When the Enemy Knocks at your Door | Claude Houde

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I want to speak a word to you tonight from Nehemiah chapter 6 my title is when the enemy knocks at your door I've been preaching a series at our church called building and rebuilding with God on the book of Nehemiah and if you are serious about in your walk with God make no mistake about it you will experience spiritual warfare you will be at attacked we see this in every chapter of Nehemiah and every step in the fulfilling of his calling and of his purposes his vision Nehemiah was called to build a wall for the glory of God and and the building of the wall represents building his kingdom his will his purposes in your life say to someone next to you I'm building with God say that to someone next to you please if you are building your life with God you need to learn how to resist defend and Conquer when the enemy comes knocking at your door the battle never ends there will never be a season in your life when you are not under spiritual and demonic attacks look at the life of Jesus even before he began the the beginning of his public Ministry after he had received the Great lest uh affirmation and Confirmation the heavens open and the voice of the father speaking this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the Holy Spirit coming upon him as of a do and and Jesus being empowered by the holy spirit that is LED and and battles the devil for 40 days in the desert answering every Temptation Victorious over every temptation foreshadowing the victory he would provide for each of us over our enemy but yet as he comes out uh of the desert endued with power Luke 4:13 tells us that when the devil had ended every Temptation he departed from him until an opportune time it is and will be the same in your life and mine from the very beginning to the end of Jesus ministry and even more and the be very beginning and end of your journey and walk with God but even more if you can understand this and even more more intensified when you are at the door when you are at the door of your greatest of great seasons of fulfillment and blessing now the enemy was there at the very beginning but we see we see him we see Jesus at the door of his uh the last supper with his disciples announcing that he's at the door it's the greatest door it's the door of salvation for all of mankind and he's standing at the door and he just before the crucifixion and and then his death and Resurrection crushing the enemy's head and yet in John 13 1 to3 now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart from this world to the father having loved his own who were in the world he loved them to the end he's fulfilled it all and supper being ended the devil having already put into the heart of judas's scariot Simon's son to betray him Jesus knowing that the father had GI him giv him all things into his hands and he had come from God and was going to God listen well access and approaching the greatest doors uh with in your life in the Kingdom of God in your life will always bring increased attacks from the level come on doors that are about to be opening are often preceeded by demonic oppression the Apostle Paul says it this way 1 Corinthians chapter 16:9 for a great and effective door as open to me but there are many adversaries there's a many enemies the the battles and attacks to ruin and destroy the work of God the testimony the purposes of God in you and through you will never cease whatever your age or season in your life or in your walk with God whatever season you find yourself in there will be attacks to abort to literally abort what God is preparing for you your next Victory your next level your next blessing your next uh your next uh uh breakthrough your next level and new dimension for his glory in your life in the present moment and the future there will be battles to board and there will be battles to steal back to plunder to diminish to destroy what had been accomplished through your past victories and your testimonies what was established by faith and Grace in your life this is this what we we see this all we see this all around us and we see this in the Nations and we see this in people's life and that we see when sometimes even moral failures of the past are exploited and brought back to bring shame there there's actually entire now websites and Facebook pages sadly dedicated to the to Chon to the to Chronicle the the The Chronicles of Shipwrecked Ministries tarnished obliterated testimonies who were once shining so bright for Jesus please please when God is about to open a great door in your life be sober be vigilant be alert be awake Paul says we are not ignorant of his schemes in our lives and Peter said we are and Peter said your adversary your enemy The Devil is like a roaring L seeking whom he may devour resist him with steadfast faith I want to say to someone tonight God is about to open a great door in your life but the enemy is at the door we must resist him with great faith say yes please when the enemy knocks at your door that is exactly where we find Nehemiah in the sixth chapter the first seven chapters of Nehemiah are written in the first person it they're like the pages of nehemiah's personal Journal he describes how he's been attacked from the very moment he set foot in Jerusalem to rebuild the walls he's opposed and ridiculed and despised and he he's threatened he's accused of uh of pride of of calling uh the people to serve in a vision that seems impossible to fulfill to give people false hope that will only bring disappointment I know so many of you have come to Faith here and Times Square Church and online watching thousands watching online Times Square Church that are have been have joined in with our church in the last few years but do you realize that this type of Enemy at the door is part of our story at TSC from the very beginning that from the very beginning God gave our pastors visions that men thought impossible when God gave the vision to Pastor David Wilkerson to to come in Broadway at the crossroads of the world to establish a church be men said that that's impossible when when God gave Vision to Pastor Carter in this present time as God is giving fresh Vision to Pastor Tim to win souls in a way we had never seen before you will always have voices saying that's impossible we stand and say to men that is impossible but to God oh I want you to shout tonight to God all things are possible Nehemiah is attacked from outside and he's attacked from inside all the way through chapter 1 to5 but in chapter six is so close to the Fulfillment and completion after 140 after 141 years of the people being defenseless vulnerable without protection from the enemy the walls were down the gates were burnt down the enemy had free access and could come in to ravage them at will but in chapter 6 Nehemiah with the people were about to accomplish what so many generation had deemed to be impossible and I speak this as a son of Times Square Church we are entering into until Jesus come in a season as a church where we will accomplish together for the kingdom of God what men think impossible this is where we find the Enemy at the door in Nehemiah chap 6 verse 1 and two now it happened that when sealah toaya gum and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall and that there were no brakes left in it though at that time I had not yet hung the door in the gate do you see the picture he's about to hang the door he's about there's a new door that is about to be put in place to be established and the enemy comes in then sbal and gum sent to me saying come let us meet together among the villages in the plane of oh no say with me oh no no but they thought to do me harm they they were intended on harming me on harming me on destroying me we will in this message tonight we will expose together three attacks three types of Temptations and how to discern resist and overcome them when the enemy is at the door three traps three schemes of the enemy three Temptations from Nehemiah 6 to you and me in Nehemiah 6 the attack of and in your life and mind the attack of distraction to interrupt the attack of defamation to intimidate and the attack of Deceit to torment our imagination I want you to say to the person on your right there is an enemy at your door would you say that to somebody please now would you say to the other person on your left who feels neglected because he didn't choose them in the first time when you say to them God is going to equip you for battle tonight say that to somebody the attack of distraction to interrupt that's when the that's how the enemy comes at the door again verse two simet and gum sent uh to me saying come let us meet together among the villages in the plain of oh no but they thought to do me harm so I sent Messengers to them saying I'm doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should you work why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you and they sent me this message four times and I answered them in the same man same matter same matter four times the attack of distraction to interrupt the work of the kingdom of God in you and through you is Relentless already in chapter 4 chapter 5 we have a verse that says that they were threatened uh threatened and tempted 10 times to give up or to abandon their post ad mission to rebuild what had been broken so badly and that God is wanting them to rebuild if the enemy cannot deter you from your calling from your purposes in God from the walls you are building with him the new gates of Faith you are building with him if he he cannot deter you he will try to distract you to distract you to cause you to deviate from from the path to Der to be derailed from God's purposes uh in my 40 Years of full-time pastoral Ministry I've seen so many Destinies lost little by little by distractions producing desires sometime uh the ungodly desires producing uh flusty desires or doubts distractions producing delays sometimes distractions are come in to divide God's people at at crucial moments in their history to to diminish to delute to discourage even to destroy a calling or restoration a a Godly project a family a marriage a destiny together the future and mission of a church somebody and gam were the enemies from the beginning they had an evil intent and they were using demonic distractions to interrupt the work of God so here is the question of the spirit for you tonight are you underestimating the potential the potentiality the the potentially devastating impact of some the Demonic invitations to come down from the place that where God has planted you for the place where he's called you and his hand has been upon you to compromise to come down to entertain and begin to respond to what could destroy you it can be so many things it can be the distraction can be toxic relationships it could be bitterness or offenses relational influences that pull you down the moral compromises in the secret place spiritual neglect influences uh uh other people's conflicts and anger that pollute your spirit criticism and causes that are just not your calling or your responsibility or priority but are entangling you in a web that is paralyzing you and taking you away from the true work of God has called you toall are you now touching again and allowing in your life again what what had caused you so much harm in the past but that you had left by the grace of God and and said no to so so totally are you now touching are you now allowing are you now permitting this to come back in in your life have you allowed a distraction to dist to interrupt the work of God in every season of our of our Destinies in God there are demonic distractions poisonous invitations come uh often touching and attacking areas in this season that where we are vulnerable Nehemiah was a man who had so much respect he was second to the king he was the king's cup Bearer he had built a life where he was admired and respected and now as he's responding to the call of God as he's serving God for for God's purposes he he's just gone through five chapters of criticism and mockery and being slandered and ridicule when the temp Temptation came to compromise to be accepted and legitimized but Nehemiah responded oh no he responded oh no to the to the call to come down from the he said no what I am doing is too important you need tonight to stand before your enemy and say what I'm doing in God is important I'm doing important work for God oh no would you say l oh no no no my my calling is important my family is important my standards are important my conviction is important my testimony is important my legacy is important my story is important my impact is important praying is important worshiping is important the house of God is important hallelujah oh no my marriage is important my family is important my future sure my testimony is important I am not coming down I'm not coming down when the enemy calls me to go low I will go higher when the enemy comes in at knocking at the door with the attack to of distraction to interrupt you have to stand and say I have I am doing and God is doing important work in me and through me he that has begun a good work in me he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ you must when when when enemy comes in with distraction to interrupt you must reestablish your priorities you must re this is so amazing how how we responded but they sent me a message four times and I answered them in the same matter four times question have you been changing your answer to the enemy of your Soul's invitation M to his Temptations when for years you said no and no and you saying maybe maybe a little maybe not so bad you've been changing your response through the years older Christians now have you been putting bringing your guard down and changing your answer Jesus only always Nehemiah answered no same the same answer as many times as the enemy uh tempted Jesus responded in the same way you can't change your answer to your enemy you must protect your story it is a matter of fulfillment please understand it's a matter of fulfillment and failure the enemy always attacks uh attacks specifically when you're about to finalize closing some doors that had given him access in your life Nehemiah was setting a door that was shutting down access of the enemy and sometimes as you're making steps of obedience Steps of Faith steps of sacrifice steps of giving and of praying and of forgiving and of and of obedience and release that's when the enemy attacks the most he attacks you he attacks when you're just about to shut the door everything in this service tonight was just building on it even our brother sharing on resilience and on patience and on passion I want to say it to somebody you've been sh shutting a door to the enemy don't let him open and back up stand the course for him you must reestablish your priorities look at Jesus look at Jesus our model in John 17 Jesus spoke these words lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has come glorify your son that your son may uh glorify you we must lift up our eyes to heaven to refuse oh no you must keep your eyes on on Heaven as you go to him the this the only way you you can refuse to quit what God has begun the new gates he's building in your life the new doors he's opening in your life where he's planted you and blessed you what his hand has been upon you for this moment he said oh Father I lift my eyes for what is to come there is something coming in your life that the enemy is trying to abort now keep your eyes on him because his hand is upon you you must reestablish tonight your priorities the this is Jesus priorities say God's purposes and God's people Jesus uh John 17 I glor this is how he prayed I've glorified you on Earth I have finished I I've completed this is why how he he finished at the cross T last I've completed and accomplished and finished I have finished the work which you have given me to do listen to me there is a purpose that you are to accomplish in this season of your life that only you can accomplish only you today don't look to yesterday's purposes or tomorrow's don't don't be in comparison there's a work you must accomplish people you must reach a mission to complete that in every season often different that what you might imagine in a different timetable that you had imagin in a different way that you had imagin don't compare to yesterday don't compare to someone else don't compareed to tomorrow right now here oh God I want to fulfill the work you prepared for me I want you to smile at somebody next to you and tell them God has prepared a work for me say that somebody have something that I must do I want to finish the work which you've given me to do in this season until you come priority you you must you must reestablish priorities God's purposes and also people God's people in ch the same chapter 17:12 well I was with them in the world I kept them in your name those you gave me I have kept and none of them is lost except the son of predition that the scripture might be fulfilled so profound there is a beautiful balance in Jesus's Singularity of purpose and priorities a powerful example and warning in this prayer of Jesus to his father uh there this this H this is my priorities oh Father this is my priorities this is what the enemy is trying to distract me for your purposes and your people he says I finished a work his purposes and I I've kept the people that you I've kept the people that you you gave me to to to uh to serve I I finished the work the that you have given me to do his will what I am called to do to build his Divine projects in my life is workmanship understanding that I'm called to shine in the secular to stand spiritually in your career in your business in your service in your life in your family there's something you are to do right now and there needs to be that passion that says oh God your priority I will not be distracted by the Enemy at the door I want to fulfill God's purposes in this season of my life and I've kept them in your name those you entrusted in me don't those you entrusted to me that you gave me I've kept none of them is lost except for the son of predition this is so important there's no guilt uh we're not responsible for all our our families and our children until their adults and their choices and their decision but there is a sense of priority God's priority that that Holy Spirit keep me in reestablishing my PRI priorities on God's purposes in my life and on God's people the people God entrust in me my family my home my marriage my children my grandchildren people I'm to Mentor people I am to build up people I am to bring back to God people I am to pray for amazing balance because sometimes in seasons of Our Lives you could be so enthralled and and and and so captivated by God's purposes that you neglect the people but you can come to a place where you're so sad and broken about some situation into people's lives that you give up on God's purposes no no the priority now now I'm from Canada we don't have the same uh it we don't have the same um military mindset or culture that you have in the United States and I'm fascinated by the slogans and by the the um the MoDOT of some of the uh I was reading an article of some of the different branches of the military uh for example the Army the Army Lo uh logo is uh the Army slogan or the motto is be all you can be and that's that's all you should pray is Lord I don't want to be what she is or what she I don't want to have her I want to be what you wanted me to be in this season and fulfill my calling now they sometimes they change about over the year I was reading the art and and for a long time probably many army vets here uh and online but they they I like the AR one of the army model for a season was we get the job done isn't that like don't you feel Army just saying it we got the job done this what Jesus says I fulfilled the work and then there's the Marines the Marines motto is we leave no one behind right so Jesus said I you those you entrusted me I fought I kept I pray uh we leave no one behind now you know this is American movies always have that scene the rest of the world watches those American movies they always have that scene you know Marines we leave no one behind there's always a scene where they're in a a uh uh they're in a war uh moment and and the helicopter is coming down and then then they're all running run run we must run there's aund enemies shooting at them never hitting them I don't know why never hitting they're running through the bullets and they're running and they're coming to and finally the last one is on the helicopter we're on and then they look back there's one behind but we're the Marines we leave no one behind so yeah he's he's wrestling his friends no you can't go I'm going it's usually in slow motion he's going in slow motion he's going to pick him up there's a there's a symphony archestra playing I don't know why but they then they pick him up a thousand more bullets put some on Hiser he go oh he falters on his knee but he goes back up and he runs to the airport boom on the helicopters we leave no one behind we're the Marines H this this was easier this was easier when I was 41 than 61 that's for sure the distraction can be an offense can be a defeat failure of the past an injustice it could be an Earthly cause filling you with rage and feeding anger and Division in in in you it can be a status or material Pursuit the Love of Money becoming in this area of your life the root of all evil it could be a a distraction from your Divine purposes because of a delay from Heaven causing me to to lower my spiritual guard holy Spirit bring me back to a place where when the enemy is at the door with distraction to interrupt where I will say I will fulfill your purposes and I will give myself to the people you that you've been trusted in me in Jesus name would you shout amen please would you give him praise for his purposes the attack of distraction to interrupt you must reestablish priorities the attack of defamation to intimidate Nehemiah chapter 6 and in verse five in verse 5 then seet sent his servant to me as before the fifth time with an open letter in his hand and it was written it is reported among the Nations that gesim says that you and the Jews PL to Rebel therefore according to these rumors it is reported these rumors that you are rebuilding the wall that you may be their king and you have also appointed prophets to Proclaim concerning you at Jerusalem saying there's a king in Judah now these matters is a threat these matter intimidation will be reported to the king so come therefore let us consult together then I sent it to him saying no such thing as you say is being done you invent them in your own heart and they were all trying to make us afraid intimidated saying their hands will be weakened in the work and it will not be done here's the prayer now therefore oh God strengthen my hands there's an attack by the enemy when you're at the door of something greater for God and often times he will use an attack of defamation and intimidation defamation is attack in word writing or speak speech with the intent of damaging a reputation of a person or a group to gossip to speak to imply lies with the purpose of discrediting the honor and value to lie on the actions and character of another to to repeat to repeat and slander willfully seeking to put down others in order to lift up self intimidation is the action of frightening of threatening someone usually in order to persuade them to do something you want them to do attack and word writing speech and attitude with the intent to scare to terrorize to dominate to manipulate someone to silence them to paralyze them or to cause them to draw back and to quit and to prevent them from advancing or achieving this is how the enemy attacks at the door now the fifth attack on Nehemiah was through a false witness carrying an open letter very significant an open letter in his hands because the official documents in ancient times were sealed with a wax seal that closed a document authenticating the identity of the sender the veracity and confidentiality of the content and who it was specifically addressed and intended to the open letter was the ancestor to social media to church gossip to foyer chat chat CH chat to to to to uh X and Instagram and Facebook pages that are open pages open letters open and and often times filthy sewers spewing out lies defamation gossip open letters that's what's that and the language hasn't changed it's like we're reading what's happening today have you noticed the language it is reported we have sources among the Nations you know we're not the only ones saying this the whole world is saying everyone is saying this that you plan to this is defamation of motive and intentions they're accusing of what he's thinking of doing as hasn't thought or done ACC according to those rumors fabricating a narrative that is read repeated and repeated and believed as absolute facts although entirely false and baseless defamation and intimidation this is cancelled culture 600 years before Jesus these matters will be reported to the king and you'll be cancelled I want to say to somebody no one can cancel the work of God in your life no one can cancel no one will cancel the the Church of Jesus Christ until he comes he will shine and no weapon form against us will prosper no tongue that is lifted against us will prosper you can't cancel the Church of the Living God shout yes please But please understand that these rumors were spread by enemies that would never stop speaking evil lies about Nehemiah no matter how much good he did that still is an attack and different seasons of our lives today Spurgeon wrote a lie a lie will go around the world before truth can even tie his shoelaces there are two Spirits in operation in the world and you have to choose in which you will be speaking and to which you will be listening there are two Spirits in I in the world in operation until Jesus come the spirit of the accuser this is the last the last description most Vivid description of the satanic influence in the last days Satan accusing accusing the Brethren day and night there's a spirit of the accuser and there is a spirit of The Advocate we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ ever interceding there's a spirit of intimidation and there's a spirit of intercession uh you have to choose every day of which Spirit you will speak up and which one you will listen to the lies were the absolute contrary to reality Nehemiah in no shape of form was rebelling against the king he was building with the king's mandate permission the king's protection and the King's provision listen to this sometimes the attacks and accusations and intimidating intimidations against you will be by accusers accusing you and blaming you for what they are doing it's called project ction it's not a recent discovery of psychology it's a satanic influence all the way back to to Nehemiah projection is the mechanism by which one projects on another what they won't recognize in themselves you will go through attacks and some of you it's tonight you're right in it right now but you cannot serve god without going through seasons and attacks where accusations and defamation to intimidate you are with from accusers blaming you and accusing you of what they are themselves doing projecting them on you in verse S and we read it they accused Nehemiah of appointing prophets to lift himself up as a king that's what they were doing in verse 12 of Nehemiah 6 I perceive that God had not sent him at all but he pronounced his prophecy against me because toaya and sbal had hired him that's what they were doing that's what they were doing they were accusing him of what they were doing they were the ones that were paying off false prophets false witnesses to discredit and Destroy nehemiah's reputation there's nothing more some of you you say I know I'm going through it there's nothing more enraging there's nothing more sometimes okay if you let it discouraging disheartening that I've someone attack you of something you're that that they're doing and I want to say this to you sometimes the attacks and intimidations are not only from outside they can come within the people of God they can come from religious people again look at Jesus when he's just about to Jesus is announcing the greatest door of all time the door of salvation for the world in Matthew 16: 2023 he commanded his his disciples they should not tell no one yet that he was Jesus the Christ but from that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go this is the plan this is the Divine Plan of Redemption I must go to Jerusalem suffer many things for from the elders Chief priest scribes be killed and be raised the third day Peter didn't say did not say amen he said Peter took him aside he's taking Jesus aside Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him saying far it be from you Lord it shall not happen to you but he turned and said to Peter get thee behind me Satan you're an offense to me because you're not mindful of the things of God but you are filled with the things of man this is very profound because Peter had been used by God and speaking for God before when Jesus said who do men say that I am different answers Jesus says you are the Christ the son of the Living God and he will be used a again after later on at Pentacost he'll stay he'll be one of the pillars of the New Testament but in this instant In This Moment he he in this instant he was used by the enemy and you need to develop discernment now of course we are open to correction and we we we walk humbly and open to correction But please understand that it is a spirit There Are Spiritual attacks that come through human vessels it can be words that were spoken over you in your childhood by parents it could be by family family members Sometimes some mom m some some moms and Dad's words are spoken to you from from children from from your kids your your teenager or your your adults K uh children's son and daughters that have wounded deeply family members children or a a I felt to say in prayer to say this an ex-husband or an exwife or people you thought were friends and sometimes it's spoken by people that are religious it's spoken by a church leader it's spoken uh maybe you've been a victim of spiritual abuse spiritual manipulation some sometimes it's an Elders some sometimes it's somebody that was intimidating you h words have been spoken over you when the enemy comes in at at the door to intimidate and defame and to to bind you up you must refuse to give them room and release them to God oh I'm serious don't give them room in your mind in your heart in your conversation in your thoughts in your walk in your decision this is what this is when the Nehemiah did look at uh uh in ver in verse 14 he says my God he's giving them to God my God remember toaya and semble it according to the that their works and the prophetes Noah Di and the rest of the prophets who would have made me afraid I'm speaking this to someone tonight let them go release them to God don't let them poison your present and your future and you must refuse to give them room by learning to cry out to God for Supernatural strength in verse 9 he says oh God now strengthen my hands would you say it out loud with me oh God now strengthen my hands oh God oh God now strengthen my hands there will be no moment in your life where you'll need God's strength Supernatural strength more than when you are accused unjustly then when people are ascribing intentions to you that you know when you are accused when you you know you're accused of wrong motives and intentions you're not perfect but you know your heart is pure before God when you know in your heart that what is said about you is false it's it's AB opposite of who you are and what you are doing when you have done everything you can possibly to bring good and to heal and to do good and you're still blamed and you're still accused let it release it to God and ask him for Supernatural strength in Jesus name say it again now oh God strengthen my hands in Jesus name give him praise please let me close let me close with a third let me close with a third attack there's an attack of distraction to interrupt you must reestablish priorities the attack of defamation to intimidate you must refuse to give them room and the attack of deception to torment your imaginations nemiah 6 13 for this reason he was hired that I should be afraid and act the way that way and sin that they might C have caused for an evil report that they might reproach me please understand that there's a turmoil in Nehemiah Spirit he's tormented they they've cut blow after blow and lie after after lie it is so important for us to develop discernment and the the constant seeking of the renewing of our minds you offer yourself as a Living Sacrifice and fulfill God's purposes by not being conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind please understand Nehemiah has been this is his personal Journal now when you read the chapters nemiah is his uh his two hours away his two verses away from the Fulfillment and completion of the most significant Kingdom accomplishment of his life this is verse in verse 15 we read and the walls were finished the wars were completed and then this that's when the enemy comes in you don't know it but you're on the verge of of of a breakthrough and he comes in full force in your mind full force to intimidate and to lie the a deception in your mind when the enemy comes in knocking at the door please understand Nehemiah nemiah was Brave and courageous encouraging everybody publicly outwardly but the constant threats and lies have marked him inside they've shaken him deeply this is so profound the the scriptures are giving us what he's speaking to people but we have his personal Journal he says this they've made they've done this to make me afraid they've come against me and I I I believe that many of us that that many of us have been through this season we still people around us won't know and we're standing for God and we're declaring his goodness and we're but there's a there's a h battle in our imagination there's a Tor a deception trying to torment our imagination he a please understand we read verses casually and we don't we don't get the full the full strength of it when we read and when they threatened they said all of this the open letter the lies you're making yourself King all all of this will be brought back to the king now historians are giving us very true this is a very this a real person who actually lived in history this King Arta and and historians have compiled a lot of validated information events and facts about this King that Nehemiah was serving they were accusing him of plotting against we know from history that he had ordered the assassination of his own brother that he suspected of having met members of the his cabinet without his knowledge a few years later the same King executed according to history executed the entire cabinet and their sons and and and brothers because he had heard rumors that they were plotting against them this is the insane King and they're saying we're going to report all of this to him there's a threat there's a fear over NE Nehemiah do do you know these torments these voices of fear in mind and heart about your children about your future about your Ser about about the the the diagnosis the doctor gave about about your marriage about about the your the vision the dream what what you try to build for God this is what I'm I'm building for you oh God and this is this is the last this is the ultimate attack of the Enemy at the door deception to torment your imagination chapter 6 and when we look at verse 10 and afterward came I came to the house of Shaniah son of Delah the son of mbel who was a secret Ander and he said let us meet together in the house of God within the temple let us close the doors of the temple for they are coming to kill you indeed at night they will come to kill you and I said should such a man as I flee run away and who is there such as I who would go into the temple to save his life I will not go in then I perceived I discerned that God had not sent them at all this is the ultimate attack this is the enemy now that says forget the promises of God forget God's hand that was upon you forget how he promised you forget how he led you forget what he what what you have begin to build that they they're coming against you please understand that when he said go hide in the temple it's not like us coming into the house of God at that time in history it was forbidden it was the law of God it was forbidden for for Nehemiah to go in the temple it was for the high priest it was what actually the the the fearful voice the voice that the enemy was saying was run away get St get off your position get off your stand get off your place run away from your place go and hide in fears go and hide in fear go hide in the temple please listen you too will be tempted in your mind and in your heart to throw away God's promises and Commandments to give up uh your calling your standard your convictions your past obedience and past altars you built to to forsake the plan the the place God planted you and called you to to build and to stand and to to build something for him he will do it through deception in your mind betabel represents the voices calling us to become captive of of our fears and to run away in a despair that often time will lead to Disobedience and when you come when the enemy comes at the door with with a deception to torment your mind there's only one one answer you must resist with a renewed Revelation you must resist with a renewed Revelation Now read Nehemiah there are nine prayers in Nehemiah three throughout the chapters every chapter every season every chapter there are prayers and each prayer are rooted into revelation of God's person God's promises God's principles God's purposes nehemiah's Mission began with a prayer and unshakable Revelation in 1:0 where he says we are your servants and your people whom you have Redeemed by your great power and your strong hand but that Revelation needed to be renewed and renewed and renewed you cannot rely today on the Revelation you had in years past there's attacks today that are requiring the only answer to the torment of the enemy is a freshh revelation today from Jesus standing at the door of your heart the the miraculous I'm going to ask the musicians to come the miraculous work of God was born developed defended protected and completed chapter by chapter by A Renewed Revelation for each attack A Renewed Revelation that's why we read in verse 15 and 16 so the wall was finished and it happened that all the nations around us saw these things in their own eyes for they recognized that this work was done by our God I want to live and this is what we sang just this is what Elder Vicki let us in just before we open the word we want to live our lives to the glory of God we want every battle to be to the glory of God would you shout yes if that's your deepest desire I have good news for you the enemy is at the door but Jesus is at the door behold I stand at the door and I knock and if anyone hears my voice voice and opens the door and opens the door I will grant uh with him I will sit with him and him with me to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne and I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne he was an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the church there's an enemy at the door but Jesus is at the door every day and he wants to speak he wants to remind he wants to warn and he wants to protect and he wants by the Holy Spirit Jesus at the door of your heart knocking every day and saying there's an enemy at the door but for every Temptation I am the way to escape and this is a this is this is a warning what this is a protection this is a direction this is healing you've been wounded this is a reminder a Divine Supernatural reminder of God's promises of God's purposes he's actually saying as I overcome the same spirit that raised me from the dead can dwell in you I you will you answer the call every day for me I'm calling to you I'm knocking at the door so often time this verse is used to speak to speak of Jesus knocking at the door of unsaved people and he is but this is the message of Jesus to the churches that he doesn't near here the only way you will shut down you will silence d deception of the enemy is by answering his call he knocks at the door of your heart as we stand here together tonight as we meet the presence of God in the month of June 2024 large segments of the Evangelical world are in shock and disbelief in tears we weep when we hear and see of generals of the faith that are brought down by moral failures do you see what is you see even in the last three years and in the last couple of weeks Great Men of God that are brought down to moral failures and the uh and the enemies of God scorn and mock now what is our answer what is our respon we our first respon is always love and grace and prayer and a guard at my mouth a guard at our lips he that stands stand humbly and alert hallelujah hallelujah and we we stand in love and in prayer and intercession and in Grace for everyone involved but as this was happening the last few weeks I was I had a meeting with with hundreds of pastors and leaders of the movements that we founded and many many many young Servants of God and a group of them took me aside and said and asked a question how can that happen how can someone who preached and someone who knew God and someone who how can how can that happen how can it be this these moment this this devastation and there are many answers and and I have been standing and I've been our church has been restoring and helping men and women that have fallen in the grace of God and and and and everybody involved needs to receive love and truth and love and mercy there's many reasons and I don't want to simplify something that is often very deep but here's here's one thing that's absolutely true this is what I told a young men these young pastors from all of all of our movement there has to be a moment in these in every in man and women's life that I've gone through this where they for season stopped answering the call of Jesus knocking at the door where the communion was broken and maybe replaced by activity where where we think that that our history and our giftings and even the fruit of God honoring people's faith is enough because if you every day it has to be and and and having restored having been serving God and restoring men and women of God that have fallen they they they all say it they all confess it there was a season where Jesus knocking at the door of my heart and I wasn't answering the call anymore and you know you don't have to be a man of God known in the nation for it for it to be important to God you are important to God your calling is important your testimony is important your legacy to your family is important your purpose is important yes the enemy stands at the door but Jesus stands at the door of my heart every day and he he just asks me to invite him in so this is the call tonight I want to ask you to stand please in the presence of God would you please stand and please don't run away just yet and sis sister Vicki is going to lead us but I really felt in my spirit to turn this moment just for a moment just for a moment to to turn this this service into a a prayer meeting many many Believers you can bow your head for a second with me many generations of Believers all around the world don't even don't even know what it means anymore to come to the Altar and just to T with God for a moment and to release everything back to him so tonight this is what I felt in my spirit this is for you online as well there's no dense distance with God and there's no God has brought this message for you wherever wherever you are in the United States or in any Nation where you are watching God is with you right now God is speaking to you as he's speaking to us here on in in in New York City this is the call tonight Jesus I Need You I have been given room to the distraction the enemy has used a distraction in my life the enemy has tried to distract me to interrupt your work in me and through me what I am doing what I am in you is important my calling before you I am doing an important work for God my calling my family my children my marriage my testimony my legacy is important and today I in jesus' name I want to reestablish my priorities on your purposes and people that you're entrusted to me in Jesus name so this is what I had in my spirit I'm calling to whole church to come forward just for a moment and maybe you you would come and you would say oh God I'm bringing I'm bringing your purposes in my life to you I'm coming forward if you feel Holy Spirit drawing I want you I felt like the whole church should come forward and say oh God I will not be this with you begin to come and say I will not be distracted I I have been distracted but I'm coming back to your priorities I'm coming back to your purposes I oh God what I'm doing is important it's that this is not self-importance this is not Pride or arrogance this is I am who God says I am and I'm called to a purpose and I'm called there's people that you've entrusting me and the enemy is trying to distract me but I'm coming back and as you come you begin to pray you begin to lift your voice and say oh God you're purposes in my life and you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you and you begin to to call out the names of people that God has entrusted in your life and the enemy had try to distract you from the fight and from the battle and from the the inter session and today you come and you say oh God I see the Enemy at the door and I refuse I I will restablish my priorities and I really felt and many many are coming and online this is for you I really felt that many of you many of us have been you've come and you say you're right words have been spoken over me I've been treated unjustly I've been accused unjustly I've been treated unfairly it may be at work it may be in your family it may be in your family maybe in church and maybe in religion but tonight you say oh God I refuse I refuse to give them room I'm calling on you I lift my hands up your hands and say now God now God strengthen my hands begin to pray all over this place voices Rising together oh God oh God now now oh God strengthen my hands to serve you I've been heard by the attack of defamation and slander and unjust accusations I've suffered injustices I've been discriminated against words were said over me that I F fill me with with intimidation and anger but I'm releasing it all to you now release it all to God now release the people release the words and and say oh God you speak your word don't let anyone else but God Define you and say who you are and describe who you are and who you will be I will build I will build my life with you oh God when the enemy knocks at your door I've been tormented in my imaginations the enemy had used fear fears for my kids fear for my future fears for my health fears even even for my the dream the vision God had given me fears that what had happened to me and the WBS that have happened to me and what what I've been through would Mark me forever that I won't recover from it but tonight I lift my hands to you oh God come on all over this place all over this place oh God I surrender to your purposes in my life you stand at the door I've been neglecting Jesus knocking at the door of my heart but tonight oh God tonight oh God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lift up your voices to Lord lift up your voices to Lord hallelujah hallelujah come on all over this place and online lift your voices to God oh God I surrender to you oh God I stand in intercession before you I refuse the spirit of intimidation I refuse the voice of the accuser I have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ whoever intercedes for me fill me with this Spirit of intercession in Jesus name I'd left my guard down but I'm lifting my hands oh God strengthen me now in Jesus name let me hear the voices of men and and women of brothers and sisters let me hear moms and dads crying out again crying out again oh God I want to fulfill the work that you've called me to accomplish I oh God will not oh god I've kept those I fought for those I prayed for those that you've entrusted to me in Jesus name all over the all over house and all over the Nations online in Jesus name in Jesus name
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 18,746
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Id: aqQs1bRRojQ
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Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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