When India's Crown Prince Came Out As Gay | Undercover Princes | Real Royalty

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[Music] and i'm a bachelor three princess looking for true love to be a roommate that will definitely have to suit my heart who can share my feelings commitment mutual understanding someone who shares their interests african music particularly zulu hymns i'm fond of wildlife flora and fauna i like to watch horror films romantic movies somebody british i like princess diana i admire the courage of elton john i think british girls are one of the best people who would ever meet and so they come to england to ensure the people they meet love them for themselves and not just their title the princes will go undercover i want people to love me and not my money would you like to date with me no i'm quite busy i'm a dancer okay they'll get normal jobs just one at a time they will share a home and care for themselves the first time in their lives oh what the hell are you doing here but with only three weeks can the princess find true love she just stole my heart and what will the people they fall for think when they reveal their true identities that's nice you know everyone likes palestine he's really shocked to know who i am manny is a prince this is the story of the undercover [Music] princess [Music] heathrow airport and the first of the three princes arrives in the uk his highness manvendra singh gohil crown prince of raj pitla in india [Music] oh there's an indian restaurant here the next to arrive is his royal highness prince afrika zulu of on queenie royal house in south africa [Music] how are you i'm looking forward to meeting a pure british girl you know of british plant the princes will look for love in brighton a city steeped in royal heritage and with a higher than average number of singletons much cleaner than indian towns much cleaner and greener yeah but the traffic is quite a lot as each prince emerges from their royal car they'll leave behind all titles privileges even their regal robes from this moment on they'll live as normal citizens their new home is a stark contrast to their usual surroundings well this would be the size of my bathroom and i would be living here as in the bedroom it's quite a lot of change [Music] my name is manuel singho and i'm the prince of raj pibla in western part of india 43 year old prince manvendra's family preside over 35 000 subjects in raj pitler india they have reigned for over 600 years i have my own cook my own set of electricians and a plumber a gardener a battler a driver a personal attendant i have my own set of maid servants which is working for me he doesn't know how to cook the ones when he tried to make tea and it it went into disaster actually he actually put salt in instead of sugar in 2006 manvendra admitted to something that changed his life forever i'm not heterosexual i'm not bisexual but i'm homosexual as the first ever indian prince to come out as gay he has attracted media attention across the world even appearing on the oprah winfrey show the prince is a late starter when it comes to relationships and is inexperienced in the ways of the world he has never known true love who would not like to fall in love if we are we uh even animals fall in love so human beings uh ought to be falling in love with each other love is something which gives you the the joy the pleasure of living life when it comes to sharing washrooms it can be difficult at least for me because i take a long time at the loo let's see how it goes about [Music] i've never been to fighting myself i've never visited quite that being the case uh i have met some people they said it's the british miami where they their beaches and it's a whole lot of a holiday city because a lot of clubs and obviously i also wanted a gay a lot of gay people there and we said i don't take any offense too zulu prince africa is the next to arrive hi welcome thank you very much from india i'm africa oh all the bachelors know they'll be sharing the house with other princes but they've never met until now can i have your name uh my name is africa african zulu africa zulu yes africa with the sea here oh okay it's in the continent so that that no that's your name my name is oh your name is africa i was named after the continent oh wow that's great yes and the mystery name is zulu that's marvelous i haven't been to africa as yet so whilst two princes have already started their new undercover lives the final royal is on his way to his new home his royal highness prince remedius kanagaraja of the royal house of jaffna sri lanka he's already working on his cover story i may try to have a different name through me it'll be a very short nail yeah why not i mean it's also nice i like it or tom back at the house there's trouble brewing prince africa has recognized manvendra from his appearance on the oprah winfrey show i wasn't brief that we were going to share room with somebody who was gay because can just pretend that everything is normal i'm puzzled i'm present and i watch this the dustbin [Music] oh this is a big problem this epic program why you know whether on the toilet i'll be shooting a house with the gay person my name is prince african zulu or francois royal house the zulu royal family is ahead of a nation of 10 million people prince africa's noble heritage can be traced back to the early 1800s being in a clinton land is very precious i draw a very high sense of pride from where we come from but in traditional zulu culture you are not considered a man until you are married for 30 year old prince africa the pressure is on for a man as young as 19 you can perceive to be much more mature and much more serious than a man who stated if he married you're regarded as a young man you know because he's not married the zulu prince is confident he can find his ideal woman in the uk british girls are really very honest and loyal people and very loving even though they are not as romantic as french people but prince manvendra's presence has cast a shadow over the zulu's quest to find love in brighton he's got his own ways so i think it's just one of those challenges you know to share a house with somebody who is also not straight because this program is about chasing goals and now that kind of chase i don't know how it's gonna take place [Music] thank you very much into this tense atmosphere comes the third prince prince remedius of jaffna or remy or tom coming amazing amazing i'm sorry it's okay rami just assumes there'll be someone to bring in his luggage have you been banging since long yes i'm sorry i was in the kitchen do you guys know that no no we met for the first time great name indeed having eventually remembered his bags remy just gets a helping hand and the princess can finally settle in oh this is your room right oh which one is my room then oh it's upset sorry during their undercover search for love the princess will have to cope without servants to cook clean and shop for them i don't normally unpack things somebody is there to do it for me this is my ceremonial kit [Music] do you like it it's nice in my box i have got the sword which is a ceremonious short but still it's very sharp very sharp this is lovely i'm prone to hold myself who knows to cook oh i don't know anything about cooking let me very honest and frank i can cook something i can cook food i can cook food yeah then somebody will clean up they clean the house i can clean oh you can't kill paws then i cook oh that's fine that's fine that's fine it's this is case yeah [Music] before they can check out the brighton single scene the royal trio's first stop is the corner shop do you buy this brand yes why 20. right and what else do you want for men who have been raised for kingship the weekly shop is an entirely new challenge maybe what time should we take there is um strawberry is there black currant um yeah i know that kind of peanut butter here okay you have all these oh there's peanut butter two items one is uh good good sound wine is good after spending an hour in the corner shop the princess return home to prepare a meal fit for a king microwaved burgers yeah cheers the princess have just 25 days to find love to stand any chance they need to have pulled by the end of their first week africa and remedius head straight out on the town where nobody knows they are princes [Music] yes this is the sort of chase the zulu prince enjoys i am a hunter i believe that i have to hunt for a woman and that hand should not be that easy hey there is nice one hello excuse me excuse me excuse me [Music] having no luck approaching women on the street africa and remedias try their luck in a uk bar the princess bought some british talent yeah yeah i'm coming i'm coming and the zulu hunter makes his move hi guys can i say hi to you hi siri louise wow that's a great name luis posing as exchange students the undercover princes unleashed their best chat up lines you know my height yes great hub i like brush your bridge is nice it's nice to go out you get people like the personality is great super great so you were born here it's a lightsaber can i touch your hair i like it you know it's nice they eventually get some numbers [Music] by the end of their first night in brighton both africa and remedius have managed to meet women and not blow their cover that's what i call a good day a quick evening good evening british girls are british girls and police guys are hot they're very nice life as an ordinary joe doesn't seem so bad it's the start of the prince's first full day on their undercover love quest good morning okay [Applause] i slept very well it was nice having been recognized already albeit by africa prince man wenger has come up with a radical plan i'm just about to perform an act which is i'm doing for the first time in my life and i'm going to shave off my most pride possession which i which i am carrying since last now 30 years almost and um and that's my mustache i think i'm looking younger now [Music] i feel like laughing at myself good morning behind us mr man yeah shift is [Music] the workplace is rich territory when it comes to finding romance with a quarter of all long-term relationships starting there [Music] so to maximise their chance of finding dates the princes will be working during their stay in brighton i go as a waiter uh-huh he goes as a bargain oh will be working in a local hotel cleaning the bedrooms i do own a hotel there are ordering and here i would be getting ordered remedius will be working as a waiter in a diner yeah it's going to be a difficult i get pretty nervous prince africa will be working in a pub this idea all sorts of things they go to the pub no because that's where some of them relax do you have a beer or whatever so this is fine the bosses don't know that these new employees are princess they've been told they're being filmed for a program about everyday tourists looking for love in the uk hi i'm manny from india manvendra is now calling himself manny as well as this being his first ever day of work the prince is introduced to another first where i got 30 waist i also don't know much about my because i would try out this is too short i think no but is it okay lucia head of housekeeping shows man avenger the ropes oh [ __ ] must be always tucked in they come here just hang out what do you call this dude do it remedius on the other hand can see the advantages of working for a living maybe by working here if i get to working and people are coming and ordering something once i get the opportunity to meet someone you never know but whilst the bar is empty the prince starts on the waitresses hey sorry did i meet i'm remigious hello hi what's your name tries his best to pull the ladies pull the tab down completely down there you go the only thing prince africa's zulu is pulling a pint that's a perfect pint so who's gonna drink it he's gonna trigger it but today there's not much opportunity for flirting having been shown his duties prince mamvendra starts work in this hotel the chambermaids clean each room from top to bottom in around 30 minutes i'm feeling tired already [Music] 212 [Music] man vendra has managed to clean one bedroom in two hours i was really shocked oh my god this is very very slow usually person like this will not really stay for long in our hotel for first impression it doesn't look very good for him my back today my back has really given me from your to your spin but that's not the prince's main concern i'll hardly have any energy to do any kind of flirting then i'll be totally flat by the time i reach home prince remedius has plenty of opportunities to flirt more accustomed to liaising with state officials he's been sent out to mingle with the public and drum up custom for the diner i heard from so many people that i am a charming person so i think i can use that technique here also why not and it's not long before he gets a chance to work those charms [Music] are you enjoying your day i'm like to give you a free drink are you all from brighton thank you very much are you from raichu no i'm french you're french i'm refugees nice to meet you especially okay take care nice to meet you see you too see you bye-bye right she's nice she's pretty yeah i like her she has got a little bit of a asian look if your colors are hair black it's completely nice because you've got a nose ring i like it [Music] i am prince remigius kane raja of jachna sri lanka prince remedius's homeland is japanese sri lanka with a population of six hundred thousand people his ancestors ruled for five centuries but wars and invasions have forced the royal house into exile remedius currently resides in holland but he works tirelessly to restore the monarchy in jaffna i want to get back to sri lanka that is the place where i was born where my people are there and i want to save my people and i want to bring peace for sri lanka what is this this is a letter for you which you have to sign for the prince's most pressing duty is to find his future queen i would like to have a family because i need a son who will follow my footsteps this is the foreign affairs committee well english women are well disciplined they know how to behave and the educated menace is there have a nice day huh thank you see you all bye bye bye ciao bye the sri lankan prince would normally have to rely on advisers and family elders to find him a wife but now he has to do it under his own steam it's really a surprise to me because always i thought because of my position and titles that i'm attracting a lot of girls but now the truth is that without using none of them as a normal common at this position i am able to accept so many girls today so there is some kind of secret on me i don't know what is their secret [Music] the best chance for the princes to pull this week will be saturday night africa will need all the advice and tips you can get so he is budding up with a gang of rugby [Music] players this is my first webinars not only in england but you know my entire life after surviving the warm-up the prince still pretending to be an exchange student gets into the thick of the action [Music] very great experience and very exciting experience too this is not my sport obviously with the game over it's time to get down to the main purpose of the trip finding out how british men go on the pole so you think that you go out for yeah yeah go out friday saturday nights you know just chat the birds up see what happens oh you're going to groups and like are taking groups like yeah yeah we train as a team play as a team and go out as a team okay you want to do like a rugby this is the uh yeah right this is what every player does but before prince africa can get out on the town with the rugby boys there's one more initiation test [Applause] done it [Applause] whilst the confident zulu laps up english sporting and drinking culture his housemate man venger is at home single man why would i be interested in a woman gay male couple the indian prince has very little experience of relationships in the gay club scene single man instead of venturing out he logs on to a uk dating website for the very first time how many years do i look i think i can pass on as 30. since the media has put me into so much of limelight people they know me now so it's very difficult to hide my identity body type slim average i have had instances where people have proposed to me but i later on discover that they are not after me as such but they after my money or they are after my status which i don't think i should agree to because i want people to love me and not my money today i'm looking for boyfriend all of us want love and if you don't get it then where do we go [Music] i found two potential girls in brighton city centre africa's new teammates set to work giving their student friend tips on chatting up english ladies [Music] hello you're very beautiful [Music] [Laughter] like put it on top of your head it's a tradition oh there's an indian no but i come all the way from india i don't want indian 49 too old 20 years too young 99 my god 99 year old guy amazing you are the most exciting beautiful woman in this club [Music] [Applause] excuse me she said stop looking at her boobs i've never heard that no no no i think he's doing very well uh he seems like a very genuine guy and some some of his chat he needs to work a little bit are those eyes real oh [Music] africa still hasn't managed to pull but it's all good practice for saturday night the guys from the rabbit club you know they are very vibrant they don't even know where i come from but they really welcome me you know with open arms and this says a lot about not just about them but about the british culture i feel like i've known them for a very long time now i'm able to approach women also differently i won't remember this day it's been good to meet you it's an honor are you taking first place i'm just finishing this one three princes have come to england going undercover to find a partner who will love them for themselves and not their wealth and status [Music] prince manvendra is the least experienced of the trio and so far he hasn't dared to venture out after dark [Music] whilst confident prince afrika zulu has led the charge onto the single theme freed from royal protocols prince remedius has also been making headway i feel like some kind of a dream because i never done this before in my life but i think i'm doing something great as the all-important saturday night approaches the princes compare notes so africa are you like younger women or you like older women i prefer women of course about 19 is good about 20 21 22 is good they are fresh and [Music] on his way to work manvendra's thoughts turned to the challenge of finding love in an unknown land i'm not getting the the guys whom i want i actually feel jealous of my other two colleagues the other bachelors there's they are meeting girls on the way and they are saying hi to them and talking to them and i'm not finding any guys as such using a real job to find a love interest is not working out as mum venture had hoped and he isn't the only one [Music] the chances are are very slim that i meet any woman here because you know some men just will not go to these kind of places like the pubs you live i'm remi sorry in the diner however remedius has plenty of chances to woo the ladies anyway enjoy your day and speak to you later okay see you bye i'm pretty cheers hi remy hi you making chocolate milk no hot chocolate for yourself yes okay this is good why not so do you go out anywhere when you're when you have time and you go out sometimes your boyfriend is also here no no no no you're single still ah okay you like don't like to date or you don't want to date yeah of course it's very difficult yeah sometimes sometimes not but i'm happy now so i'm going to okay yeah okay enjoy yourself thank you okay you're welcome bye prince mamvendra has made it through his second day of work with just enough energy to explore brighton's gay village it's a world away from the prince's hometown in gujarat [Music] when prince manvendra came out of the closet in 2006 his kingdom was up in arms some people of the town of raj people actually they lit a bonfire and they cut photographs from the newspaper and they burnt me in the fire saying that he is not existing for us he should be stripped of his tightness in india homosexual sex is illegal and carries a 10-year jail sentence this has driven gay culture underground homosexuality is considered as a taboo in india the people don't talk about it it's always shun and most of the people think that we are the greatest sinners of all the prince now finds himself in a city with a liberal attitude towards homosexuality it's a world full of new opportunities excuse me uh can i take your help uh i'm i come from india my name is money and uh um i'm just looking at some things uh some kind of kinky stuff do you sell something of that sort here we sell leather wear and rubber wear depends on what sort of kinkiness you want to go to sort of level okay let me just show you what we've got yeah i think if i can have an idea it all depends what sort of things you're into really you've got sort of the pants and then you've got short glass rubber gloves okay and then you just will go on to like the you know the drop straps okay look like some kind of rings actually the indian gays are quite conservative and it's all very foreign to us [Music] with a new sense of freedom and a few tips of where to go out later prince mom venture heads back to the house hi my brother how are you i'm fine on his return he shows his housemates the coasters he bought there's one shop called the clone zone and uh yeah so then i went and there was of course a lot of kinky stuffs and things a lot of dicks and porno stuff and then i did some shopping i got some cities no not serious they are actually uh coasters yeah oh no there are these coasters it's men hunky men then i got some playing cards with some new italian men and bought some condoms and these kind of things you know basically i caught them for my gay friends some people take them back we really don't understand this way of life you know to make it clear you need to understand that don't buy his eyes too much i think uh he has got his views and he's the thing okay we have to respect as we live here today we have respect is his priorities what he wants following his afternoon visit to a gay shop man vendra will tonight brave a gay cabaret show in a pub called the aquarium my first night to brighton in a gay pub bar is very exciting very not just exciting but so exciting i'm looking forward to some good seeing some good guys and having some fun with them only i'm i'm not i'm very worried about what i'm wearing you're wearing this black shirt what to do i don't have anything to wear now that's a problem come up with in spite of what africa thinks prince remedius helps man vengeful get ready thanks you've always been my savior you're so kind to me i wish you all the best it's nice it's nice yeah it's smart it's enough we may have any kind of a difference but i think we have to respect them and then it's easy to lead a life hi i'm ready how do i look oh ready to go yeah do you think men will be attracted towards me oh i'm not the next i look sexy that means come again do i look sexy oh i wouldn't know but for women yeah oh my god i think they're leaving prince africa to reflect on the tolerant brighton society there's some sodom some sodom so it takes place inside their current what happened evil stuff evil stuff oh yeah yeah oh yeah prince mount venja enters a gay bar for the first time in his life the locals have no idea of his real identity do you like writing yeah i mean i'm liking brighton are you okay yourself of course i'm i'm hundred percent gay no doubt about it sure would you be happy i would be happy nice to meet you by the way it's a good start for the shy indian prince and there's more to come money from india sugar sugar no money money yeah nothing no not money no money not not just i'm finding people very good to talk to rather i mean you know i mean they have hardly known me i mean this the first time that i'm coming to the spa but people are behaving very well and very friendly [Music] just around the corner remedies in africa stop off at a very different type of british bar [Music] [Applause] i don't really approve of this you know women naked on cameras and and this is not what we're here for there's not a place where you can meet people or anything keen to get their quest for a princess back on track remedius and africa try another place it's nice music but it's not much people just like seated and eating and talking at a loss as to where to find a lady all of a sudden a lady approaches them yes good everything okay with you perhaps you're going out we're going out you're gonna you have any business no no thank you and she crosses like this and you say oh that business she's a hooker prince from aegis and prince africa zulu decide to call it a night and focus their attention on being ready for saturday but for the other crown prince things are just toting up [Music] the music is have you got a boyfriend um no not exactly right how would you feel if i um approached you yeah well i like your i i mean i appreciate that you propose approach to me but um yeah i know so well but uh let me put it in this video what i'm looking for is something different to be very honest my sexual experience started at a very later age in life so i'm a bit choosy about who i go with or who i do he was interested in me and but i was very frank with him and said that you know well i have better choices you could be a friend of mine but not a bad partner the prince hasn't found his heart's desire but he is gaining confidence the crucial ingredient he will need on his undercover mission i feel the joy of freedom which i don't get into my country because there's a lot of discrimination on the basis of sexuality so it's it's it's really good to be here to uh to enjoy what you are [Applause] at half past 11 a newly liberated prince man vendra returns home to his less successful housemates hi guys what happened i'm so tired yeah hi how was ya evening well it was fun i actually kissed a guy on his lips not once but twice how do you feel about this what like you're saying it was so it was it was quite enjoyable and exciting so it's not scandalous to you no turn out to me so [Music] it's saturday morning so far the princes have made no headway in their undercover love quest what are you doing here jesus after a flying start africa and remedius has suffered setbacks [Music] the biggest night of the week for uk singles is saturday if the princess are to find true love they need to make tonight count shy prince manvendra is gradually making progress coming to brighton meeting so many people having some experiences has kind of brought me out of that shell of shyness man vendra's first parades into the bright and gay scene haven't gone unnoticed afrika zulu thinks it's high time for a bible lesson there are lots of interesting things here you know it is a lot of things that are very interesting maybe you should check it out and then say that the man that lie with his father's wife had uncovered his father's nakedness both of them shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them if a man also lie with mankind as he lied with a woman they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them how do you how do you feel about that they shall surely be put to death surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them yeah so see in the bible it is mentioned that homosexuality is a sin okay whereas our hindu scriptures uh openly talks about it hindus are tolerant towards homosexuality it's a religious difference of religion between hinduism and uh christianity okay now uh hinduism which one do you find it more credible this one see it all depends on the like it's again a question of religion you know then you you start believing but this thing refers to mankind no it's just yeah exactly you shall die you shall be put to death do you have knowledge that you have committed the sin before no i don't know because our our holy book uh in hinduism uh is actually openly talking about homosexuality it doesn't say it is a sin because that is not people are ignorant on certain issues and it's not their fault because whatever they have read about whatever they've heard from people the people write their uh judgments on that basis you have to remove that ignorance from the person then he will start accepting you there are no problems at all this is his life and this is my life and we all have to find a way to to live you know away from each other's world [Music] with africa and mamvendra having reached an uneasy truce the printers set off for the city centre to begin preparations for their big night like most singletons the printers have high hopes for the night ahead having ditched their royal robes they must find some other way to dress to impress i need to dress really really more british british if you want to get british one now it's too white that one it's a little less pink that is really pink that's stupid that's so pink i wanted some bright color you know we are very colorful people so this sort of clothes shopping is a whole new experience for prince mamvendra i normally get it stitched by the tailor so i don't get anything ready ready made as such in fact i never wear any ready-made stuff whatever is i want is is all taylor taylor-made [Music] is desperate to turn back the clock okay then that's fine this is younger people's question i'm not really young do you want to be more young can i charge this on what size says then to the zulu prince shoe size is a symbol of power and size nine just won't do this kind of shot i would like to have this shoe just as it is on size 12. is that okay you want a size 12 shape yes yes even though i always say it's nine yeah i don't understand why he'd do it to be honest if your shoes don't fit then you don't buy them but they seem to be quite worried about having small feet so i don't know how do i look do i look like a farmer now [Music] i thought this was going to be a little longer to cover my knees but let go and change again having sorted out their glad rags for the big night out the princess stop offer a spot of male grooming [Music] looking but tidier yes thank you three two one and it's gone look at that two fabulous eyebrows [Music] [Applause] there are more pubs bars and nightclubs per square mile in brighton than anywhere else in the uk the city attracts thousands of revelers every weekend inky pinky ponky father had a donkey donkey died father cried inky pinkie pong key so that means this goes out or that goes out i don't know if they can't pull on a saturday in brighton they can't pull anywhere and i'll never go for night clubs back home there will be a bar there'll be a lot of people and maybe there'll be some colorful lights but i like to dance yeah good drinks good people well why not so africa lends prince remigia some white leather shoes and his most prized pulling possession a belt with a tiger head buckle it's the first time i'm going to have a belt in my life like that and it is a dream for me because i'm a prince a lot of people come and say you cannot wear that you cannot wear this but now i am living in brighton in a really different life so why not i try everything the princes apply their finishing touches [Music] we're getting ready to cooperate uh night in prison yeah we can hear the music is pumping [Music] africa and remedius need to get their love mission back on track [Music] after just 10 minutes the princes have made a marked improvement on the previous night we are meeting a lot of girls and remotely mask better so we're just enjoying the flow of the evening prince mount vendra leaves his royal housemates to work the club and heads off on his own journey of discovery yeah i just gave a night club called the revenge i'm off to that place now prince momvendra has discovered a wonderland of wall-to-wall totty [Music] the fortunes of prince remedius and prince africa are taking a different turn okay have a nice evening see you bye-bye bye can you give me your number i can give you a call and check when is the right time to meet with you or something [Music] the princes are running out of time if they're to pull this evening most of them they come in they dance with you and then after they say i'm sorry i cannot meet you tomorrow because i got a boyfriend and he'll get upset but at the gay club things are a lot more straightforward [Applause] [Music] the night wears on and the reserved indian royals still hovers on the edge of the dance floor [Music] i know i'm very stiff because i'm not used to the uh this party scene in india we don't have any bars or but at last [Music] don't you have a bigger fish sorry sorry you want this fish and get some fish how much [Music] having been brushed off and ignored by women all night prince from aegis and prince africa's big chance to pull has ended in failure come on one no they're not yet still still good as their first week in brighton draws to a close prince africa zulu has come to a stark realization i think we must move to other alternatives as to how we can check and pursue the woman here in pricing run your hand you must know where you're gonna corner your enemy your your target i think it is time for a new strategy to be applied next time on the undercover princes [Music] having failed so far to pull anyone can i talk to you the princes finally get organized hi i have money from india i'm mala from reply they speak to the experts women like to talk so let them talk you are look beautiful gorgeous and try every dating craze under the sun is there anything to do with sex at last things begin to look up a little bit romantic with money but with just two weeks remaining will they be able to find true love breaking news of the day money is turning bisexual
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 1,010,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: SZgaV0r-Xd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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