When Thanos makes a God mad

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what's going on guys this is Rob and in this video The Avengers slth Illuminati basically destroyed death so this is the Thanos series we're currently three issues into it if you need to get caught up make sure you click the link to the end of the video but the long and short of this is that Thanos appeared on earth started attacking Fresno California for reasons that nobody understands all the while seeking out some particular person now as we found out at the end of the last video that we did this was actually mistress death in human form and in fact there's a conversation that takes Place between Thanos and the girl in osbaldos which it does seem a little strange they're having this conversation inside of a taco joint No Stranger Than Thanos hijacking a truck and chasing this girl down which is exactly what he did in the last video but what he does is he tells her you are the cosmic personification of death itself now of course this guy Greg shows up right poor Greg this guy's about to get it rough man right this guy like offers him some food you know like chips and salsa kitchen's a little slow that kind of a thing this girl wants like like maishi wants like the whole entire bottle of tequila right cuz I mean she's kind of going through a lot but ultimately Thanos basically tells her that he was stuck in a kind of endless Abyss right just one of the many instances where his character quote unquote died essentially and that in that moment he had called out for death but in realizing what he was doing he came to the realization he wasn't looking to die that he was looking to be embraced by mistress death and that kind of rekindled the love that he had for the concept of death now the reason why that's important is because in recent years specifically going into like the more recent eternals run right that led into Judgment Day Thanos had not really been the Thanos that we' known for a while which is to say basically a simp for mistress death right being down bad for this chick he hadn't really been that guy for a long time this is a way to kind of return him to his classic form no doubt that's happening because he's not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe anymore so Marvel Comics doesn't have to copy the MCU version they can just taken back to his own form but in the midst of this whole conversation right he says I was lost hopeless just as you are within this strange mortal form my mistress but my fate my very purpose is once again as clear as the Starlight we will rule this universe together it is our shared and sacred Destiny just as it has always been I strayed from you but I have returned and in that moment she literally just lets out this massive amount of energy right and just kind of blows Thanos and everything else away and then takes off she doesn't fully understand what's going on here now of course that's the action of mistress death but in that moment you're basically met with her mom right who just shows up on the scene with basically a hunting rifle and Thanos just kind of Yanks her up and it's like what's your bested interest in all of this she's actually way more important than you think she is where she seems irrelevant but she's probably the single most important person in this entire story Roberto Marie is technically her name but as Roberta is like taking off right just fleeing in this truck the Illuminati try to stop her and that kind of thing I do love that Christopher cwell is doing this if I'm being honest instead of it just being like some crazy grandiose stuff or something like that she's just like driving away in a stolen truck and like The Avengers are just trying to chase her down it's what would happen in the real world if we're being honest with ourselves and I really hope we get to see a scene like this in the MCU at some point but of course Thanos appears and just like stands in front of the truck which basically just leads to this girl crashing into Thanos the truck gets totally obliterated and this girl is effectively dying but Thanos doesn't really care right he's like let her die right end this foolish ruse because this girl can die but mistress death as a concept cannot now here's one of the cool things that's going to blow your mind right I'm I'm I'm about to absolutely blow your mind out of your head if you're not aware of this already in Marvel com Comics there is a being named anthropomor and what you're seeing here with the idea of like a physical body and a cosmic entity that's basically what he does so so Sidetrack from this comic for a second and wind back to quazar issue number 37 back in 1992 and we were introduced to anthropomor as basically the guy who runs a place called the dimension of manifestations the way this works all the cosmic entities in Marvel Comics are literally Concepts they're intangible they can't really be seen they can't really be felt or they can't really be touched or anything along those lines they defy the five senses so in order to be able to communicate with Mortal beings that what pretty much all the cosmic entities do outside of literally the celestials and galatis they're really the only exception of this because they already have physical forms all the cosmic entities at any point will go to the dimension of manifestations and they will be given what's called an mbody and that in turn is what they will put their Essence into now the mbody is all always the physical representation of that Cosmic entity but they in turn will appear to a mortal and they'll talk to them so that's how you see Cosmic entities they're not actually it's not really the entities themselves it's more of just like a housing that they placed themselves into which is the reason why beings like Thanos and these guys can go toe-to-toe with Cosmic entities and fight them in order to truly destroy eternity and infinity and all the cosmic entities therein either you would need something like an Infinity go or Cosmic Cube or you'd have to find a way to destroy the entirety of the universe itself outside of like those two things or being a highlevel reality warper that can manipulate the fabric of reality itself it's virtually impossible to destroy the essence of a cosmic entity but destroying their physical form yeah man you can do that all day right because it's basically like blowing up a house right it's just not that hard to do so back into the story itself as Roberta lays dying mistress death suddenly manifests right and that's why as a cosmic abstract she cannot actually truly be destroyed well I take that back they did it in Thanos imperative in the alternate universe they did that they still never really gave us an adequate explanation about how that compares to the main Marvel Universe but they did manage to actually destroy mistress death as a cosmic entity but the fact remains here right she just kind of lashes out but this is when you learn what truly went on that doctor strange approaches mistress death and says we gave you what you wanted a human life and a human death now Thanos responds and saying but in doing so you have weakened her right you have brought her down to your level she is a cosmic abstract Beyond contestation now one part of this is because Thanos is sing in a way that I've just never seen right I mean this guy right like it's it's pitiful right it's like this is the guy who's like girl just disrespects him in the worst way all the time and like he still sticks around right I mean it's just it's it's pitiful right it's just downright pitiful but the response she gives is they did this because I asked them to right and that's when it's really Thanos who brings the mother of Roberta in and says actually this is the one who's truly to blame for this entire situation right this woman Christine Collins as Thanos calls her and then what we do is we wind back to some point in the past and Thanos says this human found you she challenged you but even before she arrived you were already in a questioning State my mistress weren't you and that mistress death was in effect going through a kind of existential crisis what's really cool here is she speaks into the infinity well I can't remember how long it's been since we've seen those things for those of you guys who don't know what the infinity well is it's one of the coolest things the infinity well is a well that if you ask it the correct question it will give you an answer and the reason why I say that why I say it that way is Because unless you ask it the correct way it will not answer you right it will never give you a response and in fact that's exactly what happens here right she asked the question why must I still be why must I continue for always and the well simply doesn't answer her because she's not asking the right question so again the infinity well is incredibly important here as an example it's where Thanos learned about The Infinity Gauntlet in the first place that he takes all the Infinity Stones puts them on a gauntlet he'll become all powerful that kind of stuck the infinity well knows everything about everything and so at the end of the day Christine Collins is brought before mistress death having basically found a way to sneak into her reality or to her Dimension there's a whole story that goes into it in like the Marvell story and so on you don't have to it's not important all you need to know is that she found a way to the realm of mous death which is not impossible right that is one thing that I do want to specify when it comes to the dimensions of cosmic entities it is possible especially when it comes to the realm of mistress death to make your way there without actually dying the realm of mistress death is no different than like Asgard or any of the other nine Realms from like the Thor and Odin Mythos or like the realm of Mesto or any of that stuff right as long as you have the either technology or magical abilities to enter into that realm or just flat out good oldfashioned reality warping you can travel there right you can't technically take a ship and go there unless your ship has a technology to get you there through breaking dimensional barriers but still it can be done right so that's an important thing to know you don't have to be dead to enter into the realm of mistress death but Christine is here because Roberta was her daughter in the real world but Roberta died right she ended up passing away now we found that out very early on within the story and that Christine is here because she wants mistress death to resurrect her now one of the things to know is that when it comes to the role of mistress death even one of the things that she says it's that she is an observer now that is an important distinction to understand when a person dies mistress death doesn't actually kill them and I've seen that kind of confusion out there on the internet so I felt like it was something to clarify here mistress death doesn't traditionally kill people if you piss her off enough yeah man like she'll help you finish with all your living but normally she doesn't it's more just the natural order of things right like you're walking across the street a car is barreling down the road it hits you and you die is it chaotic sure but it also fits into what was supposed to happen with you that's one of the things you know in Marvel Comics there really isn't any kind of like grand plan for how everybody's individual life is supposed to unfold everybody's just taking it one day at a time right it's not as though you have the one above all who's like so here's what's going to happen with Iron Man and here's what's going to happen with Wolverine and here's what's going to happen with blackbolt he sucks so he's not going to do anything useful it's not really like that right instead it's just things happening in the world and that's it mistress death is very very close to how you would imagine the Grim Reaper to be right that when you die the Grim Reaper appears and it takes you you to the afterlife if you believe in such a thing and that's why Christine says I sought you out because when she died when reberta died I saw you there and I saw you take her away but at the end of the day mistress death says I will not restore your daughter if that is what you wish she is too insignificant to upset the balance in any way I.E she is not one of the most popular superheroes in Marvel Comics so that's not going to happen now one of the other cool things that Christopher kwell is toying with here is the idea a that Thanos being out there and basically destroying everything that's his natural role in the universe You could argue maybe some concept right a candle like galatis or something along those lines the reason why I say that is because he was banned from the realm of mistress death Dan can never die right he's been banned from that realm for a long time in Marvel Comics so when he dies or when something happens that destroys him he just ends up out there in The Ether until he can find some kind of a way back and so Thanos is beyond the realm of mistress death Thanos will always be out there in the universe laying waste to everything and destroying everything so again it's kind of cool when you take the history of these characters and you sort of look at what's Happening Here you put it all together but the bigger thing about this is that when mistress death tells Christine I simply just preside I watch over as things transpire and take the souls of those who have recently died into my realm then in turn Christine call are a coward right she's like you clearly have zero understanding of the pain that kind of loss can cause the Irreplaceable value of Life a single life is as important as the entire universe now I would say this probably speaks more to the relationship between a parent and a child than anything else and it's not to say that like husbands wives boyfriends girlfriends brothers and sisters and everything else do not experience love but there is a difference between any and all other forms of love and the love between a parent and a child because that love is unconditional your parents will love you no matter what now whether or not they're willing to bail you out of jail or anything like that that's a whole different discussion folks but they will love you no matter what it is unconditional but under any and all other circumstances that love can and sometimes does fade out there in the world for any number of reasons and so I cannot Envision a single parent a good quality parent who would not sacrifice the universe and all things therein to preserve the life of their child they would go to the ends of the Earth in order to make that happen so that's really what Christina is talking about here and she says you know I was going to plead if I had to try and convince you to give me my daughter back I was ready to beg but now I just feel sorry for you and mistress death whis her away and sends her back to Earth and so what Thanos does in kind of telling us this story is he says she had poisoned you enough that I assume you then sought the help of these dogs those who would portend to deal with higher echelons of matters the Illuminati stooping ever lower you offered them some cheap bargain in return for what you desired and so she appears to the group and she says I want a human life and a human death now one of the things that happens Reed hits this right off the bat and I would say with Reed Richards and Dr Strange they're really the only two people here who can intelligently speak to the higher roles of cosmic entities for someone like doctor strange it's because it's Doctor Strange right you know magic you know and sorcery you know all that kind of cool stuff portals in the eye of aoto and whatnot Reed Richards is just that smart and having spent so much time with galatis he's been taught quite a bit about the workings of the universe the working of cosmic entities outside of what he had already explored and figured out on his own the only other person now that I think about it that I would add in there would probably be Adam Basher just because of his time on the Ultimate Avengers right the ultimates oh my God that story was so amazing we'll have a link to that at the end of this video because ultimates is phenomenal right you want to you want to talk about like a story that just involves the Avengers and Cosmic entities and like that's it that story does it man like ultimates is probably the greatest story that Marvel was stupid enough to cancel but the thing here is that they basically deduce mistress death could do this on her own right like she could literally just choose to do this of her own accord now she responds and saying yes I could like I'm a cosmic entity I can basically do anything I want to and she says but doing so would upset the larger balance and raise the suspicions of my siblings right so basically eternity Infinity all those other Cosmic entities that are out there and so Doctor Strange says what you're asking for could be mystically arranged and so in effect the question they ask is but if if we do this what do we get in return right like why is this worth our time and she says because the extinction of your world will happen in your lifetimes but I alone have the answer to the question that you undoubtedly have now in response to that when does it happen and where does it happen and how does it happen right do this for me and I will give you the answers that you're looking for and so in time they're just kind of like okay like we'll go along with this because having the knowledge of when your world's going to end kind of beneficial you know what I mean and so she hands them a picture of Roberta and she says make me look like her and send me to Fresno now here's the ironic thing about this right here's the important thing to understand about this whether or not mistress death chooses to do it she is not technically dead right Christopher cwell creates a caveat for himself if mistress death is in effect the Grim Reaper and those who die are taken to her Realm by her then if people die out there in the world is there anybody to take them anywhere right now this is not like Secret Wars 2 where the beyonder had killed mistress death and no one in creation could die and it's not like the events of Thanos imperative where the exact same thing happened and people lived forever and they ultimately became corrupted by guys like Shuma gorath that's not really the case it's not what's happening here so again it is interesting and it's not even going to be for a prolonged period of time right probably just for a little while because I have a hard time believing that mistress death would go to Fresno and just be like you know what I like it here I'm going to stay I feel like Fresno know the only people who ever go there are people who are visiting there they run out of money and they're trapped people who were raised there and they end up moving back or people who simply just can't afford to go anywhere else which given the price of things in California I imagine the third one is probably the most common but at the end of the day Thanos tells her like wake up right like this is not who you are you are not some human being living a life out in Fresno California that's not you and so mistress death in turn looks to him and she says Thanos know this I am not your mistress and I never will be right you have Disturbed and disgraced what I sought to understand and for that I will never forgive you plus your simping is pissing me off like that's really what this is right mistress death came here for a mission a spiritual journey right an answer to the existential crisis that she was experiencing and Thanos with all his sing screwed it up right so now he done pissed her off and made her more mad than she was before and so in turn she tells Thanos I absolutely Ely hate you I despise you and she says that mortal had more courage than you ever did in all your days pitifully graveling at my feet you will die here Thanos on this day by my hand so seemingly this is actually the event that leads to the destruction of the world I don't know if it truly does and I doubt it does but with that being said guys we're going to bring this to an end because this is dope let me know what you guys think down in the comments section if you need to get caught up make sure you click this link to the phantos playlist or click this one for the ultimate and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 139,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanos 2023, thanos marvel comics, thanos, marvel, marvel comics, comic book, comic books, mistress death, comicsexplained, misstress death, marvel explained, marvel comics explained, comics, thanos vs, comic explained, thanos vs the illuminati, thanos explained, marvel thanos, thanos comics, thanos vs avengers, thanos marvel, Marvel, Hulk, Comics Explained, Comics, Marvel Studios, Marvel Comics, superheroes, thanos #3, thanos #3 review, thanos #3 full comic
Id: ml3R5j3a7gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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