When Missing People Realize They've Been Found

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thank you guys yeah good to see you guys everybody's okay yeah good deal nobody hurt right I got stuck a lot I bet it's a terrifying thought to be lost to the world forever however it's completely inspirational when missing people have been found creating an overwhelming sense of hope you okay just like on the inner part of your right side you want to step on off me I'm just asking it looks like these kids got lost in the woods before getting found the next day hey you're doing good Budd great job I'm trying my best you're doing a great job L ma'am you're doing a great job too you guys try our best this couple goes missing after getting into a fight we've been together for 16 years okay hband wife or boyfriend girlfriend boyfriend girlfriend okay you want to press charges yeah I do I want to and this man accidentally got lost on a river in his kayak I'm going to ask you questions that you probably already heard before all right here are five times when missing people realized they've been found discover three lost kids our first case begins in Montgomery on the 1st of October 2021 police were searching the woods for their three lost kids with a deputy overseeing procedures during the search a volunteer managed to find the kids before the cops and here's how it all played out with news that the kids had been found the deputy is clearly ecstatic and guides the volunteer and the children towards his using his Voice come on can y'all come to me come to me yeah come to me there's an opening right here come on kids come to me the cop gets to have a very proud moment announcing they've been found much to the relief of his peers 8206 I got him I got him 8206 I'm going to bring them out the same way I came in so we're going to come out on 224 right there come on come on Timmy you good brother you good it took me a minute I have the kids you want to track my radio location I'm going to take them out to 224 you have mchd come over there that wouldn't let me in over here last night so I just took off around the back and been looking all night long finally the volunteer emerges triumphantly telling the story of how he spent all night trying to bring these kids back home yes sir I have three ain't he ain't Jesus good he's good kids I'm the police are y'all ready to get out of the woods come on buddy let's get out of here the cops priorities are perfect with the officer promising them a great meal once they get out of this and offering his jacket to one of the kids hry you got cheeseburgers in your car we going to get something to eat okay you want to hold my hand we'll get out of here cold this little fell is Shing can you put your jacket on him foking wet here you want my jacket can you w it up his hands look at his hands they were down in the creek bottom all night itally rain like I put it on wrap around here wrap your arms around you going to have to hold it up you got it buddy all right come on let's get out of these Woods the officer continues to try and find a path through the confusing Woods helping the kids along the way y'all hear the siren y we going to go to the siren okay we're going to take it slow you going to be able to make it you need some help M come on let's this grab a hold of that there you go you're really strong am I really strong uh-oh are you okay you good buddy yeah let's pick this back up got it I don't you good uhuh let's Power House okay I got you budy you're going to be good it's rain [Music] is all right let's wait got it we going to keep keep igging it up you got it yeah despite the ordeal the kids seem to be in good spirits and at this point nothing phases them hey you're doing good bud great job I'm trying my best you're doing a great job little ma'am you're doing a great job too I try our [Music] best yeah I'm a garden now huh I don't think lose your shoe I I got [Music] you how feel you sir years old ready can Will can you not hurt we going to come out of here as a team we'll take our time do we have to ride in a police car cuz I well the ambulance is probably going to want to look at you make sure you're good well I'm still good my leg is SC take a breather for a minute dang it bleeding okay let's go I'm bleeding eventually the group gets back towards civilization and are joined by other officers and emergency service officials yeah hey what's up man come on kids y ready all right thank you y'all got it come on kids let's come out to the [Music] road H what there you go buddy look at you you made it J they com confirm they make it out and onto the road and the kids are taken away to get checked out by the paramedics it seems that the trio had been lost out in the world and spent all night in a creek while it's easy for kids to get lost this next case involves a less innocent reason for a couple's disappearance hello sir hello put your hand behind your back stay seated put your hands behind your back [Music] okay Tennessee couple Nikki alcarez and Tyler Stratton our next case begins in Tennessee on the 4th of May 2023 a couple consisting of Nikki alcarez and Tyler Stratton were spoken to by police about an apparent altercation that took place after the incident they were last seen on the 6th of May and last heard from on the eth meaning they were officially reported missing when the officers first arrived they speak with a passing truck driver and Nikki who seemed to be in some distress she informs the cops that she wants to press charges on her partner hello ma'am what's going on I'm a I'm a truck driver that's my truck right there as I was driving by I seen uh her on the ground okay and I seen that dude over there slap her punch her in the face how's he related to you we've been together for 16 years okay husband wife or boyfriend girlfriend boyfriend girlfriend okay you want to press charges yeah I do I want to I just I just pulled over and make sure she's okay can you please do you have a lighter no I don't have a lighter is he on anything that you know of not that I know of no with an eyewitness confirming the story the officers go and detain Tyler before he can cause more harm I wanted to ask godamn jail over it and I haven't been driving I wasn't driving he has my goddamn Keys okay I was going to go get a lighter for her so she I got units coming can you me secure him why you go ahead and stay here ma'am hello sir hello put your hand behind your back and stay seated put your hand behind behind your back [Music] okay Bridge okay you don't you step up sir yes sir what's going on lo you want anything bloodied and battered in his own right Tyler is placed in a police vehicle until Things become more clear I'm going to close the door so I'm going underr until I figure out what's going on yes sir yes sir yes sir but look I BL all I got medical coming you want this you want this yeah I just put it I just put it up there so I can secure him in the back of my car just want you go by the Jeep Nikki begins to explain how the altercation began and reveals that alcohol had contributed to the situation so what started the fight I don't Mama it's okay all right so you have no idea what started from just Happ fast I don't know jum out the goddamn truck this dude yeah we have been drinking I've been drinking you minut he was drinking too he drinking too but I've been drinking I wasn't driving I was in the passenger seat jumped out robed the godamn out of me and that dude pulled over and saw the whole goddamn that's why he pull I'm over it I'm over it okay so where are your bruises I see here on that arm and face anything else the police go back to talk with Tyler who gets very emotional and suggest that it was Nikki who began the physical fight foring our past just so you guys thought drinking be a good way to do it no no no no no no no no give me it isn't like that she up having too much yep she has she has bruises on both arms I know she does I know she does and you got a bloody mouth where did you get that from her and bl a look in the face from I just I just wiped everything off cuz I so the truck driver saw you hit her truck saw you hit did she hit you after that or prior to that prior to that like yes I mean like look like this blood's old like it was like like we literally were up the road about two 2 3 miles before this happened and she wanted to pull over and I because she kept hitting me and I was like begging her to please stop and she kept hitting me and like mean I have BL on my shirt from it and so one one was there a alleged htting what was it yes after a long interviewing process the cops come to an agreement you still alive y looks like probably more Mutual comat it's definitely what it looks like so we're going to have to we're going to drop her off at one end of moror I think we drop him off at the other end of moror and the car gets toed yeah all right now ride it up and send it to the DA okay take him out of cups I I'm I'm a little uncomfortable with that but okay yeah um you need to sign uh one of you need to sign one you to sign for and he needs to sign you one of you guys need a sign cuz he's in your custody I let you figure out your D sign it's all if you CH give me this the officer speaks with Tyler one last time about the fact the relationship probably isn't going to work out what part of Tennessee Nashville yeah oh nice ow sorry you're good take your turn I used to live outside of CH Chattanooga yeah I'm origin well I was born in Nashville Liv in oxville for a long time so I ni well you're stealing cops just cuz you're detained just because of the nature of the call okay you're not you're you're good just just keep being cool with us and we'll figure out what we can do okay yeah I mean I don't want her to go to jail or nothing like that I don't either yeah but like well I can commend you guys for trying to start over but sometimes doesn't work throw your feet in there real quick I'm going to shut this door for a minute and then we'll we'll come back and talk okay all right you good all right Nikki is sent on her way with her dog while Tyler is taken elsewhere after this the duo went missing the couple were eventually found on the 30th of May with Tyler Stratton getting arrested Nikki asked for privacy after the incident this situation was initially reported by a stranger and in our next case it's a friendly neighbor who makes the call to cops thank you guys yeah good to see you guys everybody's okay good deal nobody hurt right I got stuck a lot bet Jeffrey Browning our next case takes place in Flagler Beach on the 11th of June 2020 a caller had reported seeing his neighbor go off on a kayak trip which he hadn't returned from since filed as a missing person the police and other emergency services along with the locals began the 9-hour search for 62-year-old Jeffrey Browning officers are forced to navigate harsh natural conditions to try and continue the search but have powerful tools for the job is that it suddenly people come from the clearing giving the officer hope I don't know yeah no you do you look thank you guys yeah good to see you guys everybody's okay yeah good deal nobody hurt right I got stuck a lot I bet sing down in that mud that's a nasty smell you take three yeah I'll take all three of you come on [Applause] ow got it nice easy bu Jeffrey is successfully rescued and pulled to safety after the Emergency Services found him stranded you all right you climb up here [Music] yeah you might have to lift him up okay all right just get your bearing I got it clear I'm jump this [ __ ] you all right yeah all right watch out buddy sit right here turn around and sit right there right in the middle oh watch your KN watch out I got it the others struggle to get to a safer location with the difficulty of the terrain still making the job challenging sorry sorry sorry you're good you're good you're all right I'm good app man good to see yes sir yes sir hey bu yes good to see you guys we're going to be get there here man I kept this I'm on to this for you yeah thank you need you have a pair uh no we're good set up there you set there you want I'm good I'm good I'm good okay help push off okay I think you got it the group begin to make their way out of the dense vegetation slowly at first to avoid further dangers come on we got to get out help can't do it by when you push hey when you push try to pull push up on my left foot [Music] that there you go come on one more the crew make it to open Waters with the ordeal seemingly over for good you there you got it you can sit there I did another seat back here sit there hey probably to have him set up here who's that go sit up there you're good you're good now powered by an engine Jeffrey finally makes his way to land where he can be checked on by paramedics this story ended thanks to the help of a local but in our next case it's the diligence of the police that found a missing person female in the rear passenger seat our next case takes place in Lisbon Wisconsin on the 27th of February 2021 officers pulled over a car which featured a passenger that match the descriptions of a missing female who had been taken hostage whenever ready 104 they did not exit at the 61 I'm going to pull up alongside see if I can get a look at the occup I have taken a look at the [Music] pictures the officer's first race after the car forcing it to make a stop on the highway2 over 2 62.2 uh he was a little close behind a semi so I'm going to stop follow to close 63 the police search the car and can smell marijuana they help the girl out of the vehicle confirming she is their missing person you're okay just like on the inner party side you want to step on me I'm just asking it looks like blood no no okay got your ID then what's your name so what's what's your name sir my name is the officers interview both the woman and the man driving the car who continues to make excuses about the reason she was in the car okay why was she sitting in the back CU she was tired cuz she's tired okay do you have a valve license I do you do okay all right hang tight while I check everything okay we'll be back with you a momentarily okay want me to grab uh with the evidence stacked against him the man is taken out of the car and detained [Applause] work inside the car police find narcotics adding to his list of charges yeah yeah I'm just going to grab some pictures of the doors [Music] [Applause] here as the police continue to look through the vehicle the woman is taken away to safety she reveals that she was was told not to say anything or do anything crazy when police arrive the male was charged with a long list of crimes including kidnapping boss imprisonment and possession of drugs he could face up to 40 years in prison just put your hands in front of you okay just going to place you temporarily under I'll explain to you I'll explain to what are you guys doing I've explained this already I'm being as curious as I can okay well I'm going to call an attorney Ruby Frank's daughters our final case takes place on the 30th of August 2023 when American Fork police arrest Ruby Frank and her accomplice and business partner jod hilderbrand during the course of the conversation the officers locate one of Ruby's missing children hi hello Pam how are you doing good I'm officer Hawkins American Fork Police Department hi so we had a uh agency assist out of St George in Springville that we're just looking for okay when you picked her up what was the uh what was the case did somebody ask you to pick her up or did you just pick her up what was going on well I'm having guests coming and she came and did some cleaning for me some cleaning for you um are you right now in the house in the living room right here okay great we're going to have both of you come out here then if you can just for a second we just going have to go over some stuff um you have a warrant yeah we do let me see it please so it's in my car but right now my concern is were you just tell them you're all right well we have to physically see her when police arrive at the house they announc they have a warrant which surprises H de brand what's immediately apparent is that some of Ruby Frank's children are in the house that doorway we'll go ahead and get the copy of the warrant for you okay you have a warrant for my house specifically for you yeah for you and the child yeah okay so what is going on as of right now I just need you to give your phone to your husband okay okay and as of this moment you're going to be detained right now okay okay okay so is there is there anything on you uh no okay perfect just put your hands in front of you okay just going to place you temporarily under I'll explain to you I'll explain to what are you guys doing I've explained this already I'm being as courteous as I can okay okay well I'm going to call an attorney that's fine I don't know what's yeah I don't even know what this is all about okay so I'm going to explain to you when we get to the car yes I just explained to you that you're being detained right now the officer detains Hilder Brandt and places her in a car before talking her through the situation and informing her of Ruby's own arrest the rec center when they went to go find her said that you picked her up yeah so now they are trying to figure out why I why you picked her up what you know with her is she okay is is she did she come here willingly all that kind of stuff okay yeah they can soon as they come here yeah we'll be on our way okay okay that's why I said you're just detained you not placed under arrest just right now until they figure out what's going on with their park okay okay so as long as she's not tied up and bound because you I didn't make her scrub I didn't make her scrub the floor and they vacuumed and stuff cuz I have company coming tonight out of from Costa Rica okay so but she did it of her own free will we had lunch yeah we went to ry's farm and had ice cream okay so okay so you just want that's not my case DCFS and Springfield Police Department asked me to come here make contact with you is here detain you until they can ask questions okay the police then speak with Hilder Brandt's partner about the allegations which he doesn't take well naturally so her parents today were under invance for a child abuse child DCFS went to the home with Springfield Police Department and found children in the basement out nourished and locked in safe today today yeah now she out DCFS tried finding all the kids that were involved and one of them was we don't know where she's at okay PA the direct Center re Center says that hand picked her up unknown if she went willingly or I'm not saying Pam Forester I already told her that so we don't know but what DCFS wants to do is they have a warrant to pick her up and to take her into State custody because parents were arrested now her parents were arrested yes so that's why Mom was on her way to St George more police arrive as the situation escalates and another one of Ruby's children exit the house sounds like painful process yeah so they these the Springville officers they need to talk to Pam and then I don't really know what's going on I don't have any idea did you guys talk to Pam already all right sir so I have a question for you Pam already told me that house can we ask for her to come outside as well thank you go with him right my back backwards you can sit there can I sit here sure with the detectives arriving to talk with Hill to Brandt the questions continue as the cops try to get to the bottom of the bizarre situation you ever have you ever had anything like this happen before where you picked up the girl oh like like hey we need you to watch the girls last no everything else has been so like like they wanted to learn how to make jam and so they had a whole bunch of strawberries and raspberries so I went down there things like that but you know so I have interacted with them and we've done stuff but it's usually to make jam or learn how to sew or or do something or like someone has a play or something we go to see it or something but not you know they have come to my house before and done house with weeding and stuff like that okay how did you start to know the family how me the Frankie family yeah through a a program called connections the police and Social Services removed the kids from the situation preparing them for an even more complex investigation which is about to get underway jod eventually plad guilty to child abuse as did Ruby both are due to be sentenced soon
Channel: Missing Files
Views: 2,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing people, cops, criminals, criminal, most wanted, crime, true crime, bodycam, interrogation, wanted, wanted criminals, police, suspect, suspects, footage, detective williams, video, caught on camera, interrogation room, arrest, arrested, law, inmate, inmates, scammer, man, men, jail, prison, karen, corruption, above the law, people, entitled, evil, realize, realized, documentary, police interrogation, detective, videos, crime documentary, caught on video, dr insanity, bodycam videos, bodycam footage, cop
Id: hJvSlazZHX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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