When you should shoot in 24FPS vs 60FPS

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so if you're new to filmmaking you're probably wondering when to shoot in 24 frames per second and when to shoot 60 frames per second or higher choosing the right frame rate for your video is super important when creating a cinematic video for me when i first started filmmaking i like everyone else wanted that clean cinematic slow motion sort of video and to be honest i'm even guilty of it doing now and still filming a lot of my shots in slow motion but what i quickly realized is that the shots that i wanted in real time they just didn't look as good shot in 60 frames per second however the more i started planning out my videos the quicker i realized that planning at your frame rates is just as important as planning out your camera angles so now whenever i want to shoot a sequence in real time i'll make sure i shoot in 24 frames per second and whenever i want something in slow motion i'll make sure i shoot in 60 frames for those who don't know me my name is jaden i'm a filmmaker and photographer from melbourne australia and today we're talking frame rates [Laughter] so basically what frame rates are is a series of images collated together to create a video kind of like a flip book so when you flip through a flip book you're getting a whole bunch of different images and that collates into one little story it's the same with video there's all these different little photos going into one second of a video so when you're shooting in 24 frames you have 24 frames per each second and when you're shooting at 60 you guessed it you have 60 frames per second in a clip to get the most natural motion in your videos you should be using the 180 degree rule basically what that means is that whatever your frame rate is you want to double that and have that as your shutter speed so if you're shooting in 24 frames per second you want to be using one over 150 as your shutter speed or if you're shooting at 60 frames you want to be using one over 120th or 125th that is what's going to get you the best motion to whatever frame that you're shooting at the frame rate most commonly used is 24 frames per second meaning that is real time so whether you're shooting at 60 or 24 frames you should definitely be editing on a 24 frames per second timeline to get the most natural look there's a whole bunch of different frame rates but today we're specifically going to focus on 24 frames per second and 60 frames per second honestly i think 24 frames per second is the most underrated frame rate in cinematography and when i say that i mean in the creative world right now obviously filmmakers and cinematographers most likely use 24 frames for their videos but you see the trends nowadays everyone's using slow motion and 60 frames per second and a lot of people are still using that 60 frames clip and dropping it in their 24 frames timeline and playing that in normal speed and it just doesn't have that same look and feel so 24 frames is the natural frame rate that our eyes would see it's basically like real time so if i move my hand like this you're going to see that motion blur which is natural to the human eye whereas if i'm shooting at 60 frames that shot will seem really jittery and just not smooth now whenever i'm planning a sequence and i know i want that sequence to be filmed at real time i'll make sure that i plan out that part of the video for 24 frames per second so when you're shooting things like documentaries or interviews or car sequences or anything that you know that you want this piece of footage to be in real time i definitely recommend using 24 frames per second some of my favorite sequences have been shot at 24 frames per second like when i did that great ocean road video one of my favorite little sequences was my mate dan opening up his fpv taking it out and flying it that was all shot at 24 frames and you get that really nice natural motion blur there's something so cinematic about that which is so different to shooting that at 60 frames now in the past i have shot a lot of my sequences at 60 frames thinking oh i probably just want to slow this down and pose and then i end up just putting it in real time and it just doesn't have that same effect so for the last like three years i've been shooting at 60 frames or higher majority of the time it's only been recently where i've started to use 24 frames to film real time that's what i'm recommending today when you're shooting for real time you should definitely be using 24 frames now that's a tip i wish i knew when i was first starting out shooting at 24 frames with that natural motion blur it's also a really great way to transition between clips because you're getting that really nice natural motion blur it's really simple to add things like whip pans and quick little cuts and that's going to seem really natural whereas if you're filming at a higher frame rate everything is going to be really sharp and really jittery and it's just not going to have that clean motion to it now if you're wanting slow motion your best bet is to shoot at 60 frames or higher because you've slowed down a clip of 24 frames per second you're gonna get something like this see it's really jittery and just doesn't look smooth and that's because when you put it on a 24 frames timeline and you stretch it out there's missing clips in between those frames so if you're shooting at 60 frames basically if you stretch out that clip on a 24 frames timeline you're getting extra little clips in the middle which is more data and more information for the editing software basically to pick up and create that nice smooth motion so if you are wanting a clip to be in slow motion shooting at a higher frame rate is super important because that's how you're going to get that nice clean buttery smooth feel and if you want something to be extra slow motion then i'd suggest shooting at 100 or 120 frames which sometimes be definitely a bit of overkill but it can serve its purpose now a question i often get is why don't i just shoot at 60 frames all the time that way i can you know choose what i want in normal time and i can slow things down if i need to look i used to do that a lot and as i said it just never really worked out for me i was always wondering why my real time shots just weren't looking smooth or cinematic now look sometimes shooting in 60 frames per second and putting it in real time can create this really unique feel which sometimes really works when you're shooting you know really intense sporting videos i've seen people you know shooting a gym or running videos and having that really fast paced shot can look pretty cool but in my point of view i think if you're wanting a cinematic video the best thing to do is stick to the frame rate that you're wanting for the shot so if you're wanting normal time you should shoot in normal time which is 24 frames and if you want slow-mo then yes you should shoot 60 frames like every piece of equipment and every camera angle every frame rate should be used as a tool to serve a purpose to tell your story in the video now there is no correct frame rate which to shoot at but if you are planning out your shots it's best to remember what frame rates you want to shoot at but sometimes you are on a shoot when it's really run a gun and you're not too sure if you want to shoot in slow motion or in fast pace or normal mode so sometimes shooting at 60 frames for the whole day can work out i once shot a music festival purely at 100 frames for the whole day and the shots actually turned out alright even when playing back those clips in real time however it's still important to know that if you want a shot to be in real time like you are on the set and you're like okay this is a fast paced shot i want to be in real time then you should be shooting in 24 frames but if i could give you one tip for today out of this whole video it's plan your shots ahead of time and remember what frame rate is going to serve the best purpose for the edit anyway thanks for watching guys and if you can like share and subscribe that would be great there's gonna be more tips tutorials vlogs cinematic videos coming along i really wanna start pushing this youtube channel a little bit more seeing what we can do and yeah creating some cool content along the way so so stay tuned for more and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Jayden Beville
Views: 2,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b1QeWQz8zsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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