Which Sony Camera Should You Buy in 2021?

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[Music] [Applause] hello so that was a little preview of my home office still have a lot to do like i still don't know what to put up on this wall and i still got to figure out my whole home networking thing because i want to be able to work on two computers at the same time that'd be kind of cool a little confusing i know but it's it's i have a plan i have a plan so in today's video i wanted to talk about sony's camera line at least the prosumer cameras that are out mainly because the sony a1 or the sony alpha one just came out last week but at the same time the sony a7s iii recently came out as well and so it might be confusing for many of you trying to decide which sony camera to get so i'm gonna try my very best to explain the entire sony camera line to help you decide which sony camera to get [Music] all right do i need notes i need notes right um no i'm just gonna wing it all right so first up in sony's camera line is their point point-and-shoot compact cameras that's the sony rx100 series and the sony zv1 you could probably throw in the sony rx0 which is kind of like their gopro equivalent but we'll throw that camera into that group basically these group of cameras are for your ordinary everyday people it's for people that don't want to mess around with interchangeable lenses and just want to turn on the camera and just take good photos and good video so if you're a grandparent a parent and uncle and you want to take some really good family photos and videos then these cameras might be good for you maybe not the rx0 i guess that's more for like action related kind of content so maybe the rx100 series and the sony's ev1 are more suitable for family events this is actually a pretty good option for vloggers as well whether you are starting off vlogging or if you are a veteran vlogger like i personally know vloggers that just like using the camera as it is like they don't really care about having interchangeable lenses or adding a microphone you're just quite content using the camera and just turning it on and just vlogging their life and for the record i personally used the sony zb1 and shot some really decent footage like i was actually quite impressed with that camera in fact the sony zv1 is probably my favorite out of the bunch mainly because of the good color signs the flip out screen and the insane autofocus like it is so good like if you're doing a top-down shot and you're making a product review video like it'll track whatever product that you're holding and just stay consistently focused the entire time so if you already have a camera and you're looking for a top-down camera to do those top-down shots then i would definitely check out the sony's ev1 because it is really good in fact i sold mine last year to get the iphone 12 pro but i kind of regret it in fact i really regret it so i might i might buy another one after i film this video wow i just sold myself on a camera all right next up is sony's aps-c camera line these are cameras like the sony a6000 the a6100 and a600 there are other apc cameras in that group like i started out with the sony a6300 really good camera i think it was the first small compact camera that shot in 4k which blew a lot of people's minds and really introduced me to sony's cameras like that's crazy like that camera literally changed my life that camera helped me become a youtuber that's nuts but this group of cameras have interchangeable lenses and so you can swap out a wide angle lens to a prime lens to a telephoto zoom lens like you could literally stick with one of these camera bodies and buy a bunch of lenses to change out your look so if you started out with the sony compact cameras like the zv1 and rx100 and you kind of want to change it up and start shooting with a prime lens or a wide lens then the sony apc camera line is your next step up of all the cameras in the apc camera line the a6600 is the top dog like it's a really good aps-c camera i get bigger grip you can use the sony z batteries really good color science has a flip up screen and performs incredibly well so if you're looking for a relatively inexpensive camera but you also want the ability to change up your lenses then definitely consider one of these apc cameras and if you can check out the sony a6600 that is that camera is freaking awesome oh man i think i just sold myself and get in the a6600 again what is wrong with you all right uh the next group is it's kind of a weird group because uh well they're two entry-level full-frame cameras and that's the sony a7iii and the sony a7c the a7 iii has your typical full-frame camera body like i've shot with it for like past couple of years i don't have it anymore but it's a fantastic camera the downside of the a7 3 is that you have a 30 minute record time limit that's really inconvenient especially if you're using it to shoot interviews or if you're filming youtube monologues like this it also has a flip up screen which i don't really mind but if you want a fully articulating rotating screen then this camera may not be for you however the a7c kind of fixes the problems a7 iii has first it has better color science like the photos and videos coming out of the a7c look good like real good don't get me wrong footage and photos coming from the a73 look good as well but when you compare them side by side like the the stuff coming from the a7c just looks more natural second there is no record time limit on the a7c which makes it an ideal camera for a studio setup kind of like this and of course you've got the flip out screen which is going to help you compose your shot like when you're filming yourself it's always helpful to have a flip out screen where you don't have to attach a secondary monitor to compose your shot but if you don't really care about the flip out screen and you'd much rather use an actual monitor than pay more power to you now the a7c might seem like the more superior camera but there are some things that i don't really like about the a7c like the evf it sucks it's really bad it's like this tiny little evf that you can barely see your shot all right hold on let me backtrack the evf itself does not suck it's just the the eye cup it's kind of non-existent like when you're taking photos it is way better to have a bigger eye cup so that you can fit your eye and just kind of see the whole image but with a7c because there literally is no eye cup you kind of have to like dig your eye into the evf to actually see the image properly where the a73 has the bigger eye cup which makes that camera the better photography camera in my opinion dang it i want to get an a7c now all right so next up is what i would call sony's premium camera line that's the sony a7s series the sony a7r series and the sony a9 series all these cameras are really excellent cameras but are designed to specialize in certain areas for example the sony a7s series specializes shooting in low light hence the letter s for sensitivity the a7r series specializes in shooting high resolution photos hence the letter r for resolution and also this camera is very capable of shooting really good 4k video but really it's specialized for high resolution photography and finally the a9 series is designed for speed and so if you're a sports photographer if you're a wildlife photographer if you're a journalist if you're a creative that just can't afford to miss the shot then the a9 series is your camera just like the a7r series the a9 cameras can also shoot 4k video but really it's more specialized to take photos fast like really fast and now we have a brand new camera from sony and that is a sony alpha one which combines everything that the a7s cameras and the a7r cameras and the a9 cameras have to offer packaged into one camera body it is the ultimate camera in the sony alpha camera line like if you really want the perfect hybrid camera that takes incredible photos and incredible videos like the sony alpha one is your camera it's a little bit expensive but it's the camera that does it all now mind you this is sony's flagship camera so of course it's going to be expensive and of course it's going to have all the bells and whistles no it's still not the perfect camera it may not be the perfect camera for you in fact i don't think it's the camera for me it might be too much of a camera also it's pretty dang expensive i got kids man but if you really are looking for the perfect hybrid camera that does everything well and you don't mind the high price tag then the sony alpha one is probably your camera and last but not least is sony's cinema camera line and that's the sony fx6 fx9 and venice cameras these are like full-fledged production cameras and so if video production is your main line of work then these are the cameras to get and maybe not so much the cameras in the sony alpha line but the really cool thing with sony's cinema cameras and sony's alpha series and even sony's aps-c camera line they all have the same e-mount system so that means you can use any e-mount lens whether it's a sony e-mount lens or a sigma e-mount lens any e-mount lens and use it in any one of these camera bodies except for the sony compact cameras obviously that's not interchangeable but from sony's apc camera line all the way up to the cinema line like you can use any e-mount lens in any one of those cameras and that's freaking incredible mind you if you are using an aps-c e-mount lens on a full-frame camera body then your image is going to be cropped just so you are aware but you technically can use any e-mount lens on the entire e-mount system is that it yeah i think that's it uh well hopefully i explained the entire sony camera line to you i don't know if i did let me know if i'm missing anything down in the comments below but yeah hopefully this video helps you decide which sony camera to get if you're looking into getting into the whole sony ecosystem no we're not gonna count the the sony handycams sorry dads we're not gonna count them and no i do not have the sony a1 yet soon hopefully soon and when i have it in my hands and i will make a review video on it but thanks for watching thanks for hanging out thumbs up subscribe the bell buttons down below and i'll see in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Sidney Diongzon
Views: 272,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidney diongzon, sidney diongzon vlogs, all sony cameras explained, sony cameras, sony camera, sony alpha 1, sony alpha, sony a1, sony a9 ii, sony a7s iii, sony a7r iv, sony a7 iii, sony a7iii, sony a7siii, sony a7c, sony a6600, sony a6500, sony a6400, sony a6300, sony a6100, sony a6000, sony zv 1, sony zv1, sony rx100 vii, sony rx0, best camera 2021, which camera should i buy, a7siii, a7s iii, a7iii, a7 iii, best camera, mirrorless camera, mirrorless camera 2021
Id: ZB-wFi87VE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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