Why Prince Remigius Fell In Love With A Commoner | Undercover Princes | Real Royalty with Foxy Games

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my name is prince afrika zulu prince remichias prince manahandra single hill of rajkutla and i'm a bachelor three princes looking for true love to be a woman that will definitely have to suit my heart who can share my feelings commitment mutual understanding someone to share their interests music is my passion the music that i enjoy is rnp i like to watch horror films romantic movies somebody british i like princess diana i admire the courage of elton john i think british girls are one of the best people who could ever meet and so they've come to england to ensure the people they meet love them for themselves and not their title the princes have gone undercover for two weeks they've lived and worked in brighton as ordinary citizens excuse me uh can i talk to you despite their efforts on the single scene none have found a perfect match when you're a hunter you can only do so much now they have one final week to pick their partner is amazing brighton has got hot men yeah reveal their true identity do you know whom are you talking to and invite them back to their kingdoms if i was not born as a prince i'll be the most happiest person i think can our princess find true love this is the story of the undercover princess [Music] do you like to have a cup of tea oh yeah sure do you like to have chai oh yeah definitely okay it's morning in their ordinary brighton home and the undercover princes have just one week left on their love quest you like to have tea i've got here you got tea or coffee i got it you can use this specialty okay is heir to the throne of sri lanka's royal house of jaffna and it's his royal duty to find an aristocratic bride i have to get married i need a son the dynasty cannot just end up with me it has to continue 30 year old zulu prince africa comes from a long line of noble warrior kings according to tradition he must now take a wife i would like that to have somebody that i can relate to someone that i can talk to because i have no one i am on my own i don't even have friends comes from one of india's richest royal families he is india's first openly gay royal but at 43 he's never been in love i want people to love me and not my money see you guys have a nice day and see you in evening maybe we are coming um last week the princes hosted a party oh thank you they posed as three ordinary guys calling themselves africa manny and remy confident prince africa pursued several ladies but his forceful approach didn't pay off so what's the best time to see each other prince manvendra focused on a previous date a shop assistant called mike instead he got closer to office worker melissa who he was meeting for the second time is she turning out to be your ideal lover or you have yeah still to decide or what what is happening he's a nice person the quality wise um [Music] she's not that fat or anything um she presents herself very well is your favorite kind still i have to see what i'm looking whether she is from that i was recording but still there are other people also you know the two princes are short on time to play the field and with africa desperately in need of finding anyone who likes him there's a perfect solution speed dating they must look in a particular way that i like because there is no way that i'm going to just go up to foreign just because she's got an amazing personality and the personality you can work on it can be changed the basics is definitely the outside tonight's venue is a cocktail bar in central brighton full of gay and straight singletons is the ideal opportunity for all three royals to find their perfect partner unaware that they are princes the singletons think that africa manny and remy are here making a program about foreign men in the uk you guys are british and you've been friends for a long time no not really the princes have just three minutes to ask the most important questions if you had the power to change the transport system of england would you do so i'm money from india money yeah i i so where are you from i'm from sri lanka many other beautiful ladies that i am enjoying i thought remy was really sweet he's really laughing these two ladies so are you from brighton uh yes um where would you spend your best weekend which part of the world i like to go to different places each time so i like donna i thought africa was really nice the way she is she smiles you know she's shy and it just makes her a woman hello nice to meet you i'm amy hi emmy well i'm africa it's got to be a maybe i can't i don't think we have enough time to talk properly at all she looks ideally for me she's got two looks thank you thank the speed dating experience has been quite interesting it was wonderful it was a nice experience it was successful i hope one of them like me so you never know after last night's marathon speed date the princes have plenty of new options i like katarina i like francis i like melissa i like rebecca my first date mike i also liked antonio does he like chloe do you like chloe my name is prince african zulu or franklin royal house in south africa the zulu royal families preside over a kingdom of more than 10 million people i draw a very high sense of pride from this traditional regalia because it makes us realize of significance of calling on to what we have the prince was brought up with traditional conservative values a nation that is without his culture will definitely perish and that is even in the bible and adjusting to uk life is not always easy africa is the first of the princes to follow up on their speed dates where should i put my um oh i'm gonna put it in the asteroid today he's meeting amy having spent just three minutes with her at the speed date africa can now find out more how do you make money i'm a lap dancer say your dad's like in the lab well i don't touch customers like it says no contact club oh okay yeah we look like is this like a stripper but yeah oh wow that's interesting should you ever go to church no never you haven't happened to church well i have been to church before but i don't have a reason to go do you feel like the church the church wants to interfere with your jobs no it's nothing to do with the church okay okay thank you and once the food has been corrupted by a cigarette stripping and so on and too much statue to me i don't think highly of that person that is my traditional approach i'm very old-fashioned i think she should have been fine for me if i didn't mind to have a girlfriend it's going to be stupid for all men of england for 20 pounds for two minutes i prefer people with a bit more of an open mind really um so it's a bit difficult and i don't i don't think that he's my kind of she does not believe in existence of god a lot of things and it's just way out of line for me remedius is also going to meet a girl from the speed date after a quick round of toast he heads out to see katrina i thought it'd be nice to kind of meet up and see what he's about and see if i'd like to get to know him any better with no idea that he's royalty she's come up with a very unusual date yeah you see that plastic ball yeah we're gonna get in that and they're gonna roll us down the hill sound like fun but uh no injuries nothing now we'll be fine [Laughter] it'll be fun honestly it'll be wicked his royal highness the prince would normally have to clear anything like this with his advisors first okay take this this is uh for me take this boat please it's just to protect our heads it's fine honestly you're petrified yeah i'm almost like never done this before in my life something like this don't push too fast [Laughter] katrina has no idea what she's just done to a prince that was hilarious as a after the throne in my country they were never allowed to do these type of things but i'm happy that i have done something like this and i like to do it again she's very bold forward outspoken her lifestyle is something different compared to my lifestyle i would like to have her as a good friend but i cannot she's not a person who i would be able to take her back home putting his feelings for shopkeeper mike on hold prince manfenger is continuing to look for new men until his time is up bars night clubs and all that quite boring for me when i'm going to um it's called something called a gay coil [Music] oh [Applause] we wow as a prince learning a classical instrument was part of my adventure's upbringing now is his chance to impress the 20 strong gay choir with his harmonium skills [Music] [Music] time [Applause] my name is manwandra singh gohil and i'm the prince of raj papua in western part of india prince man vendra is heir to a monarchy which has reigned in raj piplet india for 600 years since birth he has been waited on by an army of maids and servants i didn't have to even go and fetch a glass of water for myself that kind of services were provided to me as a child but life since has not been so easy two years ago the prince became india's first ever royal to come out as gay it caused outrage in a country where homosexuality is banned even his parents publicly disowned him some people of the town of rajput actually they lit a bonfire and they cut photographs from the newspaper and they burnt me in the fire saying that he is not existing for us he should be stripped of his title at 43 years old the prince has never found true love all of us want love you know and if you don't get it then where do we go well tonight it's a church hall in brighton prince man venger has his eye on a choir boy called tony the first time actually i've got an exposure to a western kind of culture i mean this music culture why don't you give me your cell number in case i need to contact you having set up a future date with tony the prince is now off to me old favorite mike at a birthday party his fellow royals have tagged along hoping to meet some more girls where are girls how come they do you think there's a coincidence there's not even one girl it's philly's birthday oh my god we're coming to this party how are you guys good good good good nice to meet you again yeah fine thank you and you no i haven't watched this video how did you get this invitation michael because i'm quite good friends with philip so philippe is also like you yes he's guys would you like to go for a drink no no no no no no no no no taking a k-pop i'm not coming in there you can come in see you tomorrow morning it looks like they're a bit wet or skeptical of going into a gay bar then if he doesn't want to be mixing around with gays then we cannot help it 90 min gay party the only reason i came here was for check out the girl in england in order to check out the cave people in england and that is my standpoint for tonight the prince's search for girls is over [Music] the culture here of meeting women is different from home probably different also from sri lanka yeah yeah definitely definitely you can't approach a woman on the street here here you must meet them two speed dating and now you have to go to internet and lock on and join clubs and all those things so the hand is very professional thank you very much with just a few days left of their undercover lives prince africa and prince remedius must soon return to their royal duties i am prince remigius karagaraja jaffna sri lanka prince remigias is heir to the royal throne of jaffna in sri lanka's northern territory war forced his family into exile the prince now lives in the netherlands where he is fighting to restore the monarchy i want to return to the country bring peace to the people and be a people's prince according to royal tradition the prince must choose a bride of noble birth i will not consider anybody who is not from the blue blood if you are taking someone from australia family they are well trained and they know how to behave and they know how to dress i don't have to teach them anything royal restrictions mean prince remedius has little opportunity to let his hair down when i was young i didn't have much contacts with the public because restriction a lot of rules are regulations you cannot speak to everyone but life undercover has given him a whole new world of freedom honestly to say i'm so happy that in brighton i'm undercover and i can be here in the netherlands i never get a chance to go like this in the night honestly to uh yeah you don't go no i cannot go in the sea beach like this no i'm not allowed to go by what do it is yeah oh and uh in holland in holland you cannot go to the cinema tonight unless i have some people with me i'll meet my advisor oh this the bridge is beautiful really beautiful it's morning and prince man venger has a date he's off to meet tony from the gay choir nice to see you yeah reading for a long time no not too long at all although prince manvendra is posing as an ordinary civilian he's arranged a visit to a royal castle in nearby lewis what a great address wow that's astounding isn't it in india in fact there are a lot of forts uh and palaces which are still being occupied all right little does tony know that mamvendra has his very own palace back in india shopkeeper mike was the prince's favorite will that change now tony's in the mix yeah i quite fancy him obviously he is competing with number one as of now like he can be 1.5 now if there is uh some grading of that sort and um number bike is still mike take care of that yeah sorry while prince manfendra is falling more and more for mike back in brighton prince africa is no closer to finding a partner to invite back to his kingdom alex is tonight's dinner date but she's yet to arrive women have a pencil in south africa i've never heard this 30 minutes two minutes late she's you see what is she queen of england why is thirty minutes late really you know five ten minutes is understandable fifteen minutes understandable not three minutes please despite the absence of alex the prince will wait no longer my brother my brother can i make an order can i place an author yes i like a beggar sorry i like to have a baker a beef baker with onions hello nice to meet you oh another one alex nice to meet you hello how are you thank you i hope this seat is more comfortable oh thank you very much beautifully oh thank you excuse me bro sorry sorry can i please have a glass of white wine white wine one class of fried wine how many sauces do you have ketchup what happened sorry you were too late what happened late wait no no we're not late to a delay tonight what today no i thought i was early i thought i was on time the date is going nowhere i want to cut this shot [Music] so the prince resorts to one of the oldest tricks in the book was interesting but um i don't think you'll be hearing wedding bells no despite his plans to continue dating other girls prince remigius is meeting his favorite melissa for the third time so you told your father what did he do exactly he was a civil engineer the prince is still hiding the fact that he's a royal like the other princes it's vital to remedius that any partner will love him for himself and not just his title or money a poor person say if i met a poor person of course if they if they have like i say if they have the same ideas and the same way of treating people and uh for me i think generous generosity and kindness and of the you know and a good spirit then then why not yeah but not yeah like if you were to make a very rich person a monkey millionaire i should be so lucky it doesn't but i don't think material things can't make you happy that's right you're right i like it it's really easy company he's got a really quite quirky sense of humor um and he he's he's just a gentleman he's just lovely thank you i will do thank you so much for leaving he has got a good humor and good nature i like manisha i can see the undercover princes are running out of time to decide on the partners they'll invite home to their kingdoms for prince remedius office worker melissa is not the upper class lady he should go for soon he'll have to decide whether to choose love over duty with a string of failed dates behind him zulu prince africa has no options at all but hooked on brighton boy mike prince man venger could be close to finding love for the first time in his life with another date planned today the prince and the shop assistant is spending more and more time together we are going on a date to portsmouth portsmouth is a very seems to be a a romantic place unlike any of their previous dates this time they're planning an overnight stay ah well mike is the first guy i have fancy dear and writer and i've had some lovely time with him but um not been as such alone with him in some other place except being with friends so this would give me a more chance to know him better [Music] again [Music] stevenship there [Music] after showing prince manvendra the sites of portsmouth mike introduces him to some traditional british delicacies [Music] back in brighton prince africa zulu is meeting donna another of the girls from the speed date with his poor track record and with time running out it's vital he gets this date right to you i know that you've got some nice lessons for me so you've got the big okay okay i like your boots what have you got tied to them no it's one of our uh african attire we made actually from the tail of a cow fair enough yeah yeah yeah 10 minutes in the school oh so you've never ridden before no no no no [Music] [Applause] despite being a beginner prince africa looks suitably regal i was really surprised actually because some people you know they put them on a horse and they're all over the place they just kind of don't know what to do but he really took to it straight away so i was really impressed by that we put it much more today i must say this you know yeah it's different so yeah all is well yeah he's actually proved really easy to get on with so it's been really good i've really enjoyed it i want i want to get to know him more yeah yeah this is my chance but it's been amazing so far in the past prince africa has been burnt in love his long-term partner left him after seven years and married another man she was really my world and i knew that there were many beautiful women out there but she was what my heart desired his strict royal upbringing has also affected his approach to relationships it's hard to be close with people you know i've lived an isolated life i've never seen a need to be too close with people yeah oh thank you but in donna prince africa has found someone he can open up to i have two brothers with one older one yeah but i have never said ideas with my own older brother really in my life talk like this yeah maybe you should um give it a go and see what happens never no just the way of life how it is but the other one will get along very well she's someone very interesting very intelligent very interesting to know probably more yeah i thought it was quite interesting because i think normally on first dates people don't tend to open up very much and i thought he kind of did actually so yeah i'd certainly like to see her again he's really sort of fascinating guy but there's bad news for the prince tomorrow donna is going on holiday to new york what time are you going to today tomorrow what's at midday i think so i'm going to be leaving early i'm going to be living in italy so what time would you be at the airport i'd like to be there about nine or ten morning yeah really yeah it's weekend okay okay thank you thank you [Music] across town prince romages is still undecided about melissa so tonight he's meeting a recruitment consultant called antonia hi hey how are you for their date antonia has unknowingly chosen another unregal activity a laser fight this is all fun for me which i missed during my childhood because i had to take a lot of things serious in my life what type of person are you looking for something like uh aristocratic someone like from the aristocratic family or like the royal family you like some you like maybe william would have much in common no william no so you like the royal family the royal family get paid for by the public so i think a lot of people feel like that they should go out and get a job and they shouldn't just be paid they shouldn't just get free money and you know they live in these amazing palaces and some people think that that's not fair just because your lineage they feel like you shouldn't get that oh well antonia she's a nice person thank you very much it was nice i'll be sure like certain things she also wants to be a little bit of a bossy type i feel see you care bye ciao meanwhile it's prince africa's final chance to speak to donna before she leaves for new york i'd like to be to be the last person in your chat you talk to i mean on your way to america okay okay you take it now and yeah just take care and until tomorrow doesn't it look beautiful at night it does yeah the evening takes a turn for the worse my boyfriend mike he's got a uh quite a bad stomach upset money oh but i'm worried about you because i'm fine now how do you feel i feel that regarding us well well well well well well a direct answer or a direct question needs a direct answer yeah i'll ask you the question again how do you feel about us oh yeah i feel quite hot and horny it's nice we slept together the same bed we both fell asleep and cuddled and kissed and just just the romantic things that didn't involve having full-blown sex we thought in a relation it's better to go slowly rather than hurry up things [Music] but man vendra's relationship with mike has moved to the next level now we spent the night together so i think in this manner if it gradually develops this relationship also gets more and more stronger and deeper although mike's merely a shop assistant his highness prince manvendra has come to an amazing conclusion i do love him and i also feel that he loves me when it comes to love i don't see to the social standing of a person he works in news agent or he works in the on the streets for me love is more important and caring and sharing is more important than anything else [Applause] with prince man venger in portsmouth the other two royals take a break from the relentless dating under cover they go to experience a classic british pastime six dogs in a race here if you look down here it gives you the best the best odds what about the dog what about the dog how much dog kids dog doesn't get any money it's the owner yeah dog doesn't get any money no the owner the train the owner gets the money so the owner runs away with all the money he talks run for nothing [Music] [Music] number four number four number four number four four and five four and five point five what happened to four yeah number four was leading suddenly number four is not running good advice don't you think these dogs are paid you know to run fast sometimes they're paying to slow down no you can't buy your dog they're bribed i think they've been private that evening prince remigius is having dinner with his favorite girl melissa well today i'm hoping to meet her and speak to her and see like just she likes any royal families and especially what is she up to and why does she likes me more and all those type of things i'm going to find out that are you fine are you so i'm really right was it okay i'm good thank you so how was your work today it was busy but it was really good i just lots to do myself in africa we went to see the dog greyhound thing it was doing really good yeah prince remedius quickly moves the conversation on to royalty your video suppose if they come in here as if they want to shake hands with you will you shake hands with them yeah of course with him yeah of course i have been doing it because for our fathers yeah i actually had an interview inside buckingham palace and i went inside [ __ ] pilots really yeah why um i had an interview to be pa to the head of the head of the i know the house housekeeping side of things you have coffee meet the queen no no i wish remedius like his fellow prince man venger is growing closer and closer to an ordinary person she is still not from aristocratic i think but she is something to that level she has got that british looks and poshness meanwhile undercover prince africa has found a way of getting over donna's absence he's met another girl sam what do you do i'm in farming you're watching family i work in nepal okay cool do you come from a big family no i wish i have one brother who i'm really close to wow but um i want to have a big family i think that's cool wow like an african family well whilst i'm talking to you i'm looking at your eyes i really loving us you do i always say tomorrow you know after something maybe some more time to to chat what would we do what are you suggesting i would like to see you again i would very much love to see you again i could be around today i think it went quite well to be honest we had a lot of chat it was uh interesting it was nice to meet someone from a different culture and to hear their views on things great to meet you goodbye so he perhaps yeah i'd see him again hi friend how are you how is everything okay everything is okay everything is weird she is the right reason why but his girls are so beautiful she is amazing you know it's amazing that i only had about 30 40 minutes but it feels like a lifetime of happiness tomorrow i'm planning to meet her she works nine to half as five i only have two days to make a lasting impression to me so it will be now donna versus sam dona is in america just put her aside for a while donna is so far away she is just as far as the moon now you don't know whom to choose do now or sam there are just two days before the undercover princes must make their final decisions reveal their true identity and invite their sweetheart home to their kingdom prince africa has struggled to find romance but suddenly he's got two girls to choose from sam and donna for prince remedius melissa is not the aristocrat he should opt for but soon he must decide to go with his head or his heart and prince mamvendra has fallen in love for the first time but he still has to reveal his true status to shop assistant mike prince man vendra is so sure about his relationship with mike that he plans to confess ahead of schedule remedius is helping him rehearse but you go inside and then he's there you know go there say hi mike how are you i would like to come to see you and to see first of all i would like to say how are you and then i want to say to you something [Music] my real name is not money i am his highness prince by me in the racing of raj people like that you know okay mike i want to tell you something about myself i am his highness prince manavendra singh gohel of raj pipla for his announcement prince manvendra is trying on robes so fine they would normally be worn at an indian royal wedding normally my secretary makes me wear so i'm not used to wearing it on my own the reaction would immediately reaction would be a shock because he will not be seeing me as money so there are two there are two different people it's a kind of a transformation do you know whom are you talking to i am prince manuel indra singh kohir of raj pipla my great grandfather took a white woman to india he married an english lady a commoner so i think i am following his footsteps except that he took a woman and i took a man it's time for the print to come clean oh hello how are you are you look nice oh thanks wow you got a beautiful house it's not mine i just i just you know i just rent a room mike has seen manvendra dressed in traditional indian clothes before so he suspects nothing always quite fruity excellent yeah these i bought in a supermarket simple job even you could do these if you can understand english all it asks you to do is remove the outer packaging and place in the oven on a certain temperature for 30 minutes mike's entirely unaware he's cooking for his highness the prince of raj pipla i hope this is okay oh it sounds it looks so really really some juice wow well it's um it's not something extravagant because i'm i don't inspire to be an extravagant cook all i can say is the food that i cook um it's edible no but it's more than edible of course because well you don't know you haven't tried it yet no i i mean i can smell it but it's actually got quite a nice taste to it i'm taking you into the lounge uh-huh i don't know if you've been in the lounge before two hours into the evening the prince plucks up the courage i find that in your own private space it's easier to talk and say how you feel i know not that i totally agree with you because um now that we know each other for a long time not almost more than 25 days yes um i would like to make a confession to you out of all the people who i've waited so far or i've met so far in brighton and since the last 25 days or more i was here you're the only guy i have actually fancied right so well that is nice for me uh cutting the mata short uh i want to tell you that my full name is his highness prince manuendra singho hill of raj pipla which is say you're a prince i am a direct descendant of the 600 year old dynasty and the crown prince and uh the only legal heir to the throne of raj pippler that's good so so what am i supposed to be your princess there so i thought i would tell this to you because i would like to invite you to come and stay at my palace at raj pipla and i would like you to experience uh what it is to be like a royal yeah really enjoy that once dressed in his royal turban the transformation from manny to crown prince manvendra is complete well there i am that's nice and would you be offended if i went upstairs and got a camera and took a photo of you in your full dress before even though you said some things tonight that a lot of people would be shocked with i feel that it's come as a shock you know it hasn't hit home yet you know it's going to be exciting crown prince manvendra is the first of the three royals to reveal his true identity the other two princes have yet to hear his news hi god should we rise yeah now you have to rise you can't keep sitting what happened really yeah well uh he was shocked uh of course yeah he was totally shocked about to know uh my thing but at the same time he said that i mean i admire your status i admire i respect the royalty and everything but for me you are still money hi good morning my brother how are you hi great and a good sleep it's the last full day in brighton and it's a difficult one for prince africa [Music] donna is still away in new york but later he's going on another date with sam the prince must think hard about his final choice [Music] it's a big day for loved up prince man venger too he's arranged to meet mike's mum and for mamvendra it's especially important to get on well with mike's family [Music] being raised as a royal has left its mark on his own family ties my relations with my parents uh has been very very formal uh i was uh brought up by a cowardice i didn't have any any kind of attachment with my mother because my governess did most of the work for me and father is as a to a very formal figure in the family so there is no question of even kind of getting attached with the father [Music] hello i'm mike's friend manny i'm in love with mike i guess you you also understand that a mother is the closest to the child so and i'm really happy i'm glad that i have been able to meet you mike has already told his mum that man vendra is a prince so what do you think about me very nice and i'm really pleased to have met you to tell you the truth uh in our families we don't have family life as such especially in my father's case i mean mike will experience that when he comes i have to actually take an appointment to meet him that is very good yeah exactly so i know in our indian way i will wish you goodbye in this manner [Laughter] she was uh she was very she was getting excited and at the same time she was uh like you know full of love and affection for me so it was a very nice experience i had with her and um i got a bit emotional also because naturally uh back in india i had not have i had not experienced that kind of love and warmth from my own parents now you are inviting mike to come to the palace what i want to say to you to the both your parents i will tell them that he is the love i found in brighton will they accept it see whether they accept it or they don't accept it that's not material prince remigius is going on a last date with melissa he has made his choice we will see what she's going to see when i reveal my real identity i'm very happy that i met her i think i made the right choice she should be one of the luckiest person and i would like to take her to holland and teach her a little bit more i have got my official visiting which i'll be also giving to her you look gorgeous yeah and you have melissa about any goblins will like to immediately come to you the prince has told melissa to expect a big surprise yeah i'd love to find out what he's doing what he's got planned hi how are you very well thank you very nice greens thank you i'll give you another one i bought some flowers oh thank you so much they're lovely i like all the good colors they're green and thank you very much yeah that's right yeah um well i have to say to you something um during my stay in brighton i think out of all the people you have caught my eye okay thank you and i can say that you are the english rules i would like to ask you i i would like to know about you more okay and i hope you also like to know more about me if i invite you to my final destination the country i come from will you visit me absolutely i'd love to yes um thank you wow yes absolutely of course definitely visit me yeah of course i'd love to thank you now it's time to tell her the truth my real name his royal highness prince remigious kanangaraja of jaffna okay and also i would like to give you my visiting card and okay so you'll be having no questions at the moment i think i'm a little bit speechless you're speechless it's the most surreal experience i think i've ever had at the moment it went very well i i never expected that it will go as this because i was thinking always i was a little bit tense i'm pleased that she accepted it to visit me i i think she's really shocked oh my god here comes africa prince africa is back from his date with sam with some big news of his own what happened to you first tell me with donna in new york the prince has made an impulsive decision i meant it to me sam and i asked her if she would consider [Music] sort of coming to south africa and you know to see me again and never getting more time to get to know each other but he's already having doubts but also i'm so aware that she might be just trying me out just like she's trying a recipe not convinced she genuinely likes him the prince hasn't told sam his royalty i must not have any kind of hope with sam but there is no guarantee that she is really interested in me but she she will be prepared to enjoy some kind of adventure so it could be quite adventurous for her to just come to south africa and look at the mountains look at the weather sunshine it could be quite an experience at the end of their last day in brighton africa is not the only one feeling down i'm quite sad now tomorrow's my last day being undercover then all my freedom everything will be gone away and i'll be back to square one thinking about all the things which i never did in my life that i'll be doing it all over again it's time for the princes to leave the uk we have been living together having fun um now we have to leave this is life after three weeks on their undercover mission the princes have all found partners who will join them in their kingdoms now it's back to royal life i would be definitely missing the other princes because they have been a great support to me they have been a family to me so we are all now leaving yeah yeah yeah it was uh it was good after a while my friend it was really nice after in africa we had really had some good moments and uh yeah thank you has not only found love he's found friendship it was such an attachment you know where everything was like a family and you know um way back it doesn't happen like that [Music] for remedius going undercover has made him realize that some things in life are more valuable than status if i was not born as a prince i'll be the most happiest person i think i think commanders are very happy they can go anywhere they can't do anything and so they are very very happy people by living here as a ordinary person was able to roam little bit freely when you get back everything is changed you cannot do what you want for africa finding a partner took time now he'll have to wait and see if she's for real [Music] i don't know if i'm still interested in sam maybe if i see her again i'll get to know her better [Music] next time in the final episode of the undercover princes a change of heart sees africa choose donna it is exciting actually the whole sort of uh being shown around africa by a prince and the princes put their love to the ultimate test uh johannes this is uh mike their partners join them in their countries to experience life as a royal she reminded me of the prisoner of wales and discover if their relationship is for keeps how do you want to be in the future do you want to be my good friend by the end of their quest will the princes have found a person to spend the rest of their lives with i think donna could be a zulu woman and could make a good life
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 1,305,688
Rating: 4.6671205 out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: A7FQDvNhGz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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