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so I think what you're witnessing in these were labs vegans are folks we had a very powerful meat dependency spawn and they're still having trouble getting past it what's going on YouTube how sick we're in New York City I was like the Hilton Hotel I've been lucky enough to be invited to an amazing plant-based event called the real truth about health I'll link their page and their website down below please visit their page if you want to hear some amazing plant-based talks earlier today I was honored to speak to dr. Michael clapper we've had him on the channel before and he was an amazing guest and interviewee again today we spoke about X vegans like calling you back and we spoke about the upcoming from the game changes and we also spoke about the rise of the carnivore die I really think you enjoyed the interview please enjoy and I'll see you soon dr. Klapper thank you thank you so much for thinking since you I really really appreciate your time I've got loads of stuff I want to ask you about today including the game changes which I know you've seen tips for people that have gone from being vegan to eating meat and lots of other stuff first up that I want to talk about the carnivore diet which is something that's kind of trending YouTube a lot of people or one or two people on YouTube claim that eating an all meat diet of an organ organic meat is really really healthy for them what's your take right some of the most common health damaging foods that people eat our oils olive oil coconut oil etc flour products in baked goods etc and dairy products and these carnivore diets they eliminate the oil the dairy and the flower pot and people feel better no question about it they lose weight trim them down and that's what you're seeing but this is an early beneficial trend from removing these toxic substances the problem is we are not carnivorous apes we are not house cats or mountain lions and you keep packing that colon full of meat three times a day for six months a year five years this is a great way to give yourself colon cancer great way to set off autoimmune disease is a great way to cut off colitis and your colon great way with all the fat to give yourself type-2 diabetes nobody's ever lived on a carnivore diet for a year or five years or ten years these people do not know what they are talking about this is a totally unproven Bazaar a way to nourish the human body we are not carnivorous apes and and people who stay you well you can't stay on this diet the high-protein diets injured the kidney high-protein diets are toxic to the kidneys these folks are writing themselves and a ticket to the dialysis machine they I read this article about this guy who did the carnivore diet for a month and he felt good that's one month thirty days I'd say you should go back and see this gentleman after six months of eating like that a year 18 to 24 months of eating like this you're gonna see a very ill man with sick kidneys and probably an early colon cancer brewing in his colon this is not a healthy diet for Homo sapiens and plus the audacity to say oh this is the best thing everybody ought to be eating that are they talking about a flesh based diet for eight billion people three times a day what an arrogant elitist outrageous plan of destroying the approach to nutrition it's totally outrageous both on a physiologic level as well as an ecological level it's it's a dead end of nutritional history and the sooner it ends the the better we'll all be Wow that's a pretty powerful um couny kind of give a couple of broader reasons study why people shouldn't have like a lake of ketogenic diets our body has the ability to slip into the state of ketosis which means that we're burning fat for fuel and it's a useful and necessary physiologic adaption the million years ago on the African savannas I'm sure our ancient foraging ancestors would have to go four or five days before they found the next berry bush with fruit on it and these enforced five-day fast were probably the rule and our body slips into the state of ketosis and the body conserves energy it cleans out the old cells it's a healthy thing to do for a short period of time and so I'm all for people doing these brief intermittent fast once a month for four or five days a brief spell of ketosis is fine the problem is that they have to we're Americans that if a little is good more must be better and so if five days in ketosis is good for well how about a month in ketosis how about three month let's stay in ketosis well the ketosis is the state of stress those ketones are acidic it's a state of low-grade acidosis I think it's a stress on the bones on the liver on the kidneys this is not a state you want to stay in for long periods of time and we've just lately learned that the real magic here for the body is not in staying in ketosis it's coming out of ketosis when you've been in ketosis about five days and then you start eating the vegetables and the glucose and the phytonutrients sweep through yourselves whoa your stem cells wake up from this suspension that they've been in from the fast they start putting out better or less injurious antibodies they build new better white cells it's the coming out of ketosis that is really healing from the body it's not staying in ketosis week after week after week they've got the science misunderstood severely so whether it's a vegan ketogenic diet or an animation it doesn't matter - no you don't understand ketosis more than five seven days ten at the most and and then then come out of it with a healthy diet the we are carbohydrate burning organisms our mitochondria burned glucose not fast our preferred fuel is sugars from whole plant foods and if you eat that a nice light healthy whole food diet you won't need to do a whole lot of fast and you're not going to develop high blood pressure I need these diseases so each whole plant foods and most this becomes academic you mentioned that people don't need to do like fasting and hopefully plant-based diet what positive benefits if you're experienced from a plant-based diet when I first adopted a whole food plant-based diet my body loved it within 12 weeks that 20 pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist my high blood pressure normalized my cholesterol normalized and I felt great waking up in a nice lean light body everyday and it was a ringing validation that this is what this body should be eating and in my medical practice when I had patients who were overweight high blood pressure diabetes put them on a whole food plant-based diet the same transformation happens the obesity melts away the arteries open up the high blood pressure comes down the joint stop hurting the asthmatic lung stop wheezing the migraine headaches go away and they turn into normal healthy people it's the greatest health transformation I've ever seen and it makes medicine fun to see your patients get healthy and in terms of the people that you've treated can you mention maybe an or inspiring transformation that you've seen that maybe were bests like showcase the beneficial effects of a healthy plant-based diet I served on the staff of True North health center for eight years in Santa Rosa California and I remember distinctly a gentleman in his late fifties a physiotherapist actually came in with such bad clogged arteries he could not walk across the courtyard without turning gray holding his chest and taking a nitroglycerine tablet because as angina was so bad we did a brief water fast and then put him on a really lean clean whole food plant-based diet within two weeks he was walking around the building and within a month he was walking up hills as angina just went away and he turned into this youthful energetic man his spirits went up he didn't have the specter of death hanging over him and and he reclaimed his life it was just a wonderful thing to see and again the power of plants Wow that's some incredible tons of you mentioned the power of plants there what kind of clinical studies have you had to pick one would best showcase the beneficial effects of a plant-based diet so for example we were talking to a medical student and you had to show them like one study would it be your are the before and after in G grab the left hand tree descending artery that dr. esselstyn's showed to see these terrible plaques and crouching into the blood flow channel this artery melt away and it turns to a healthy artery every cardiologist who sees those two images should say stop the presses what did you do here doctor how did you create it this is my entire life this is the entire specialty of Cardiology tell me the secret of how you produce this and a whole food plant-based diet without excessive oils and servers will do exactly that what a powerful powerful medical modality that is so with hands down that's the most dramatic effect I've seen of a whole food plant-based diet Wow that's yeah that's amazing and can you quickly talk about why hopefully plant-based diet is really good for weight loss and maybe give some tips for weight loss most every vegan I know who is eating a truly whole food plant-based diet eating foods as grown as they grew in the garden or grew in the field is a lean person now you don't see these vegans for eating a whole food why not because whole plant foods nature and her wisdom makes them largely out of fiber and water no matter what the vegetable is whether it's kale or broccoli or melons or green peas when you analyze it they're mostly fiber and water and when you eat a big huge salad you've filled your tummy up largely with fiber and water and the water gets excreted out in the urine the fiber pass out in the stool there's so little calorie density density there that nothing really sticks to you and the glory of though eating a whole food plant-based diet if there's no portion control whether you go back for a fourth bowl of vegetable soup who cares is vegetable soup it's all fiber and water you pee it right out doesn't stick to you so it's tailor-made for weight loss that's beauty you it's beautiful for the patients who have been so consumed how many calories and when how I gotta weigh my portions and how many carbs there it really doesn't matter if you're eating whole plant foods now your your satiety will take care of that for you now the key is whole plant foods if you know Oreos are vegan me and and granola bars and energy drinks will put weight on you and excessive nut butters these are processed foods but as long as you're sticking to food as grown how many apples can you eat and you wind up nice and lean even though you're eating lots of food because the calorie density is so low cuz the fiber and water conscience so high and a next question is about ex vegans because a lot of well a few YouTube personalities recently have gone back to eating animal products from your experience what are the main reasons people kind of ditch that plant-based diets the two reasons I think people go back to eating meat one is largely social pressure they just get tired of being the odd person out at the restaurant and at home or cooking two meals for their spouses or whatever so most of it is social but the folks who truly have a real meat craving and really desire it I think it has to do with the food we eat as infants when you think about it it aged six months of age when the baby is still nursing on the breast with all the love and the parents hearts that jar baby lamb baby chicken baby turkey is opened and at that point three times a day animal flesh is slathered on that child's intestine by age 2 or 3 they're in the fast-food restaurant even their happy meals they're off to a plant they're off to an animal-based diet and if you eat meat three times a day through your through infancy childhood through adolescent puberty through your teens your 20s your 30s you in animal flesh three times a day you're going to get dependent upon the carnitine creatine the muscle based nutrients that are coming in with the food your body makes them but if they've been coming in preformed three times a day since infancy what are your genes gonna do they're gonna down regulate their own production of carnitine and creatine because it's coming in preformed three times a day well that works as long as you're still eating and of course you're growing up a bunch of different diseases along with with but if you suddenly then stop you you go see forks over knives or you read John Robbins book and the plant-based light goes on and you stop eating flesh suddenly well your body's still looking for those preformed Duchenne now you got to make them all on your own now most people can gear up their genes and their enzymes to start synthesizing your own carnitine creatine but some folks might be able to slower among might take six months or a year before they're really manufacturing that and they get meat cravings and when they eat meat and that preformed carnitine creatine washed to their tissues oh I feel great vegans me and man I'm a carnivore I need my meat and they do but this is not normal human physiology this is an acquired dependency created by feeding a human infant animal flesh three times a day in infancy no primate does that no gorilla does they had no bonobo does that we didn't use to either we used to raise our kids on rules and things now back throughout American history of 1670 m2h Andrews nineteen people lived on farms and you may have had pot roast on Sunday and fish on Friday but that was it man you're you wait out of your garden the rest of the week you ate cabbage stews and potato soups you didn't go killing your chickens every night for buffalo wings yeah you might have chickens pretty quickly they're this flesh based died is just since World War two we've been rich enough to to indulge this and so we've created all these the whole generations of folks who are really dependent upon the animal flesh this is not normal human physiology I've seen three generations of children raised as vegans and they turn into lean healthy bright people who don't have meat cravings their mouths don't water when they walk past a barbecue now these are healthy folks they're physiologically different folks so I think what you're witnessing and these were labs vegans are folks who had a very powerful meat dependency spawn and they're still having trouble getting past it I tell them to you know if you have to eat meat once a week for a while so let's just stretch out the time in between and an event to lay your body gears up so you don't need the stuff I had meat cravings for years after I became vegan and it really bothered me and for a short period of time I went back to having some fish to see if would make any difference in my physical being didn't but but it was a strong meat craving but it was mostly just their chewy salty texture I craved more than anything else I think so so if people have to dabble in that for a while I don't condemn them but I say don't linger there either get on with facing that stuff out of your diet as expeditiously as possible it'll be cool to ask about question we've been asking and collaborating with lot of physicians or in the title of the video which we're going to publish pretty soon it's cool what happens to your body when you eat bacon I know it might sound a bit stupid but everyone everyone in the mainstream loves bacon so yeah what happens to your body when you eat bacon well there are several problems with bacon when you say everybody loves bacon know everybody may love a salty chewy kind of sweet texture in their mouth is what they really like and I've seen vegan versions of that but that the cost of eating that salty chewy kind of sweet substance on a frequent basis as it puts this cooked fried animal protein down in your intestines it isn't it's full of oxidizing agents that will oxidize cholesterol in your blood and injure your artery walls setting up for heart attacks and strokes and smoked meats and and these kind of preserved meats have been shown to be a class 1 carcinogen and if you are eating it on a regular basis and those carcinogens are smearing on your colon all day after day after day after day that's a great way to brew up a really aggressive cancer of the colon and this is not human food this is a novelty food that we did tease our taste buds with but as far as what it really does in the body it's a great way to give yourself artery disease and colon cancer should not be viewed as a health food by an instruction imagination thank you for the the concise answer the next question is quite a big topic maybe we could try and answer in a minute or two that would be really good it's basically why the physicians and health care systems and institutions do not recommend a plant-based diet you've mentioned the beneficial effects of a plant-based diet and the detrimental effects of meat and dairy in like bacon but yeah why is this not recommended for example type-2 diabetes we know we can reverse that disease yeah nobody's really talking about it I love being a physician I love the practice of medicine I love the profession of medicine but I must admit I carry an ache in my heart and a burning flame of despair anger resentment at this huge hole in my medical education that most of my colleagues now have been practicing medicine and we practice medicine late what our patients are eating has no effect on these diseases there is some genetic problem when the reality is doctor that's why your patient is sitting in front of you overweight hypertensive diabetic clogged up and inflamed from from the meat and dairy and oils and serves they've been eating and to not ask the person what do you eat well take me through a typical eating day is I think grossly neglectful because that's where the diabetes is coming from and we don't appreciate this because the doctors are using the peaches and the burgers themselves they don't want to be bothered with but the truth is the truth and type 2 diabetes is disease of fat toxicity and all the meat and the cheese and the oils and the fast foods clog up the insulin receptors in the in the muscle cells so insulin doesn't work and blood sugars go up the problem is all the fats that we're eating and and when people go on whole food plant-based diet they burn that fat out of their muscle cells and the diabetes goes away there's a reversible disease predictably so and yet the young medical students are not taught this and it's it's an outrageous omission so much so that I left my clinical practice and I'm devoting the rest of my career if you're going from medical school to medical school and giving these young students the lecture I wish someone had given me 50 years ago that you listen young people young doctors you're not going to be seeing leprosy and smallpox it's what your patients are eating it's the obesity and diabetes and clogged arteries from from the American diet and the Western diet and get real with that otherwise you're gonna get frustrated and leave medicine but if you can work with their diet send them to the plant-based diet issue they'll get healthy right before your eyes and I tell them and it's a provocative statement but I see one I put up a slide with all these degenerative diseases clogged arteries hypertension diabetes autoimmune disease and I ask a very powerful question these are all reversible diseases you want to cure these patients or don't you why did you go into medicine I did not go into medicine to manage chronic disease I went in to cure people and these are all curable diseases every one of them and to and to not be honest with your patients and to and to be the cardiologist Ojo you can keep eating your pepperoni pizzas and your cheese burgers and buffalo wings but take your statins so I can't get sued because this is a I've met my obligation I gave you statins but go ahead each of burgers it's fine that to me is is beyond inadequate then that injures the patient and it's and it destroys the joy of Medicine where the cardiologists are they all get sicker they all need stents they all needs death that's right doctor if you don't talk to them about what they're eating yes that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but that's you're not serving the patient that's not good medicine we know better than that so plant-based medicine should have been taught in medical schools when I started I shouldn't have to be going around to the medical schools and delivering this message you should be taught to them in the curriculum that they're learning but that's not where we're at so my mission from this point on is to bring this message to the nation's medical schools and get plant-based nutrition taught as it properly should it's the most powerful inexpensive and satisfying tool any physician can use and and we need to place it in their hands so the reason why it's not taught is because it's not taught and it's appalling beyond ignorance of of the power of food to create health or disease Hippocrates had it right and it's the food it's the foods to let food be your medicine and and the joy comes back in medicine because of the second phrase there Apocrypha said he said let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food and everyone understands the first part let food be your medicine okay but it's think I am medicine be thy food what is that yeah eat a bottle of pills for dinner what's he saying I now know what that means so my patients who are clogged up and diabetic and hypertensive the food is their medicine as the medicine is their food in that it changes how you view your meals and so you sit down to dinner with your clogged arteries your diabetes and you look at their cells oh they're cells or that's medicine for my arteries whoo that kale that's medicine for me now that cantaloupe chunk so that's medicine me letting medicine be your fruit let every one of these meals heal you let lets that's that open your arteries let that reduce your blood pressure and food becomes medicine at that point it's a beautiful concept doctors need to know that because patients get healthy right before your very eyes and and the and the patient leaves your office off their medications feeling good looking good and as they leave you go yes and that's the best moment in medicine and it's available to all of us there is a film coming out which I think will make a big difference with the game changes I know you've seen it what is your take oh thank heavens for the game-changer that is a game changer it's a well made movie and I know quite a number of the folks in there I I certainly am good friends with rep Esselstyn and recently met dotty bashed the cyclist and what a remarkable woman she is and I have such respect for the people in the movie but the people who made the movie that was a that was like a precise judo chop that you know for them for the athletic guys we were afraid to go vegan because they turned him into whistles that fit was a precision piece of filmmaking and that was exactly what they needed to see so it's potentially candy can be a game-changer if it helps these big macho guys see that the eating meat is not necessary for strength and athletic performance yeah it's performed a huge service I think it should be shown around the world because people I need my meat for strength and you obviously don't ask any gorilla or a buffalo and they'll tell you the same thing so I'm very happy that the game changer was made and I hope it gets very wide circulation I'm really really looking forward to watching it I spoke to dr. Gregor about it and he saw the first draft as well and he said it's the best I think he said plant-based documentary in human history I think it's now on hold because they're working out a distribution plan and I think they're filming Lewis Hamilton he's a pretty big name so be pretty exciting but I had a question about you know specific scenes and any of them sort of stand out to you for example with the doctor spit scene where he's talking about erections it reflected of course the Subrosa theme is man who had read there and you know there are two places that it showed up quite noticeably one is when they got these three young football players and they put a pressure measuring collar around their penis to see how strong their erections were it was very profound what an elegant demonstration of physiology that the meats that kept their blood vessels from dilating and give them a strong erection and the guy with the vegan diet had the biggest strongest erection that probably and if I rest my case that what the the point was made but I was very impressed with mr. Mandor the the fella in South Africa who guards against the rhino poaching and this man who this is one tough dude and but as hard as pure is given us as energy to helping the animals and he's and he had the integrity to say I can't be protecting the one big animal and eating another one and due to his integrity and his pure heart he became a vegan and his performance got better and you see him crashing through the bush leading his crew behind him with superb athletic performers that's that's really athletic performance not just to score points but to help this planet and he's doing around a vegan diet so those two were by far the most impactful scenes in the movie for me and I hope everybody appreciates them their age a lot of meeting in those scenes thank you so much for doing this interview I really really appreciate it I know you've been in the movement for around 30 years I think over 30 years are you finally sort of excited that the movement is picking up steam and everything sort aching off or it's changed not really happening quickly enough I became vegan 1981 38 years ago and nothing but good things have happened to me on every level of my physical body had certainly made medicine much more satisfying and it's given me hope for the animals for the kids for the planet it really is our way through this dark dark place that we're in as far as our personal health goes our social situation and and the environments and the stability of our planet it's clear that the message is coming through to us that if we want to be healthy as individuals and survive as a species the task before us is to we must now evolve our diets to a plant-based diet now for each individual person who wants to avoid a heart attack of stroke of cancer start eating a plant-based diet it's without question the way to avoid these diseases but if there's any hope to stabilize this planet now we are as a species we have to see we have used meat eating up no matter what the mighty hunter did for us or whatever whoever he was he got us here that page there chapters over and we have that page is time to turn fishing we have used fishing up we've used the oceans up we must let them heal and every level that Earth is saying enough no matter what you did before it doesn't matter at the time you want to stay on this planet take a lesson from the gorillas and the Buffaloes and start eating plants if we do we can save ourselves the forest will come back so much less land will be needed the soils will stabilize the waters will run pure again there'll be enough food for everyone to eat and the greenhouse gases will be absorbed by the forests that are regrowing now it could save our futures if we don't do that I don't see much hope as dr. Richard oppan Lander who really eloquently put it in his book called comfortably unaware comfortably unaware which is right where the meat and dairy industries want us it's ok keep eating your burgers don't worry about you know what it does the planet cubey don't be costly unaware and he makes it very clear then you can put solar panels on everybody's house you give an electric car to everybody on earth but unless we change our diets unless we stop raising and slaughtering 70 billion animals every year every one of whom is breathing out carbon dioxide everyone owns belching out methane they're all using grains grow with ammonia fertilizers putting nitrous oxide in there unless we stop doing that nothing is going to make any difference those greenhouse gases are going to continue to increase and those seas are going to continue to rise so it's passed a social niceties our life raft it's it's the way out it's and it's a narrow door but we've got to run through it at this point and we're the vegans have always been the weird fringy folks the truth is they are holding the light saying this way you want to be healthy you want to want to have your kids have a livable planet it's time to adopt a plant-based diet by all human beings so this nice fringe movement has turned out to really be our salvation for our entire species and the vegans have I think an obligation to be as healthy as they can to be as generous as they can to set a good example as they can to enjoy the heck out of the food make some dynamite chilies and soups and dance and bring people along with the the joy of this wonderful way of eating and there will become a more peaceful plan and a more stable and sustainable planet and and that will truly give us hope for the future so too late might be but I don't see any other choice and if I can every time I see a little kid in a stroller I wanna feel like going over there kneeling down and apologizing to them for what we've done to their planet and I owe these kids I'm working for the kids and the animals at this point it's their planet we've messed it up the least I can do is help their planet heal by getting people to start eating plant-based diets and so that's my mission for the rest of my time on this planet and I invite everybody to join in their own personal lives and the example they said and if we all do that we'll make a better world [Music] you
Views: 696,417
Rating: 4.7793527 out of 5
Keywords: michael klaper, bonny rebecca, diet, dieting, plant based, plant based news, vegan diet, plant based diet, debunk, ex vegan, doctor
Id: u8YlCOCEUsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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