This Is the MOST IMPORTANT Interview I've Ever Done!

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[Music] welcome to world news briefing I'm Tom Hughes and uh listen I'm going to say something that I don't believe I've ever said here before his channel nor anywhere else I have what I believe is uh the most important interview that I've ever done before um thank you for joining us at world news briefing uh this program is going to be one that you're going to want to share with your friends you're going to be challenged you're going to hear things today that you haven't heard before um you're going to be strengthened but you're also going to I believe look at life different and you will be the better for it um but listen as we look at things you know I deal a lot with world news that's what we do here at world news briefing I think of this first story for example this is from the economic collapse the title of the article the entire system is crumbling major red flags are popping up for banks small businesses and retailers so we hear news like that we hear news of the bird flu we hear news of wars and rumors of wars like what's going on right now with Russia and the ships at Cuba and the threats of these rumors at War of war and then also with China and Taiwan and then also we have this which is very interesting for those of you who are regulars here at at his channel in world news briefing uh this is out of the ALG Miner the Kremlin says Russia and Iran continuing are continuing work on a cooperation pack now someone like me that has me very concerned but I look at that and I put it into the context of what the Bible has to say for what's coming in the future but right now what we're going to do is I'm going to talk to you about something with my guest today about uh this topic that really brings us down to the epicenter of what is really going on in this world and and actually when we go through world history um everything is culminating right now and we can see it in the nation of Israel and the Jewish people specifically and the events that began on October 7th so I'm going to say this hold on to your seats uh you aren't going to want to miss any of this so please welcome my guest uh today at world news briefing and again thank you for joining us uh Ella Shen Ella thank you for joining us thank you for having me all right and I want also say this before we get going because I know that you have to relive this and you're going you have to say some very hard things um the things you've seen and have experienced just since October so I want you know a lot of people are praying for you and um I want to work through this process with you and help people to really understand so uh Ella you're 15 years old yes okay and you liveed on a caboots right now you're here in America but you're going to be going back home will you be going back home to the kabo and what is a kabo um a kabut is a basically a community it's a way of living that only exists in Israel it's uh kind of like a village only smaller and uh the community is more tight and connected to each other uh there used to be 1,200 people living in B I'm not exaggerating when I say I think everyone knew almost everyone and we had a very close connection CU we basically lived in a bubble all of us it's a fenced area and you don't get out if you don't have to um of course sometimes you can have fun but basically we have there a supermarket you have a uh betet uh synagogue synagogue exactly didn't know how to say it and you have everything a pool a a Fields whatever you want a mess like a dining hall and um so tennis court a tennis court of course so you don't really have to get out if you don't uh have to and like I said the community is so tight so you already have friends in there so you also don't have to look for anything else so pre- October 7 life was pretty good I know you went through you you've been through many times when you've had alerts in your life I want to work through that my wife and I were in one uh back in May uh last May so a year ago and we were in STO when there was the Islamic Jihad had launched some Rockets into the area that area of Israel around the kabut and so forth and we were there my wife ran into a bomb shelter we saw what life was like for about two hours uh people pulling over on the side of the road you live through this all your life your kabo is how far from Gaza uh two and a half miles I think about two and a half miles four kilometers Kil yeah that's right um so with that when we look at that you're pretty close yes you're right on the edge of Gaza um October 7 happened but before October 7 it was life was good as a as a girl other than you happening to run to bomb shelters all the time yeah but it's also it's crazy to say but we kind of normalized it yeah we got used to it so everything was really good cuz we didn't see it as as bad as it actually is right this and the you know the balloons the um Kates right is that how you say it oh yeah and I'm going to ask you about the balloons and the different things with the rockets and different things going on you said life you pretty much normalized it I get it because when we were in stro literally I have video we were standing at a it was a little uh um uh falafal place right on the side of the road we pulled up to it to order our falafal we were with our friend who was who was formerly in the IDF he is a tank commander David to and we were with him and we walk up to order them and all of a sudden we just heard the rocket we didn't hear a siren um it was you know it's very close we looked up and I got a video right above us it was Iron Dome had intercepted a rocket and then we notice people run into the bomb shelters and then goes back to normal yes and was something my wife had commented on it's like this is an everyday occurrence almost I mean I wouldn't say every day but you you're always ready ready for it like it's never it does it never seems like so far away uh for it to happen it's always like in the air you know it's possible so you always have to like think if you're close to a bomb shoulder if you got to prepare yourselves to lay down put your hands on your head so like I said we kind of got used to it it was a part of like the a part of life like when you know when there's an earthquake you got to walk slowly to an open surface and and stand there and stay away from any larger objects so just like that just as you know that in Israel we know how to run to bomb shelters or protect ourselves from possible rocket attacks how much time do you have once you hear the alert uh to get to bomb shelter in the caboots where you lived 15 seconds 15 seconds yes so that explains why when we were driving through those areas we would see a bomb shelter and everywhere yeah we literally saw them everywhere um what happens if you're further away and you can't get to one um yeah you lay down on the floor lay flat on the floor and put your hands on your head okay and I I'm guessing that's to in case a rocket hits the shrapnel won't hit you or something like that yeah all right uh um we're going to get into some more difficult things in just a minute about uh some of the Family Matters some of the things that you saw and experienced uh before we go there I want to read a passage from the Bible um I love reading the Bible this is one of the Psalms it's a Psalm of aent and uh everybody I if you've followed me at all you know how much I enjoy the Psalms of ascent and when I lead people on tours to Israel I let them know listen this is what uh Israel would do when they would make their way to Jerusalem for the feast days whether it be a Passover or one of the other feast days singing the Psalms of a sent going up to the temple and praising God in Psalm 121 the psalmist wrote I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep and listen please remember that and then we also know that was Psalm 121 Psalm 122 tells us to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Jem and I've told people this many times Ella that that is God's prayer request I mean when I look at that I believe it's God's prayer request to the Gentile world to the Christians the ones who are paying attention God says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem this is what I would like you to pray for and when I look at this I know that Israel has a unique relationship in the history of the world different from any other people that have ever lived before people want to argue with me about it that's fine but God is never going to abandon his people and I know you've been through some really hard things and it probably feels like abandon minute times but God is with you and he loves you and and I love being able to and my friends love being able to be by your side and the side of your people um thank you okay you're welcome as we okay now let's get through some difficult things okay prior to October 7 when it came to the people of God I know there there like work permits people could come across the border and work we even recognize that when we are stot you had Palestinian people that would come into that area and work at caboots at yours did you ever feel threatened or anything like that have bad encounters or worried um not really honestly we just um because I didn't I'll tell you what I think after October 7th my perspective obviously changed but before before that I was not aware that um I was innocent I'll say that I was not aware that any living creature can inflict so much pain and and suffering upon another living being and I didn't think it was possible for anyone to do something like was done like the things that were done on October 7th so I was not threatened I was not actually scared I saw them as human beings like all of us like everyone and like like many people in the kibuts like most people in the kibuts we were very innocent and we believed in peace since we were born we were taught to believe in peace you're taught to believe in peace live in peace seek peace however you still had to run to bomb shelters Rockets would fly over um but the people that lived in Gaza didn't have to run into bomb shelters so right I find it interesting that Israel is pointed out as being the aggressor by so much so many people on the mainstream media but that's not the case cuz you could play freely except with the alert that hey if an alarm goes off I have to run for shelter and Goda the people didn't have that the children could always run freely without that thought um so to me that seems there's such a big contrast there yes because you can also see it they it's not that they couldn't run for shuttles because they didn't have any uh Rockets being launched towards them that's because they didn't have a shelter because their governing power didn't care enough to build any shelters for them and cared more to build their own tunnels and hide in them that and then again we come to that uh understanding about the human the use of the gazan civilians as human Shields that we can talk about a lot but I think more than that we we do know maybe they don't have the shelters that it's their own government's fault but governing power not even government but uh I think the IDF has done everything it could before every air strike to war the civilians to evacuate the area the IDF had never never had and never will have I think I I believe and I know any intention to kill innocent civilians yeah and I think the IDF has done everything it could to uh minimalize civilian casual casualties for tens of years and there's nothing more the IDF can do other than warning the civilians before they strike because they can just drop uh shelters in the middle of Gaza they can build their shelters because if one IDF Soldier would go in uh without the IDF Army they'll probably get murdered or any other Jew for in that matter yeah well what what I meant was in Gaza they didn't have to be afraid of Israel launching Rockets over a wall and just kill innocent people um and so the the people in Gaza were just do whatever but you had to be under this constant threat of the Rockets coming over or something like that so you're but you're growing up as you say fairly normal you got to play you got to do all these things and the rockets coming over become a part of your normal life where you just dealt with that so I would think that that would kind of make people a little bit less concerned about being attacked like you guys were on October 7th but the attacks did come but something else I I I find very interesting is balloons in in your caboots you can even have balloons uh like if it's a birthday party explain that you and why why that was you couldn't even do something like that because uh the because for the the gazans Hamas Islamic Jihad those who wanted the and still want the destruction with the state of Israel they used to send balloons connected to explosives or uh materials that can cause a fire they used to send it uh above the uh border so it will fly into Israel crash somewhere because of B can obviously go too far and then it'll create a fire or an explosion or whatever it is so we had to really uh stay cautious and uh be aware of the environment of what's happening if you see a balloon in the sky you obviously immediately get stressed and have to call someone who has connection to the IDF or the IDF immediately um so that they'll check it out make sure it's sa it's safe or unsafe and if it's unsafe take care of it yeah and I would imagine having a birthday party or something like that a balloon gets away which they do um that would be a a big cause for alarm is what you are uh saying okay so when I look at this you're living under this this a bubble because you're into caboots but you do have the protection so you can run into bomb shelters or your safe places and things like that but that was normal life uh for you um something that we don't we just don't understand in America America um but you had to you had to live that way um now as I work through this process October 7 comes around and it's early in the morning um what happened in your caboots and then walk us through the process of that day so uh October 7th as you know as many people who uh bother to study about it now started at 6:30 a.m. when there were missiles launched from Gaza towards Israel so everyone woke up ran to the safe rooms uh because each one has a safe room made of concrete in their house so everyone ran to the safe room now the uh it's all every time there's a rocket alarm you got to run to the safe room and you got to stay there for 10 minutes so there are not any sharp nails like still that they can possibly still fall from the sky so we went to the safe room we closed the door we're supposed to stay there for 10 minutes and then we started receiving texts saying there's a invasion of terrorists so we Clos the door turn the lights off and try to do whatever we can to stay safe stay quiet of course trying not to make any noise and yeah we stayed there for a while and we we start hearing hearing people banging on our front door we we realized it's the terrorist and we can't open the door so we just stay in the safe room stay quiet and hope for the IDE have to arrive and for it to be fixed as fast as it can and then 9:30 a.m. my uncle texts us he says his house was set on fire which was to me such a random thing because it's very unusual it's very unusual for gazans to actually come into Israel with suicidal uh with genocidal intentions to come and just kill so I never faced any of it before and suddenly my uncle texts us and he says they set my house on fire and I'm trying to breathe so it was like it was a shock because you say why what why what's going on I I was shocked obviously and then we keep receiving more and more of these Tech texts of people begging for their lives and saying send someone help us just begging for help for from whoever they could and I think the most painful thing about October 7th was when everyone was begging for help and that includes me and my family that every time we heard them beging out the door we start texting everyone hysterically like asking also for help but you kind of know that no one's going to come and you know that you can't come just like you know no one's going to come for you they know you're and they know and you know that you can't come for them for your friends for your family so it was the I mostly felt helplessness like I said helplessness and Fe year on October 7th so because of the situation you sit there and you have your family and friends pleading for help and you're in the same situation and then um things got a lot worse slowly people actually started to get murdered um and then it was at 12:15 when I see a text from my cousin and he says the terrorists are in his mom's house and he as he's basically asking for someone to come help him to get him out and I had nothing to do but back him up at the WhatsApp group chat just keep texting after him uh repeating his address and then we lost connection with him with his mother and two little sisters and obviously your thoughts go wild and you just pray for the best but you can't actually think about anyone else when you're in the same situation and basically just wait for them to get to you too and then at 2: p.m. I was told my grandparents were injured I didn't know where when at first um at first I was lied to that my grandma was shot in the arm or something like that and I was like okay they Pro I hope they'll survive and also we called the Medics and they told us uh the area is not clear so we have nothing to do with it stay strong and they hang up so we were obviously very frustrated and angry with the situation but I I can't even blame the Medics I mean I know it's their job to go in and save people but I can't blame them because it was actually just a terrible mess M and there was so much helplessness that not even the people who have the authority or the the capability of helping other people they didn't even have that okay let me ask you a couple of questions obviously this is just full on terror you're going through you're still in your safe room right it's made out of concrete I'm thinking yes is it similar to the bomb shelters that I've seen okay um you're you're locked in there you can hear everything that's going on outside but nobody's able to get into your safe room did they know you were in there they definitely can I don't know if they were knew that were in there cuz we were very quiet to the level I was even scared to switch side on my bed I was laying in my bed I was so scared to even move um we couldn't do anything basically we just lock there for 11 hours and for example you don't eat anything of course we're thirsty cuz you're stressed you get thirsty but you can't drink you got to go to the bathroom we are to be creative and uh pee in whatever we could find such as I can say that I even peed at a empty ball of a empty cane of tennis balls because I used to keep all my tennis equipment equipment right at the safe room so I just you just do whatever you can it's I wouldn't call it Survival Mod because survival mode it's so much harder than what we had to go through there but you start to think about creative ways and you say I can't get out cuz I'm going to risk death mhm and yeah you hear everything you hear the gunshots you hear the shouting in Arabic you have no idea what they say except for when they say things that you can partly understand such as allahar things like that and except for that which they screamed constantly you don't really know what they say you don't know what they mean and the curiosity is Al also like a was terrible for us because you just hear gunshots you you see texts of people saying their their houses are on fire you hear the yelling and you don't know what's going on outside like you try to run scenarios like when I if I open the door is the house in front of me still going to be there is it gone is it burned is it shot at like what's going on so the Curiosity was also a really challenge a real challenge for us so you're you're in there going through all this which to me is kind of a survival mode in my mind right um but then you're you're whatsapping with your cousins and you lose contact I'm thinking that would have been a very fearful time because your mind would start to really wander and wonder you know what's what's going on with them yeah and so can you recall what happened with uh your cousins so they were taken out of the safe room the terrorists took my uh my my three cousins uh two little girls my cousin Amit and and his mom their mom out of the house they were very violent of course they ripped their the girl the girl's the girls necklaces off their neck they took pictures with them while pointing knives at their neck they also took their uh neighbors out their neighbors were uh the sharabi family where there was a father a mother three daughters and the boyfriend of the oldest daughter they took them all out of the house as well and also stole their jewelry uh took pictures with them P put pointing knives at their neck the sharabi family even had the flag of Israel at their balcony so they took it ripped it in front of them and screamed it Slaughter the Jews and they tied the man up Amit Yi sharabi the father Andel the boyfriend of the oldest sister okay so your cousin Amit his dad would should be your uncle no no no not his dad oh not his dad the the their neighbor okay the neighbors the neighbor him and then also the boyfriend of the neighbor's oldest sister oldest daughter all right all these connections okay kind of complicated so they tied the three men up put them in a car and just drove to Gaza and when they did that the ladies managed to escape break a window in another house and get in and they just stayed there until the IDF arrived and they were rescued okay so they're while they're taking away the ladies escaped okay so they're safe now the ladies the ladies yes so the do you know what's happened to your cousin since then and the other two so they were taken to Gaza uh they were held captive for 54 days together at a civilian house the house of civilians they were barely fed for as much as I know Amit came back and he lost 13 pounds uh in two weeks in two months sorry which is kind of crazy um they were obviously they weren't really allowed to speak move uh the conditions were hard obviously you don't have a you don't have a shower you don't have a bathroom so it was obviously hard and he told us am Amit and ofia were released after 54 days in captivity okay as a part of the deal because there're 17 and 16 Amit 16 he turned 16 actually exactly two weeks after he was kidnapped and they told how they said that they weren't physically abused they said they were mostly uh mentally abused how the C their captors told them you never going home no one wants you it's not your country uh no one's trying to get you back one day they even am me said that they even gave them each one of them a piece of paper and a pen and told them you're going to die tonight write your goodbyes so it was obviously a hard thing for a 16-year-old and 17-year-old and Yosi as well who was like uh an adult but still to get a piece of paper and they tell you say goodbyes because you're dying and so a meet and a fi were released and after 54 days in captivity and then after uh 46 more days I think it was around day 99 or day 100 Hamas released a video of y's and it F's bodies uh claiming they were killed by Israel's Earth strikes and with no aramani also speaking and saying yeah um I'm going to ask you about some of the lies that are constantly told about Israel we'll get there in the second half but there's really a lot more to cover but before we even get to the break I want to ask you let me let's go back to the time you're in the shelter the safe uh place and then you get word that your grandmother and grandfather were shot um then what happened from there so like I said we couldn't the Medics couldn't come and we just stayed in the safe room for about three and a half more hours until the IDF arrived they already got to the giveway started evacuating the civilians okay so they knocked on our door said open up it's the IDF I refused to open because I didn't believe it I didn't believe it was the IDF eventually we did open it was a special unit of the IDF called oat they came in tried to be as soothing as they could they tried to smile at us they like it's fine we're here like Shake our hands and they told us to go bring our shoes and then they got us out of the house surrounding us so after we got out of the house that's when we started to get evacuated the first thing I got hit by metaphorically was uh the smell the was like in the air there was a smell of smoke mixed with blood and sweat because it because some of the soldiers had blood on their uniform on their shoes and we obviously everyone were sweaty and the house is on fire to got all mixed up together and you smell fear and that's the smell of fear if you ask me many people use this an expression I smell fear like that being sarcastic that's the smell of fear so they take us to another house with two more families and we stay in their safe room uh there were seven kids between the ages of Oney old and eight years old me and four adults we stayed there I think for about half an hour pretty much until the soldiers called us out and told us it's time to run out of the kots we can't stay here anymore okay so uh you're you're getting called out you're seeing things the the the different sites that definitely are going to be with you for the rest of your life too um a 100 people died in the caboots right did you have your little brother you have these different Dynamics taking place um we're coming up on a break here in just a second I want to ask you about the things that you've had to process with that um also I know this is very hard um you lost your dad and um my heart breaks for you for that and we're witnessing these things but one thing that really want to get into in the second half also is how do you process the lies and the anti-Semitism that is everywhere and this this uh hatred that I don't understand apart from what the Bible does warn about and and uh so I understand some of the Dynamics but it's an awful thing and it's s there's such hatred and I want to find out from you what your thoughts are on uh that and uh so we're going to come back in the second half and um I know it's going to be tough all right but we'll continue to pray for you I know everybody watching will be praying for you too uh so we'll be back listen don't go away uh we'll be back here in just a minute what is the church what is the church age has the church replaced Israel what is God's prophetic program the church and Israel in Bible prophecy evangelist Donald Perkins focuses on how God placed the church Church age in the end times the church and Israel in Bible prophecy a DVD by Donald Perkins is our gift this June for any donation over $10 become a summer co- laborer today help his channel broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ over the summer months go to click the donation link or send your tax deductible gift to his channel po box25 Santa Ana California 92702 his channel teaching the gospel on listener supported television welcome back to the second half of world news briefing and uh folks um I'm going to ask you to continue to pray pray for the Peace of Jerusalem pray for the people of Israel uh we can see there is so much hatred against Israel right now but there is some good news there are Christians that do support Israel uh there was a survey that was done 47% of Evangelical Christians support Israel I wish it was 100% um but I look and and um I we're going to talk about some difficult things but I want to say this also our viewers mostly know this because we talk about it here a lot Genesis CH 12 God promised Abram I'm going to make you a people I'm going to make a covenant with you and that Covenant as we work through the Bible it's a covenant that's forever Abraham Isaac and Jacob it is an Everlasting Covenant God says I will never abandon My People Israel um Israel is God's chosen people for the land and also for the Messiah and I believe the reason why Israel and the Jew is targeted is because of that there is a unique relationship that uh Jews have with God that I think people don't most people don't understand if you don't read your Bible especially the Old Testament it's really hard to make that connection but I do believe there's a spiritual battle that's deep in that's where the anti-Semitism comes from um but how do you and I want to get to your dad in some of the hard things here in a minute but how do you deal with anti-Semitism as you see what's happening today and you've experience this is real there's people that say this is fake I mean I see it everywhere and I know even people will comment on our program they'll comment well this is all fake uh that kind of thing how do you deal with that I I I it's really hard first of all because first of all the anti-Semitism is a very hard thing to deal with to me because I don't understand where there's amount of hatred comes from because I I don't hate anyone as much as they hate me for no reason I don't have if you ask me right now do you have anyone you really really hate as much as they hate you no because I I have no reason to hate anyone it's just poisoning my own mental health and mentality and why would I do that instead of loving someone why would I focus on hating I can dislike someone but why would I focus on hating someone instead of loing loving someone else so I just don't understand what this amount of hatred just because you're Jewish just because it's really what it is so I have no idea where it comes from I think these people who hate me should ask themselves where it comes from because the problem is in them definitely and about the these people denying October 7th saying it's fake I want to ask them to prove it to prove my words and the other people who sh their testimonies words to prove them fake because it's so easy to write just write hey it's fake and I can just see right now if I see a picture of a man holding in Gaza holding two bags white bags and claiming that these are body bodies of his children I can so easily say it's fake mhm obviously right cuz that's not what's happen what's happening in Gaza but no I don't know that maybe these are his children I have no way to prove it's not and I can I can try to look for it I can try to do my research and uh uh actually study about that specific man and try to find out if it's true or not but I can't just so quickly right it's not true because if that is that one comment can destroy a person and I can tell you I a few videos of mine were posted on social media I was exposed on soci social media for the first time after October 7th and the comments were terrible like more than that how people call me a liar people said um actually there was one video I filmed with Elie Zyer who is incredible and amazing and so supportive of Israel and I'm honestly a fan of her and we we made a video of me sharing my testimony and I it was just in the beginning of the war and I it was much harder for me to talk about it because now I'm a professional like I I did it so many times that I get used to it but then I was it was hard for me and when we filmed the video I remember like leaning forward and playing with a hair pin kind of fidgeting with it to try and like relax myself and make sure I'm okay with talking about that subject and all the comments were saying uh look at her hands she's definitely holding a phone and reading out of it how can you prove that I was not holding a herpin because I was yeah so no one can actually prove what I was holding or not holding they they claim it was a phone and I was reading out of it because I'm lying prove it they can study on me I have pictures of I I have proofs of everything I said but they didn't bother they just saw me talking no I didn't even actually I did show some proof in her video I showed a video from my dad's house and you can see the blow on the walls you have proof but you don't you know they don't have to believe it maybe it's paint right but I got interviewed so many times they showed other pictures I showed proof you can at least make a qu quick search on me on Google or wherever you want to try and look for it instead of just quickly saying hey it's not true because you come out stupid because it's it is true yeah and that's why I would never say it Al I would never do it also because when you say to someone that's not true it's fake and you have no way to prove it m you're the one who is the liar in the story it's such an awful lie um I've told people on social media believe believe it or not they even go after People Like Us who support Israel you know will be called certain names which is fine with me I would much rather be on God's side than against God and I know I'm on God's side because I know what the Bible says Old Testament and New Testament we are on God's side when we are doing this work and people right now will get so mad at me just that I said that that's fine I can deal with that but I see this hatred and I've told people I said you come with me to Israel I'm not going to pay your airfare come with me to Israel we'll walk through these places and you will see they are real these things aren't staged a Hollywood set these are not lies these things aren't fabricated we know that there's many people out there that say now well the Holocaust never really happened you know the Holocaust deniers after that I can actually not be surprised with anything when they tell me are you surprised that people deny October 7th knowing there are people who denied the Holocaust nothing think can surprised me absolutely and you've you this is you this is your experience I know because I've been there in fact these these dog tags here everybody I have on mine and Ella has on hers I mine came I was in um uh hostage Square back in January met with one of the dads his son was taken hostage they were at the Nova concert the Nova festival and when they were uh his son was with I think it was five friends uh the kites started coming in you know they're um and so they were leaving the car was shot uh one of the people in the car was killed um the others all ran out of the car to the right they were all killed this gentleman's son ran to the left he was captured uh he was a hostage I don't know if he's been rescued yet or if he's died I don't know anything but I saw and this is where we got these you in that area meet with different family members my heart just broke for him he he's crying there explaining his story to us who are from America this is real and the the deniers are unbelievable you also Ella you lost your dad in this and I this is I mean and for people to deny it how did I mean when you walk through this so this is the first day how did you get the news about your dad and you know so it was four days days after the four days after okay four days after the war started actually three days after the war started I give I gave a DNA test um like everyone else did everyone who had a family member who was defined a hostage had to give a DNA test so I did and then on October 11th it was around 11: 11: a.m. um my cousin called my mom and told her that she was called to identify a body at the morg of my dad and at first when I was told I just I took a step back I felt kind of weak in the need so I sat down uh I was brought a a glass of water and it's a while you have no idea what's going on around you you stare at the wall you don't know if you should cry you should not believe it you should hope that it's someone else's body you have no idea what to do I remember even uh someone put their hand on my back on my shoulder from behind me and I I I I I remember thinking was my mom and then I turn around and see it's my mom my mom's cousin which I even forgot she was there you have no idea what's going on around you it's like things change immediately and it's it's hard to describe overwhelming everything very very over overwhelming yes and then there there's the denial the part of denial because there are so many things you don't understand why they tell that and then there's the denial because you don't want to believe what what you were told and I remember after my cousin identify the body they came to our house to my aunt's house where I was staying at the time I hugged them and smiled and start telling stories and like cuz you're in denial you can't really talk about what just happened you don't want to talk about what happened and one day after that he was buried and I kept texting him the night the day before like the day I was told at night I had a two-hour conversation with the the therapist and then after the conversation I I knew what I wanted to do and I wanted to tell him something and I didn't know how so I just opened his WhatsApp and texted him and it was sad because he used to answer one minute after my text like I my phone's not hearing me right now but after every text that I sent it was one minute later and he answered and suddenly he doesn't answer and the messages don't even go through and four months later suddenly the picture of WhatsApp disappears because it didn't get connected to the uh account and slowly think like life forces you to process it but you don't want to and you can and that's why I'm talking about it like now so calmly because you really you really can't process anything the loss of a person and that's what hurts me more than anything because I when I hear like gunshots like when there's these funerals of IDF soldiers who have fallen you know there are three soldiers who shoot to the sky you know so when I hear that doesn't do anything to me or when I hear loud explosions of course I jump for a moment but it doesn't really throw me back unlike the smell if I smell smoke or something like that anyway it can immediately throw me back and takes you back to October 7 with the smell and some of the other things that that you've seen yeah um your mom is here in the studio with us now she uh I would I just imag you be so hard going through this and then but she's also here you can strengthen each other I'm guessing as you said this kind of helps you to process it probably talking about it um I don't know I mean I do talk about it it's still a hard process okay and it's something they talking about it won't change it's something mentally no matter what you say it's more than words and like I said so like I said the sound of gunshots doesn't do anything to me because the horrors that took place don't hurt me personally as much as the understanding that a person who was murdered won't come back yeah that's I think the worst part because you can't process it because I have a friend who was murdered he was 14 and you see I'm so calm talking about it because it's it's surreal that he's not coming back because it's like I saw him eight eight months ago dapped him up and smiled and we had some La we laughed and have fun and wow and suddenly he's gone but I can understand that he's gone to me he's somewhere and he's still there there just like my dad just like that 100 people that were murdered in Berry and even when you try to force yourself to understand that these people are not coming back even if no I I sit down and I tell myself they're not coming back and I try to get into my brain as hard as I can it's not going to get it with you would mention you know the the the smell and certain things that take your take you back yes um I heard you talking about some of the the horrible things that you see with the blood you had mentioned something about a mom she's holding her baby and just some of the the horrible atrocities that people say is fake news um but these are things that you've seen even with this yeah so with this situation to help our viewers connect with how the depth of horror because I think I just think they need to see I mean these things really happened um there's a video that has been put together by Israel for people to watch the video with the real atrocities that happen and and in that you know you you saw you saw things like body parts and these different things did you watch it uh I avoided watching the movie you want to know why you what I avoided watching the movie here's why because I know it happened I know I would get sick I would vomit if I watched the movie and I know it's real most people I think it would do them a whole lot of good to watch it because they don't believe these things are real um I know what it would do to my head and so for me for you to go through it and to be able to talk about it is a huge thing I think that's a something that God is strengthening you to be able to do because I wouldn't be able to sleep just from watching the movie I saw enough because I was doing my research beginning on October 7 and watching everything and I I know about this one lady she was holding her baby and I believe the baby was shot in the head and you you I think the baby is even less than a year old n months old nine months old this is this somebody you knew yeah I knew of course I knew because from the kibuts but okay she was from your kaboot yes and so of course I knew her I knew the the mother the Father the three children I didn't know personally the two younger children I knew the oldest one who was now nine he was eight on October 7th cuz he's a friend of my brother and used to come over a lot to play with my brother so I knew him and and then to see after we were evacuated to see him about to board a bus with his brother and they're covered with blood and they look like a mess and they just say uh my dad and sister are dead I don't know if Mom is dead or alive it's just it's a hard hit to take his dad and his sister were dead he knew his sister was the baby yes okay and and then the mom so but if I remember right with him in particular somebody said come with me but he he just cried out for his mom yes yeah which was heartbreaking because would be awful yes because you see the truth in him that he doesn't want anything but his mom I think some people can understand it when you want something so terribly when you actually want something it's not like I don't know um I want some french fries not like that when you actually want something so much and you can't have it it's the worst feeling in the world especi especially when that's a person and to see this boy surrounded by so many people who just want to help him and he doesn't want anyone cuz he wants his mom and you see the frustration in him when he knows she can come that broke my heart yeah honestly it would be awful I I remember watching a video fairly early on was a little boy Israeli boy um he was hostage in Gaza and he was crying out for his mom and he and he was captured and I knew enough of the story his mom had been killed they took the little boy and he's just crying for his mom and I watched him be teased by the other boys that were older than him they videotaped it you know they recorded this and there's people that deny these things and I wonder about that little boy now um but you live these things um for me it's hard to process it even talking to you so so the as I look at this you're going to go back home or you going to live in the caboots now we live in a hotel okay then we're going to move to Temporary houses for 3 to 5 years and then maybe we can go back okay all that has to be taken care of I know there's still problems a lot of problems in Northern Israel also when we were there in March we stayed in a few different hotels and uh there there were several different evacuees that we met uh one of them we met in Tel Aviv and her husband was killed um he was in IDF he was Soldier was killed and I look at these things and for people that just say these things are fake these things aren't real and to watch anti-Semitism happen that it is happening um I I look at these things and I say um it's awful um help people to understand this too because I hear people say that Gaza for example is an open air prison I've watched people that I've known say the West Bank is an open air prison I know it's not I've been there you know it's not I mean how do I mean even this because people from Gaza were able to come over into Israel and work freely every day not an open air prison no but these it's more of these same lies mhm and also I mean these people act so surprised that there is a border after they uh beheaded children and burned women alive and then they're surprised we want a border between us and them after such inhumane atrocities that they committed so I don't know why the world is so surprised that we want a border yeah we cannot trust these people they're not Humane they're not human Egypt has a border to keep them from coming into Egypt Jordan does not want them uh up in Syria they don't want them no nobody wants them and yet Israel isn't allowed to Happ let me go back to this right yes U what what does this say and what's it represent I mean I know but for all of our viewers it in Hebrew it says our heart is held hostage in Gaza and bring them home now it's about the hostages it's to remember them to raise awareness to hold something on you that reminds you of them and the situation of the hostages is terrible there are women there are I I want to believe believe that they are children the Biba uh siblings I want to believe that they're still there because if they're not they're gone and I I as much as it's a selfish thing to say but I really hope they're they're alive and I really hope they'll come back even though the Hope start to seem lost um and I think the we know the conditions of the hostages are terrible those who came back said how they were purposely starved they were physically and mentally tortured people were whipped by electricity cables people were beaten had bones broken people were shot uh women raped we know that from Amit su's testimony and from other girls testimonies and if you don't want to believe them that's your problem but you can debunk it you have no way to prove them wrong MH so there were women who were raped we already had women who came back pregnant from captivity now it's been eight months in captivity and there's a good chance there's an Israeli giving birth right now in Gaza as we speak wow and you don't have sympathy for them if you don't have sympathy for them you're a monster no not you thank you those watching of course I I understand in fact that's why we're doing this and more than that I I now see people posting about there was the rescue of the four hostages right a few days ago it was amazing amazing amazing news and I we see people saying almog almog reported and said that he that Hamas made him a birthday cake for his birthday right and I see how these people posting and saying Hamas treated him nicely and everything and all of that I have two questions for them mhm one did they see the video of the moments when he was rescued did they see how terrified he was how him and all the other hostages the video from when they were rescued how scared they was and what conditions they've been held and more than that I asked them after they kid napped him tortured him murdered friends of his and made him a birthday cake does that make it okay and also I think it proves you that if they have enough uh groceries to make a birthday cake for a hostage of them they're definitely not as hungry and in desperate need of food as they seem to be yeah I've seen videos and more than that I I just want to say it drives me crazy how people try to justify the kidnapping of an innocent person by making him a cake it's not going to happen and this Pro Palestine people saying oh look how he's been treated so nicely then why was was he kidnapped I think it would they want to make him happy they didn't they should make him a cake they should bring him back home and now these people are sad that Palestinians were killed during the rescue mhm well what did they expect when Hamas holds holds these hostages in innocent civilians homes actually no innocent civilians hold these hostages in their homes they have no problem with it they treat them terribly and they treat them in a b bar baric way and then they are surprised when the IDF breaks in and rescues the hostages and of course there are casualties I'm not making I'm not saying that it's okay but I'm saying that it's necessary and there was the question I can't remember I think a BBC journalist asked um were the gazans warned before the before the I saw the video right before the before the rescue operation and I think I just want to ask people to think before they get anything out of their mouth because that was just ridiculous I I I said I did a video on that I said this got to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard so you're going to go knock on the door say by the way tomorrow at noon we're going to come by to rescue the hostages so why don't you move them or kill them because that's what they would do yeah you know it it really is just such a stupid question and it's also something that's only expected from Israel you don't see anyone else asking did you warn the your enemies before you attacked them and by the way Israel does it maybe on that rescue no not because we're not we're not playing uh some children's game this is a war right and I think the IDF has really warned the Palestinians before attacking and did whatever it could by throwing flyers from Planes Flyers right that's how we call it the papers warning them to evacuate or by calling them with megaphones or doing whatever they can to warn the Palestinians before they strike who else does that nobody else does exactly and that's not something no one asked before October 7th did you warn the Israelis that you're going to Massacre and and slaughter them in their homes in the music festival did you warn them no one asked that question they didn't have to write because there's no problem when they freely murder innocent Israelis kidnap people behead children cut people's body parts off rape women do whatever they want and there's no problem they didn't have to warn anyone they don't have to apologize because they're the victims and it's just resistance right but then when Israel retaliates are expected to warn them before expected to be much more gentle and careful with them and isra is being criticized by the whole world and I think that's pure hypocrisy it is Israel is the only nation in the world that faces this kind of judgment there's no other nation that would these things would even be expected 500,000 people are killed in Syria that's not news what happens what China does uh what has been done in so many other countries and the genocide of Jews when you start looking at other countries where other Islamic countries you have zero Jews living in any of them anymore since 1948 pre-1948 thousands after 1948 you have zero yet the population of Palestinians has continued to grow into the millions in Israel and yet Israel is accused of committing genocide but I appreciate so much how you said that also with Israel did was Israel a warn before October 7 of course they weren't a warn can can I ask you this we're we're almost out of time we'll get there but um with the rescued hostages and by the way these hostages were not returned they were not freed by the Kamas and there's an Al jazer reporter who happened to be holding one of the hostages which is another story yeah but they were rescued they were not um returned by Hamas they were rescued I watched some of the firefight I have some videos on that yeah but does that give you hope that these four hostages were rescued last week for the lives of other hostages it doesn't it doesn't because from one side I know how strong the IDF is how strong our army is and I trust the our army with closed eyes I know they're doing everything they can and our soldiers are amazing people who I believe and know that they can do incredible things and save the hostages and more than that I know that it's a risk because now Kamas will probably be more careful careful with the other hostages they'll probably maybe treat them worse and because they say now you we know they're going to probably get out one day and there's already so much in the open I know these people still deny things but they're all women saying I was raped in captivity men saying I was whipped in captivity terrible things and now the whole world knows maybe most of the world doesn't want to believe but the whole world knows so they have no problem to do it again and again and again because it's not news anymore and no one cares y well we're out of time I really want to ask you I'm going to go 30 seconds over if you can real quick when you hear from the river to the Sea Palestine will be free what does that do to you I know we're out of time but could you maybe summarize kind of 30 seconds what is that it makes me confused and angry from one side I don't know what they mean what does it mean from the river to the SE Palestine will be free I do not understand what they want even when they say free Palestine I don't understand do you want to belong to both Jews and Arabs do you want it just for the Arabs do you want Jews gone because that's the only country that's Jewish in the whole world so I don't understand what actually they want I would like someone to explain to me actually but I don't think anyone can each one has a different uh perspective on that matter but still it just breaks my heart to see them with their genocidal intentions and they are weak these are weak people with genocidal intentions against a strong army with good intentions and I think when you look at the difference between this to you know you're on the good side of History well from The River To The Sea to me means we want to eliminate the Jews and I look at the anti-Semitism that's here in this world they don't want the Jews to live in Los Angeles they don't want them to live in New York they don't want them in other countries it is a spiritual battle and I want you to know that we love you we stand with Israel and we will continue to move forward and we know that we are on God's side and I'm thankful for this book because this book if you're willing to read it it teaches us the things that we need to know it also teaches us and reminds us everyone listen things are culminating God is going to save Israel God is going to rescue Israel and God is moving Israel to that place uh listen Jesus loves you uh thank you for joining us today and I'm going to ask you to please do something remember Psalm 122 is God's God's prayer request to his people to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and together let's you and I link arms and we're going to be on God's side and stand with Israel and don't worry about those who mock you or make fun of you we will be proven right because all of this is going to lead us eventually into eternity God bless you guys thank you for joining us today Ella thank you so much for your bravery and your courage and being willing to uh go public with the truth of this thank you for everything you do thank you God bless you everybody
Channel: Hope For Our Times
Views: 64,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hope For Our Times, Thomas J Hughes, Bible Prophecy, Israel, End Times, Hope, End of the World, AntiChrist, Prophecy, Tom hughes
Id: 21FWdRVaKik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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