When I Quit Apex - THIS will be the reason

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when i quit apex legends it won't be because i'm bored of the game or because i don't feel like i can get any better no it will be because of something else namely the chipping away of my soul from certain events that have led me to an inevitable but shocking announcement in which i'm going to need your help to stop me from quitting but to understand why i've arrived at this conclusion you must first experience my pain but as i queued into this match my pre-made teammates did not care that i was a jump master they pinged their own destination and split off to a completely different zone i had no choice but to follow their leaders is the case when solo queueing is 2v1 and the one in this case was me ragtag the greatest gutter to your gamer on the face of this earth and after looting this ghost town of rift where no other players bothered to enter i emerged with a triple taking a p2020 which might seem like i'd given up on life completely but if you saw what i'd just seen 20 minutes earlier then perhaps you'd also call the triple take your trusted companion when you land into market you don't care what guns you get you take what you can before someone punches you in the back of the head and in my case you guessed it the triple take yeah well what did you expect is me after all but this was merely a blip because bangalore sacrificed ash to bring me back because bangalore believed and with good reason [Music] and that's why i trusted the triple take in a game headed up by masters ranked players so now we had the loadout but i was about to absolutely lose it at my teammates but first it's time to say happy birthday this month to my favorite mobile game read shadow legends perhaps you've heard of it and now with raid celebrating its third year dominating the turn-based rpg market the reason for that is obviously the fusion of amazing graphics coupled with exciting gameplay but most of all so much content and a free-to-play game where there's always something to do no matter whether you're a beginner or a seasoned veteran the devs are constantly adding new things to the game such as the shadowkin faction last year with loads of cool looking characters although it hurt my soul to see a trailer of them cutting down one of my favorite champions of all time lord cesar how could you i don't know who that is but if you can't beat him collect him let's not forget the fearsome hydra clan boss and while the multi-headed monster squabbles at times it's terrifying to fight so you should work your way up to it and blast through the campaign in the dungeons is also the doom tower with 120 floors of challenging falls bosses and secret rooms so what are you waiting for click the link in the description or scan the qr code right here to get yourself a free starter pack worth almost 40 dollars including three champions misery chord tiger soul and romero 10 magic 10 force and 10 spirit xp bruce and since it's raid's birthday the gifts keep coming all new and existing players can get a bunch of free birthday gifts worth over 25 dollars once you're in the game just in a promo code three years raid to get your hands on everything you're welcome so back we go to the teammates who split off from our original plan to energy depot but now we've arrived here together united and looted up only eight squads left already though i was geared up for battle but little did i know that my soul would soon fracture in this very game caught a squad at the end of a fight had to make sure that the pathfinder stayed down for good only two left an easy task for the triple take oh what's that i'm uh i'm storing those bullets in the wall for later it's a bullet bank alright shut your mouth [Music] just the ash left and i had to cut her off before she could escape or worse another squad joining the fight [Music] i desperately needed a shield swap but octane swiped the purple all good though because another death box had the free upgrade and i decided to scout ahead for more enemies which is of course when i found a full squad looking right at me [Music] as i limped back to my team that enemy squad did the same tactic i just pulled off and tried to cut me off running straight into my companions okay that might have been my fault octane my bad i can fix this maybe [Music] when octane pinged behind i knew this was bad [Music] i had to finish this quickly so much for that couldn't move forward shouldn't move back and then in they came okay let's see here both my teammates down two enemy squads fighting around their bodies beat back the teams grab the banners uh yeah this will work no problem and we're done i was beginning to believe but octane didn't share that sentiment well bloodhound i'm coming hang on [Music] at this moment my microphone was swung the other way but if you listen carefully you will hear exactly what happened to mr calm non-toxic and positive gutter to your gamer once pushed over the edge man i can't even believe they didn't stay behind what's wrong with people [Music] just wait to win the fight or not honestly i needed to calm down but most of all get out of here and recover my shields but it didn't take long for me to get back my collected focus once more now i had a puncher's chance at winning this game all i had to do was catch the other two final squads while they fought third party them and take this victory for myself i didn't need those other teammates i could do that okay i lied i i really needed them well now i had to just hope that it wasn't a full squad of three and it turned out that's exactly what it was [Music] valkyrie took to the sky to make sure i wasn't alone and then i was mercilessly finished thanks random teammates for ruining an amazing comeback and uh yeah unfortunately it didn't end there because landing into my favorite spot in king's canyon seemed like a decent start to quickly grab some loot hearing gunfire at containment even better i quickly grabbed the devotion feeling connected to the energy weapons for this session and it wasn't until i crossed the bridge that i realized that yeah mad maggie hadn't moved they were afk so we either stood guard over someone that may never return or take the fight to containment so of course you already know what i did [Music] [Applause] what happened to my devotion trust levels i don't know but i do know that a 2v1 is better than i won't be at whom i kidding get back in there and show that wraith how to win a skillless battle [Music] and like any good action movie my opponents continued to arrive one at a time the fight for containment seemed over for now and we knew that even though we were at a disadvantage if we were careful the two of us could decimate this lobby because mad maggie was while they were still taking out the garbage or being summoned for dinner in another dimension i beckoned my new friend towards bunker where the sounds of a skirmish caught our ears i was ready to take risks and briefly ignored my unaware opponent to catch their enemies in my gravitational ultimate because the enemy of my enemy is is still my enemy eat the octane gave me the time i needed to recover and our bond of fellowship was just beginning to blossom [Music] the battle for bunker was over and the ring darkened our doorsteps it was time to move on one clipped by a loba and our team of two was just cut in half by a full squad of three you think that was gonna stop me yeah well i don't care what happens nobody one clips my teammate and gets away with it back so [Music] i'm clutching up here the victory was bittersweet because octane didn't believe he lost hope precisely at the moment when anything could happen and now that was truly alone but that's the funny thing about life for to those who allow the possibility of turning around the worst situation sometimes fate steps in or better afk mad maggies finish their dinner and return to the free keem for loot and eager for battle it was time to activate my microphone and show what two determined teammates could do in an uphill struggle if you're looking for some loot man there's some in bunker i can take you to it i've got some heels here for you too there's four death boxes in here perhaps you can hear that my voice was a bit raw from the screeching mainly because i don't really shout these days so it didn't take much to tire me out but none of that mattered now the prospect of a comeback filled me with hope once more for the sweetest victories are the ones that we work hardest for maggie took their pick of the loot and with round two almost finished i signaled for us to make her play alright brother let's do it with the ring giving chase i led us to the destroyed bridges with a view to scoping out potential third parties but as is often the case with closing rings finding others scampering across the red line ends up being an opportunity too good to pass up not knowing what lay in store for us we had to be careful with our aggression but at the same time i wasn't about to give my enemies a chance to revive their fallen friends so i became unusually thirsty okay come on now that looks like an enemy player right maybe it's time for another visit to the opticians after spotting another golden box inside it would provide valuable backup as more footsteps approached i cracked them they cracked me but they wouldn't be ready for me coming back around the corner so soon with full shields all over again uh unless there were three of them oh boy let's try gg dude i felt sick to my stomach had thrown the game with an overzealous push and this disappearing teammate trick was waiting thin it had taken over three years but it looked like apex legends was finally about to break me welcome gentle viewer to the game but i'd seen enough and decided that from after today you'll be seeing some changes on this channel but bear with me a little longer because if you do perhaps the person sitting watching this video right now you could be the one to rekindle my love for apex legends but first cascade falls had some visitors and all i could think was how long until one of my teammates gets downed and leaves ah my opponent was an individual of taste a close range charge rifle user you have my respect but also prepare to die crank out [Music] [Music] securing all three eliminations would normally bring me a massive rush of joy topped off with the warming fuzzies of being declared the kill leader but at this moment felt like all i've done was delayed the inevitable sure we all survived this one but i'd reached the point where i was just expecting the worst without hoping for the best a dark place indeed but then when i mentioned to my teammates that i was after a triple take bloodhound seemingly relinquished theirs in an almost unheard of gesture from a random player and in that moment i found my faith in humanity restored once again sometimes a simple kindness can light a candle that will burn for years well not years but but definitely several minutes then as we prepared to leave cascade a bold octane was happy to try and 1v3 our whole team [Music] whoever that was he wasn't alone so now we hunted [Music] down and my heart sank was this the moment we dropped a player wreath done the ash i grabbed the banner wreath placed the portal as if trying to desperately perform the resurrection before bloodhound tapped out for good and it worked the enemy valkyrie blasted off for miles in another direction which is around the time when i started to get confused because moments later we bumped into another valkyrie and this valk was a ferocious beast [Music] thank goodness i placed my trust in the triple take round one closing over us and a good place to look for their next battle was at stormcatcher a great place for action junkies to go to so of course i'm going there too and as is becoming the norm i was the frontline combatant for this battle first to arriving first to leave and by the time i scooted myself away from that fight bloodhand had already dealt with an enemy got dealt with themselves and i arrived just in time to see a flying death box [Music] but it seems that stragglers are popular on storm point for a banner hungry octane made a sprint for the death boxes and well we weren't about to let that stand [Music] what's this wraith acknowledging the kill steal how rare but to be honest with you it's all fine with me because i was just delighted to have both my teammates still in the game at this point as i prepared to launch myself from the gravity cannon towards the lagoon i realized that there was a distinct possibility that all three of us might see an end game here i was hitting my shots with the triple take my r99 was absolutely jacked up all of a sudden it didn't feel like a bad idea to believe that this game could very well be ours so with round two about to close the splish splashing sounds brought me to high alert we were about to be tested [Music] i won't let someone get the better of you this time bloodhound it was time for the flank attack with the beauty of the likes this lifeline has never seen those enemies brutally thirsted our bloodhound so i repeat the favor the other two fixed their gaze on me and prepared to claim vengeance [Music] then i was pushed and pushed hard at least this time i handled my teammates disconnect a lot better than the previous ones every game every single game i'm done with it this was an appropriate time for a moment of levity with a good old synchronized heat shield lol exclaimed wraith my sides were splitting but round three was no joke we'd have to sneak to safety which is of course too much to ask for me because i'm shooting anything that moves so was that bangalore apparently [Music] four squads left wreath didn't leave the game i had a good feeling about this guy and if this player stuck with me even if we lost so long as we were together i'd consider that a win for today but we weren't out of the woods just the yet take was getting the job done and now we found ourselves in the end game with only two other squads to vanquish in a short time i'd felt the bond of kinship forming with my new friend which is the exact moment when he began to have internet trouble his ping spiked and little did i realize that while i was busy scouting the position of our final foes wraith had fallen into a void with no internet this could get interesting mr ttv had dc'd not intentionally it would seem but the player icon remained as did a glimmer of hope that he might return what was the right call here push wait for my teammate to reconnect i've decided to push ouch i i decided to wait returned this game sucks not wrong pal sometimes it really does but i wasn't walking into a full squad alone again this was gonna be a final fight with both of us or none of us i i i guess none of us then and so to our final game of the video when i was getting ready to quit for good something happened that i did not expect which will finally bring us to the announcement which you may have already guessed by now but first let's get accused of being a fan account rack track knockoff or no low definitely a knock off me i get knocked off drop you know what i'm saying gentlemen can you hear me yes i am in desperate need of a triple take [Music] okay uh today it's actually this game i wasn't going to tell you about it but today is my 4k game so if you could just lay off on doing too much damage that'd be lovely supreme comedy from me as usual not that i'm incapable of a 4k but having people to talk to even though i'm not much of a people person this definitely beats solo play where teammates were dipping at the first sign of trouble and speaking of trouble we've been about to get some in the heart of the void-filled labs [Music] now if you're watching bloodhound open mic kinda sucks when we all have to hear the game sounds twice but you know what you lifted my spirits so you are forgiven besides we were about to have an unforgettable brawl moment come on boys i need that triple take where is it [Music] oh you still don't have it i found it i found i found it right we're good we're good uh right do you have a painting do i have a walk i pay to win skin what i don't pay to win i pay to lose that's too much ragtag come on guys let's get this win i am hurting for wins today as we poked our heads over the top of the hillside outpost bloodhound spotted a huge battle one that we simply had to get involved in oh let's go my morale was at an all-time high and my skills no not quite as high as the previous games gentlemen this is our time i'm trash everyone forgets the rampage that knocks doors down no matter what happened from here on out i was starting to understand why people group up to play this game because it often softens the blow when times get tough but then the problem with people getting familiar with you is that they sometimes ask questions which feel like an accidental kick to the groin 275 ammo for a ring look mate you might want to pick up some more to be honest with you that might not be enough yeah let's go boys let's do it yeah how much damage do you have right now um i don't want to talk about it if that's all right with you it's like i'm 10 of the way to 4k this was just turning into one of those lobbies where everyone perished quickly so the end game was already honest and i didn't even know it but lifeline found us something to do in bunker calling out the damage with perfect articulation good man that's more than a third of what i've done this entire game yeah finish them come on and that's what the rampage is really for it's for a suppressive fire it doesn't matter if you hit anything or not when you've got two teammates you can do more than face the right direction but all i cared about now was the realization that this was a lot more fun than anything else i've done the last four days in apex legends oh they're fighting oh they just finished the last squad finally revealed themselves but this was going to be anything other than the walk over i thought it might be oh they're gonna push boys [Music] reflect them it's like my first win in four days all right so here we go guys the announcement you've been waiting for you guessed that already if you want the chance to play with me and be my teammate now is your moment a couple of quick things i'll be playing on a brand new account not this one so if you try to add my main account as a friend it's just going to get rejected to get all the details and play times just join the discord link is in the description spots are going to be open to anyone but the youtube members they will take priority on a two to one ratio i'm looking for any skill level teammates from complete trash up and two including diamond ranks so if you think you'd make a good squad mate and you can keep your comms family friendly i'll be playing with viewers as early as the day after this video goes live and who knows the next video could include you if there are any young lings interested this needs to be with your parent or guardian on the comms with you or they play alongside us as part of a three stack and uh yeah let the gutter to your games commence hope you enjoyed the vid catch in the next one later
Channel: Rag Tagg
Views: 623,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, Quit Apex Legends, Apex Legends Tales, Apex Legends funny, Apex Legends season 12
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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