Performing a Prince Song Request While Sick with Flu
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Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 997,078
Rating: 4.9632254 out of 5
Keywords: Dovydas, music, guitar, live looping, Performing a Request for a Prince Song While Sick with Flu
Id: o6Wi6oPdBRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Holy 7th minute, Batman!
This is my friend, David Smash, and he’s one hell of a guitarist and songwriter. He wins at “stump the musician” like nobody else. Go, David, you’re conquering Reddit now, too!
Guy does Joe Cocker doing Prince and it's amazing.
The way he works his guitar is great. I mean, my musical expertise goes as far as hitting round things with sticks, but I've got a few mates who are guitarists and I'm pretty sure this counts as 'very good indeed'.
Is there no one at this party? Don't hear or see anyone else. Kind of sad he put in so much effort for such few people.
Holy shit, dude's voice is awesome.
Guy has a Jeff Healey vibe to him. Nice.
That was excellent! He's very talented.