when you just don't get it - john 6

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[Music] john chapter 6 you ever had a time i'm sure we all have but we're just not getting it and this the title of this morning's message is when you just don't get it uh and some of you are yeah you know what happens all the time it might have been that college class that you took and you know the professor is just up here and you're just smiling your way through it and scratching your head going what's going on or maybe it's that that marriage conflict and you have that fight or that issue erupt and you're sitting there going what'd i do wrong and you're still analyzing it and you can't figure it out and well maybe you're a little afraid to bring it up because well that's a whole nother sermon but anyways you have those things or maybe you just don't get it when a joke's told and it's like i don't get it i don't get the punch line and somebody has to explain it we've all been there at times we've all been in those places we don't like to be in that place of not getting it but we're going to face situations in life where we just don't get it now what happens spiritually in your walk with god when you're in one of those places where you don't understand what god is doing what god is saying and you may be there even right now what do you do what do you do when in those storms it feels like god's a little distant what are you doing god's doing something you just can't figure it out and what are you supposed to do lord i don't get it well john chapter 6 is for you you see here we see two days in the life of jesus's ministry and in those days we see this incredible blessing that takes place we see a great trial that takes place and we see a hard truth that he gives that's a little challenging and difficult to grasp so john chapter 6 let's dive into it jesus is two years into his ministry at this point two years his ministry was three years long and so he's on the back half of it you might say and and these things come about verse one after these things jesus went over the sea of galilee which is the sea of tiberias and a great multitude followed him because they saw his signs which he performed on those who were diseased and jesus went up on the mountain and there he sat with his disciples now the passover a feast of jews was near and jesus here he's up by the sea of galilee doing his ministry and the people are coming to him from all over the place because when jesus was around it was always exciting right you know he's doing miracles and people love seeing all that stuff it tells us there in the text john tells us in verse four that it was the passover that season where they are remembering god's provision for them setting the context for what takes place here verse five then jesus lifted up his eyes and seeing a great multitude coming toward him he said to philip one of his disciples where shall we buy bread that these may eat but this he said to test him for he himself knew what he would do and philip answered him 200 denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may have a little one of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said to him there's a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish but what are they among so many so jesus asks philip what to do not with this intention that he didn't know what to do the text tells us there but it was a test it was to test him that he would be involved in the discovery of our insufficiency and inability in ministry you see for god to do something often when he does his wonders there is first a problem at stake right we say that there's first the test before the testimony it may be that financial hardship you're facing or that health issue or that job situation there's always this problem that god wants to work in and he has to get us to that place of seeing our inability we can't lord our insufficiency i don't have enough money to handle this god how am i going to pay that bill there's something that we run into the problem there and that's the first start we see our lack and then we look to him and listen to what he would say next verse 10 then jesus said make the people sit down there was much grass in the place so the men sat down in number about five thousand and jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed them to the disciples the disciples to those sitting down and likewise the fish as much as they wanted verse 12 so when they were filled he said to his disciples gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost therefore they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves that were left over by those who had eaten then those men when they had seen the sign that jesus did said this is truly the prophet he was to come into the world pinpointing that one that moses would talk about that we were to listen to verse 15 therefore when jesus perceived that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king he departed again to the mountain by himself alone and stop right there for a moment because we see this great lesson when it comes to doing ministry that god hasn't called you to manufacture it he simply called you to distribute it it's such a release to know that the pressure is not on me to manufacture it but just to distribute it jesus tells the disciples make the people sit down make them rest and so i say hey you know what you need to rest rest in this green pasture because the great shepherd is here to minister to you and the lord gives you out of out of his abundance his supply and says here just take what i give you and give it to others and that's what you do the little that you thought was insignificant five barley loaves and two fish is like worse than a happy meal it's like worse than the leftovers this is a poor man's it's loaf is a roll a barley loaf is a roll and two fish this is a little boy's lunch this is and you're feeding multitude 5 000 men plus women and children but that's the beauty of ministry is it's come from his hand and i'm just obeying him and in the end what i see is that the people get satisfied jesus is glorified and you and i become electrified so to speak because of the testimony that god had done how he provides is incredible so what do you do when you just don't get it like these disciples that's the first lesson when you just don't get what he's doing simply obey what he's telling you to do and let him finish what he instands we don't want to do that way we want to know the details we want to know what's next we want to know how to prepare and do these things and sometimes we get so paralyzed by the what ifs hey gang listen it may be time to say lord help me to put the what if questions aside and say the what next statements for what's next lord what do you want me to do next i just what do you want me to do next just take the little i give you and hand it out okay i can do that rather than trying to figure out how am i going to feed five thousand feed the one in front of you just give them what the lord has given you that's the beauty of ministry so that first lesson is so important this day of blessing is followed really by a night of trial look at verse 16. now when evening came his disciples went down to the sea got into the boat and went over the sea toward capernaum and it was already dark and jesus had not yet come to them and the sea arose because of a great wind was blowing and so when they had rode about three or four miles they saw jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat and they were afraid but he said to them in his eye do not be afraid they willingly received him into the boat and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going so matthew's gospel account it tells us that jesus made the disciples get in the boat told them to go across to capernaum and that he would send the multitude away and as the disciples got into the boat and headed out this great windstorm arises there and these are experienced fishermen but it still kind of freaked them out what freaked them out even more was all of a sudden when you see jesus walking on the water they thought it was a ghost and so they are they are scared they are definitely fearful and jesus said it is i don't be afraid and it was at this point that peter says lord if that's you command me to walk on the water and jesus says all right giddy up peter get out here and of course you know the rest of it that he ended up getting his eyes on the waves and started to fall and sink and jesus saved him got into the boat the storm stops the jaws drop and jesus he's on top of it all right he's glorified as god it's an amazing account but the lesson to learn from it is that when you just don't get why god is allowing these storms in your life you need to do what these disciples did to hear his word and to let him into your boat you've been faced with some incredible storms i've been faced with incredible storms in 2020. some of you have faced job loss some of you have faced health issues some of you have faced even death in the face and we look at the statistics and think wow what a mess divorce is up 34 in our nation this past year of 2020. depression 50.4 percent i mean the storm is raging and it's like the boats are filling with water and we feel like we're sinking what are we going to do and we say well i don't even understand what god's doing in my life i mean he's the one who told me to come here to move out here to do this to go this direction and now he's going to let me sink and we feel like what am i going to do listen to his word and allow him into your boat so to speak i think it's okay to own up to the pain before the lord to say lord you know what i don't get what's going on i don't understand this storm i can't see straight and i'm really full of fear but don't stop there you then pray lord but i'm going to trust you i need your presence in this storm i need you to be right in this boat with me to put peace in my heart so you own up to the pain but you go forward in prayer listen to psalms 94 verse 18 and 19. when i said my foot is slipping we've all felt that before your unfailing love lord supported me when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy so what do i experience is unfailing love and his consolation i gotta allow him into my heart allow him into my storm so we see a great day of blessing followed by a terrible trial of the storm now look at this hard teaching that jesus gives them uh in verses 22 through 71. now i'm not just going to read this whole thing i'm going to skip for lack of time we're going to skip over some sections i'll summarize them but i want you to grasp this and then i want you to understand a few things about to keep you from stumbling uh what it takes so in verses 22 to 25 we see this the next day the crowds go searching for jesus and it's kind of like they come with this attitude of hey buddy high five what's for lunch today you know it's kind of that you know what's going on and jesus gets straight to the point in verse 26 and he says most assuredly i say to you you seek me not because you saw the signs because you ate of the loaves and were filled basically poked him in the eyes and said you're only here to feed your belly you didn't come because you're interested in the things of god you're here for for yourself and uh and it kind of took them off guard jesus goes on to tell them they need to they need to spend their energy doing the eternal work of god to have real life to believe as he says in verse 29 to believe in him whom he sent that's the work that god's looking for you and i from you and i to believe his word and they he said believe and they fixate on the works as their stomachs are growl and they turn to chef jesus and they say this in verse 30 what sign will you perform then that we may see it and believe you what work will you do our fathers ate manna in the desert and as it is written he gave them bread from heaven it's kind of like again they only wanted a free lunch they looked at this this thing and went wait you know what hey well you know we can sit down and talk if you make me a breakfast burrito you know it's kind of like that mentality and then they throw in this scripture fortune cookie with it out of you know psalms 140 or 105 one of those that god provided for him and so they're just kind of trying to bait jesus but the the problem is it brings us to this reality what am i really seeking jesus for so often we come before the lord asking him fix my family fix my finances feed my belly it's all these temporal issues and the lord says well wait a second what about believing in me for eternal life well i will when you fix these things lord that's not the how we should come before him to say lord you understand all those things and i'm going to believe in you and i'm going to trust you and i'm going to allow you to deal with those issues while i get my eyes fixed on you in the eternal issues but it reminds us of these things of what kept them from understanding what jesus was after if you're taking notes note this they didn't get it because number one their fleshly desires they wanted food a miracle and a self-satisfying savior and sometimes we don't get what god's doing because the flesh is in the way and as long as there is some other alternative motive of self in seeking out jesus we're gonna miss out what god has for us and ultimately end up with emptiness in our soul maybe you've heard this people say well i tried that and god didn't work i tried seeking jesus on it but he didn't pay the bill and all of a sudden it becomes about these things rather than about the lord the flesh gets in the way and you're not understanding what god's doing in the big picture he wanted to draw them into salvation james chapter 4 verse 2 and 3 says you desire but you do not have and so you kill talking about humanity you covet but you cannot get what you want so you quarrel and fight you do not have because you don't ask god and when you ask you don't receive because you ask with wrong motives that you may spend what you get on your pleasure so just like these people lord feed my belly and they're going to miss out on what god had for him in verses 32 to 34 jesus goes on to talk to them about the manna that they're referring to in moses day ultimately pointing to him being the bread from heaven he would give eternal life whereas the manna would only sustain their physical life and like the woman at the well that we looked at in john chapter 4 they are stirred up they are looking at this going in verse 34 lord give us this bread always if you've got this great bread from heaven that's going to be eternal i want that you know you're the wonder bread jesus you truly are give me that so he's stirring their heart and look at what he says in verse 35 and jesus said to them i am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger and he believes in me shall never thirst but i say to you that you have seen me and you do not believe me all that the father gives me will come to me and the one who comes to me i will by no means cast out for i have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me this is the will of the father who sent me that of all he has given me i should lose nothing but should raise it up at the last day and this is the will of him who sent me that everyone who sees the son and believes in him may have everlasting life and i will raise him up at the last day so jesus is the bread of life he's the one to fill our spiritual hunger that we have for true life and he invites everyone to come and partake of it of course there are some people that will turn away but those who do partake of it and believe in him for everlasting life they find these two things that jesus pinpointed first the father's plan in verse 37 that the father was drawing you to himself all along in believing in jesus jesus was working with the father doing his will on earth and you and i are exercising that will in response to his invitation coming to him we see god's great plan in the whole thing but we also see god's great promise in verse 37 that you and i are safe in his arms jesus says there i will by no means cast them out you won't be rejected by jesus when you come to him because of some deficiency in yourself his arms are open wide we see in verse 39 when he says all who come to me i will lose nothing what an incredible promise you see the gospel presents to you god's heart for you that he loves you and wants to draw you to himself to give you everlasting life and it also presents the god's promise to you that when you believe in him you are safe and secure in his hands and you are set rest in that it's a beautiful thing to consider what does the will of the father verse 39 and 40 tell us there to save men that everyone who sees jesus for who he is would believe in him for salvation and would be raised up to glory on that final day you see god's ultimate concern for your life is not your comforts and convenience of today it's his glory revealed for eternity and sometimes we need to remember that look at verse 41 the jews then complained about him because he said i am the bread which came down from heaven and they said is not this jesus the son of joseph whose father and mother we know how is it then that he says i have come down from heaven what kept them from understanding what jesus was after well number one it was their fleshly desires right they wanted food they wanted to feed their belly number two it was their own natural understanding how can he come down from heaven when we know whose parents are and so often they're looking through the wrong lens but so often it happens to us today i don't understand what god is doing i'm looking through the wrong lens i don't get this whole thing how can there be a trinity how can that happen it's just like huh how can he be 100 god and 100 man doesn't make sense how can he in chapter 2 verse 19 say he's going to raise himself up from the dead but then he's already dead and naturally we stumble over these things because it doesn't make sense these guys are here stumbling over and going how can he say he's from heaven when i know who his parents are say that again what you talking about you know that type of thing is just rolling around in their head they're stumbling over their natural understanding of things and you know what that happens to us as well we don't get it at times what god is doing in our lives because we're looking through the wrong lens trying to grasp what he's doing mentally and if i can't grasp it mentally then maybe i'll just toss it away it can't be true listen to what the bible says first corinthians 2 14 the person without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of god but considers them foolishness and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the spirit what good insight there are some things you're never going to understand about god are you okay with that good talk about that a little later but as they're stumbling jesus is expanding and explaining a little bit more trying to get them to respond in faith and verse 43 he says he answers and says don't murmur among yourselves no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and i will raise him up at the last day and it is written the prophets they shall all be taught by god therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the father comes to me not that anyone has seen the father except he who is from god he has seen the father most assuredly i say to you he who believes in me has everlasting life i am the bread of life your fathers ate man in the wilderness and are dead this is the bread which comes down from heaven that one may eat of it and not die i am the living bread which came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever and the bread that i shall give him is my flesh which i shall give for the life of the world the jews therefore quarreled among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat so jesus says hey the scriptures pointed to me the father points to me the son is revealing who god is because he's the only one who has seen who he really is and he says i'm the living bread which came down from heaven and the moment he talks about eating his flesh to gain life the jews respond with this disgust verse 52 hey how can this man give us his flesh to eat quarreling among themselves why do we don't why we don't get what god's doing maybe the fleshly desires are in the way maybe our natural mind is trying to grasp it and we can't and so we throw it away but number three sometimes other people simply get in the way hey look at what's happening they're too busy murmuring with others in verse 43 they're murmuring among themselves murmur murmur murmur then verse 52 they're arguing over theology how can this man give us this flesh to eat this doesn't make sense and in verse 61 we find them complaining the disciples complaining about hard teachings that jesus is getting giving them but here's the reality when we are focused on the failures of others around us and not on the faithfulness of jesus over us we're going to miss out what god wants within us faith to trust him again there's going to be things you don't get and why did they respond to this well obviously cannibalism is not found in the scriptures it's not something that god authorizes and so here he's talking about eating his flesh what is that are you kidding me [Music] that's weird you know we just go huh again now he explains it a little bit more verse 53 then jesus said to them most assuredly i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and i in him as the living father sent me and i live because of the father so he who feeds on me will live because of me this is the bread which came down from heaven not as your fathers ate the manna and are dead he who eats this bread will live forever these things he said to them in the synagogue as he taught in capernaum and what is this doctrine what is this hard saying what is this difficult thing that is found here in the word is the bible condoning cannibalism is jesus saying hey you need to chew on this just for a little bit just nugget of my finger and drink my blood is he getting out and that's what these people are stumbling now let me give you clarity first you note in verse 47 and 48 jesus talks about what to get eternal life i need to believe in him and now he is illustrating what that believing is like it's like a partaking of eating of his body and drinking his blood in fact in verse 63 which is the key in this whole discourse he tells us even clearly there it's the spirit who gives life the flesh prophets nothing the words that i speak to you are spirit and they are life that's what he's getting at but see here's the reality believing in jesus is not a passive statement it's a partaking principle it's not just oh i believe who he is no no i want to partake of him i want to gain what he has for me and have that eternal life his sacrifice for my sin is eternal life and i become one with him a new nature partaking of that now look at verse 60 what happens therefore many of his disciples when they heard this said this is a hard saying who can understand it and when jesus knew in himself that his disciples complained about this he said to them does this offend you hey listen discipleship will be tested with trials with testings and with hard truths and the reality is it reminds us that we don't know it all no matter how long you've walked with jesus what are you going to do in those times how are you going to respond when you're just not getting it that's what these disciples are facing and that's what jesus is after and he says are you going to turn and leave now here we see four things to keep you from stumbling and leaning are leaving jesus the first one is this identify it as something hard identify it as hard it can be hard for people to see how a powerful god could allow evil to happen in the world maybe you've ran across that if god is so powerful how can he allow this evil and this suffering to exist in the world how can he allow these famines and these issues and these things to happen if he's all loving and all-powerful why can't he stop it and so they turn and dismiss god because of this hard thing and the reality is is that there are things that we can't exactly pinpoint we know that the god allows sin to run its course and uh so that we would hate what sin does but when you face hard things that you can't understand what god is doing the hard teachings hey you put it on the back burner so to speak you let it sit there as you're reading through the word of god you put a question mark besides what beside what you read let god give it to you or reveal it to you in time in one sense god is testing you to see if you will fall back on his faithfulness and you will allow him to be lord you see when you trust the lord you're going to find two things one either the lord will give you his answer in time as proof that you're growing in him or two he may never give you the answer because you don't need it and it's his prerogative he's god the bible tells us this in deuteronomy chapter 29 29 the secret things belong to the lord our god but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever that we may follow all the words of his life listen are you okay to live with question marks are you okay to live with a question mark you see sometimes people in in a very sympathetic way will say you know what when you get to heaven you can ask god why and he'll tell you maybe so but here's what i do know god's not on trial when you get to heaven and he's not obligated to answer his ways to you number two the things that we get so caught up with here on earth that i think they're just gonna fade away when we get to heaven the glory of god and number three you don't become omniscient when you get to heaven you don't know at all only god is omniscient you continue to learn and grow in your understanding and so don't put god hold him to the fire as if he's obligated to you hey mark it as a hard thing put a question mark by it and say lord this will not keep me from trusting in you and loving you and following after you to keep you from stumbling number one identify it as hard number two like these disciples they started to complain about this so number two guard your heart from complaining and being spoiled when we don't get things what do we do we naturally start to complain it may be something god's doing maybe what others doing and maybe a circumstances when we start complaining it makes us kind of feel a little bit better about ourselves that it's someone else's fault but let me tell you something when you start down the complaining road it's trouble first corinthians 10 verse 10 the people started murmuring complaining and god struck him dead it's sin you know wow that's serious it's something that we have to guard our heart against because we can get bitter towards what god's doing in our life or allowing in our life hey it's so easy to accept the good things that happen in life can you accept the hard things too listen to what job had to say in job chapter 2 verse 9 and 10. this guy lost it all you think you had a bad year he had a bad life he had a bad long time okay you might say he lost everything in one day all of his possessions all of his his his kids he had 10 kids at the time and lost them all in one day all of his possessions his house even his health starts falling apart and his wife said to him are you still maintaining your integrity curse god and die well now his wife's against him this is a bad day and he replied you are talking like a foolish woman shall we accept good from god and not trouble and all this job did not sin in what he said when god allows the trouble is he still not god of course he's god the difficulty philippians 2 verse 14 and 15 do everything without grumbling or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of god without fault in a warped and crooked generation and you'll shine among them like stars in the sky i like that so identify the hard doctrine that's hard to grasp guard your heart from complaining look at verse 62 what then jesus says if you should see the son of man ascend where he was before it is the spirit who gives life the flesh prophets nothing the words that i speak to you are spirit and they are life but there are some of you who do not believe for jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe and who would betray him and he said therefore i have said to you that no one can come to me unless it has been granted to him by my father number three listen to jesus clarify things simply when you face a hard thing you need to keep listening sometimes you ever have that situation sometimes you face a hard teaching or a hard thing and the first thing you do is check out i've already made my conclusion i don't need to listen anymore i'm just going to take a nap in the rest of the class and i'll wing it on the final we do that but listen jesus isn't done in the text and he is not done speaking in your situation and it's wise for you to say i may not get it now but i'll keep listening and keep my heart humble ready to receive because jesus gave them the key the the hinge pin of all this discourse there when he says the words i'm speaking to you are spirit and this is not about eating my flesh it's spirit it's spiritual and we need that he's talking about faith and believing in him and he knows who will be saved and yet he still calls out to all look at verse 66 from that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more and jesus said to the twelve do you also want to go away for some this is just too much to bear too hard too difficult they left jesus maybe a christian entitled but not in heart and listen there will always be those in this category there will always be those that say you know what i tried that i did that i did these things and god didn't come through and now you're asking me to just say hey that's cool no problem i can't handle that i'm out of here maybe you know people like that and as jesus watches them leave i'm sure it breaks his heart but it's interesting he doesn't go running after them he doesn't go running after them because he knew that all i had to do was just speak the truth the father's the one that has to draw them and i will let the father deal with those things but he does turn to peter one of the twelve the leader of the twelve and he says to him in verse 67 do you also want to go away they're one year from the cross this is a crossroads for peter but look at what he says in verse 68 lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life also we have come to believe and know that you are the christ the son of the living god how do i keep from stumbling at hard teachings well number one i gotta identify it as hard i gotta guard against the complaining i gotta listen to jesus clarify things more number four draw close to his heart when you don't understand what's happening and what you draw and and what you know to be true you lean into that relationship you stand on that conviction as if peter says here lord we have left all to follow you we've discovered that you're not just another teacher your words are eternal life your words i may not get it all the time i may not grasp hard teachings but i'm not leaving you i have come to believe and know that you're the christ the son of the living god and that is key because that's the third lesson in these lessons that we're discovering when you just don't get it press forward in faith rather than run away in fear you press forward trusting the lord rather than run away in fear you look at things and go you know what the lord took me through that storm last night peter might say i bet he's going to be able to carry any storm i have in the future lord you fed me miraculously yesterday and that was amazing he can handle today and he can provide you see we come to realize this great truth when god works in that problem that you face it's not just for the problem you're facing it's for what problems you're going to face also the next day and the next day and the next day and we panic over here ah can god do it and we forgot lord did it yesterday lord took you through that storm would god not be faithful today in what you're facing and you've got to go forward in faith and rely upon who he is and what he's done you have to fall back on who jesus is and his testimonies and his provisions because the reality is that god doesn't do things by coincidence by happenstance he is working in your present and he's also working for the eternal and listen when you respond the right way in the present whether it's the problem or the storm or the hard saying to say lord i'm going to trust you i'm going to obey you i'm going to bring you into my boat i'm going to trust you in the next steps when you do that guess what you're doing you're storing up a reward for eternity you're storing up a reward for eternity to hear on that day well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful in a few things i'll make you ruler over many enter into the joy of the lord oh it's when i step outside and begin to see that hey wow i'm responding now today has an effect in eternity man i want to store up rewards so lord i'm going to trust you and press into you verse 70 and 71 as we close jesus answered did i not choose you the twelve and one of you is a devil he spoke of judas iscariot the son of simon for it was he who would betray him being one of the twelve it's as if jesus said hey peter great profession but there's not all we in it lord to whom shall we go we have come to believe he says there's one of you that's having a hard time jesus knew he knew judas had a name judas hung out with the disciples judas would have ministry tasks to do but he never had a relationship a real relationship with christ and i can just see judas's heart getting a little tweaked when all of a sudden jesus you had the opportunity the people wanted to come and make you king and you just escaped to the mountains and pushed them away i don't know about that and that's not how it's supposed to go his heart begins to get a little hard jesus you just told him to eat your flesh and drink your blood and these people are leaving you and you're okay with that man that's not what i want now judas's heart is starting to get a little cranky he's turning but jesus knew it you see it's not enough to know of jesus i need to like peter come into this relationship with jesus to say lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life lord i don't always get it but i don't really need to because i'm not in charge you are and i'm okay with that lord i'm okay with question marks in my life in my spiritual walk it's not going to derail my faith because i already know who you are and what you have done and your words i'm convinced are eternal life so listen as we close out when you just don't get it get this get to jesus hold on to him and let him carry you through chuck smith who's now in heaven with the lord once said this when you don't understand what's ahead in the future you fall back on what you know to be true of the past if i have a testimony of god's faithfulness in my life over and over and over and over again and i'm faced with the future and i don't know what's going to happen i don't throw this all away because of the fear of this i let this be the platform i stand on as i go forward in faith trusting in the lord for what's ahead so when you did just don't get it get to jesus first and foremost let's pray
Channel: Calvary Chapel North Phoenix
Views: 52
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4T1j2bxrZJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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