When Someone Requests A Steve Vai Song
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Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 10,612,795
Rating: 4.8528943 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Vai, tender, surrender, guitar, solo, ibanez, schecter, floyd rose, david smash, dovydas, live looping, cover, alien love secrets, dvd, When Someone Requests A Steve Vai Song
Id: 0sKcF8bWBZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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That was insane.
i came expecting him to goof up
left with a hard on
i guess you can say i was hard after i came
That was dope! Link to the original for the lazy.
There's literally no one there
Lol at the very end
"... something like that, right?"
Love it! Great job
Haha. Poor guy. I learned to play a lot of the song but there was still so much I couldn't play. 'A' for effort. Vai blew zappa's mind, Satriani's, etc.
BTW, here is steve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw74sDWPH7U The 3:20 area is where I would drop out. My pinky is all gimpy and snaps full forward/back without fluid motion (likely due to sporting inury). Also, it is the easiest song on the album to play.
But he doesn't make love to his guitar like Vai does. Unwatchable /s
Hey I live down the street from Motorworks Brewing! Good luck in Irma!