it why should you die when you can live so we must Ruth Ann on set the first time and then we'll give you the privilege of sharing it with us I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord now I think if you're going to say that you should stand up you can't really say it effectively in a sitting position now say it with real conviction are you with it I'll die but live and declare the works of the Lord again I shall die but live and declare works at the law now I do one more thing fines time a suitable person standing near you look them right in the face and say it again I shall not done alone alright done that's all we're going to do that's enough you may be seated if you can now I want to tell you that my theme tonight is the last days or the end time both phrases are widely used in the scripture I suppose that at least half of the books in the Bible have something to say about this special period the last days or the end time and I personally believe we're living in the end time I know a lot of other preachers believe the same I wouldn't try to say how close we are to the end but I think we're in the end time and Paul has something to say about this in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I want to read the first five verses first Timothy chapter 3 beginning at verse 1 but know this that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderous without self-control brutal despises of good traitors headstrong porty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away the Bible always goes to the root of things Paul is very emphatic first of all I don't think in any other place he uses such emphasis know this you can be absolutely certain of this one thing then in the last days perilous times will come the word that's translated perilous one other place in the great New Testament in Matthew 8:28 it's used to describe to demonize men who came against Jesus and the translation there in this version is fierce and I think fierce is a good word in the last days there will be fierce time and much of the power that makes them hears will be demonic power and Paul says you've just got to accept this fact there's no doubting or disputing that's what you're going to have in the last days the world is not getting better and then the Bible reveals to us the root problem and this is so important because all sorts of political theories could be evolved but they wouldn't touch the root the root of the decline is the decline in human character that is the root problem that human character is declining the decline in human character is a matter of corruption since man fell into sin he has been corrupt his character has been corrupt but corruption is something that progresses in the natural if you think of say a piece of fruit a pear something like that a peach you have this beautiful fresh looking lovely tasty piece of fruit you don't have to do anything with it just leave it because beneath the service corruption is already at work and it will gradually work out until that piece of fruit is totally rotten that's how it is with human behavior the corruption is already at work and it's going to go on until the whole thing is totally rotten corruption is irreversible there is no way to turn back the process of corruption whether whether it be in character or whether it be in fruit or whether it be in some other thing so God does not try to reverse the process of corruption God's answer is not to improve or cleanup or reform God has one simple answer it's a new creation if any man be in Christ he is a new creation God is not going to patch up the old creation he's not going to reform it he's not going to send it to church or teach it the golden rule because you cannot change corruptions you can delay corruption you take that piece of fruit whatever it is and put it inside the refrigerator corruption will be delayed but it will still ultimately work out sometimes I think some churches are like that their group their refrigerators they are pretty cold they're pretty nice but they don't change the process of corruption the only thing that can do that is the new creation I wonder how many of you tonight can say I am a new creation in Jesus current if you can't you're still the slave of corruption at working in you now associated with this revelation is an understanding of the main evil forces that are at work and there are three of them and each of them begins with the word love now I have to say the NIV which in some ways is a good translation unfortunately it does not translate the first word self-love it translates it egotism which is all right if you know Latin it means the same thing but a lot of people don't know that it and and that in the Greek original text there are three phrases that are just exactly parallel self love love of money and love of pleasure there are three lungs that are the corrupting force at work that be giving them again love of self none of money and love a pleasure when Paul gives the list he starts with men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money and he ends the list with lovers of pleasure and altogether there are 18 different forms of moral corruption listed but the source of them is the first two love of self and a lot of money and the love of self and money ultimately expresses itself in the love of pleasure I'll give myself a good time I'll get as much as I can enjoy myself I won't worry about other people I'll just care for number one those are the three corrupting forces that are at work and in first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 10 Paul says the love of money is a root of all evils so all the other evils that are listed here these moral blemishes proceed out of the love of money and let me say this about love of money it's very common in the church and if you love money you're a slave of money you cannot love money without becoming it's late and so we have the exposure from the Word of God of the three corrupting primary forces love of self love of money another pleasure and you look at our culture today in this country and many other countries and what you see is love of self love of money love of pleasure and that is the root problem and nothing can resolve that but a new creation you could say this all says it the love of money is a root of all evils but the soil in which that root grows is love yourself that's the real basic problem is love of self and that is very little dealt with in the contemporary in fact much of the activities of the contemporary church are designed to increase our love of self to feed the love of self to nourish the normal self now the shocking thing well in what I'm saying is this these terrible moral blemishes beginning with a love of self the love of money and ending with the love of pleasure with all these horrible other things in the middle of it like unforgiving unloving slanderous without self-control brutal despises of good traitors headstrong hortie loves our pleasure etc now listen these same people have a form of godliness but denying Spalla so what Paul is not talking about irreligious people in fact I don't think he's talking about non-christian people because as far as I understand Paul he would never use the word godliness of anything that rejected Jesus Christ so these are professing Christians they have a form of God knows what do they do they deny its power what is it a power well some of you will tell me it's speaking in tongues I thank God for speaking in tongues some will say well it's miracles and healings I thank God for all of them I've seen them all myself but listen all of those can happily coexist with a lover self I've been Pentecost for longer most of you be melodic and I will know all about Pentecostals I thank God for them they led me to the Lord in fact I didn't even know you could be a Christian without speaking in tongues it was a shock to me when I discovered and I've spoken in tongues I think every day from then until now but then that the power that deals with self-love is not speaking in tongues it's not miracles it's not healings it's not prophecy what is it it's the cross and nothing else but the cross applied in our lives and deal with self-love in 1 Corinthians chapter one and verse 18 Paul speaks about the cross 1st Corinthians 1:18 for the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but onto but to us who are being saved it is the power of God the Cross is the power of God nothing else can deal with self lung in our lives except the cross of Jesus Christ applied you can have a form of godliness and speak in tongues you can believe in miracles and have a form of godliness but one thing you cannot have is a form of godliness and the crucifixion of self that's the dividing line I have to say I mix mainly with charismatic that's just the way I mind my lot folds I've mixed with charismatic and Pentecostal for more than 50 years I've ministered at about 50 different nations and I have to tell you some Pentecostals and some charismatic are the most self-centered people you could meet in and it's this religiosity that makes them self-centered it doesn't save them it entraps them I want to turn to two passages where Jesus speaks about the cross Matthew 16 verses 2425 then jesus said to his disciples if anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me for whoever desires to save his life but the greek says so will lose it and whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it so jesus said if you want to follow me that is be my disciple because that was the specific phrase used of a disciple a disciple was one who followed after Jesus and Jesus said if you're going to follow after me there are two essential preliminary steps number 1 you deny yourself what does it mean to deny yourself it means to deal with that insistent self pleasing self asserting ego in each one of us the thing that says I want I think I feel I am important pay attention to me I matter and you have to say you don't matter you're not important it's God that simple I deny you I will not listen to you I will not succumb to you I will not bow to your demands you don't dictate to me you don't control my life you selfish creature and then Jesus says deny himself that's the first step the second one is take up the cross and after that he says follow me you cannot follow Jesus unless you've taken those first two steps it's impossible some people think what is pretty difficult but I believe I'm managing they're not the first step is deny yourself say no to your insistent demanding self-centered ego and the second step is take up your cross what is your cross it's the place where you're done God says you have to take it up I will not impose it on you but if you wish to take it up then that's the place where you die where the ego comes from in you don't become a non-person that you become a new person a different person this is your decision are you willing to follow Jesus will you deny yourself when you say no when you take up your cross somebody said your cross is the place where your will and God's will cross and every one of us comes to that place that's where we make a decision whose will God's will or mine when there's no other way Jesus didn't offer us a second alternative he said if you want to follow me come after me you have to deny yourself you have to take up your cross once you're willing God will arrange it believe me you'll have he has a special cross for each one of them a special area of Alliance where we have to say not my will but yours be done after that you can follow him let me say that Jesus did not come to make church members he said go and make disciples and disciple is one who's met these conditions denied himself taken up his cross and then in Luke 14 we get a similar passage Luke chapter 14 verses 25 26 and 27 Luke 14 25 and great multitudes went with him I want you to notice as we read on Jesus wasn't really interested in those who went with him he was not interested in those who came after him and there are lots of people in the charismatic movement and in the whole church that are going with Jesus they're not following great multitudes went with him it was exciting it was enjoyable it was no sacrifice to go with Jesus great multitudes went with him and he turned and said to them if anyone comes to me anyone and does not hate his father and mother wife and children brothers and sisters yes and his own soul also he cannot be my design some of us think it's pretty difficult but I managed Jesus said you can't do it now what does it mean to hate your father and mother we have to understand it in the context you have to hate your own soul in other words you have to hate anything that comes between you and wholehearted devotion to Jesus Christ whatever it is it is hateful not that the person himself is hateful you may have the sweetest and most loving parents but there comes a point in your life when you have to decide am I going to do what my parents want or am I going to do what Jesus I came to that place when I came out of the British Army in nineteen whatever it was 48 40 45 I was in the Middle East I'd been there for years in the Army the British Army owed me a passage back to England wasn't going to cost me anything but God had told me to marry a lady in Jerusalem and I become the farmer of eight fatherless girls and then I heard the news that my farm that my grandfather was dying of he was really the closest member of my family to me in any way and I could have a free passage home I could have gone to see him but not done that and obeying the law so in a way right the understood I had to hate my grandfather I thank God the hatred is not permanent one day I'll meet him in heaven but Jesus has laid down certain conditions which never vary that's gone with this passage great multitudes went with him I want you to notice those those who go with him and those who follow him they're two completely different kinds of people and he turned and said to them and anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother wife and children brothers and sisters yes and his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the conditions of discipleship are stated as clearly as anybody could ever sleep we have no reason to doubt what they are we have the deny ourselves take up our cross hate any that kind of thing that comes between us and obedience to Jesus and then we can follow him you may be trying to follow Jesus without meeting the conditions you can't do it you'll experience all sorts of frustrations and defeats and you may not even understand why you say well I'm sincerely trying to live the Christian life well that's good but you haven't met the conditions there are no exceptions to these conditions if you want to be a victorious Christian these are the conditions and they're absolutely contrary to the spirit of this age because this spirit the spirit of this age is a spirit of self love of self pleasing and we have to decide I've been shocked because in a certain situation which I don't need to describe I came up against the effects of contemporary educational system in this country in a young person and I discovered that the emphasis now is on cultivating yourself pleasing yourself becoming the right kind of individual there is no emphasis now on self-denial or even on discipline you do what you feel like do what feels good be free cultivate yourself the problem is the self you're cultivating is a rebel the more you cultivate yourself the more rebellious you become I learned with shock I read a secular magazine and this was in the United States a woman who was an educationist was saying that one of the things the feminist movement has done is to affirm that excellence is something men imposed upon us therefore we don't want excellence if you don't want excellence it's pretty easy not to achieve it and we are producing generation of young people that don't know what excellency there are some wonderful exception but they're coming in to live blade because they're being misguided as to what the real key to success is I want to go back to second Timothy now and just pinpoint a few further features of this present age in which we are living second Timothy chapter 3 incidentally it says about those who have a form of godliness but denying sama from such people turn away my interpretation of that is don't waste spare time on people who are not willing to be serious with God I'm not interested in ministering to people who are not willing to change I mean I may do it when I don't do it intentionally I've been I think it's a waste of time I think what Paul is saying is don't waste your time on people who are not willing to change and I believe that applies to many ministers here today you are wasting time on people who are only playing religion and they'll take us much of your town as you like the more you cancel them the more time you give them the more you feed the ego with but you're not accomplishing anything and it's a subtle trap of Satan because there are others in whom it is worthwhile best investing your time and you're being sidetracked from them to the person with the perennial problems you never have any of those in your church I'm sure you know whether they have perennial problems those are not willing to need God's condition don't waste time on them that's what Paul says in the prince version now let's notice some of the other features of this time we go to second Timothy chapter 3 verses 8 and 9 and it speaks about the Egyptian magicians genny's and jamberries you might not know who they were but they were the magician's of Egypt and it says as jenny's and jerry's resisted moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith but they will progress no further for their folly will be manifest to all as there's also us so there's going to be opposition from the apart the magician's were account practitioners and in Germany at least there are far more Auto practitioners than our Christian ministers today it's not an old thing that's passed away it's very contemporary it's very up-to-date and these magicians were not to be laughter it staggers my mind but they of the first three miracles that Moses and Aaron could perform they could do the same Aaron threw down is rod and it became a serpent Pharaoh said what about you boys can you do that they said yes sure we can they threw down their rods and they became snakes now that happened in a charismatic church people would pay a lot of attention the exciting thing is you know what happened Aaron's rod ate up the snakes of the magician's so picture those magicians leaving they left empty-handed where is Aaron left with a rod that was thicker and stronger than the one he ever had before but don't be under many any misapprehension the aqua can produce various kinds of miracles the ability to produce miracles is not a guarantee that a person is from God then after that Moses was told to draw water out of the Nile and turn it in the blood attended the blood Pharaoh said to the his magicians can you boys do that they said sure we can do that and then Moses was told to call frogs up out of the river and he did it and Pharaoh said what about you boys can you do that they said sure we can the frogs came up to them too they got to a point where Moses could do something they couldn't do and then no magician said this is the finger of God and you need to know that we are in a conflict with occult powers and protection if you're not prepared for that you're going to run into trouble and this battle is not being fought on the fields of theology but on the demonstration of spiritual power do you have that power is it demonstrated in your life and ministry can you outdo the magician's because that's what it has to come to and then a little further on in 2nd Timothy 3 verse 13 Paul says but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived they deceive because they're deceived nobody is so good at deceiving as the one who is himself to see but I let me offer a little comment from my studies in Greek evil man and imposters is not the right translation the word in in Greek means enchanters people who practice incantation which is one major form of exercising Otto power and so again we're dealing with account practitioners some years ago I measure my life by who was my wife at the time and it was when Libya was killed my wife a man came to me and he announced that he was the most powerful wizard in the United States well I didn't naturally believe him and he came to me to apologize because he'd got angry with me without my even knowing anything about it because I apparently hadn't paid enough attention to him somewhere and he told me that he'd put a curse on my family well that was useful information and I decided to deal with it but not deal with him but then he went on he was one of these people who liked to talk about himself and he said he's practiced various forms of the occult including telekinesis you know what that is moving objects at a distance you can't get inside the room but you have somehow you exercise power that changes the place of something in the room said he'd succeeded at that but he said he came hit the lusion that the most powerful tool he had was incantation which is exactly like these people and that really taught me something I thought if if satanic incantation is so powerful what about our incantations what about when we sing in the spirit isn't that powerful too but what I want to emphasize is don't write the account office fantasy oh it is very very real you go and tell some African witch doctor headnote how are you laughs in your face because he knows full well he does isn't that right that's right I got somebody with me all right now we come down to the practical what is our response to this situation the deterioration of human character and the absurds of the occult and it's challenging us and I want to give you the answer from the Bible in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1415 and 6070 but now we're moving in to another faith but as for you continue in the things which you have learned and have been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures what is our resource what can we turn to the Holy Scriptures that's the source of our victory and our success never going to moved away from the Holy Scriptures Paul said all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped in every good work now I want to say I'm glad that Paul chose to say the scripture you could have said the word of God and later on he danced but you see the scripture is a very special something the scripture means that which is put down in writing God has spoken many many words that are not put down in writing but a certain election and his words have been put down in writing and they are the scriptures and we can have absolute confidence in them this is the source of our strength our confidence it's our salvation it's our hope it's our victory it's the scriptures don't ever get moved away from the scriptures there's a lot of people today who are getting all sorts of revelations I don't know whether you have them here but we have people with what's called extra-biblical revelation do you have that one you don't need to tell me that's outside the scriptures hi I'm habla this because you know I've been reading the Bible for 57 years studying it preaching it and I have only just touched the margin I feel like a small child peddling in the margin of a vast ocean there is so much more I don't know that I haven't found that's still waiting for me why should I go to some harebrained preacher and get his extra biblical revelation I don't want I don't wanna I don't know whether and that applies for anybody but yeah I'm just not interested and then having said that about the Scriptures and that's very very crucial Paul goes on in the next chapter beginning at the first verse I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living on the dead at his appearing and his kingdom that's a very solemn charge isn't it we're all going to face the judgment seat of Jesus but in the light of that I charge you and then he comes out with three words preach the word and I say to you tonight preach the word don't give people your secondhand theories your half-baked revelations preach the word that's what people need it's what can build people up is what consent if I people and make them holy and convict them as sin and change their lives preach the word are men and then he goes on be ready in season and out of season convinced rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and teaching dummy as a preacher or a pastor or whatever you are do you expect to convince to rebuke exhort there's that part of your ministry and if you're a churchgoer do you go to church expecting to be convinced rebuked and absord it does that your idea of the Christian life because it's right here now then Paul ends up is charged a Timothy in chapter 4 verse 5 but you and I want to say that to each of you individually I believe this is a charge to everyone who's in minister here tonight but you be watchful in all things and your afflictions you're going to have to do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry whatever your job is assigned to you by the Lord do it and do it well and do it thoroughly and do it with all your heart Paul says do the work of an evangelist as I understand it tiffith his calling was not to be an evangelist he was a an apostle and a pastor but Paul said do the work of an evangelist I know I'm not called to be an evangelist I'm called to be a teacher of the scriptures it's very clear but when nobody else will do it I'll do it I can do it I've seen hundreds of people saved under my preaching but it's not my primary assignment if somebody else will do it I'll step back but I won't let it go undone because people need to be saved you know that if they're not saved they're lost and the only thing that can save them is the gospel so do the work of an evangelist you may be the very sort of quiet inoffensive Bible teacher but brothers and sisters people need to be said people need to be saved through the work of an evangelist I remember the first time I listened to Billy Graham because I had a very personal individual introduction to the gospel unto the Lord and I understood in amazement you can explain the gospel to people I never knew you could do that I used to tell people what happened to me and it was all rather demanding and I left them wondering well could it happen to me too but listening the Billy Graham night after night I said it can be explained and I meant to do it and I can still do it and I'm happy doing it but it's not my primary so let me give you back the words of Paul but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry whatever you're called to do do it completely do it thoroughly do it with all your heart do it as unto the Lord now I just want to say one more thing on this text preach the word there have been in the last few years all sorts of strange things that have happened in churches I'm not getting strange things I've been responsible for some of them myself I'm not frightened of what's strange in fact I'm rather enjoy it to say the truth I get a little tired of coming to church every week and just having the same menu but we have to be very cautious because some of the strange things that have been happening are not from the Holy Spirit there's two sources of strange things as the Holy Spirit and there's evil spirits and we have to know how to release the Holy Spirit and restrain the evil spirits and the answer is preach the word I want to point out to you and this I'm going to close with is God has ordained that signs miraculous signs shall follow the preaching of the word but if we don't preach the word there's nothing for them to follow you can have a wonderful evening feeling spiritual getting a vision revelation laying hands on people seeing them go down under some power but if you don't preach the word you really don't know what's going on it's very dangerous there's a lot of people in the charismatic moon just want experiences they want something dramatic to have well I love the dramatic - but I'm cautious because there's more than one source of the dramatic there's a good source and an evil source how can we protect ourselves and protect the people we minister to the answer is preach the word never go into a thing without the word because that's your safeguard let me give you just a few scriptures on this theme mark 16 the end of the Ministry of Jesus verse 15 he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature I'm committed to that I don't know about you he who believes in his baptized will be saved but who does not believe will be condemned and again it's very simple there's no third category you either save no you condemn now listen these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues they will take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly it will by no means help them they will their hands on the sick and recover and they will recover what do the signs follow the preaching of the word but if we don't preach the word how do we know what signs were given these signs will follow the preaching of the gospel and brother and sisters people need the gospel they need to know how to be saved and then a little further on in Acts chapter 4 we remember there was a time when the apostles on their co-workers were forbidden to preach in the name of Jesus and they came together and had a prayer meeting and this is what they prayed about in acts 4 verse 29 they said this now Lord look on their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching out your hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done to the name of your holy servant Jesus so why were the what was to bring the signs and the wonders the preaching of the word preach your word that signs and wonders may be done and then in acts 14 this happened in Iconium when Paul and Barnabas were there on their first ministry and it says in acts 14 verse 3 therefore they stayed there that's in Iconium a long time speaking boldly in the Lord who was bearing witness to the word of His grace granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands notice the signs and wonders were God's witness to the word that was preached they never had signs and wonders apart from the preaching of the word and then in Hebrews chapter 2 verses 2 and following Hebrews chapter 2 beginning in verse 2 for is the words spoken through angels proved steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just wound how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him God also bearing witness to what to the word God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders with various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit I would say that includes the whole realm of the supernatural signs wonders gifts and healings why do they come they were God's testimony to the word of salvation let's never get away from salvation everybody needs salvation and we are called to ministered if we do it faithfully God will bear testimony to that word and then just one final thought in Luke chapter 1 this came to me when I was preaching in France only recently because the French translation brings out something which is obscured really at least by the standard English translation these are the first two verses of Luke's Gospel in as much as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which are now which I most surely believed among us just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word delivered them to us so Luke got his record from those who were eyewitnesses and ministers of the world now unfortunately in our religious jargon the word Minister has lost its real meaning because all it means as a servant in acts 13 itself john mark was the servant of paul and silas born in Bournemouth you see the problem with with many of us when we think the word minister we think about somebody standing behind the pulpit and preaching that's not what it means it means a servant some people say do you believe in women's ministry I certainly do I believe in women's service but we've got such a false picture what is to be in ministers you know you have to wear a certain kind of suit be in a certain kind of place on Sunday morning that's nothing to do with it some years ago when I was married to Ruth of his name again the day approximate we went to Pakistan to preach had a very exciting time I'd like to tell you more about it when I come but anyhow just to say that we had about 8,000 people that responded to the gospel in Pakistan God opened a little window of opportunity you couldn't go there and do that now it'd be impossible but as we were immigrating through the immigration authorities this man asked me what is your occupation and I thought if I say a preacher that's not going to sound good if I say a Bible teacher that's not the only sound good so I thought I'll tell him I'm a minister and just Lear did that well after that I noticed that he was treating me with unusual deference I thought what has happened and then I realized he thought I was a minister of the United States but then that showed me how false the picture is we have in the way administered a minister is a said you see when I was preaching in France this is translated Minister the words heavy to de l'opéra servants of the world and I said that's it that's what a minister is it's a servant of the world now I would like to ask you and I'm coming to a close what is your view of your function and the body of Christ are you is or are you quote a minister are you a servant of the word because that's what you're called to be that's what you're called to be I want you to consider that question I want to move on to something else I spoke about the conditions that lit Jesus laid down for being a disciple if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me it means saying no to your own selfish demanding ego it means laying down your plans and ambitions it means an unreserved commitment to follow Jesus and that is what is to be a disciple now I want to give an opportunity to any here who have been confronted for the first time maybe with this challenge and you really never have laid down your life you got quote saved which is wonderful but you're not a disciple you're still doing your own thing you're pleasing yourself you're making your own plans but tonight you've been confronted with the reality of the demands of Jesus if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross the place where he stood on and follow me you cannot follow Jesus until you've done those two things so tonight just pause for a moment meditate on what I'm saying and then if you are prompted to make this decision here tonight I want to take up my cross I want to follow Jesus I want to give my life unreservedly to him and you'd like to make that decision here then just stand to your feet wherever you were anybody who feels prompted to make this decision I want to lay down my life I want to give up my ego myself will I want to follow Jesus without reservation let's just wait a moment until I think there are more that need to make that decision god bless you bless you stand right up be counted on well those of you that have stood I would like you to come out to the front stand before me here I can't see you all because of it the light is such that I can only see a small portion of the auditorium meanwhile would the leaders and my wife come up in the platform now please be praying for this because it's a very very important moment in the lives of people all right I want to lead you in a simple prayer address to Jesus I want you to say the words after me then when you've said the prayer and said are men I just want you to communicate directly with Jesus say or do whatever he puts in your heart to do so will you say these words after me Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you're the son of God that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead I turn now from sin and pleasing myself and doing my own thing and I come to you Lord Jesus and I lay down my life before you I give myself unreservedly to you to become all that you want to make me and I thank you that I believe you receive because I come in simple faith based on your word thank you Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you now just continue to thank him and pray anything that comes to you would lips in your own mind thank you thank you thank you thank you lord Hank you know Jesus thank you thank you thank you amer anima syrian leather like a very lavish shondaland an Anna Maria amen if you want a kneel down that's that's perfectly in order in fact it's appropriate thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you Lord Lord let your anointing we pray come down on these people who have come forward to give their lives to you thank you that they heard your voice on speaking through the scripture they've come to obey you to submit themselves to you we commit them to you Lord will you lay your hand on each one of them right now in the name of Jesus will you put your mighty nail pierced and from it in Jesus name and when you will you touch them when you touch them Lord will you anoint them will you release them from every bondage from every burden from every fetter set them free in the name Jesus in the name of Jesus released them deliver them in Jesus name Amen and arm-in-arm it amen I think it will be good if most of you were to kneel down I'm not demanding that but I think you find it it's more real thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Lord Jesus for each one of these Oh God will you bless them will you bless them beyond their ability to understand and we give you the glory and the praise though Jesus for what you're doing here tonight in this place in these lines yes we commend them to you will you put your hand on each one of them and they never go out alone themselves from this night forward they they know the good hand of our God upon them for good may they become channels of blessing them may they make an impact wherever they go an impact for the Lord Jesus hallelujah maybe they'd be a sweet savor of his presence Lord thank you Jesus thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you Lord those of you that are in in the seats would you just stretch your hand out and pray for these people what invoke God's blessing upon them thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you unknown on emoni anima syrian ker-rah Manasi cannabis under Arianna mashanda in the Oliver and aluminum aerial abashiri and our romantic Assyrian and olive Ariana Marion Marion rue cabochons the chameleon do I mean open your heart to him pour out your heart to him in submission surrender worship worship him is worthy to be worshiped worship Him give him your whole life give him everything you are and everything you have in Jesus no I think be good if the worship team were to come up lead us in some appropriate worship but while that's happening I just want to say honor some of you here who are ministers but not servants I mean it's your it's your career it's the fulfillment of your ambition but you've never died a death to your own self the own pleasure to your own Prime and you would like to make that commitment I'm not going to ask you to move out of your seat but if you want to do that if you say Here I am I'm a minister but I've never been a servant tonight I want to take the place of a sin will you just stand to your feet wherever you are anybody that wants to make that decision wherever you are say I choose to be a servant I'm in the highest you can ever get is to be a servant thank you Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you no thank you fine thank you
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 148,038
Rating: 4.8655128 out of 5
Keywords: how to face the last days without fear, perilous times will come, faithful bible teaching, sermonindex, Derek prince end times, believe in the bible, bible study about end times, bible study about prophetic times, deception in the bible, endtime prophecy, judgment seat of god, revelation final verse, sermon about end times, sermon about prophetic times, bible study on end times, bible study on prophetic times, sermon on end times, sermon on prophetic times
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2013
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