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[Music] ultimate SP got to you about reload [Music] waterall go back M after I waterfall I don't know where is enemy remain [Applause] [Music] down enemy remaining window right side the offer might be here at long I think we smoke ra can you blast back across single in case he's pocket ready pocket got him yep hold my uh my thing has [Music] it 146 Sil sil's one 4 HP 4 HP oh my God semi frequently I actually have I'm on a pretty good streak of not switching my settings lately or not settings but like switching my peripherals Shadows traveling one enemy remaining shameful performance mind [ __ ] me I guess down mid one enemy remaining that wait iser here yeah he [Music] is nice put down wall put down [Music] wall one enemy remaining bro GG oh my God I suck my Al ready [Music] 15 KS to go I got wait [Music] okay oh r r r r nice I don't know where the going with you short nice three dead oh oh what the [ __ ] Friendly Fire on my way one enemy remaining [Music] wait down [Music] [Music] [Music] reloading Spike planted I'm done one showers yep one enemy remaining just take it take take it good job know you're there one enemy remaining what I'm leaving safe oh my God I wh so [ __ ] bad one enemy remain a no [ __ ] way GOP go no he's running at you kill her window window window window one enemy remaining he as well but one more B one more one one more dude chamber is actually still disgusting do it again do it again do again [Music] ass now down out got to go go I'm out of here I'm just going to swing elow nice ni oh my God can I take it wait dude gecko's actually kind of nuts now what the [ __ ] you can you can use your ability so much easier this this reclaim buff is actually pretty nice that's probably like the nicest thing cuz the flash was already like okay wor put away playing from the laptop up uh I don't think so the face so far yeah I know I'm [Music] sorry B is clear oh one [Music] Mark right now I trolled I trolled give smoke you have smoke ready I'm smoking down a get him Wing he's in the Smoke he's in the Smoke son right here Sony remain there's another one there yeah I fat fingered my X key I was scared to go in cuz I'm not really sure what the timing is with the gecko flashlight going down so yeah GE flash last for like a solid second I think yeah okay I think so no your for second flash but he asked you a question oh wait sorry what did he say you want to try it again actually know it's too late yeah it's too late yeah footsteps be me ring over smoke smoke okay out you're coming out soon come out want more don't scatter aled yeah I think you I know ex 39 on sniper a main enemy down mytim is what in the [ __ ] they just f wa I saw my ulti though
Channel: Valorant Pro Spotlight
Views: 14,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TenZ, Sentinels, TenZera, Canadian, tenz, TenZ'S MOST FAMOUS MOMENTS, tenz sentinels, tenz highlights csgo, tenz valorant highlights, tenz settings valorant 2022, tenz sensitivity, tenz valorant montage, Valorant Montage, Tyson Ngo
Id: 1jz035IkhOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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