When The Strongest Reaper Clashes With The Strongest Weapon in Vampire Survivors

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if you've been on my channel for some time then you know that i have quite a history with this guy not the character but the red death in the game since in the past there was no real way to kill him like there were exploits or let's just call it special strategies to kill him but nothing like corridor or crimson shroud so today we want to do something special we will use an egg character but don't worry i will just skip the time and we talk from time to time to check out what happened and the goal is quite simple we want to kill the reaper the moment he spawns like just a strike done and we will do this with as much curse as possible as well as levels now he does scale up with our level as well as our curse so yeah this will be quite something there we have pentagram very good pentagram is just there to support that we get as many levels as possible to grow the reaper like the intent here is not really to go the strongest we can from get go because then spoilers we should have went for slash but slash doesn't fit the build if we go for wicket season which we need to reach that ridiculous amount of levels i thought long and hard about how to make this video because otherwise it's just a one minute video you know and that's it and what i will do is i will just sprinkle in information from time to time where i explain certain things and certain thoughts and yeah that's pretty much it so don't worry if you don't understand right now why i'm doing something or what the goal is or how we achieve that i will explain it all down the line now that we are limit break let's just random always pentagram will receive quite a bunch of level ups i hope this is fine for people that have flash okay i think pentagram will be a problem with the flashing but don't worry at 10 minutes it will be evolved okay let me get the ring over here i can get this there we go that was actually way easier than i thought it would be and now we just run over to the other curse item not that we really need it i mean come on we have 4.5 k growing with every second level but i want to make the reaper as strong as possible as i said oh my god it's actually ridiculous how difficult that is so for the moment right now whenever we don't have growth doubled at the bottom i will run around and once we get to round curse i will stand still that the experience can catch up and hopefully i will collect it and i will repeat that for the future that we always get the doubling of light and i think i will maybe make a quick check in whenever we get to grove then it's not as crazy you know i think the running around the recording looks really bad oh my god that is wild so for now i will just make a quick check in as i said whenever we have growth then you can take a look at the level and then you roughly know where we are in the game again the goal being we want to have as many level ups as possible to grow the reaper as strong as possible and then we will take a dump on him well at least according to the plan you know like i have to be honest i never tested this with such a ridiculous amount of levels and curse so i don't know if we will actually ever achieve that and there we go how much will we get i think this will keep going for quite some time okay run around oh and if you want to know how long i keep running around if this is the rest of the game don't worry once with 11 minutes i will not move around anymore and you'll later understand why and there we go oh the red shim is somewhere still on the way i think no we got it we got it okay oh yeah we approaching level 1.5 k we are doing incredibly well flying and do we cross 1.5 k yes there we go very nice okay we are on a very good way to level i would say at the end we are probably around maybe level 8 to 11 thousand oh no don't be a penta chess don't be a penta chess don't be the adventure [Laughter] uh yay we got gold woohoo okay you know what i made a decision we'll just stand still i have enough of the running around i swear to god one day i will write a post how i stop playing vampire survivors and the thing that made me stop is not the repetitive content as in because i play so much or the thousands of hours of playtime know it will just be the penta chest and there we go we cross level 2000 at minute 10 we will be able to evolve our pentagram to moon this is where it may get a little bit crazy level wise especially and at minute 11 we finally get the second arcana where i will then explain some other things okay now i just have to get a chest here bump nope bump bump bump bump oh come come on come on you almost have it oh how did i get that one [Applause] and there we go we finally have moon now we will just wait until minute 11 where we get dark hey now okay the arcana is coming in oh where is it where is it oh it's right next to me perfect oh not perfect oh god that is not perfect oh i i sometimes don't understand when i get it where it doesn't seem to make sense but i guess maybe i walked on top of it we are looking for a special arcana which is divine bloodline now to understand what this weapon does i will read it but there's a crucial piece of information missing that i will explain once we get to the reaper armor also affects listed weapons that means it takes your armor multiplies it by 5 applies it as a flat bonus damage to the weapon capped at 250 bonus damage so we are already way beyond that it also reflects enemy damage which is just retaliation the character gains bonus damage depending on missing health this is where it's fully true what is written here but most people assume something different and defeating enemies with retaliatory damage gives 0.5 max hp let's take it this is why i said i now want to just stand still because we're actually stacking this up quite quickly we just got 100 bonus hp here in the few seconds and this is also why i left the arrow on the ground this gives percent hp so you want to take that at a point where you already have a ton of hp and we will do this towards the end of the game but i want to do it at around maybe minute 26 i would say after that the enemies give so much hp that i don't want to miss out on it like the only way to really pick it up is you have to outrun the experience to no longer level up also keeps leveling you up and you will only pick it up once all the experience is gone and while this is not optimal for the highest level there would be optimal to just run around and stand still with growth look at the bonus here and this will convert into damage later on so i would say every minute we just tune in and i will show off the stats like right now we're at 19.2 k and then we just take a look at the level at the stats and we wait for the next minute and there we go level 2.4k it has declined a lot but 21k hp okay let's be honest we will not wait until the reaper to understand what's going on here this arcana gives you a might bonus if you're missing hp so let's say we are right now at 22k and we go down to 1k and we get the difference so 21k in bonus might however might is kept at 900 bonus so this doesn't matter to us but they are something else every 10 hp that we lose so that's missing so on 21k that is 2100 we gain as flat bonus damage on top of all of our weapons every single weapon and this will make our victory sword quite powerful once we get to very high health numbers now you can obviously fiddle around how i plan to one shot a reaper with a couple billion or possibly even trillion hp at that point okay i think i said fiddle i think fiddle means that you like guess and you play detective you know that was the intent at least of me saying that another minute passed we didn't even get 100 levels but keep also an eye on the gorgeous moon every level up will give it more amount and more mount means we get more experience when we kill enemies with moon we almost reached 25k looking good and at 15 minutes we did cross the 2.5 k and we reached 28 000 hp i wonder if we will actually approach 100k because the enemies will become stronger and stronger so more of them will be able to hit me which means we will retaliate more and keep in mind our sword and arcana both retaliate and maybe this will shoot up the amount of hp that we get hopefully i mean you know it would have been nice to use no future because in the past whenever it exploded it applied the retaliatory damage and it counted as retaliatory damage so you would just go for no future it kills everything and you get hp like crazy but after we abused that once and then we got nerfed to only half a bonus hp and we abused it again it was nerfed and entirely removed out of the game so no future no longer applies retaliatory damage looking at rh oh my god we jumped up like crazy 33k yeah because again yeah because the enemies become tankier so more of them are able to get through fitting to minute 17 reached 2700 and 35 000 hp yeah yeah could be better by the way if you're curious i did try the entire thing without moon it also works but moon is like just an addition on top of it where the sword fails to kill the enemies you have moon going off giving you way way way more levels which helps the sword out overall to scale up higher but also to just get more levels oh and i think i noted this but in case not while i did try out that this is in theory possible i didn't try it out with such a ridiculous setup that we have right now where we intentionally make the reaper as strong as possible so i hope it won't fail let's make a quick check in 40k 2.8k 1820 i would like to make a quick calculation on how extreme this entire thing will become so the hp of the reaper is this then we multiply it with our current level this and then we multiply it with our curse level so multiplied by what do we have uh let's just say we have 6 000 like with the base of 100 we have 5.9 k that checks out so multiply by 60 that is the current hp of the reaper unless i did something wrong the 60 sounds very low but 100 would be times two yeah no that is right okay so can you not understand why i said billion or even trillion hp like what we have over here is 110 billion and the waves that will give us the most levels are still ahead of us at least as long as we can actually kill them you know without curse amount and the sword not being an amazing killing weapon this could become a little bit difficult oh and another note why didn't i evolve the weapon like i don't want to cheese a reaper by being untargetable you know and we attack him while we are in there also i had very inconsistent behavior and the trigger over time becomes offset with the cycle of wicked season this has to do with lag so as long as wicked season always switches every 10 seconds you are fine and we don't really have leggy weapons so we should be good but as i said i don't really want to use it it also was very weird and don't don't don't don't don't don't i'm gonna land in a mental institute or something one day just because of this what was i talking about i'm sure was something important oh yeah so it was an active decision to not evolve the weapon not because there's no scenario where it wouldn't help us like it would be great for example for storing the experience while curse is active and then getting it when growth is active but it just behaves very weird at times i hope you're done fiddling around and you've figured out how we will kill the reaper because now the last arcana will drop and that is the last puzzle piece it's on top of me somewhere there it is hey okay i will get this don't worry don't worry i will i will get this some chests are just a lot easier to get than others but there we go so let's summarize for a moment we get a ton of bonus hp correct and the difference of our max hp and our current hp divided by 10 is bonus damage on our weapon so what we need is a ton of max hp well there's one thing in the game that affects this which is awake and look at the amount of revivals that we have 420 let's go so awake will give us 10 on top of our max hp even in this moment right now that would be 5.1 k but of course it keeps going up this is on the max hp that we have in the moment so after the first one it's on 57k and then we get 5.7 k as a bonus so it's at around 63k then we get 6.3 k as a bonus and so on and so on and this is also the reason why i went for this arcana over here that we scale it up as quickly as possible otherwise we'll waste like 100 or so of them just to get to the same value that we will end up on and that costs a lot of time oh and before you say that gold fever could have healed us up if we manage to kill the reaper before he kills us but while this sounds good that is not the goal here correct the goal is that we keep growing and we stay at a relatively low hp that we one shot him and if we just manage to kill him after 3 seconds and survive and heal up because of the gold that is flying in from the gold sources then this would mean that we go back to full hp take again 3 seconds to kill him go back to full hp 3 seconds there's no growth anymore to become stronger but it should also be obvious that means we will keep dying most likely because we do recover hp over time and i want to see if the game breaks at a certain hp level that it just can't process anymore minute 23 we have 3.1k levels that does look very grim especially for my expectation of 8k to 11k but don't forget the last few waves will give the most experience out of all of them and 55900 hp now the thing is i'm not really used too much on the bone zone how much experience they get like on the library i know it precisely and maybe here it's not as insane and my prediction is completely off but i just hope for the best okay i gotta be honest i'm starting to have a worse and worse feeling about how this will play out we are now at 60k hp level 3.1 k do you see how the experience gain has sped up like crazy in comparison to how slow it was before and this is only from wave 25 at 25 minutes i mean let's see how this changes once we get to 26 minutes so instead of checking out the stats right away i want to first see how the fight is going how many we are killing and how much experience we get here because this is the first bump but the enemy should give a lot more experience okay let's see oh my god look at all level ups jesus christ okay and this is not the best one by far not it's not even close oh yeah and for [Laughter] 64k we just got 4k hp 150 levels nice the best part is our moon also keeps popping off consistently since we get way more level ups so way higher chances to get level ups into moon uh yeah it's now level 33 that's still low 66k it's another 2k hp and we got roughly 100 level ups and there's minute 27 is this any better or worse um oh that actually looks worse doesn't it well that's interesting how's it looking h oh my god so i did align myself with the arrow over here every level up that we get into it is i think four percent hp or five percent i think it was five percent hp so we want to use it as late as possible but before we get spammed with level ups so we can still pick it up in case this wasn't clear when i explained it prior whenever you start leveling up it will always add the experience that you gather on top of it and there's an order of actions in the game the first one is level ups the second one is treasure chest and then and then the stage items so even if we level up right now and then we pick up chess and then we pick up the stage item and then we pick up more chess it will first do all the chess before it does the stage item here and that is important to know since this also means we will first entirely level up until we are done oh um no we have this right yeah it's not too crazy okay very nice hp number i like that one yeah so i think it's safe to say that 8k to 11k is that that was a little bit far off you know it's not even remotely close oh is our cycle off wait yeah it's 50. this is where it should have switched over but it didn't oh that's interesting so even with those unleggy weapons that we have it's still lags like crazy oh i have to i have to get this now oh no don't do this to me oh i can't even press escape where's the arrow um oh no no no no we ended behind the level up storm this is not good oh no i have to get this in time i guess i can also use chests to max it out yeah i'm sorry i'm trying my best but there's no way i'm doing this and look at all the level ups we're getting there is so much xp probably stored there's the reaper okay so right now we are down to very little hp pretty much what you see here as my divider by 10 is the bonus damage that we get from the arcana here so right now that is 6.8k not bad but obviously well are you kidding me i was right next to it but obviously we want to get this a lot higher so how about now we have to pick up chests okay oh my god this is the first death uh how much hp do we have uh around 72k now it's 80k i got a chest never thought i would actually be happy about a penta chest but i will speed it no it won't triple chest would have been best go away i hate you well i guess if you count in the time of me trying to get the chest it's actually better with the panda chess okay sure be happy there's the next death let's take a look at the hp since we also got the arrow with a few oh my god wow and there's the next panda chest yeah woohoo yeah it's kind of funny when you focus on the last two digits how they're going crazy and there we go that is max hp let's check out what the value is right now and then i will have to die a lot wow this is actually not a lot of bonus damage i'm getting quite concerned if this will work out or not yeah one thing we didn't do is a new calculation for how much hp the reaper has so again six five five three five zero multiplied with four three two five multiplied with 67 that's it yeah we didn't level up a lot i guess so his new hp is 189 billion but if the curse is doubled i assume this will go up to 380. i say assume because it depends if he summons while the curse is doubled but yeah that is a lot of hp that we have to take care of and by the way we can check out the damage so right now we are dealing can we see an individual number eight nine one two zero i think oh here we can see it when we die so upon dying we deal 112 000 damage shouldn't that be that is um that is a very decent amount you know oh and you can always also pay attention to our kill counter because then you know whenever we kill the reaper we will need multiple reapers to make sure that we actually die in time so this entire process will take a while oh but look at these damage numbers going up that is 125k uh-huh no uh yeah they were overlapping 125k yeah and then we can already see 132k that is a ginormous jump that is uh 7k right yeah well that's actually not that much remember we were just at 136k or so now we're at 191 k it's actually ridiculous how i now get struck by the reaper but they can't one shot me like when i run around at half hp i'm not dying uh let me show you uh there we go do you see that i need to get hit multiple times it does make sense if you know that the reaper deals 65k damage then yeah we are slightly above that but at the same time it's just insane to see that happening we now reach a threshold where it's a little bit hard to see the numbers like we have 1.1 million hp and it's starting to overlap with the max health text uh yeah and also in the game we cross the 500k as you can see and if you take a look at our revivals we didn't lose a lot we were at 434 roughly that is not a big difference oh my god we just crossed one million damage just as a reminder we want to reach 379 billion but i have a feeling with the amount that we get per revival we will have that okay brace yourself but this is what it looks like when i run around and the difficulty is i can't really consistently take damage but well i guess i can but do you see how long it takes to die um yeah i didn't really consider that but it will take ages to die in the future they're given what values we need to reach to one shot the reapers ouch oh but this will finally solve a thing that i have on my mind for a long time does curse actually apply the way i think it does to the reaper because it's the general assumption that it does but i always felt like it's not true because i had different resources that didn't check out with the calculation so i want to see that oh wait i just realized look at this the counter started going down that is very good because that means for us we are on the right way i'm just starting to grow concerned how i will die when all the reapers are dead like what will kill me oh no like i'm noticing more and more flaws in the blend that i had here so so far we have killed 18 reapers and there are only 20 that have spawned so as you can see there's one i don't know where the other one is yeah there are the two and that's it um dying has become really difficult at what hp do we have i think that's 13 million yeah we get to ridiculously high damage numbers as we can see so over here what do we have there i need to see a good number three two five eight eight seven five so three million two hundred fifty eight thousand just going back to the calculation without the 67 okay i had to redo the calculation did i do something wrong previously no no this is right i guess i divide divided at one point but i shouldn't have divided maybe i'm not sure well either way this is the hp that the reaper has so it's supposedly 2.8 billion with the curse this would be okay yeah this number we know i think we had seen that before yeah there it is okay yeah i i don't know it's a little bit hard to say but at this point it's really difficult to die i don't know what to do to be honest wow i think there's only one reaper left [Laughter] um okay like you may say it's not a big deal to die here since the reaper has 65k damage right he will quickly kill me and the problem is he barely ever hits me this is why i was so happy about having so many reapers on the screen but now that only one is left what am i supposed to do oh i managed to die how much damage are we dealing 5.6 million i think what is our hp uh i mean now it's at 15 million it's going up rapidly when we die but the dying part is a problem i'm trying to think if there's a good way to redo this in a way that is almost guaranteed to die and i can't think of one okay are you ready for this i want to show something when i run around what it looks like do you see that this spider web of slashes oh that looks amazing oh my god that looks good ah doesn't really help me i'm barely getting attacked um okay so good news bad news we got to the threshold where we are killing the reaper faster than they spawn oh my god yeah um so that is good the only problem being now i lose even less hp like it takes even longer to die i roughly take a couple minutes until i finally die and now it will be even worse and keep in mind every single time we get hit we take roughly 65k damage but per minute let's just calculate this per minute we regenerate 26 000 hp that is a lot you know that is almost a hit well not really almost but close enough so let's hope for the best so right now we are dealing 9 million and 62 000 it looks like it's a little bit hard to tell because i don't see individual numbers like this looks like 906 so 90 million 624 thousand no but i i think that should be that's a little bit hard to read you know we see a new number here that might help us uh five million four five nine yeah okay okay it was nine million now that we have more hp we get less bonus damage i'll keep going okay i think it's about time that we have a little talk i made a rough calculation and this would take me anything between two days and 13.7 years the problem is it's very rough to calculate since we recover hp per minute right and once we get to a point where we kill the reaper rather quickly we have to get hit by him and as you can see we don't get hit once per second so sometimes we would get hit other times we would never get hit so the range is pretty much just do we get hit multiple times per second or will we just get hit once and then he dies or will we get hit zero times and he dies you know so uh yeah after 40 seconds he's already dead i would say at this point i can't stack it any higher we will die one more time we will check out the damage we will check out the hp and this is where this journey will end for today maybe i'm missing something that i should have used and you can write it in the comments and let me know then i will give it another go okay hold on i have to die one more time looking at these numbers and there we go 10 million is reached our hp is over here uh 27 million 246 thousand 7710 it's time to quit i'm a little bit sad that we can't know how much hp the reaper had wait wait wait wait i think we can can't we calculate it hold on let me kill this reaper here okay there's no reaper round so right now there were a total of 51 reapers that spawned 50 for the 50 minutes had passed as well as one for the very first one and if we divide our total damage is this the first time i've seen tea have i ever had tea before grab yourself a nice warm cup of tea ah there is a lot that is not a lot yeah but let's just take the t value so what we will do is uh this is thousand this is million this is billion so g giga and then we have terra divided by 51. now keep in mind we obviously attacked all game long uh but this is roughly the hp that they would have what is that 50 billion and what was our calculation so with curse we calculated 189 billion without curse we calculated 379 million this is so far off of both of these numbers sorry i made a mistake yeah over here is this is the value that we have with the levels multiplied and here's the value with curse but yeah no both of these are super far from the 50. that is a two that is a one eight nine i don't know okay i already finished editing this video but i couldn't rest with the result that we had so i thought about it and i remembered every minute that passes in the bone zone the enemies gained plus 30 percent health now this is a multiplier so it's not multiplicative it just gets added to the base value of one so if the reaper would have spawned at our level with his base hp at minute zero he would have had 2.8 billion now if we go down the line the first repo that spawned had 28 billion and the last reaper that spawned at 80 minutes had 70.8 billion but now let's add these together just for the times where the reaper spawned up until minute 30 and check out the number at the bottom right do you see that 2.55 trillion given that the game rounds the numbers i think it's safe to say we found our number and we found the reason behind what's going on however this does mean that curse does not apply to the reaper at least on the bone zone we know it for sure because we would have multiplied this entire value by another 67 or so that it was at the end so yeah it's just base value multiplied by level [Music]
Channel: Dex
Views: 91,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors dex, vampire survivors hardcore, vampire survivors funny, vampire survivors idiot plays, vampire survivors, vampire survivors reaper, vampire survivors reaper kill
Id: O2Aown95uMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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