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get out of my way it's okay here wait wait wait [Music] hece one enemy remaining [Music] oh without you got one up Spike down attacker [Music] spawn coming [Music] coming two side fight planted one enemy [Music] remaining I know yeah be one enemy remaining be right down me on me on me Scout destroyed I pick up you I pick up [Music] you what the H down one enemy remaining he's far it's okay you can I want to no no no oh you want to [Music] okay nice one enemy remaining watch BL it BL [Music] it I [Music] one o nice shot down one enemy remaining wait wait hey sa sa sa [Music] saing sight Shadows TR I Def oh my God I'm 120 race one enemy remaining [Music] no smoking I smoke uh b a bit sorry have o Spike down Bion one enemy remaining my yeah they're all three all four [Music] what for back hey raise is one HP to the body raise one shot body down turret out one down turet destroyed last player standing one enemy remaining for you [Music] back oh one triple one U-Haul launching [Music] down a last player [Music] standing one enemy remaining [Applause] heying [Music] SM one enemy remaining hey coming coming coming one enemy remaining down [Music] B parasite one more one more my one enemy remaining smoke stairs I'm St one enemy remaining my ready Ace give me Ace give me a don't kill kill yes one enemy remaining Spike down a I love last player standing Spike down a rain is [Music] down one enemy [Music] remaining [Music] [Music] last player standing uh one enemy remaining oh my oh one enemy remaining b b fper [Music] care enemy T right here Spike down mid [ __ ] Jason one enemy Spike down B one enemy [Music] remaining [Music] en go 1 2 [Music] three I'm your fault my Tim [Music] ready on Sky one enemy remaining [Music] SP down mid I open let's go I hold yo yo did care one enemy remaining
Channel: Valorant Pro Spotlight
Views: 16,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: something, prx something, prx, something valorant, something jett
Id: r2LhBK0Ee40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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