A Chat in a Pub - Thomas Heaton, Adam Gibbs, Gavin Hardcastle & Nick Page

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[Music] we are recording this live on the middle of it or in the middle of a photo trip we're in Alberta Canada we've been slogging it through the deep snow and and hiking around on frozen ice and we're all cold and I'm tired these guys aren't nearly as tired as me which doesn't seem quite as fair but yeah I disagree I'm quite tired I'm on the I've got the photographer's jet lag which is good so when you fly West then you're springing out of bed at 4:00 in the morning because in the UK that would be like midday you were like surprisingly spry when you showed up though like you you seemed ready it's just excitement yeah yeah but then they say just eight pm comes around and just jumped yeah so Gavin called us all up well they texted us all up and invited invited us up here and the conditions have just been amazing up here in the Canadian Rockies and it's awesome so you glad you came yes it's official I'm glad that I could help like you can yo flat you can well that's debatable with so a few days left it's been a blast I've shared some of my favourite locations with you guys it was very last-minute for me like after speaking to you 24 hours later I'm booked the flight and then the 36 hours after booking it I was on the plane it was it was they the most last-minute trip I've ever done and panicking thinking I've forgot something or not booked something says I need a visa to come to Canada didn't know that so got myself an electronic Visa Waiver thing and yeah so we our Sun rises so far been more fruitful I guess spent our sunsets is that pretty typical it's pretty typical I think in all my time shooting in the Rockies sunrise has always been more fruitful than so yeah most definitely because because the the main valley most of the peaks face east for the ones that you usually photograph so I mean you can't get nice sun's sunsets as well but generally speaking that I think the sunrises are much harder than you for sure we have been faffing on a bit since there's a few car accidents happens is we have lunch and then we all crash and we don't want to go and shoot but today we had lunch no today Mick literally crash literally crash because Gavin was rude enough to come to a complete stop not a stop sign actually I'm pretty sure maybe I'm remembering this wrong incorrectly but it seemed like you stopped and then you started take off and then you stopped again and that's what scared me up because I own a driver's license ha ha ha ha pass my test and I would never do such a thing yeah besides there was some big truck in front of me and there's nowhere I could've gone doesn't matter anyway no matter I was driving when there Kyra member any big truck I just remember empties yeah and like a slow motion like 20-foot slide like I had to I had time to like honk at you four times and all you did was lesson maybe in order right now I believe it was more like a two seconds maybe like an 8-foot slide and since then my neck is really sorry I'm getting shooting pains down my back on release any concept this week so I've lost earnings of my sponsorship and Squarespace you know I was really banking on the strip my calendar next year so I was gone so yeah yeah that's my stuff all over a guy smell lawsuit right now it smell it I think Devin was distracted I think it was coughing his hair at the time and it's very very well what about the damage to my brush guard those are even a scratch on your rhubarb thinking you kind of messed up the rubber coating like you said earlier there is definitely a winner and a loser when was it Chevy yeah America when his Chevy hits a fragile BMW the BMW does not come off too well no definitely but you have paid for two breakfasts for the whole group without even telling us so sneak just as a nick page special yeah my goal is always to get you guys to get on your good side and then just a vengeance I'm not just crash into you that way yeah keeps a lot sensitive minimum so what is our plan for tomorrow well we did you check the weather but I remember you saying that you might drive home tomorrow yes well it's not gonna have any influence on where we shoot if you're thinking that you need to then leave I mean you know it doesn't change anything starvation okay I'm willing I'm willing to shoot whatever because the drive is a big long drive is a big long drive it doesn't matter whether I started at eight or I know but it doesn't matter if you start an hour and a half from the opposite direction that you want to be driving home oh yeah yes and maybe two hours plus three hours a shoo-in and then two hours just to get back to ways that three hours of crying trying to snowshoe through you have to remember why you here in the first place I always think that when I go on a trip and I don't feel like shooting maybe I want to go in the hot tub or whatever I always have a rest you know but you alternately have to remember why you're here it's like no nymphal it's just get out and shoot and then you're never regret ever you can recover when you get home yeah exactly well I've been seen you're driving don't want to be driving tired you've got to look at it would you regret it if we shot somewhere more convenient and it was okay you might be great like if you if you go not two hours and you get an awesome so nice there's no you know in a week's time or two weeks time you're gonna be relying on your definite thing really regret driving that extra to look at the bigger picture two hours from here Columbia Columbia is built maybe can't the Falls but let's just check weather so Lake Louise weather for tomorrow you're using their govern this is whether calm so it's absolute shite I user and clear outside which looks like a minefield and you don't really get any fancy graphics compare that you you where you get ton of information which it can then when you learn it you can interpret and honestly it's fantastic I like how it mentions like whether it's a little cloudy yeah elevations of clouds which is so you just looking at Bow Lake which is no it's kind of in the right direction yeah so this is why I have a bow lake sunrise morning 8:30 ish okay so yeah 8 a.m. tomorrow morning we'd have 37% mid cloud going for the Rockies that's good yeah yeah that's that's not good enough and the mountains and that could interact with the mountains and how cold is it gonna be well minus 21 is that with windchill or weather because it feels like minus 21 and the wind is 3 mile an hour negligible world so there's no way it's gonna be crisp it's gonna be cold we can find open water we're gonna get missed so what we might want to do that is go to where we were this afternoon with the river with that s-curve of its own from Catherine /f through however you pronounce it up from poorly alright so not where we were this morning but a bit further down further down where we went after that and that's not too far for Nick yeah and coming back yeah and then we have a solid plan for it and that's bone Lake region so we're gonna get this whether we work for you we could go to waterfowl lake after as well it's right there yeah sheffrin we could do schefren and then I don't know the names of those Peaks just down from it but yeah that's that's perfect like he says I'm gone use me eights o'clock the hey o'clock 37% McLeod nothing else nine o'clock 13% McLeod 95 high clouds shifts an hour that could catch ya so the general rule is high clouds catch light and color yeah and mid clouds can catch some of the later colors more than oranges and doesn't just build it in an hour you know that might come in a bit earlier starting to develop and they might get Superboy but this looks like the best forecast we've had so far so we agreed then we're gonna head up the icefields pkway is that work for you Adam yeah I do not mind the extra drive and the cool thing is we've kind of scouted out some stuff about which you're okay with Nick driving well just don't stop in front of me man are those like Nurburgring tires that you were so glad they like slick tires for doing donuts and drifting yeah exactly not good for snow then we could just go in my car Nick that's an experience I highly recommend so with the trip so far what would you say if you are good yield of images none of the images have any relevance whatsoever all that I came here for was to watch Adam Gibbs faceplant in the store like he did yesterday morning that that's all I care about it was the best thing I've ever seen in my life yes that was it was pretty glorious full submersion is that it just completely disappeared under the snow please you see the ocean and then just took full immersion this is the thing with Adam right is if you watch these videos you you're not entirely sure just how much of a comedy genius he really is like this guy is comedy gold but I I learn every time we do a video it's like I walk away with like oh my god that guy if you don't win some awards I think and it's just in so enthused about everything that's what I couldn't see an image waiting to go home I've been just rock so change the whole mood here is just excitement on another level decided that we wanted something more subdued something less epic and there's these beautiful or they're not beats fight she's quite devastating has been huge forest fires where you have all of these trees just just completely burnt so I much sticks like tinder and I thought that contrasted against the white snow and be quite interesting Adam agreed but Gavin what were your thoughts on the burnt trees I could not possibly have been less interested in vertical charcoal sticks in snow so with it what is it that drew you to that like why did you want to photograph those burnt trees so much I think I think I think it's more about it's more about the art of looking for composition and and something more meaningful than just going for the obvious I mean that's what I like about photography it's the challenge of looking for something that you might not otherwise look at otherwise yeah I mountains industry I mean I don't get me wrong I love that stuff but I love the challenge of looking into areas that are chaotic and and after time you know I mean 90% of the time you don't come away with anything but it's the and then when you do find something you know I get quite excited about it yeah so when you feel like you've earned it yeah right so when Gavin started showering you know kind of in the midst of just kind of tweaking and Composition then I hear this are you guys coming it was very good yeah I must have you shat upon the matchsticks from a great great height so do you guys feel like you got any good shots from that up there yeah oh no I wouldn't know enough time I didn't have time we gave you an hour was the time song being up this well maybe you should have worked so far but that's where the best stuff was I think the question that you asked earlier of all of the shots that I've taken myself and that I've seen if everybody else's so far and relating to the point you just made about about picking a detail out of chaos is Adams shot yesterday that he sent to us all that he he picked out of abraham lake so we all went to abraham lake and you go there to shoot the ice bubbles and the ice cracks and we got good lighting where we got nice color and we don't we all got those really good shots but not a single one of us except Adam looked for that obscure random detail and he got this shot of these this one tree amidst absolute chaos that I kind of hate you a little bit yeah that's of it I saw her in my I'll be honest my heart sank yeah was perfect there the blurred out background the background thrown out focus but perfectly uniform so you could just see the shapes of the trees the vertical trees have been up our focus and the light and the even distribution of the branch is either side of the central trunk now very juicy yeah and the thing is like us three you know me Gavin and Thomas we ended up with probably fairly similar images that evening you came away with the most original nobody else was late let's go to Abraham lake and then just wander off into the forest and I'm not blowing smoke up your ass deliberately because you never blow smoke up mine I think Adams been at least probably longer than any of us right so and I think there's a certain I that you develop with maturity and practice and be now in the field and going through phases of artistry in your photography where you know you maybe you first start out with super wide angle lens or whatever but you've you've got that you're a veteran so you've got that that photography vocabulary under your belt I could be eloquent let's talk about Nick's crash again yeah my hat my hat I can't tell if you blush you know if it's frostbite yeah so negative 21 yeah it's not that bad it's so dry out here when you're when you've got good clothing and there's no wind you don't you know feel it really it's the wind that's miserable yeah when we've been like hiking through the snow we've actually been shedding layers because we're getting so hot so what problems is the cold temperatures caused I suppose made a few yeah absolutely I dropped my camera today the blooming cold weather and that sounds daft but yeah I was at the head of my tripod froze solid so when I put the tracker the camera on the tripod and lock it it doesn't it doesn't look properly because it's ice in there I can't say so I think the cameras locked it's not our fault on the plus side fell into 3/4 though so yeah no harm no foul canon weather sealing oh yeah so yeah the other downside is your people don't know how to drive in snow and ice when I have the same tripod issues another thing is if you leave your tripod in the car overnight when you go to open it for that first time the legs are all sizes and commotions I had this issue today my legs locked up and I thought maybe I should just bring a small bottle of antifreeze it's not worth carrying in the winter oh it's poisonous though right well yep you're not spreading your mouth it's on your hands but what if you do train yes you don't start picking out of his nose well windshield stuff I mean I guess uh sniffing I think probably the best thing to do is to take it in into the hotel room and then you know then dip fully let it dry out of him throughout all day you get snow on your tripod and you warm hands unlock the tripod and then that better snow melts you close it again it's a common problem the best thing to do is when you close your tripod leave a couple of inches between the locks and then when you come to open it up again you have some purchase yeah I'm in my tripod so old that it's I just leave it open like fully extended because otherwise I just can't yeah it's it's a lot easier to like break that ice by you know jamming it down into the ground and then it'll break free yeah that's a lot harder to like pull it out and stretch it out if it's frozen closed so and the bowl head that I have i minutes I've had it for a long time it's a good ball head but it's just all seized up I came to get my camera off half the time it's really frustrating yeah that's what's happening to me I thought my ball head about three years it's going I've been saying it's for a few months let me guess is it amount for auto I've had mine for about almost 20 years really well see that's good my number three years and is every time we use it as a risk that's going to break my camera because I can't put it on never locks on it's got a gobs lazy what about cameras cameras held up what oh yeah what what I've been doing is upkeep of batteries every battery so GoPro battery is vlogging camera batteries main camera rods all in a pouch with a hand warmer in the pouch nice goes in my inside jacket pocket and I'm golden you have to do that is genius you keep you batteries in your bag just like your bottle of water though phrasing but they'll be useless yeah so funny story about batteries as I showed up with 1:1 between both cameras oh yeah yeah I left was what had happened was I charged all my batteries I left my battery pouch next to my charging station and drove away and so luckily we got up here and there was a camera store within like 20 miles and I was able to just go to the camera store and and buy a couple batteries and that's never the case so lucky but I was what's the furthest distance you've ever driven and then realized oh god I forgot an essential piece of gear and then driven back to get it because you knew it was that fine then driven back that mine was like two and a half hours and I were to shoot a waterfowl forgot my polarizer you you have to out the polarizer for what oh yeah drove all the way back I once when I was going to China I had made it as far as the Columbia River Gorge and then realized I forgot my backup camera and then I had an ELISA actually drive all the way to the gorge at that time it was about three and a half hour drive to bring me my backup camera I went to Switzerland for days of Switzerland hiking photography and within the four days must have shot enough flocked material for four videos one video per day so but I hadn't thought my laptop's I'm hiking right so I've got this camera with a memory card on it full full of material and I landed at the airport middle of the night absolutely just knackered and left as I was sad by the baggage carousel waiting for my luggage I had my camera in a little gift bag with a chocolate bar oh boy 2 3 pop that down on the table next chair so my bag when it got the bag drove home it's about 20 minutes half an hour to home got in bed but one or two in the morning line in Beneful got up drove back to the airport by now it's half 2:00 in the morning I'm bringing all my material all this trip for nothing had the images ah one in the blog material and went to the airport no you know it's gonna be nice and quiet there they'll help me out so now another flight had just landed they've been diverted so you've got 200 passengers all going not needing hotels and transportation so the airport was in chaos nobody cared about my camera is it only way I could get them to care about my camera was to say well then someone must have stolen it so I had to file a police report with the police at their airport and then they checked the CCTV and they saw that a member of staff took it to lost property but nobody cared nobody wanted to help so I said right well I've got no choice it's obviously been stolen I need to file a police report then it becomes quite official yeah and they have to deal with it so I got it back at 7:00 a.m. the next lot of the same day so I got like four hours sleep and got a text off the police officer at 7:00 in the morning say we found your bag so this year love there's been lots of talk about like multiple memory of memory card slots are you guys like shooting on multiple card slots when you come on a trip like this yeah I have to I've two cards in and would not do any other way it's quite hypocritical really because my my 54 has two cards always for my vlogging camera only has one card slot but I'm backing up every single day but then I don't see my video footage as being as important as my still see because if I've got the still images I can still go and tell a story about how I took those images and I've got the GoPro which always has a very stressful job but I've had a memory card fail in the past three weeks it goes how just it was just on my five-day a five-day my vlogging camera I just come up with some weird error and something to format a card luckily it been backed up for might the car but I didn't even format the card I just made sure that everything was off the cars which through the god and avenges yeah once they start to fail they're no longer trustworthy oh well yeah I pack up all my images on dual cards I've never had a problem with a cart though yeah I think it's not a bad idea for sure especially we're gonna go away and on a trip by this you know we're you know if you lose your images so it's kind of a little extra further from home you go it hurts a little extra I don't know it's a deal-breaker though I mean when we used to shoot film I mean you didn't have dual film slots but you think you chew doubles though yeah but usually it was due to processing problems you know suppose it screw up your processing or they get scratched slides or cuz actually there was a number of times happened to me where whatever the machine they were using it was just scratch all the film and course it's useful except this big scratch by through it because you couldn't you couldn't scan it cuz it was no such thing as a standard content-aware fill the I don't I don't chew on a camera with dual slots but I do remember the biggest disaster ever had was three weeks of shooting in Thailand and I had I had magic moments where you could never go back and shoot them again you know with people in them you know it's like a real precious moment and everything was perfect I was finding the camera but his back in the days when used to shooting compact flash and I had a laptop but the laptop didn't have a compact flash slot so you had to have one of those adapters which you plugged in by a USB anyway I plugged it in the whole thing the bed everything was gone totally wiped nothing yeah I was I was a bit job to do that hurts so I went back a few times Photography mistakes or long York Gavin you're quite new to YouTube so you won't have made any mistakes yet understand you guys a veteran but you're a veteran and then Nicky's is the second most experienced now that's like I have no clue why don't make any mistakes cuz I don't do any video vlog mistakes well Photography mistakes like I've made something where like forgetting battery I like Nick you forgot your batteries on this trip oh yeah oh not before but not been able to rectify it or not charge my batteries or or being so self confident that you know going to shoot an image of shoot once you're going it and nailed it goes our focus is the only mistake i i've made recently in the last few years is focus and if you messed out be screwed but if you if you I mean I guess if something's totally overexposed and the highlights are born he was gone right I have a confession oh yeah go on this trip let me take a drink first morning like when we got that nice sunrise at least on on the camera I blew my eyelids and the reason I blew my eye lights is because I didn't have my histogram up and I was just trusting what I was seeing on the camera but I thought I have seen all kinds of detail then I just never was a histogram and the problem is I'm so used to the Canon world where you automatically get those Blinky's right yeah but you only get those blinkie's up on the Sony preview if you like change your display while you're while you're reviewing your image you hit up and then then it blinks whatever is and I didn't do that I was so confident I'm rating confidently and I blew some highlights luckily I'm just awesome in Photoshop so I'm just gonna take a later later sunrise shot and now hopefully they're not as far gone because you know you're only looking at that JPEG preview so I'm hoping that those are separable but I'm not sure [Music]
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 34,994
Rating: 4.9072232 out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, canada, thomas heaton, nick page, gavin hardcastle, adama gibs, podcast, landscape photography podcast, pub, beer, fun
Id: 7NYxL_xAtKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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