When someone who is genuinely afraid of heights goes BUNGEE JUMPING...

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a while ago Josh convinced me to go skydiving in Hawaii it was an amazing experience but it was a hard experience for someone who's afraid of heights that's true so of course you know the only logical conclusion to that going to New Zealand which is the home of the bunge jump so this is that morning it is currently 7:00 a.m. I'm Josh I'm Ollie and this is shy I am not looking forward to this I said this day would never happen and Josh got his way I thought we got this out system when we do the sky there what do you mean the hi thing yeah I freaking hated it and you were like okay but this is the only thing just do this that was the first step to overcoming your fears this is the next step what are you talking about I am terrified I didn't sleep at all last night I didn't sleep very well how high is it 134 m round 8 and 1/ half seconds free ball 8 and 1 half 8 and 1 half eight and a half eight and a half wait let's count to eight okay one two 3 four 5 six seconds seven eight and a half and a half I'm so scared when I woke up this morning my wife liy yeah she was like I will pray that you have courage I got up and Gabby literally just said be careful care has nothing to do with it if I was careful I wouldn't be doing this good morning show morning guys how you feeling scared tell me about it D last night was you'll be fine you'll be fine you'll be fine I just kept thinking maybe go to heaven tomorrow oh wow that's comforting that that's all VI oh yeah that's [Music] beautiful yep you're going to be fine man you're going to be F I feel like I felt before my exams yes the one that I didn't revise for absolutely that's what I feel like we had decided early on that we didn't want to bungee jump straight away because they had this swing thing so Josh had convinced me he was like don't worry we'll just do this little swing thing beforehand and I was thinking I was thinking carrot land I was thinking you know me and him back and forth you're an idiot having fun and then we go there and they're like it's the biggest swing in the world you can't swing any further it's the biggest in the world and then it lets go and you'd think that they just swing straight away they don't they just fall they fall for 70 m two one going down noow no way no way my gosh that was a big drop that was a you fall but so much further than I thought all right Al you ready to relive this experience so I'm so scared I'm not faking so so scared oh my out from the platform over just this literally hundreds of meters of nothing at this stage I was like seriously triple check those harnesses all right my god oh dangle dangle okay this happening we're dangling your head front whatever oh my gosh all right this is happening this is happening this is a lot scarier than I thought it was going to be two of our cameras all right are we ready yeah you want to count down or you just want to get into it just do it just at this stage we are just falling yeah oh your face pure Terror so pure Terror I did not expect that to be so quick you can see there like how small we are compared to the surroundings oh that was scary that was scary that was way scarier than I thought it was going to be I do not want a punch jump hly I do not want to pun jump I want to do it the whole point if we voice over and be like uh that was the day we can't do that to get the maximum distance that you could go down they chose two mountains stuck a cable in between them and had like a little box which hung on a cable that's where you bungee from and to get there you have to ride in a little tinier little metal box over this Ravine to the bigger metal box literally every second going there your heart is going stress the difference here you have to jump yourself yeah you have to stand there on the edge looking over 140 M drop and you have to jump and of course we K Bar Bal see who would go first guess who had to go first this guy so this is the second highest bungee jump in the world the biggest in New Zealand I've never seen you so out of it you wouldn't talk to me you would like your eyes didn't look like they were looking anywhere you were just like complet completely zoned out dazed and like the guy tells you to look at one of the cameras and you just [Music] like dud look how freaking High it is man is so high and the adrenaline is it's bigger than skydiving it's bigger than anything I've ever done if we weren't filming this video I would have been like I wouldn't have done it not doing this I definitely would done this 3 yes wow wait can we just say so when everyone else Dives yeah they dive with their arms out like this even the biggest guy I was next to this guy who's in the Army and he was like and that's part of the adrenaline o yeah silent and you went like this perfect form but look between the time it takes for this camera to switch to this camera your arms have just gone I was just I was getting ready for my burial I was getting ready I was like I'm I'm English I'm going to die with dignity I'm not going to scream quiet I can just as soon as you're out there you're like yeah like falling like dead serly Sil no whole way down whole it didn't it didn't change if you get the thing of it pulling me up I'm still I'm trying to hold on to the ropes like oh my gosh look how terrified you look you are gripping that rope hard and then when they took me off yeah I couldn't stand up oh yeah I was too scared I remember your legs just are shaking your legs are going like this look at me look at me you grabed the fence so you actually like lent down and like hugged onto the person next to you did I did I cuz I'm I'm afraid of heights that's it's okay and you made me freaking jump 134 m agreed to do this we I don't know whether it's an agreement when you're like we're doing this and I'm like yeah I guess that's an agreement damn it then it was my turn to jump I don't really have much memory really of the jump have you blocked it out I think just the sheer adrenaline has just washed me clean and all I remember is that it was amazing I want to do it again what yeah you're insane it was the scariest moment the thing that worries me about that is the next opportunity you get to do this I'm going to be with you and then I'm going to do it again AR I I'm going do it again oh my go look at that I'm so scared so I just yell there I yell I'm so scared it's impressive though that you could vocalize it at that stage I'm just [Laughter] going oh arms out oh my gosh look at it the distance you go down and then bounce back up Cra Crazy for the first second you can see here yeah I can fly I can fly all I remember is that I screamed and as I went my arms and legs just started going you start trying to Flap like try to try to grab something where are the feathers and then after that I like realized oh I'm supposed to be filming myself in my GoPro so I like turned the GoPro around okay I loved it from that point on but the first two seconds so yeah as you can tell it was a a beautiful day it was amazing we did we got so lucky with the weather the surroundings were stunning and like being carried up on that bunge I was just like wow blessed like we are seriously blessed to be able to do this it was awesome it was awesome it was incredibly experi I didn't really enjoy it but it was an amazing experience I would recommend it I would massively recommend it to anyone I mean if you are genuinely afraid of heights probably not the best idea I'd say definit but if you don't have like a chronic fear give it a go definitely give it a try it was one of the most memorable things we ever done it really was amazing I think that's all for today Josh definitely hope you guys enjoyed that we definitely did see you Jolly [Music] soon
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,125,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, 번지점프, bungy jump, queenstown, bungy swing, 스윙, 퀸즈타운, swing, bungy, jump, aj hackett, nevis, nevis swing, new zealand, 뉴질랜드, 고소공포증, 공포
Id: 0s-7HZakwG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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