"When The World Was Empty" Creepypasta

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I had a lot of health problems when I was a kid I was underweight and asthmaticus it--and bad hair and I was that kid who sat in front of the classroom and squinted at the blackboard through thick lenses I was also that kid who had to sit on the sidelines during gym class lots of other kids thought I was lucky to be able to skip dodgeball but it always looked like so much fun I always wanted to play as a result of this I spent a lot of time listening to music and colouring this was over a decade ago long before those fancy adult coloring books the ones with the intricate floral patterns and little fairies I had to make do with regular kid coloring bugs nevertheless I would spend hours hunched over my books tracing delicate swells along winnie-the-pooh and Mickey Mouse in bright vibrant colors while the soft tiny voices of Pizza Paul and Mary voted out of my cassette player I was sitting at the kitchen table coloring and listening to Puff the Magic Dragon when I heard my mother calling my name from the next room I turned off the music I went looking for her it was a bright sunny day but I was stuck inside because of all the pollen in the air I walked through the house looking for my mother I couldn't find her I was only eight and my mother never would have left me alone I moved through the house becoming more and more frantic as I searched I couldn't find my mother anywhere I started looking in closets and under beds I even went up to the attic and down into the basement both places that I usually avoided because of all the dust in the air I pulled my t-shirt over my nose and mouth and searched as thoroughly as I could I opened up boxes and rifled through old clothes and Christmas ornaments somehow convinced that my mother was hiding just beneath them at some point it dawned on me that my mother might be outside in the garden I ran outside expecting to see her bent over the tomatoes or pulling weeds the backyard was just as empty as a house had been I circled the house plodding through the front and side yards slowly and methodically checking under hedges and behind trees i sat on the front steps then founded I scanned the street realizing for the first time that it was absolutely silent somewhere in my eight-year-old brain I knew that I should have been hearing birds chirping and insects humming I should have heard dogs barking kids playing lawn mowers buzzing and sprinklers spouting water under lush green lawns instead I was met with a silence so thick and heavy it felt like a blanket draped over me to this day I've never experienced such a perfect silence I didn't smell anything either summer smells should have wafted through the air filling my nostrils with fresh-cut grass old barbecues and blooming flowers I sniffed the air intently like a dog searching for a scent I didn't smell anything as I continued sniffing the air and looking around I noticed that there weren't any animals no chipmunks or squirrels I even bent down to examine the grass on the lawn it should have been literally crawling with ants ladybugs and worms normally I hated bugs but not seeing them terrified me I got up and walked across the street I knew that my neighbors would be home the carpets keys were an elderly couple mrs. kopetzky had had some years prior I was confined to a wheelchair mr kubatski hadn't modified the house for her to this day I'm not sure if he was too old to do it or if he just couldn't afford it as a result the kibbutz Keys didn't use the upstairs part of their house mrs. kopetzky usually sat by the window in the den which looked out at the backyard she sat and watched the birds that flock surround the marble birdbath and feeder that mr kubatski carefully maintained for her I knew she'd be home even if mr kubatski had gone out so I rang the doorbell the normally gentle sounding Bing bong was deafening and I jumped back clapping both hands over my ears it echoed bouncing down the empty Street and filling the hollow air I knew that it would take mrs. kopetzky a while to get to the door so I forced myself to count of 50 while I waited I pressed my ear against the door listening for the sharp whirring of a electric wheelchair I was met with silence I knocked on the door hopping from foot to foot impatiently like the sound of the doorbell the knocks rang out loud and clear booming like gunshots in the stillness I pressed my ear against the door desperately hoping to hear mrs. cap at Sookie's wheelchair or even her voice calling out I'll be right there I looked around taking in the silence and the stillness I looked at the tree in the cap at Sookie's front yard the leaves weren't moving they should have been a breeze I took a deep breath the air was completely and totally still after what felt like an eternity I turned back to the cap at Sookie's door and reached for the knob I turned it cautiously I knew that it was wrong to just walk into someone's house without asking but I was too scared to care the doorknob turned easily and I gently pushed the door open hello mrs. kopetzky I called out softly almost whispering but my voice rang out as if I'd screamed I winced waiting and hoping for mrs. kopetzky to come rolling out of the den and scold me for not using my inside voice nothing happened the echoes of my voice died away slowly hanging in the air like invisible stains I stepped into the house carefully shutting the door behind me I called out again flinching at the sound of my voice as I walked towards the den where mrs. kopetzky should have been sitting in a wheelchair the den was a small room with large picture windows that looked out over the backyard the backyard and once we neat and well-kept but it was now weedy and overgrown the only spots that showed any sign that someone had been there with a birdbath and bird feeder the den was empty I don't mean that the furniture was missing or anything like that or the furniture knickknacks and framed pictures of family members were there mrs. kopetzky was not her wheelchair stood by the window empty seeing it made the color drain from my face I turned and ran out of the house screaming normally the sound of a child screaming in terror would have made everyone come rushing out of their house to investigate nothing happened the street was completely and totally empty except for me I went from house the house knocking on the doors ringing doorbells and calling out for help in a fit of terror and frustration I actually threw a rock through a car window triggering an alarm that bled and wailed permanently shattering the silence I didn't encounter a single soul no one was outside I was outside for what felt like hours but the Sun hadn't changed or shifted position in the sky I've been outside for so long that my pale skin should have tanned or maybe even sunburned but I was still as pasty as ever I looked up at the sky and noticed that the clouds weren't moving they hung heavily like gobs of cotton that had been glued firmly in place I don't know how long it lasted at some point I was too tired and hungry to keep looking for people I judged back to my house and ate an entire pack of chips ahoy cookies normally it would have made me sick but instead of throwing up I curled up on the couch and cried myself to sleep I don't know how long it I was asleep for but it was getting dark when I woke up i sat up and looked around the car alarm was no longer streaking but the oppressive silence had not returned instead I could hear the sounds of crickets chirping somewhere a dog was barking and I could hear the wind rustling through the trees hey there sleepyhead I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard my mother's voice she was standing over me gently rubbing my shoulder and smiling dinner will be ready soon okay I ran out of the living room and into the kitchen upon opening the door my nostrils were filled with thick meaty aroma of sloppy joes my father was sitting at the kitchen table casually flipping through the newspaper are you feeling okay he asked you're asleep for such a long time he pressed his large cool hand against my forehead and frowned you don't feel warm I tried telling my parents what had happened they told me that it had just been a nightmare they showed me that the kappahd skis were both at home and that no car windows had been smashed my mother had been gardening for most of the day she had come in to find me asleep on the couch she had assumed that I hadn't him feeling well and she had just let me sleep I'd apparently been asleep for hours when I told her I'd eaten an entire packet of cookies she human me by checking first the cupboard then the trash the cookies were still in the cupboard wrapped in the shiny blue and white plastic that I tossed into the trash when I was done the little plastic trash can contained the usual kitchen digitus for the Chips Ahoy wrapper was absent I let my parents convince me that it was all just a dream mostly because the alternative is too scary for my eight-year-old brain to comprehend for decades I've been convinced that finding the world completely and totally empty was a bizarre dream now I'm not so sure I spent most of yesterday retiling the bathroom while my daughter played in the yard with our dog after a few hours I came downstairs for a glass of lemonade and found my daughter and the dog both asleep in front of the TV I thought that the whole thing was cute and too my daughter woke up and threw her arms around me in the tightest little bear hug I've ever felt What's Wrong sweetie I asked I could feel a trembling everyone was gone she sobbed I came in to use the bathroom and when I went back out everyone was gone
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 342,250
Rating: 4.8660989 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta, top creepypasta, creepypasta, horror list, paranormal, horror, narration, scary, reading, narrator, creepsmcpasta, jumpscare, dramatic reading, audiobook, scary true story, short
Id: GbTOa40HtMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2016
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