When entry may be better: Rolex vs. Tudor vs. Sinn

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there was a time when cheap watches fill apart quickly and you really needed to throw that extra money into the pile to get something solid Dependable reliable and long-lasting that's not the case anymore we're going to explore why this is the case and why I think for the most part watch collecting is at an absolute High Point at the moment let's dive in throughout this video I'll be referencing three watches the Rolex yacht Master RX titanium the chuda pagos fxd with the black dial and the sin 104 sta the reason I chose these three watches is of because of the aesthetic similarities you are dealing with a fairly basic dive Style watch they are all sport metallic cases with a black dial and black bezel with a grat dial bezel all three come across as rugged touh offerings some with a more premium Vibe but whether it's the Tuda the sin or the Rolex these watches are within the brands positioned as tool offerings Rolex has the GMT or the Daytona as the luxury watch with the polished cenix and all tudo would likely prefer you to believe that the pagos 39 is the more dressy premium offer offering Zin okay maybe this is actually a semi-dressy offering from Zin compared to some of their regular very tool forward designs no matter though I hope you can agree that these watches to a large extent will likely scratch the same kind of itch for people Rolex has their in-house caliber chuda uses a kinesi movement which most people would accept could be called an in-house and finally you have sin that uses a sourced celita caliber these washes are not the same of course but in some ways I would actually challenge you and argue that they are more similar than you think the similarities are obviously not in terms of features or specs the Rolex uses the 3235 movement which lives up to their superlative chronometer specification you get parac Chrome hairsprings paraplex shock absorbers and a power reserve of 70 hours the Tuda mt5602 comes pretty close on specs it's not certified metas but cost certified also 70 hours of power Reserve finally the Zin with the citer has no cost certification and only 40 Hour of Power Reser well give or take anyway but the 3235 is one of rolex's Workhorse movements it's found in the datest the sea dwellers the yacht Masters the Pearl Masters and many more chuda has their model in more or less all of the black Bays the celita throw a rock at a display case of sub $2,500 watches and you're likely going to hit a watch that uses this movement Zin Christopher Ward even orus still have some models that use this movement heck even hublo uses this movement and charges you $8,000 for the privilege the thing that he movements all have in common is scale Rolex doesn't FF about with Niche movements that get produced in very limited numbers Rolex is all about scale and efficiency scale isn't just a mass Market entry level thing to keep those margins Rolex does everything it can to reuse movements across their product line the chudo movement is no different versions of this movement are sold under the kesi brand to both brightling noane and likely a whole bunch of others also keeping down the costs the celita is the same story specific specifically to my point the celita is not the only movement that has the label mass produced at scale all three movements are that for me this does two things it takes some of the Sheen and sexiness off of the in-house Monica that Rolex and others cling to the Rolex movement is a good movement and it is proprietary to Rolex there's no disputing that but the key to low cost is scale and reuse same for all three movements there's also another thing that comes with the scale and that is reliability yeah the high highest end specs are not there in this liter but this movement is solid easily serviceable and will work for years and years just like the Tuda and the Rolex movements we've got premium grade five titanium grade 2 titanium and finally steel what's the best well you know what I think about the word best when talking about materials what's the most solid well that's grade five followed by Steel and grade two as far as I remember anti-allergenic properties are best with titanium in general corrosion resistance titanium but that's not the point here it's not a comp competition on specs these three materials illustrate the trickle down effect of technology if you've ever driven a Mercedes you'll know that for many years the newest Tech would always be found in the top model the S-Class first as time progressed these tech details would filter down to the E and then to the C and then to the B and then to the a class it's changed a little bit in recent years but generally The Cutting Edge of tech and materials is to be found in the high end same goes for watches autom rpk recently made a watch where the metal had glass-like properties it wasn't the first but long story short it makes for a really really impressive polish and shine what we see here is Rolex using the most premium and newest material of the bunch Tuda is playing around with the slightly older and slightly less spect out grade to and sin is sticking with tried and true steel I think you can make two inferences about all of this at some point grade five material finishing and Manufacturing technology will make its way into the entry end of watches what was exclusive and difficult to do at some point will become widely available in the future future second we have come so far that a fairly standard watch like this in has multiple finishing techniques you can still find watches like the unimatic that are sand blasted or matted cases keeping the cost down with a minimum of finishing techniques that's not the case with the Zin they have high polish chamfering and machined bezels and much more go back 20 years and the cheapest watches were often stamped or plain or just very rustic in their aesthetic simply because the technology wasn't as widely available as it is today just look at the Christopher W 12 and consider how much detail has gone into the Machining of that Cas and bracelet for the Zin you're standing with a watch that isn't just fine but is actually good in terms of finishing and tolerances okay so the Tudor comes with the strap and no bracelet but let's just agree that the bracelet on a regular pagos are pretty cool the key here is that this is actually one of the remaining places where the low end is still catching up Zin are arguably a bit behind the market in general in this because they still use stamped CL CLS but even with the mil clasp the Zin would be a bit behind Rolex I'm not sure if they pioneered easy adjust or Easy Link bracelets but they definitely popularized it and chuda too offer their own version of easy adjust this hasn't made its way into the sub $2,500 category not consistently at least so this is where a watch like the Zin suffers the point still stands though solid fully mil clasps of slowly but surely becoming standard even the Hamilton Kaki Expedition offers a solid M clasp soon rather than later easy adjust will also become common place in this entry end I don't see a point in going through the review of the dials to explain the trickle down effect again Sunburst or Sunray dials applied markers you can do that a long way down into the entry as well the thing I want to point out though here is something different none of these watches are aages none of these watches are copies of each other the 104 predates the poos and at least the RLX yacht Master to my knowledge the 104 is the only of the three watches that has actually won a design award Zin regularly win Design Awards for the designs noos Christopher Ward yemma good designs and the designers behind them are not exclusive to high-end Brands sometimes when you have only a cursory knowledge of watches you may get the feeling that the low-end is populated by you know mvmt mardio and Daniel wington and all those minimalist fashion watches that AR well they're not really popular anymore but the reality is that you don't have to add much to the price to get something that a pretty good designer has put some effort and thought into obviously the Zin isn't going to have white gold applied markers it's not going to have as sharp an application of the Loom there are going to be details that are just not as pristine as you would get on something more expensive but you can at this price point get something really really good that is original creative and attractive Rolex is the most popular brand in the world we know this based on multiple studies and the fact that they make up a third of all swis watch sales in the world chuda is not a giant but in terms of sheer media popularity they have absolutely dominated for the last couple of years Zin doesn't come close Zin is Niche small unknown to many outside of Germany I'm not even sure that you can find their watches in stores at all I think they're online only somebody correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but here's the thing yemma Hamilton nomos doxa squal Zin they have a brand position they evoke emotion and connection for some in the way and the same way that chuda and Rolex do for others some would likely argue that true Zin fan is even more faithful than a comparable Rolex fan sin in some ways wins the popularity and authenticity contest because Zin doesn't get chosen because you know it or because everybody else owns or desires one Zin and a multitude of other smaller brands have loyal followings and these small brands do a lot to serve those loyal customers probably a lot more than chudo or Rolex do so there you go you've got three watches at three very different price points from just under $2,000 to well over $3 13,000 all of them have technology that will last you a lifetime that's a consequence of mass production the three of them illustrate the trickle down of technology and you can see what is going to come into the entry end in the future by looking at the high end and no matter which one you look at you get excellent design original design true creativity and a watch from either of these brands that is worthy of your money you do get more for your money there's no question about that but entry is pretty damn good these days and for me it's a little dangerous because where I maybe 10 years ago felt I had to wait till I had the cash to splurge on that high in jlc or Rolex or AP because the fact was back then nothing in the entry scratched the itch in the same way today that's different I could bankrupt myself on Entry watches simply because they so often are so good and then I have nothing left for that doona or the saxonia or a Vashon 222 it's a luxury problem but that's why I think being a watch collector is so much fun these days Rolex and AP still have the brand and they still these luxury offerings that you want but there's so many strong offerings in the entry today much more many more than there were 10 15 20 years ago and that just makes for a much more fun watch collecting experience that you have the option which of those three would you choose let me know in the comments like subscribe cheers
Channel: This Watch, That Watch
Views: 58,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rolex, tudor, sinn, yachtmaster, rlx yachtmaster, fxd, pelagos, pelagos fxd, 104, yachtmaster vs pelagos, yachtmaster vs fxd, rolex vs tudor
Id: ONN8tPtO2cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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