Master Manipulator Didn't Want To Lose Her Boyfriend

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in February of 2009 Heather strong went missing this was unusual for the mother of two so the police began looking into those close to her the father of her children Josh folkham would be interviewed first he told police that the last time he saw her was when he dropped her off at a local Petros s and then you got back in your car and I went back to the house and when you left she was throughout their Adventures standing up there at Petra so you know there's video in bedroom right yeah oh yeah they got cameras all around it ain't no video of what or of Heaven at that bedroom on that date all day all night Josh continued to claim that he had no idea where Heather was but the police were able to find that Josh had been having a relationship with a woman named Emilia Carr Amelia was involved in a love triangle with Josh and Heather and it was a well-known fact that she hated Heather with this information the police brought Amelia in for questioning I'm trying to make this quick as possible okay I appreciate you coming up here you look tired too very tired I'm pretty sure you're coming up here I understand you're not pressured to be here this is all voluntary that door's only closed for privacy it's not locked you're going welcome to get up and walk out at any time okay right here we're trying to I'm trying to get some things together and we try to sort out some some differences and get a clear understanding let me just get some understanding between you and Josh how long you guys been knowing each other um August will be like two years yeah um 10 relationship between you Josh and and Heather so they split up me and him tried a relationship and then in December he wanted to work things out for his kids sake and we parted ways and we just agreed that when she came along we'd have some kind of civil relationship and and it's hard when you got five kids between you between different people how many kids do you have three you got three kids yeah and she has two to two kids explain the relationship between you and her there wasn't really ever one excuse me um we had a little bit of contact over the four months because she would when she felt up to it allow him to see his kids so we had some kind of contact but I usually got to I'm gonna kill you you know your [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] blah blah because me and him had a relationship off and on for the two years almost two years Emilia explains that there was hostility between her and Heather because Josh had children with both of them at the time of this interrogation Amelia was pregnant with her fourth child and the police believed it was Josh's so we pretty much maintained our distance have you and her ever got into it about anything I've kept my distance let me over the phone but actual person and person no she could actually be pretty civil when we had to be here right um I'm trying to think when's the last time you saw her um a couple days after he went to jail because she asked me to babysit the kids for a few hours so she could go to work what she likes you to babysit the kids and I told her I wasn't too sure about it because we had an awkward kind of relationship and she said well McKenzie really likes you and she loves you and she'd rather you babysit him so I was there for a few hours babysat where'd you babysit them at South Shore Fish Camp okay the Chinese living [Music] ah I'm sorry and I was there for a few hours babysat she came home and Jamie gave me a ride home so you hadn't seen her since what was the last time you saw her that night I babysat which was the Saturday after Josh got arrested and my son turned 7 January 8th I don't remember if that was a Thursday or Friday so that Saturday had to be the 9th of the 10th from January yeah I'd be nice to locator I mean we have an eight-year-old little girl who's crying looking for her mom mom won't call Mom won't make contact nothing and I mean it's just I have three kids who have shitty fathers who have no contact with them and you know it's just it's messed up so I mean he's asked he's gone to the you know ask people what he can do he's nice people like who like okay child support is trying to come after me he told them he said look I don't even know where she's at I've got the kids right now so I guess they freezed it temporarily until everything is situated so right now it's a mess it is a tangled up mask we don't know where she's at the detective believed that something wasn't right with her story so he decided to get a little more aggressive with Amelia is there something that you need to tell me um I mean she made contact with the landlord in this bar how do you know that because the landlord had said something to Josh when he was going to pick up the kids belongings about not releasing anything without her because that is that what Josh told you well I mean that's what I heard from him and his sister again that's what I said is that's what Josh told you so Josh told you that Heather called the landlord no he didn't tell me that she called he said that when he got home to pick up the kids his sister said that the landlord had called and told her that Heather called and said it was okay for him to go pick up the belongings okay and you believe Heather made that call I wouldn't doubt it I mean why wouldn't she all right you know there's a lot of people that we're going to be talking to you oh no okay if there's something you need to tell me this is the time to tell me right now oh I'm hoping you guys find your main we're gonna found her find her with your help I mean if he if your help we're gonna find her okay I need you to understand that I need your help and I'm here to help I mean we've got kids who need both parents and you know something this is the time this is our opportunity because you want to see that baby being born oh yeah you know what I mean okay you know you don't want something to bites you in the behind if you know someone I know okay um the relationship between you and her I know for it for a fact that you and her at least got into an argument one time okay and clarify this now because I know for a fact that this happened that when you guys got into that argument you grabbed her by her hair you remember that oh my goodness are you kidding tell me about that who told you that because tell me about that that was about a babysat that we she came in and we kind of talked a little bit and I told her I had to go she started arguing with me about not seeing Josh and I told her I hadn't spoken to him since we split up in December and he said she was going to try to work things out with them and that was it and I told her I was leaving trust me if I had put my hands on tell me what happened by that she would have had me in jail well you put your hands on it because you grabbed a handful of hair so tell me about that incident I didn't grab her we were talking and we were kind of getting into a little bit of an argument that's when I told Jamie can we just go So Jamie was there too yeah who else was there at that time it was just us three and the kids were in the bedroom asleep so you guys three yeah okay so if you were there Jamie was there and Heather was there and I'm telling you that I know for a fact that something happened where do you think I get that information from from Jamie okay tell me about what happened and we were arguing because she wanted me to work out of my distance nothing I told Jamie let's go I don't want to be he grabbed a handful of her hair you grab the knife and you put it to her throat no I didn't because if I did I'd be sitting in camera no no no no no no no no you guys made a mutual agreement that nobody was going to call law enforcement nobody's going to do anything after you guys settled down you need to be straight up and honest with me okay I'm telling you how to put my hands on her she had me arrested no no I'm telling you what happened I'm asking you to be straight up you're not going to get in trouble for that but you don't need to sit up here and continue to lie you are lying to me Amelia is told that a friend named Jamie who also happens to be the father of her first child told police about the altercation Amelia realizes that she must discredit Jaime's testimony or she will appear guilty the detective realizes right away what she is doing and he decides to turn up the heat okay me and Jamie don't have a good history okay we really don't there's some other things I'm just opening Pandora's Box a little bit and this is the time for that you need to be straight up and honest with me okay again you don't need to get yourself into trouble with that baby oh and I know and I'm being honest with you if I know that little tidbit there's a lot more that I know there's a lot more people that I have talked to okay this is your opportunity for you to be straight up with me some [ __ ] went sour okay clean your sling okay what I'm telling you is that's the last time I saw her was because we got into that argument you don't like her I don't have a problem either now you don't no I've stepped back now you don't there's other people has come forward about some statements that you have made in regards too some statements you have made I'm telling you if you want me to go down this road it's not going to look pretty for you okay but this is the opportunity listen you two guys are sleeping with the same damn man and you can't sit up here and sit up and tell me that oh you guys had a animal relationship because that's [ __ ] you didn't like her she didn't like you okay I agree we babysit that yes you did agree to babysit that oh we got it however you didn't want her you don't want her in the picture because you know that Josh would go back to her Joshua choose her over you any day you know that for a fact many times so that he could be with his kids I have three other kids I've raised by myself I understand all by myself is not a baby it's only I can only help you if you help yourself okay but what I'm trying to tell you is we got into an argument and I was ready to go because I am pregnant why would I put my hands on someone while I'm pregnant and run the risk of getting hurt it happened did it not no you never got into a conversation with somebody Okay because I'm going to open up another one and this is the last one I'm gonna open up because you're going to get yourself in a hell of a lot of trouble okay I'm tired you're tired and you're lying to me okay and you're gonna get yourself into trouble it's gonna be a very very long night okay you got into a conversation with someone when you offered someone some money oh obviously you know what I'm talking about yeah I've heard this River it's a rumor yeah how is it more than one person know about it because where we live tell me about it let me guess Jason wants y'all tell me about it why why is it why why is it that I have to open something up for you to say oh and I'm messing up here and I'm asking you I'm asking you a question very specific questions that I'm asking you okay if there's anything else that I need to know you need to tell me I think that'd be one that I come up hey somebody just said a rumor or this [ __ ] rumors going on or this is going on or that's happening you gotta walk yourself into some [ __ ] that you can't get out of I'm telling you right now this is your opportunity and I only knock once okay well what I'm telling you is me and her got into it and I asked to leave well after that there were rumors from Jamie Jason that I was supposedly trying to pay someone to get rid of her this and that I'm not going to stoop to that kind of a level of her man I'm sorry it's not worth it I have three kids I've raised by myself this is another one I can raise by myself I wouldn't do that and they have done nothing but made my life hell for as long as I can remember Jamie Jacob Jason won't show those are two people who for as long as I can remember having in my life help okay me and Jamie don't get along because he knows I'm in the process of trying to come after him for child support so right now anything he can do to harm me he has tried who else do you have issues with that you that you think that would just rely on me um anyone associated with Jamie agum's family oh his brother Josh his brother Josh his girlfriend Chrissy um her brother Timmy anyone associated with him you gotta name everybody that's gonna come up here and lie on you no I'm just naming people that are associated with James I'm telling you okay Amelia is very smart and she begins to give several names connected with Jamie her goal is to discredit as many witnesses as possible and the easiest way to do this is to say that they are friends with Jamie so I'm almost present the day that you had it and you just name two people that was present in a vehicle with you when you offered someone five hundred dollars sorry go ahead to help you get rid of Heather there's another conversation you have with someone you're soliciting to commit murder but that's serious and I got more than one person telling me that okay listen to me I got more than one person telling me that okay that don't look good for you this is your time okay because when we go get Josh okay it's either you or Josh so you make your decision do you owe Josh that or do you or your kids that this is the time tonight if you're going to sit up in a lot of me I'd rather you just look at me okay and not say a word but if you're gonna continue to lie to me I want to make your life very very hard I'm just being honest to you because I'm trying to give you opportunity sweetheart to do the right thing the [ __ ] may have kept may have gotten out of hand you got a baby right there you got to think about if it happened that's fine if it's out of anger that's fine I understand I'll be pissed off at it too because I like this man and this man constantly goes back to this girl that ain't [ __ ] but why would I hurt her is what I don't understand why because you can get her out of the way but you know what in two years me and him have been off and on off and on and you're tired of that [ __ ] but now you have a kid from him from Josh you have no other kids from Josh dude I've been off and on with Jamie for 10 years 10 years let me tell you something you saw you telling me you tell me the conversation with Christy never happened with who Chrissy I never said anything to him I mean I was mad and I told her that I was pissed off about the whole situation exactly you never had a conversation with Christy to help you no not Chrissy you never had a conversation with um not Josh um the other guy you just Jason Jason I'm not no I don't associate with them so why would they tell why would that come out because of Jamie if you knew two separate people not two separate people associated with James yeah everybody hates you if you only knew so you're saying that you never grabbed a knife no I never grabbed a knife you never grabbed a handful of her hair no because she'll beat my butt trust me I'm pregnant she didn't want me having this kiss okay okay Josh is in another room by the way okay Amelia had motive to make Heather disappear but what was Josh's motive the police looked into Josh's most recent arrest and the report stated that Josh had pulled a gun on Heather and she called the police while Josh was in jail he made this phone call to Heather hello so it's because I can't you promised me you promised me I can't live like this guys you're gonna kill me when you get up there that's heavier shortly after Josh was released on bail the police now had Josh's motive but he still denied knowing anything about what happened to Heather while he was being interviewed Josh asked for a cigarette so the police used a hidden voice recorder outside they were shocked by what he said what did me tell you did she give you a home yes you do how come she got to go home and I can maybe she was a little bit more honest see how that works I'm gonna tell you what this is what I was told right here I was told she was going to leave it alone that's what I was told that she's going to leave it alone Josh claimed that he was told by Emilia that she had taken care of the problem and he was to leave it alone I'm telling you he told me that you told him that okay we know that he brought her back to the house that night [Applause] I was home your heart is about to jump out of your chest part is about to jump out of here that is don't do this to yourself but what don't do this to yourself ask my mom I was home don't do this to yourself what is he saying I did that you set it up said what up though I mean because all I heard him say was that I didn't even hear him say where he left her at what house listen listen here okay you're trying to backped on it no I'm trying to I didn't really hear I'm telling you that he said that you told him that you guys took care of Heather and for him not to worry about her anymore who's you guys you but how if I was home he knows and he told me about the incident about you grabbing Heather at the house when you're supposed to be babysitting and put the knife to her throat he was in jail exactly okay because he even told me he knows about it because he said listen let's let's not entertain that let's not entertain that because I'm telling you right now he's admitted to his stuff he lowered up but he chose you know what I think I need to tell you all the truth that's why you're back in here okay but what I'm trying to tell you is you can question my mom my sister you can even question Penny salveo because she was at my mom's house what night February 15th the day after Valentine's Day that supposedly she left the day after Valentine's Day February 15th because they came over there let me explain something to you sweetheart okay just explained to you earlier when you were here in here today that you had been soliciting people to do something to her Peterson you call it what you mean you call it what you want lawyer okay we back down here to have a picnic I know this but this is why I'm upset is because you can be upset all you want to I'm telling you right now your boyfriend has thrown you on under the bus he's admitted to the lion he's admitted okay that he is involved in this and knows about it okay and that you know about it and you can sit here and play this game all you want I told you the first time when I held your hand and I looked you square in the eye and I told you this is your opportunity to come clean and be straight okay but what I'm trying to tell you is I'm gonna get up and walk out of this room if you lie to me you ain't back down here for nothing I know this I was home okay you can listen to every Jail phone call back and forth between me and him where he is hinted at when I get out things are going to be different between me and you you don't have to worry about her messing with us anymore did he give you a thousand dollars from where I put up 1700 for his lawyer so he could get out of jail I put up 1700. where was he going to give me a thousand dollars paid your money back didn't he no he didn't when he got when he got his tax no he did he didn't give you a thousand dollars because his taxes went straight to his lawyer because he had to sign a waiver so she could cash the check okay and when he got a check for a thousand dollars he asked me whether or not we wanted to try to work things out and live together nobody ever told you that I'm sorry so you never told you never told him to not to worry about her anymore he's taken care of if you listen to the jail concert he was out of jail then he was out of jail no I didn't and I was home because you can question my mom my sister you can question Penny salvale and her son because they were at my house that night because Josh was calling from his sister's cell phone so he's a flat out life he's trying to involve you in her death yeah and you know that's got me really upset right now because I have kids I have to take care of I've done it on my own why am I gonna restoring my life away over someone who we were just screwing around off and on for two years sometimes a suspect will try to avoid the truth by implying an answer instead of directly denying the accusation they will say things like why would I do such a thing instead of just saying I didn't do it yeah Josh was saying because he asked me about it and I told him I said John don't you think if I pulled a knife on her I'd be sitting on the other side of the county jail say the reason why you didn't reason why she didn't is because you're pregnant and she didn't want to see you go to jail with that babe and I highly doubt that because if anything she didn't want me to have this baby okay sit down a second yeah I live now I don't know what else to tell you I don't know where she's at man I don't I just want to sleep and get up so you telling me a million knows she knows everything I think she knows more about the [ __ ] than I do you're telling me she never asked you if she was going to do it she never asked you what was the best way to do it she never asked you where's the best place murderer man I don't know what the best way to kill people and get rid of them and [ __ ] with little else to go on the detective decided to book Josh because he had used Heather's credit card while she was missing while Josh was getting ready to leave he had something else to tell the detective thank you we'll go right now you take me to where Heather is I'll take your wallet to your mama you won't take me by and let me down tomorrow you take me to Heaven first that's a promise Josh LED police to the back of Amelia's home to where Heather's body had been buried in a large duffel bag he told police that Emilia was the one that took out his life what we want you to do is listen to us right now okay don't say anything obviously you know what's going on you have been in here since last night answering questions telling us lies telling us the truth telling us lies back and forth okay that stops here okay we found Heather okay she's obviously murdered okay we've been speaking with Josh all night okay we've been listening letting you listen to some of the things he's been saying and we've been telling him some of the things you've been saying okay that's not an attempt to play you won against the other it's an attempt to get the truth out of two people that are lying to us very much okay I want to tell you how you stand right now okay you don't stand so well okay because everything is pointing to Amelia and I'm going to explain that to you and I want you to listen to me and I'll next ask any questions okay um what I've done is just made a little cheat sheet here for myself okay we have Amelia that's you in the middle okay and these are all the things that are against Amelia okay the body was found in your property okay where you're living we have Heather okay obviously she's deceased um but Josh was going to go back with her the father of your baby okay we have Chrissy and we have James involt okay Chrissy's like yeah you know she held a knife to her throat pulled a hair and all that stuff don't deny it don't admit it okay because I don't want to lie out of your mouth until you hear what I have to say Amelia is presented with all the evidence they have against her okay but I still have everything pointing to you I can put you in prison for the rest of your life just with this evidence okay I can but I need to give Amelia a chance because you've been lying to us all night you've been telling us the truth here you've been telling us lies there okay that stops right now because Amelia and her baby are being affected now yeah and I've been trying to make an effort wouldn't take a blue with phone call for her you're being affected now okay because you don't want your baby born in prison we don't want your vehicle in the prison okay um and I'm not saying that's where you're going to end up okay but if I have to use all this stuff against you you're the only suspect that I have right now that that can win in court okay so I want to know from you exactly what happened no more of this I think or I heard or nothing I want the truth okay the truth starts right now because now we ain't playing okay you never met me before you have to trust me okay you have to trust this man too he's been doing this a lot longer than I have he's been doing the 30 years I've been doing it 20 years okay stops today I don't want to get a prison we don't want you to either okay and I can hand you Josh on silver platter okay well let's get through this okay and um keep your kids in your mind and yeah that's what I'm saying I mean I can tell you everything that I know okay are you willing to do that I don't want to I want to be any I will testify I will let's hear what you have to say first I can't promise you nothing yeah well see that's what let me know let me just explain this to you I just I want something to where I'm not going to take it from my babies well we ain't gonna take you from your babies and We're Not Gonna Take You babies from you okay um it's it's hard because we we're trying to understand I'm trying to understand what you what you're going to tell me okay a lot of what you can tell me we're going to know if it's the truth or not okay I I don't think that uh I hope that you don't think that you would be sitting here having this conversation with us if we wasn't thinking anything different okay all's we're after is the truth I understand just the truth of who killed her okay I didn't kill her but I can tell you details and I can tell you things about everything I bet you can't okay but I'm just saying if you didn't kill her okay and you tell us and we believe you okay we can't put you in jail for something you do well after detective Bowie played me that tape that's when I told him when we go out to the house every time he calls I want it on speaker I want you to hear what he has to say and I've been asking the questions detective Bowie wanted me to ask him I'm trying to help I just I don't want to be taken from my kids I mean I can tell you details that you guys probably already know I can say everything that happened to her so if you think we already know that stuff and we haven't arrested you what does that tell you Emilia realizes that she must create a narrative or she is the victim and Josh is the Raging psychopath she begins her story by saying that she walked in on Heather duct taped to a chair inside of her trailer I come across Heather where duct taped to the little blue chair in the in the trail in the trail and I freak out I check for a pulse I'm looking to see if she's breathing and I'm just checking and I walked out and he was there later that afternoon I asked him what the hell did you do he told me that in the middle of the night after we were in bed he brought her there and I guess he told her that he knew what I had money stashed to get her to go back there and that he basically he hit her upside the head with something and she was trying to leave and she broke the window and he left her there because he didn't know what to do with her how to dispose of her and I told him I want nothing to do this get her the hell off my mom's property okay this is on your mom's property yes okay and this is Monday morning no this is my nephew when he got off work that he came out there that he had asked my mom for a shovel because he's already hit him dog and I told him I wanted nothing to do with it and I walked out and I told him if you don't do something I'm gonna call the cops and what he did after that I don't know we checked her pulse it was nothing she was cold was she sitting in a chair she was duct taped to a chair what color chair it's the only one in that little kitchen area it's a little blue chair okay and I told him I said you got to do something I said I don't want this crap here I said Josh I don't know what the hell's gotten into you but you need to do something and he asked my mom for a shovel what he did I didn't think he would bury her on my mother's property I mean that's just sick I mean it's bad enough we can get done but to do that and make it look the way it's looking now is just not okay and he told me if you tell anybody I'll make sure you go down with me you're right next to her right next to her okay absolutely why didn't you tell us the truth because I was scared I mean like I told you I have kids I mean I've seen people go to prison for knowing stuff Amelia took the police to her trailer and she walked them through what had happened at this point Josh was still pointing the finger at Amelia claiming that she took Heather's life and buried her the detective knew that there was more to this case so they interrogated Josh until he finally broke he started alcohol made it here she went back and went into that window with her hand but when she did I grabbed her and I put her in the chair adrenaline was swollen I just have her I made a taper she had her arm around her neck she was trying to snap her neck she had one this hand right here was coming over her head over her nose and where were you I was still sitting on her and once I knew that Heather had got weak I could tell she was getting weak because she was just like then nothing she now that they had the real story they needed to get a confession from Amelia they knew that she most likely would continue to play victim so interviewing her would be a waste of time that's when Josh's sister told them that she would wear a wire and talk with Amelia about the case at this point Amelia was alone because everyone believed that she was a part of Heather's death they thought that she might confess to the only friend she had left [Music] he's breaking my heart he shouldn't be in there and I'm telling you right now I want the true story from me you gotta tell me the truth so I can help you and Josh please tell me use that what did he tell you and did he tell you ever recorded phones no please tell him just keep his mouth shut and to keep his head up because everything's gonna be okay I don't know when he's got to stop talking to them I can't sleep I can't eat I hadn't ate since Wednesday so I want detail so I mean it would be better it would be better knowing than not knowing we tried a snap her neck that didn't work you did he didn't see any other Realms so I mean how many more times but why would you why would you try to break her neck that's gonna be quick and painless the police finally had Amelia saying she assisted in taking Heather's life so they brought her in again for another interview I think it's time for we open Pandora's Box at least from our game and you need to do it on the record today you 've had a conversation with Josh's sister that conversation was recorded totally you out of your own mouth admit it to being there you use you use some of the words that I just used I waited in the house for a few minutes just like I was told there was a recorder in her car there was a microphone in her car so we could listen to you we didn't just stumble across that car sit in the Park yeah okay we heard everything now let's go back to what I was just saying you have shown no remorse I'm not trying to be mean but quite frankly so far you have shown me you're acting like a cold-hearted hateful person who killed the mother of two children okay because I don't cry no because you sit right here Stone Cold and stare in that man's face and lie to his face after you told that girl today you tried to break her neck it didn't work that do you remember that you remember those words they came from whose mouth let's start over and I'm gonna quit talking I don't have anything more to say tell me what happened I did when I was told there tell me what happened what does it gonna do me today tell me what happened I want to hear from you get that burn off your back tell me what happened you've already admitted to it you've gotten over that hurdle you have admitted to killing someone no I have no idea it's something and they were detailed her even with her back against the wall and a pile of evidence against her Amelia is able to find a solution to the recorded conversation she said that she attempted to take Heather's life and that it didn't work she points out that she used the word attempted because she failed to actually do it were you there and everything from here on out is on the record you were there when she died and then when I was talking to him tell me what you did then let me tell you this foreign as much as Josh has told us which is a lot he still says that you were the one where he killed her okay I wasn't there I don't know I can tell through our investigation and all the people we've talked to and all sitting through every single lie Josh has thrown plenty of them up there and you've thrown plenty of them up there I know you were there okay I don't know who killed her at that moment that she died but I do know y'all were both standing in that room is that right then if you have something to say this not the same as what Josh said excuse me Now's the Time don't give give us that respect don't nod is that right yeah Dante is that right I'm not talking to you in sign language I'm talking to you person to person respectively I don't want to assume that you nodded your head but is that right that you were there with Josh when Heather took her last breath I can't hear you yes what did you guys do after she took her last breath can I ask you something can you answer that for me can you answer the questions you're just gonna go ahead and arrest me right there's no way I'm going home tonight you keep looking at what you're sitting in here doing and you keep thinking that this is what's getting you in trouble okay what's getting you in trouble is the night of February 15th okay this is why this all started from here on out you've got a decision to make you can you can still play these games and still try to weasel out of whatever you you think you can weasel out of or you can take the right path and the right path is sitting in here saying you know what I did something I did something wrong if I had the chance to take it back I would but I can't so you know what here's what happens I apologize if I could take it back I would I'm sorry so far the only thing you've done here is try to save your own behind even though you killed a woman I didn't kill her then tell me what happened because Josh says you did it after you tried to break her neck and couldn't do it you killed her I did not kill her show me something different then because Josh has been telling us the truth for several days I'm not cure after weeks of investigation and police interviews Emilia finally comes clean about what happened the problem is is she telling the truth he wasn't himself taken away he was not you were not either scared was anyone stopping you from running out that door Peter was anyone stopping you from running out that door Peter but I guess that doesn't count huh no it does not sweetheart I'm sorry one of you is still lying about some of this but only you or him knows which one is that's why I've been asking you from the beginning to tell me the truth that way when Amelia opened her mouth and said I have something to say we both perk up and said we're familiar saying she's the one that's truthful we have to believe her at this point do you not see why I'd be scared and tell you the truth there's no need to be afraid of Josh has never beaten you Josh has a no history of beating you and Josh is in jail right now but until that night do you not see why after that night I would be scared to go against him okay but Josh told us that y'all had talked about doing something we've never talked about it he said you know y'all have never planned it fully fear is not an issue with you what do you mean fear has never been an issue with you you have never been afraid of Josh before or after you guys took someone's life afraid he might leave you no I wasn't afraid of him because I loved him I left him do you understand me fear was not an issue I was afraid to go against him oh you just told me that you tried to break her neck because and that's attempted murder that's what you told me is that is that not what you told me yes what I did was attempted murder correct because he told me but that's what you're is that not what you said I tried to break your neck but I couldn't you don't think you deserve that no because I didn't kill I really didn't so so he calls you whether whether you think he was joking or not he calls you and says I'm on the way there wait till we're in there a couple minutes and come back and you know exactly what that means you know exactly what it's going to lead to and you made no attempt to stop him talk him out of it or call the police you went out there she tries to get away she's trying to escape because she sees what's coming she's struggling and you help him imprison her keep her you you you helped him do all the things that he needs to do knowing what's about to happen he asks you to kill her and whether you tried real hard or whether you didn't try her hard you make an attempt so that so that it will be quick and painless and she can be put out of her misery and when you're unable to do it whether you are not strong enough or whether you didn't have the willpower you step away so that he can take his turn you watch it happen at no time have you told us that you tried to stop him do you tried to talk him out of it you try to say you know what there was no if you were there there was no there was time before he got there you could have picked up the phone I obviously didn't think he was let's let's not do this this isn't a good idea you could have said uh Sheriff's Department I think I've gotten in deep but I'm trying to do the right thing I don't want this girl to lose her life I don't want these children to lose their mother and all these things I'm saying to you you helped put her underneath the table for a day maybe two days I didn't help do any of that you just knew that he did it you you come outside to see if the hole is deep enough he's about to bury her in you you watch her being buried you help cover her up yeah did you jump in the hole no that's sick it's all these things and what what do you think that you are guilty of the I know what do you think it would be appropriate but I just wish that you would take into this direction but I was [ __ ] [ __ ] scared tell me what you think you're guilty of nothing lost I'm sorry of being a monster and helping a monster do you want anything to drink do you need to use the restroom are you okay are you hurting I guess I should ask that because I know that you're not okay are you physically okay we're going to do the paperwork right now okay Josh and Amelia would both be charged with murder because Josh cooperated with the police he would be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Amelia would receive the death penalty and she would spend eight years on death row on the eighth year she would be re-sentenced to life in prison without parole I'm doing good surprised but I'm doing good how are you a lot lighter a lot louder you've lost some weight yeah potatoes will do it to you potatoes I thought potatoes put on weight you gotta eat them you're not eating them so what like once a day lunch is about the only time we actually they give us something decent like they'll put bacon or bacon bits cheese but plain potatoes no can't do it okay well we gotta get some laundry stuff out of the way first so I call it laundry stuff some of this particular some of it well the paperwork and stuff okay so they're we all on the same page I received a call from your mom yeah that you want to talk to me yeah okay um any reason why you didn't send a request form I did okay but I had called my mom first and then did the request form so okay we'll be getting that okay I don't know when okay but you do want to talk to me okay without the presence of your attorney thank you please I just saw my attorney not too long ago well before I can speak with you about anything you want to talk about we have to go through the same stuff I know okay I just kind of wanted to run some things by you well nothing is all right okay nothing is off the record this is very very serious I know okay now if you want to tell me something I'm here to listen to you but understand that I'm going to do my job correctly I'm going to make sure you know you're right okay my turn is gonna be pissed I don't talk to you without her here well that's your choice okay you want to talk to me yeah okay this is your same Miranda form that I read to you once before okay I'm gonna read it to you again what do you want to talk about he's bragging to a lot of people that his intent was not only to harm her but someone else why are you getting that it's your time if you're going to talk to me because I know hypothetical no it's no playing games you're saying you sitting in the sale for how many days 90 today 90 days yeah okay for you to try to come up with something I'm not coming up with anything because I've got people who will talk to you for me to tell you but what I'm saying is he's bragging his intent was not only to harm her but someone else had that person been there they wouldn't be here today I know who was that I believe James Aiken the guy did not give me a name and inmate approached me we all go to the courthouse you know that James point is your baby's daddy my youngest yeah all right right and the gentleman approached me told me what Fulton was telling him who was a gentleman huh you feel the inmate yeah what good is it going to do me is what I want to know first obviously right now he had no internet you say he had intentions or he was bragging about it I haven't heard about it right obviously he can't do anything to him now no I mean I'm here on the case that you and Josh with Heather strong that's what we're here about right and that's what I want to talk about if you want to talk about anything for us that that's fine hypothetically speaking no I don't want to talk about that it's him made mention or made some threats or some verbal stuff that he was gonna he was going to do something to somebody else but it never got carried out that's nothing that holds no weight I'm just going to be honest with you I'm not going to sit here and BSU I want to be straight up with you like I've been throughout the whole entire time in this case I mean you knew the gig was up the first day you came and talked to us right or wrong what I'm getting at is he's confessing to who what where when why and how and what his intentions were and that it was premeditated and you can probably get it on tape I know all that please talk to me about all that he's told me his part that his intent was on someone else as well yeah okay I'm talking about Josh Folger I know your car and Heather strong he's the only three people know what happened how the strong obviously can't tell me I'm in your car Josh Fuller although all in two can tell me what happened to this girl he's confessed his sins to me and he's told me what your involvement was which is known if you listen that's not true well that's your opinion it is it is I've sat in here 90 days and you're trying your best to come up with something to take the heat off of you no I'm not because these are people I don't even know approaching me willing to come forward van come forward the only person who's coming forward is you the only reason I haven't given names is because what is the point there's really no point to be honest with you unless you're going to come in here and tell me what your involvement was that's what happened we know that to be totally opposite you know you can't come over here and pull the sheet of mine I'm not trying to pull the [ __ ] over your eyes what I'm telling you is he is bragging that I wasn't there that I had nothing to do with this you told me you were there you told me what you did you not remember all that I told you what you wanted to hear no oh no it's just some game that Amelia wants to try to come play it ain't gonna work you ain't tell me what I want to hear because number one you didn't know that I was listening to your conversation with Josh's sister he also told her that too told her what I mean I'm gonna cut this interview very very short okay okay if you're here to tell me your involvement which is nice okay well I don't believe you know because obviously you don't remember what you told me the first time what do you mean maybe he needs to 90 more days and think about what you told me before you try to come here today and pull something over me I'm not trying to pull something over there it ain't gonna work I know what I told you okay so why are you seeing if you're questioning me what what you told me because what I told you wasn't the truth what's the truth I'm not playing this game what's the truth that I wasn't there which is a lie as far as you know exactly okay there you go you're done all right so tight thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new videos coming to this channel I will see you next time here on the red tree crime YouTube channel
Channel: Red Tree Crime
Views: 2,890,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jcs, inspired, interrogation, analysis, psychology, podcast, true, crime, documentary, interview, police
Id: c45EsDOjLIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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