This Character Is LITERALLY Broken in Vampire Survivors Legacy Of The Moonspell

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welcome back to vampire survivors and today we are playing a character that you were really excited for Bobby honor as you can see this character ignores weapons cooldown that means the cooldown of the weapon itself as well as the cooldown stat but the weapon Fires at a fixed interval while moving yay moving and doing something that's exactly what I'm looking for yay well the thing is you can make a lot of crazy things for a normal person but I actually already played three rounds with the character trying to make a good video an entertaining video and uh either the weapon breaks and I don't mean we make the fun breaking where everything is so big that like one pixel of the weapon is the entire screen but literally it doesn't work rather disappointing because if you go over the 400 videos we got on this channel we broke almost all of the weapons like to extremes so um yeah I mean what we'll do today okay if we'll play on Mount Moon spell and I'll talk about my experiences and why I think this character is disappointing and what I don't like about the character what I wished would be changed this all goes back a little bit to us already doing you know a lot of crazy things in this game especially the signal weapon limit breaks they they were quite extreme okay there's Toronto perfect so the way the character works is okay the weapon creates an after image of the character and it either freezes the enemies or it freezes and explodes and Deals damage and at a Max Level it has an 80 chance we need you later 80 percent chance to do that but um oh brazer yeah we also need that nice and this chance gets multiplied with your luck so right now if we are at 80 we would already go beyond the 100 meaning we are all set like we don't need bonus luck now the thing with the character is while you move around the faster you move the faster you cast but only one one of the weapons that you currently own gets triggered okay only one and that is my main issue with the character I wish that the main weapon would just automatically go whenever another weapon goes so let's say it happens every 2 seconds then the main weapon always goes plus okay in addition to another weapon because my problem is no matter what weapon you go for with this character it kinda gets taken down because it chooses which weapon to choose and the more weapons you have the more boring this becomes I'm dying uh that is um I I didn't want this to happen okay yeah I was talking a little bit too much I may even need to restart because early on it's actually quite difficult to do this with the character oh there's Wings perfect that means we trigger it more and the weapon all in all is it powerful well once you start always exploding it's honestly a decent weapon the evolution is absolutely amazing but aside from that there's nothing all too special about it like I definitely get why people enjoy the character but I don't think it's like a really good character sorry I think if someone hasn't played the game all too much or let's say hasn't explored all the options then yes I fully understand why this looks Bonkers because you don't really need to do a lot like planning or uh what should I say like playing in a certain way to achieve the crazy things but for someone like me it's more like yeah that's like the I would say in the middle area you know if they are 30 characters like this character is in maybe on spot 40 if zero percent is the best one something like this uh let's go for Crown so what we are looking for right now is I don't want to die but okay I talked way too much if you do enjoy the videos then please consider subscribing and giving the video a like because we are closing in on the goal of 69 000 subscribers and just a hint if you're doing this as well you don't want to take additional weapons early on because we want to go for Laurel and pentagram and I'll talk later why pentagram sucks on this character well it's a split one but you pretty much want to focus on leveling up the main weapon that it becomes more powerful and not do what I was doing that I was running around like crazy you pretty much just want to run in circles okay because then it creates these after images and eventually they'll explode and kill everything and this is how you take the least damage but you also need to collect chickens which means I have to wait until razor spawn close by like this one so I can slowly Circle over there that is at least the best strategy that I found to save the most amount of HP and especially deal with the curse doubling that happens with Wicked season and as always I wonder if we can season that we get the most experience while also increasing the amount of enemies that spawn and yeah as I said we are looking for not race or doesn't really help okay this is bad we're losing so many rules a tracked orb is needed max level to evolve and at one minute there will be a boss spawning that kind of wolf so we are kind of just aiming for that that we get everything maxed out kill him do the moment we evolve we are safe okay it's similar to the claws the moment we had them evolved it was good before that it was really critical I think we make doing that like did you see how we just had curse and it was easy peasy we did lose a lot of HP that's why I said we also need to find uh this is all bad we could go for the LOL actually but no it's too early yeah we need to find some chickens here okay this is where it's a little bit of panic mode hey if we die it's not the worst thing ever because the evolution is quite decent and only Guardians will be a potential problem but once we have a moral going it's good okay so there you see he got frozen I don't think he got damaged maybe he did like by the same one that throws him attract obvious needed to be maxed out honestly we could just focus on this right now like dance around we will take damage here but we can just keep dancing around and max out everything that we can evolve now I have to be careful that I don't accidentally walk into the chest but it's over there so all the said do you see we barely take any damage since the weapon is on a higher level and now we just have to okay Crown we are maxed out these are all the items also kind of important to get six going Acer because Ronaldo offers have no more items in it Crown is okay it's not perfect you know but it's okay there's a tracked hope two more levels and I did test it I evolved or took the chest with only one level in the track orb it didn't evolve the weapon so it is required that you Max it out now a tractor is on the map he could have taken it from here but um do you know how long it takes to get there you also have to walk through the ogres which are mode choke you need lore for that to survive and that means we would have needed to wait ages and probably also just die so I think this is better curse is about to happen can I please please get a track here oh okay perfect perfect are you ready for the evolution so the evolution is a ton of fun and do you see that projectiles move and confuse enemies so we have bonus projectile speed which means our projectiles move faster but the enemies chase after them and then they explode so do you see that how they don't really go for me anymore like yes partially but not big times this is now the time where we want to go for Laurel to protect us since most of the enemies actually don't hit us and break the shield and just sometimes you know and that means we don't completely waste our attacks oops I didn't want to do that we don't waste our attacks on Laurel because if Laurel is fully charged up then it doesn't trigger Laurel anymore as random attack like in other words if an oral is full it's like we only have one weapon right now so it always goes for the image creation the model here that also means I don't want to walk into enemies and break the shield myself per accident because then it has to waste a recharge on it but we also want to Max this out ASAP that we get the invulnerability and don't break multiple layers in a few seconds so let me just get all the experience here um there's to Runa beautiful now the final thing that we are looking for is pentagram this will be a little bit difficult because pentagram will just constantly wipe out all the enemies and experience but there are a few tricks that you can do with this character but it will require that I have full HP since I pretty much need the enemies to walk into me then move around a little bit hope that the image gets created another pentagram plus and then stand still collect old experience because if I move around it may trigger pentagram which just destroys all the experience very very interesting character like it's a lot of fun to play this character but there are a lot of downsides with it as I explained prior and the main issue is like I talked about how I don't really like the character the main issue is the characters actually really limited like I went for Thunder for example thinking a thunder Loop has a limitation where it attacks but then it has to wait to make a second strike and only after that it can attack again so you have to wait right and with this character it actually does work that the Thunder goes off constantly like it doesn't wait until the it's finished it just goes off constantly but it doesn't happen often enough so it doesn't actually feel that good you know slightly better than a normal Thunder loop on other characters but at the same oh pentagram okay let's start banishing uh bracelet but yeah it's pretty much pretty much better than thunder loop on other characters but it's worse than just going for lightning ring you know whatever do you see what I was talking about actually wait we have nfts oh oh that could be yeah that's you are really squishy you should be careful uh but yeah there you saw how uh there's a chest somewhere but I think I knew that that would have been good okay I have to move here uh there's cooldown doesn't matter the character has no cooldown we know that but yeah the character just feels slightly better on the worst weapons which is like a thing that you don't want to go for either way you know and on the good weapons it's way worse because they barely get triggered now pentagram or moon have an incredibly long cooldown okay so it's actually good to go for these weapons but the weapon breaks we'll see it later now we have 25 chance to another race multiplied with our luck that means it's right now around 42 percent Maybe that means right now it's around 45 and when luck is doubled like right now then it's uh well a bit more uh it's like 150 bonus so yeah uh there we go one more level up and it's by the way guaranteed that nothing gets wiped out anymore with luck doubling there we go I mean even now 45 multiplied with uh what is it 1.77 is already a lot but one more level up and we got it okay just yeah you have to be careful with the curse there we go okay we are set perfect now we need a chest there was a voice crack sorry not sorry it's it just happens okay now we have to find a chest and in my opinion the easiest way of doing this is we go down and get umarula uh let's just do random always if we get the chance on the pentagram doesn't matter but this is close by as you can see and yeah that's just in my opinion the easiest way of doing it we will avoid curse because I don't have a good experience with it and right now you may say okay but is the moon Bonkers like this renders often I imagine Moon triggers all the time but it has this entire tag animation right where does and that gets triggered multiple times you just go crazy well yes yes if if that's what would happen yes and we will have that fun for a moment but as I just said it's only for a moment and you'll see what I mean later okay it will be disappointing but the way I feel it now is Moon pretty much is pointless later on okay it's like we don't have it so I just viewed as bonus experience maybe which is also not true because I want to collect the experience when this one here is doubled but um you know it is what it is a lot of people wanted me to do that and they were really excited so I'm giving you that but in my version where it's a little bit more busted there's a chest up there oh yeah that was wait what ah but a kind of wolf I think I think only the first chest the minute one chess can evolve and then of these special creatures and after that it's like only a minute 10 like we can check it out maybe it doesn't no it didn't okay we just collected the chest already got the gold and that was it in other words that's why I took so many items that actually buff up the bottle that we have because the bottle will be the main focus and moon will just be like yeah it's fun for five minutes and then it's yeah people that actually watch my channel for a very long time already know what will happen I guess I can just talk about it that we don't get overly excited and hyped and then everything goes wrong um in the past when you limit bro pentagram what happened was it would go like crazy for a certain amount of time and after that it just went off as normal like it got instantly triggered the moment it was done but it didn't get triggered multiple times like it did prior like 100 Levels prior it would go boom boom boom boom boom all the time you'll just see it now because Siri can evolve that is a dude that we were haunting for the pomerola and you'll see it will go off like so many times that you hear the new new and this will keep going and going and going the more we move from around the more we get limit break and do you hear it just listen to this okay now watch ding ding ding and this will just keep going I did lower the transparency in the game down to 25 that it doesn't blast your eyes but um this will only keep going for like 30 levels and then that's it yeah it doesn't do anything anymore it's over which is really sad like it would be so much fun to just have constantly the moon going but it doesn't want to do that and that's why I said we'll instead focus on the bottle um do we want to go for the ring we could actually evolve Laurel oh oh should we do that I didn't even consider doing that like I just want to death Laurel because it doesn't get limit break stats but honestly we could just go for shroud because that way we Blast away the enemies where's the ring there it is okay yeah sure let's do that why not um it's a little bit hard to see something I will keep on the damage numbers for now but I think I yeah okay it's over I think that was it um yes what's with that it may also just be a moment where we don't level up a lot but I think this was it where Moon stops going off multiple times and only once it's done now it will restart right away pretty much when it gets randomly cars but it's not like before but you had multiple scoring like it's around level 150 always and it happens to me yeah do you see that only once like what is the point why do you do that okay it's like sure so I'll turn off the damage numbers for now because there's nothing Ultra exciting about them and there's so many enemies it will just be annoying but I will get all the items that we have here uh where's the spinach right how did I miss that now the main weapon is actually amazing at clearing the enemies as long as you can kill them and once you can't kill them anymore it's like really um help so this is why I'm so split you know I was so excited for this character everyone was hyping it up I saw videos titled that this is the most broken character in the game and then I play it and I either do the First Recording just with moon exactly like this and then it stops going like now and I'm like um okay that was eight minutes of fun not even eight minutes because I just evolved to moon right so like a minute of fun and then it's it's it's just normal like what is the point oh um okay careful there there we go and then I went for Thunder Loop which like as I said it's slightly better than a normal Thunder Loop because it triggers a little bit earlier since it doesn't have to wait until the second lightning strike hits but um it's also not that amazing because you have like three weapons you know and they still get split up with the main weapon and that's why I said the character should just ignore uh we have a problem I'm totally wrong sorry that's why I said the character should just ignore the main weapon as a trigger while moving around and instead whenever the main weapon gets triggered it also chooses another weapon so right now it would always cast the moon when the main weapon gets triggered you know that it doesn't go in between them that means I could go for thunder a loop and every single time when it gets triggered which seems to be like every 0.3 seconds or so it will trigger Thunder Loop and just go boom boom boom boom boom and hey at max amount Thunder Nook can hit 70 enemies at once but because it instantly disappears you can just keep hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting the wonkers which is great now here I shouldn't lose any HP um I think the labrador is around here again we are taking this to buff up the main weapon and there it is a very good thank you now oh there was a chest thank you that's nice so yeah one thing the character is really incredibly good at and I have to give it to the character is keeping you alive because it recasts the shield faster than we lose it so we are almost invulnerable I say almost because there is a chance that perch and it just doesn't cast the moral right and then we start getting hit and if we also have a guardian on us who's not distracted by the Clones then that will hurt a lot like a lot a lot but what are the odds of that that's so unlikely so is the weapon worth it is the weapon good in my opinion no it's honestly you don't need the weapon at all oh wait okay that is wrong well ah I have to drive this weapon on a different character maybe going to negative 85 Cuda reduction and just checking it out how good it is but like just in my experience the character is mattier you know it's fun to experience it once but then you're like okay I can just play another character who's like 10 times better oh we got a ball oh that was fast actually wow I expected this to take way longer is the weapon good no the weapon is fun okay it's good fun that's the way I would word it but that's also it is there a chest close by well there is an Arcana I didn't really think about what Arcana we could go for we could get a bonus 60 mightier but the cooldown doesn't help us at all tragic princess no I considered that with thunder Loop but it doesn't work because cooldown is pointless like it just gets re-triggered now out of bounds freezing enemies generates explosions so that should mean if I understood this right this works on top of the explosion the weapon already has and I think I will take this as the final Arcana but for now we'll go for my second favorite Arcana after welcome third favorite okay now Boogaloo of Illusions and I want to say something someone in the Common Road that they don't understand why I keep oh I didn't have the ring makes sold yeah oh I'm so stupid I would have been Evolution that's okay we'll get one from this dude here as someone wrote that I overvalue Boogaloo of Illusions way too much it's not good I shouldn't go for it and I don't understand why like there was no reasoning like there was no explanation giving it was just said yeah it's not good but like saying it's not good without saying why is not explaining it right and I don't understand it because the way I view weapons or this game is I want to go Bonkers I want to have the craziest things for me the craziest things are where I kill the most enemies or reach the highest level or the craziest weapons stats you know now Boogaloo of illusions on its own makes the weapons already so big but my actual goal in this game is usually that I get to a point where the enemy spawn and they get already hit by my weapon you know and kill as many as fast as possible that they can also reach Bobby maxed out oh yeah we are wait what wait why didn't Laurel evolve oh Laurel is the arrows uh yeah I I just have 1 100 hours in this game okay I always get this wrong I don't know why uh it's not back to Google off Illusions yeah as I said the way I feel is I want to hit the enemies the moment they spawn where do the enemies spawn most of them with some exceptions they spawn 50 outwards to your screen so if you just go to the middle of the screen and you take the measurement then you go to the left then to the middle of the screen go to the top the measurement go to the same distance to the Top This is roughly where the enemy spawn around you that means if your weapons are so big that they go outside of the screen and hit them there you can already kill them the moment they spawn and go Bonkers now there is a conflict of interest there right because if I just have a very big weapon but it deals no damage and it doesn't really help if I hit more enemies or or hit them earlier because they don't die and it takes longer ride and that's why I for example take silent old Sanctuary first usually not on this character because security ignores the cooldown but on other characters because because they weigh better unless it's already a weapon that one shots the enemies then I don't care about who don't adjust damage uh okay interesting how interesting okay yeah but the point you get it right like if it's a weapon that yields 500 damage every single attack the enemies have 200 hp I don't need to cast it more frequently if it's just on the screen and covers it but if it's a weapon that only has 10 damage and the enemies have 100 HP then cooldown reduction may be helpful unless I can overlay it 10 times like Center water with multiple layers so yeah that's pretty much the reasoning why I think Google of Illusions is so incredibly good because you get a huge amount of area and it makes everything bigger and there is shroud this will also show us whenever we lose a shield which is kind of fun um one thing that I did consider is infinite Corridor but I don't really know how it works like if the animation that happens gets triggered only the rotation of the ticking thing though if the animation gets triggered at half the HP of the enemies it could be good but halving is still only having you need to kill them which has to happen with the main weapon else you have too many weapons so yeah I'm I'm really undecided what is like the best way to do it with this character like don't get me wrong okay the character is strong if you compare it with most of the normal characters in the game it's a very very powerful character and it makes it very easy to win the game except for the start this one is a little bit difficult but if you go for like the more Bonkers characters or more planned out games then even a Clarity starting with Center water only going for limit break covering the entire screen is actually more powerful than this as stupid as it sounds and Clarity is a very old character like the character got introduced back in February I think or late January so really long ago last year not this year and um yeah this character is actually better just because it's limited to a single weapon that allows you to put all the limit break stats into it oh and also why boogalo of Illusions is one of my favorites is we are doing limit break right now so for example our weapon gets area let's say the weapon gets a bonus of 200 area and our character right now has let's just say 300 okay this is bonus 200 roughly so 300 the 300 multiplies to 200 to 600 okay it's not on top to 500 but it multiplies it in other words if we get five percent area right now on the weapon as a bonus it's multiplied times free so a total of 15 instead and there is a huge difference right whether you get five percent or fifteen percent or I guess it's frame percent so it's nine percent but yet you'll get that by I think that's broken and the more area you get the faster you kill the enemies the more enemies you kill the more you level up and the more area you get because you level up more every single level up is one percent bonus area so yeah if you have a reasoning why you think Google Earth Illusions is bad then please let me know I'm interested to hear that again as I said I'm not talking about taking it as a first or second Arcana usually the first Arcana for me is wicked season because it gives you so much more experience and spawns so many more enemies it's just way too good and the second one silent old Sanctuary because going from 55 cooldown to 15 cooldown almost quite temples how fast your weapons attack and that is insane again if it's something like Center water where you have so many layers on the floor that you don't need to put on reduction then it can be way better to go for something like Google of Illusions but even that's debatable because getting 100 bonus might is a lot like right now if you got 100 bonus might be would get a 50 damage boost since the total is 210 right now which is a lot because every single time being 3 star damage by one percent it actually just gives one damage like flat damage it's not a percentage it's fake news I don't know why the game does it like this but I think just to fit the entire theme of the game of percentages but yeah instead of giving you one damage it would give you 2.5 bonus damage right because we are at uh oh no we won't be at 300 so it's three bonus damage every time because of Silent old Sanctuary giving one more so yeah yeah I really like the Arcana oh my God how often has it happened that I stopped for 17 minutes straight I think the only Cuts you had seen here whereas literally when I misspoke or I wanted to say something but didn't know how to word it yet not to think about it um okay what is going on here um what damage is the weapon doing let's see 100 170. what [Music] how many limit 141 limit what wait why has no limit breaks it should have a mild limit breaks oh wait what wait huh wait why we even got the amount limit breaks I remember seeing them why doesn't it show them that is weird I guess that's what happens when it breaks maybe this is like a check in the game like if you break then just go back to the base version be like a way to get around it because in the past it was like this it breaks and it doesn't trigger anymore at all like it just stops until like two or three minutes later and it was really weird then it would go boom boom boom again and then it would stop for two or three minutes so this is the improved version which is nice but uh in my brakes are gone like we did get moon limit breaks right there is a mold on it yes I know that because it gives more experience than uh okay I've never seen it but either way going back to the main weapon 170 damage um really bad the only good thing we have is do you see these crystals the freezing crystals because we have so much area they become bigger and bigger and bigger like dude did you see that a single explosion like took out half of the stream there and with such little damage to the weapon has we need this area to attack more enemies now we can go for silent old Sanctuary 60 bonus damage is 170 though all right let's make it right right now it's 210 then it would go to 270 so we would get uh 25 roughly damage whose is it right 210 plus 70 is one third yeah roughly 25 it's a little bit less because it's not 80 but 70 but is that convincing 25 bonus damage that would be 30 no 40 40 something bonus damage or what we could also do is we go for the bloodline Arcana which gives us a flat oh this is multiplied by 5 15 damage there is nothing okay I thought I had armor because I used to have it in the past runs when I just wanted to record okay to let you know gorgeous moon go crazy before I knew that it breaks um and there it would have been plus 40 damage but yet only plus 15 that's also bad so we kind of want to go for silent old sanctuary we could go for bonus amount but I don't think I want that I don't even know if it works but if we hit the protectile cap that would be really bad so what do we do but akayla would be good we don't need a freezing chance Arcana because it's already guaranteed to explode and to freeze like that is already at Way Beyond 100 which doesn't do anything anything else that would be good let me check online what I cannot work with this weapon the bottle and maybe we go for something like the the what is it called the one that creates the blood stuff on the floor every single time the weapon gets triggered because that could actually be good it works on Laurel as far as I know I don't know if it works on shroud I don't think it actually did uh it works on moon where it creates the traps on the floor which could actually be quite good but I kind of would like to focus on the bottle a little bit but um yeah the bottle is not that great oh my God these explosions are so huge though look at this and the best part is when it explodes and freezes the enemies because it doesn't kill them then the out of bounds gets triggered and it explodes again and the way out of bombs works is it doesn't explode in a circle shape like the weapon and freezes everything in that Circle instead it shoots out invisible projectiles you can't see and that's why out of bounds sometimes when you have clock lenses you know it goes around you see exactly what gets frozen but it just kills way more enemies which doesn't make any sense because yes it works with projectiles which is interesting and hilarious and I love it but also weird because it makes it a little bit hard to know what happens but yeah oh we had 21 minutes by the way um this is going better and better look at this like the enemies just die do you see that they don't even get to me why oh I mean the weapon is okay with course obviously it's a little bit crazier but uh where's the Arcana it's getting laggy um I just have to keep moving as a problem to trigger the weapons okay so the options that we have is awake okay I guess if we die they get the bonus stats uh projectile speed we don't want that bloodline I can we talked about that amount Arcana plus three I don't think that makes a big difference because it doesn't seem to spot multiple clones right whenever triggers it's just one which I don't really understand how it works but yeah it's what happens um then we have out of bounds Wicked season how does that affect the weapon oh look okay we could season duration we don't want that Google of Illusions we have that wait there's nothing that affects this weapon no that's not true I've seen more than that okay let's keep silent old sanctuary in mind for 60 might but we got a limit break why does it what the two that took so long okay okay we don't want anything of this let's roll because nothing of Lies We don't want that we Twilight Requiem doesn't do anything okay we don't want that because it's just too little and we don't lose HP either way we would get a lot of HP but as long as our HP is full we don't get a mic bonus so it's like useless you know um I mean we could kill enemies with retaliatory damage and maybe we'll get so much that we actually get a huge might bonus oh that would be interesting oh okay now I kind of want to take it the question is just really can we kill more enemies with retaliatory damage to out damage ourselves compared to our healing like we have to get HP faster than we heal we have 2.3 healing that is so much like one chicken we heal uh I don't know what that is like uh 75 I think hmm oh no that's actually way more uh it's over 90 99 or so um I mean I could do it at minimum it's a 15 damage boost but about a 60 might is also really good so to understand Divine bloodline it gives you 0.5 Max HP every single time you defeat an enemy with retaliatory damage which shroud is and it also has its own effect that retaliates and the difference between your max HP and current HP is given as my bonus so if you're missing 100h like let's say we wear 300 HP right now but we are down to 200 because we gain HP and it's empty then we would get 100 bonus might but if we heal that up then it just disappears again let's just take it okay let's have a little bit of fun it's fine like I I don't even know if we will ever end up getting HP here from it I'll be a full HP yeah oh this is not good we actually kill all wait wait wait wait wait wait okay okay watch this watch this why are the enemies dying okay why why is why is our clone running out it shouldn't run out okay there we go let's charge it up again there we go how much HP do we 529 529 I thought we are losing so much HP but now we are killing them over shroud look at this oh my God it's not about the weapon it's about shroud it's shroud oh my God okay that's just uh that was a lot of kids 860 look at all might 770 900 is the max let's go there come on show me what you get Mister okay to be did we get it we almost there we almost there yeah yeah forget the 60 from the silent old say cherry we go to the 900. come on hey what is cling the enemies why why is it running out it shouldn't run out why is it doing that what wait that doesn't make any okay yeah okay we are maxed out this is like no wait wasn't there another bonus in there but you get a flat amount of damage if you have missing HP no I don't think so I actually don't think so so yeah now we're dealing uh what is the damage 200 290 just went from 110 might or so to 1100 900 is a cab so this should have been from 200 to 1000 five times the amount of damage why do we go from 180 to 280 what that's less than doubling the the microphone should alone do that what no no you're bullshitting me wait maybe oh maybe the character is like he keeps walking he doesn't actually he does explode there's a 600 but there was shroud I think um there was a 1K though yeah I don't know what's really happening here what I could see is that the out of bounds explosion Deals Only 280 you know and our main explosion deals more but here's explosion I don't see bigger numbers do I I don't think so um yeah one sick 160 okay just stop that uh okay I don't know what's going on I mean do we just want to but I just healed so much oh my God yeah we're down to 900 below 900 and there was a 600 level shroud though let's just let's just kill a few more enemies you know just to ramp up this number a bit are you ready for that like I really don't understand what's going on it just randomly shoots out the character but I'm not moving as you can see my shroud is recharging but I'm not moving which makes zero sense I have a weird circle around me oh that's moon but yeah I reduce the transparency right okay uh is shroud actually recharging yeah look at this it just recharged but why does it happen I'm not moving it shouldn't do anything actually so how much do we have oh yeah 2 000 let's go here wait I don't need to do anything then okay sure let's stand still [Music] wait I think if you let the the character run into a wall it doesn't go through the wall right let's see um can you just do it no you run through oh no I wait oh there was a lot of level UPS no I wish I wouldn't have projectile speed because that way they would be way slower and just explode here like I can't even haunt them like I can't run after them do you see how fast they are yeah uh what is the damage now from the explosions did it change in any way what is that [Music] that's a Hydra Dragon okay hi Dragon oh that makes sense where the name is coming from it's a Hydra Dragon the Pokemon oh my God how did I just realize that now that was one of my favorites hi dragon or whatever it's pronounced but it's written like that the dark the the dark dragon type oh oh that makes so much sense and yeah we're healing 99 uh okay so how's it looking um two thousand so okay it's good yeah let's just stand still for a little bit here there we go does Moon also trigger while standing still or is it just something weird about the main weapon and blue this entire character is just broken and I don't mean broken in a good way I mean literally broken okay it's orange now maybe I also just didn't see the Shroud now it's yellow now it's gone okay if we see another explosion that goes it's yellow why did it charge up it shouldn't have charged up because I'm not moving oh did I misunderstand the character somehow but we don't hear moon right so this is going off the Shroud is going off the shador it's called I think or shoulder or something like this but moon is not going off why huh interesting why are the enemies not getting to me by the way what's happening at the back here oh we have so much area that the ones exploding over here oh that's just amazing what is our area right now 400 so 500 of the base 100 yeah five times as big with all the the limit break scaling we have on the weapon right now yes maybe a little bit too big dude and now we deal 500 damage which makes zero sense it was capped at 900 this is not supposed to go higher I I don't understand anything here it's it's whatever or is it every ah I think every missing HP you get one bonus damage but that doesn't make sense we are missing so much HP right now this is okay was the cab changed is it not 900 anymore is it more it's like I don't know okay I gotta say with like how weird this entire character is and what I had to do to enjoy it myself and the random choices it was actually quite a blast I gotta say quite literally look at this here lasting by the enemies but that is that was actually way more fun than I expected not the character okay I don't want to play the character again but just how it turned out and I'm happy about that because if I don't enjoy the videos then like I think you know this it's just like I'm like you know a downer and something like this oh it's like here it's like we're actually doing stuff it's nice I think it's when I take damage no it just keeps getting triggered there but do you see how only one gets shot out like the amount doesn't seem to matter unless it shoots them out no [Music] yeah I honestly don't know but I didn't need to move around apparently it doesn't even change anything if I move around well okay it shoots him out way more frequently oh my God look at this oh wow okay that's a lot a lot um but I literally can't just dance too and it still kills all of them 1.2k damage I saw over there I wonder if the 600 is from out of bounds and the 1.2 K is from the actual freezing explosion uh there was also one point okay let's take a look at the numbers more closely um no I don't see 1.2k I guess it was shroud then yeah that was shroud okay how much might do we have 4.5 k M it's fine don't worry about it can be into 9k that would be a dream but we have like one and a half minutes left no wait this happens though maybe the enemy is actually so strong that it will be possible like they don't die to the freezing anymore about they get Frozen yeah that means I can't even get here so now look at this it gets triggered quite often now I take damage weird and then shroud is triggered again I think it's something about me taking damage that triggers it like a different mode or so in a character actually okay this is my position right now there we go that's the Precision change I had to advance all the hand fans or what they are called uh nothing is getting triggered at all what okay and if I move again to change the position now we stand no nothing is happening I need the other one where we stand still there this one okay let's see if it recharges here or if I'm just seeing things I'm just seeing things [Music] maybe it's because they are invulnerable to to magical damage no but that doesn't make any sense I don't know what's going on let's just charge up a bit more now we stand soon okay this is this is exactly what happened does it get triggered no it doesn't shoot them out anymore why look at this yeah and it doesn't recharge my shroud either [Music] that is so weird oh there's the reaper yeah a good day miss uh keep walking Dex uh because we will die otherwise um interesting how much damage does shroud actually doing to him uh uh three one eight uh how many digits are there oh he died oh give me your boss please thank you oh what a stupid video oh where are you coming from where did they just come what that's our thing what I didn't know about that interesting what other even are they haunted yeah they are hunting me interesting well let's get let's go into the coolest pose okay uh this is like uh dancing okay this one what are the most damage it's obviously shroud like there's no way it's not shroud uh huh what we huh but it did so much damage to the reaper I guess it doesn't get counted then or so but I hope you enjoyed the video I had a lot of fun despite thinking I wouldn't have a lot of fun but it was amazing and if you enjoyed the video then don't forget to give it a like And subscribe see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 75,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors dex, vampire survivors update, vampire survivors gameplay, how to unlock, vampire survivors, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell, vampire survivors dlc, legacy of the moonspell, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell review, vampire survivors kill reaper, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell xbox, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell wiki, vampire survivors gold farm, babi-onna, j'odore, jodore, mirage robe
Id: vQO8aqaBtlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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