When India's Parsis told Britain to "take a walk" | Dr. Subramanian Swamy & Neha Joshi

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a very warm namaste to everybody present here today and thank you abhiji sinuji and the entire festival of bharara team for having me here today i welcome my co-host major arya and he spoke so beautifully about his experience with the army and my father is an ex-serviceman so i i deeply deeply admire your experience and what the army does for our country moving on i think abhiji has said a lot of things about dr swami it it is absolutely overwhelming for somebody like me to be sitting here next to this living legend as you rightly described him and it's only uh fitting that this session is called the warriors ada because i don't think uh you know i used to always think if anybody personified the word maverick it would be dr swami he is a true warrior he has always stood up for what he felt was right and not really caring about you know what the popular society thought about it and you mentioned you took away what i was going to say i was going to mention uh that incident from 10th august 1976 where you walked into parliament and you know when the last of the obituaries were being read uh he stood up and when he was not even supposed to be there he stood up and said oh mr speaker you forgot to mention democracy which has also died so that's dr subramaniam swami for you um so dr swami uh as i start i think uh because it's called the festival of bharat and i'm a proud hindu i'm a proud bhartiya and i grew up with the idea where you know india stood for unity in diversity uh we uh we always took so much pride you know right from fancy dress competitions in school to all the uh annual day events everywhere we looked everything we read about it was about the diversity of the country it was about celebrating these differences which always existed whether it's cast whether it's religion all these differences have always been there but suddenly at 30 years of age i hear this word a sahishnuta and you know never had i heard this word before and my hindi is pretty good so uh how is it that a word like ur sahih suddenly becomes part of the public discourse and how relevant do you think is it for today's par earth well first of all is irrelevant because we have such a history take the example of two of the tiniest communities which came from abroad to escape persecution the zoroastrians were called parties in india and they have been they had a country called iran which was occupied by islamic forces and everybody was forcibly converted to islam and they some of them escaped and the only place they survived was india and when they came to india they came to gujarat the shankaracharya was there to receive them and we built their fire temples and they have lived perfectly in harmony with the hindu society and when the british left they approached them and said that like for the anglo-indians we can make a special quota for you in parliament and because this hindu community is huge will swallow you and they said to the british for a thousand years they've looked after us now you don't teach us about what the hindus will do to us you go we don't need you here we are quite comfortable with hindus even today in key positions the policies have been there chief justice commander in chief of the army like maniksha air force chief attorney general and much out of proportion to their small size of 60 000 people and this is a tribute to the hindus similarly and they gave it they themselves gave that as a tribute to the hindus the jews persecuted everywhere in the world the only place they lived without persecution was india and when israel was founded the first after their formalities of constitution everything was over the parliament passed a resolution thanking india as being the only country which didn't persecute the jews so with this kind of record uh i don't think we need to bother about intolerance and tolerance you see and this is something they talk about who are those talking about intolerance in india today those who had participated in the emergency who they may not have declared the emergency it was declared by mrs gandhi in our cabinet but there were intellectuals who justified it who said that in the india is a poor country it can't have this kind of freedom and the freedom doesn't mean license and all these ridiculous concepts so i think just ignore it and none of them will debate with you and they'll only talk amongst themselves they're a small crowd we have to worry much more about seeing that the narrative in the media is doesn't go become doctored by these forces both within india and abroad abroad i can understand those who want to convert engage in conversion they are unhappy those who rule the fact that india has still evaded their control it's openly spoken in the isis documents isis that terrorist organization documents that the only country which was conquered they say by islam but didn't convert to islam was india iran converted iraq converted that is mesopotamia and babylon egypt converted all of europe converted to christianity but this country despite 600 years of islamic rule and 200 years of christian rule through the british is still despite all the machinations is still 82 hindu so therefore we are quite secure we are not worried and i think the only thing is that the media manipulation which leads to brainwashing is the one thing that we have to be careful about you
Channel: The Festival of Bharat
Views: 581,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subramanian Swamy, dr swamy, Parsis, Neha Joshi, India, subramaniam swamy, subramanian swamy, dr subramanian swamy, Iran, Britain, Festival of bharat, swamy, India parsis, India Britain, Parsis Britain, Parsi india, Parsi
Id: mpQ5m1QDRXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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