When Corden Met Barlow 1080HD

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hey puss how are you good alright good wait there just grab a stuff you pop the boot what's happening we're only going for two nights you up seriously overpacked it's just one more hang on are you're kidding yeah you're like this one though picnic so goji berries no using these things yeah yeah okay it's not real chocolate that chocolate is good for you you've thought about this Sam straight they easy put it in the boot if you get hungry let me know good man hey stop it I've got something to show you not more of patently pajamas hey I'll get it I don't wear anymore all right all right let's go hit the road trip road trip it's like a long way is this gonna be like a stag weekend I don't know oh you know empty in the mini becaus stands stag dues can you don't forget that I've been to one really yeah when I got married we just had a we played football in the day and then went out in the evening and then but now it's like stag dues lasted we'll go I'm going to Poland for a week right why did you agree to do this documentary I think he's a good time to tell this story of what's happened what's happened in the last sort of few months it's closed the door on a pretty rubbish time for me it's the greatest story of the modern pop music era we go by the story bar not for him to be called a survivor at 4:00 this is quite something he could have gone one way but he's gone completely the other you can't point to it anywhere in musical history that this has happened you know is it a true renaissance man throughout it all he realized that music was never going to turn his back on him and eventually for saved last month Gary Barlow played a sold-out arena tour across the UK yet only a decade ago this would never have been thought possible the Gary Barlow has become one of Britain's best-loved pop stars he also happens to be mine for years I've been watching Gary at gigs buying his albums and doing his dance routines now I've got the chance to spend a few days with him travelling across the country finding out the truth about his remarkable story it's two months until Gary goes on his arena tour so first stop on our road trip is the studio for band rehearsals hey boys hey this is James everyone hi we were saving that check no I'll just watch whatever you do I was in a little shine yeah oh you know you really don't just we're all going out I'll sit over here sure just four levels levels yeah I've just got no Mike Geary's Mike's not up guys we could probably just start a new joining guys when you're ready okay count me and Michael oh my I see caught that scary there yeah I get that a lot such a thing startled me but just wow so we found some clips I've done some digging don't have to take me deep dear somebody's me some of these you do really some of these got a dig deep and I thought it might be fun for us to watch them together and fall over you or me both he's got a briefcase what first questions what's with the briefcase add some music in it it was always into music always into singing always into playing the piano that seemed to be the environment in which he and grew up in anyone who really wanted a career in music you sacrifice what I always refer to as the BMX years of your childhood those times when you makes it going out on the bikes or the skateboards those years don't exist for a musician because you're in your bedroom learning your instrument and Gary was exactly that same model we had to grow up faster than he because he was working in the documents clubs so as a 15 year old man you had to deal with guys who had four pints of bitter on a Saturday afternoon and was shouting abuse a time you know a great education that is for any performer so this is your last performance at the British Legion your Irving I wanna watch the headliner I don't you're not gonna make me sit Eric asked if you kill it there's attention no I'm dying what I've got a million Sheila who's coming on our trial today Ryan sit down Gary's are watching she's gonna be like that boys are always o matic oh it's blessing that was trust move this down move the stand cut the trousers you ready no no watch it go to watch it I don't see the work so I can't marry a corn dog you have to leave you're making me some food come on oh there it is here we go Oh more it was clear that the 600 or so gigs that Gary did at the working men's club had a huge effect on so our next stop was up to Ron corn to visit the place where Gary learned so much right here we look at the cat you can see it is special here we go Wow hi gillies how are you mate I know you've cooked with that teller right oh yeah oh yeah yeah good this is James James and you knew you'd be here coz I seen the road was cordoned off hey Chris was the compair when it was over but she's hour long ago now well when I came here you were 15 right yeah and you'll still the compound now I'm still the camper yeah look a bit different don't know much different ah thank you Gary the story I like to tell is the one about when he come walking out with a piece of paper it's at a Chris I've written this song any chance of singing it so rotten among said ladies and gentlemen gary has written this song could you all be quite attentive and when he's finished singing it give him a big clap I know where's your mommy you put it off like that you've blown away put your head against my life what do you hear and then you got this ruckus applause at the end of it you know so would that have been the first time you may be performed only in loves yeah he's never been here because I only ever used to sing here so yeah she was quiet shy honey used to it was a good dancer there are somewhere along the line I lost that doing the work the way you remember things anything what we're gonna go for in honor of Phil a delete it free dream dream dream dream dream dream when I want you give my arms where I want you and all your charms whenever I want you all I had to do is tree race is it nice being back he's brilliant being back brilliant when was the last time you were here oh they're not I laughed really yeah you've not been back since no no I don't know s know that once yeah and how integral do you think this place has been oh I'm sure it really I think I think so at 14 you know what I mean with what I wanted to be and what I wanted to do this was it just so excited this was a world older than me yeah and the people were working with work with there were 50 yeah 40 50 years old so it makes you grow really faster when you fall yeah I tell you what it did it made me hungry for what was next have you always felt older than your time it feels now like the age you are now suits you yeah but you might have felt this age when you were yeah I've always felt older I've always I've always felt whether I was in the band or in whatever situation I was in I was the responsible one and where does that come from I think it comes from starting here really I think so yeah do you think the reason that your call now what the reason that your call even you are called oh come on no no you call now that scares me all right you're not that cool you don't Bruno Mars just something get carried away cooler the reason you call it out the reason you call you know is that deep down you've just always been 42 maybe and you've just hit your peak now and then it's gonna do what it knows I'm 43 next oh well it's this is where the we love start to come off really maybe right yeah made some music for our journey here yeah what if we got in oh you know this little bit area my gracious is the American version oh is it the American burger yeah we want me the girl heaven weary weary recorded it why don't you bake me top the way we use it song know what was loud I did you but why this one so you know it's always a whole mix okay it's a whole mix it's a whole catalogue ain't here anymore do you like this book yes No hey here anymore come take your bakery go let's go away so it's a go yes see what else is going on oh it is the classic this is gonna be huge huge fun of it okay guys only they own you Jeff it's merely killer took the branches energy to play me myself I'd rather be alone again so you can do what you like come on guys go to watch it come on without join me let me to see timely foster marriage they were about a comedy act because they were all about the dance routines and the image carefully constructed by Nigel martin-smith first time to take that when I was working the word the wordles that this novelty side to it and I remember being shown the video of these bunch of boys throwing jelly at each other and kind of converting around and all of us kind of custard around my desk and looking at this video and just go Baba what what the hell is that so it was sort of thrown into this situation a musician all of a sudden having to then learn what the other boys already knew which was dance moves and you know being cool kids on the block sort of thing Gaz wasn't he was a geek from proj him that liked synthesizers now you told me through a sex cycling apparel is big and you've gone guys I'm not gonna wear a shirt I'm Shiela where this neckerchief and what on the bottom I can trim not what were you know we're on the bomb I'm gonna wear my red circle shorts if anyone's got a belt that would be great it's an amazing look it's an incredible look of love this is Nigel martin-smith now could become as big as if not bigger than New Kids on the Block I tell you what I find amazing though is his confidence to say I think I found no five boys are gonna be as big and it wasn't for camera that no he used to tell us that they him saying I think I've done it really so I think says a lot about him that he could spot just recovering from that last clip still you've hit me with some really bad stuff this that's the stuff we're trying to get off the internet that we've just added it's going on now and on it's on iPlayer now it was clear that Nigel martin-smith had a huge impact on Gary's career so we took a trip to Manchester to meet up with his old manager ah are you alright yeah good now to tell us where we are now right this is the place that take that very first performed it's where we auditioned all abandoned they all sang individually on the stage over there the first member of take that was actually marked going and it was going to be a completely different band initially it was only when this one came in with his songwriting talent I didn't know ma was the first man yeah you know he's gonna say that forever yes I say every time he's got you know when we're saying I don't know about that idea my under and I was the original member what do you remember about this day coming here we were you nervous did you all watch each other watch each other see you washed yeah Howard yep Jason and Mark you have watched their auditions and then you have to sing and everyone was a bit nervous singing but obviously I was wasn't nervous at all because it's what I did it was shall we oh did I she was showing up me yeah it was looking silly doing well I can't dance like that but I can signal at this I was yeah was the dancing was the bitter I was dreading the most I didn't really want to be in a band of I'm honest but there was something there I like the I liked being part of a team yeah that day we were up there all together all going through the same thing as we went into the second out and everything started hitting number one I just remember the pandemonium and that the fans it felt like we haven't seen something like that for a decade or so they were just bigger than you can imagine a pop group bang everything about it was right the songs were catchy the way they look was great I mean they want everything you know they want all the Smash Hits Awards and of course magazines what we're still huge at the time and they're on the front cover voting all the time no part of the reason I wanted to sit here today with Nigel was you know when I look back in the history of my career Nigel is the true person who plucked me from the population when I'm gonna believe in you so tell me about how this relationship first started this what I'm about to show you was our it was my way into your office oh yeah I was sending a long time like a tape and a photograph to lots of managers and this night is what came to your office that's right come on look at that how could I refuse why would I have had a photo shoot like that looks like I'm alone Oaks it's the it's the armpit hair that really makes it if you remember what happened was you came in to see me and at the end of it he mentioned that he was a singer in the club he said and I am a songwriter well you know you hear that all the time I write songs but they usually awful you know anything was only 19 so I said well drop me a cassette off then so I put the cassette on and a million love songs came on straight away and I thought I asked him to send me a song writing because it was a great song obviously a cover a Barry Manilow cover or a Neil Diamond cover the rainy mornin and I thought you're going to give me a cassette of your songs and he said I have and I said a million love songs you wrote a billion of songs and yeah so could you come back straightaway so he did and that was the start of it because I was like an all shaking I was thinking wow this was the first time where I knew I would I've got something that could actually be quite hot property some makeup when take that emerge on the scene the bands that I was loving were know a sis and it was blur it was Nirvana and so take that were a complete Anatomy you know I really really didn't want to know about the world I didn't care about the world I didn't like the music they were making I guess it will change when back from good came out I guess that was one of those things were no matter how much you might have disliked the music you heard back for good knew right okay I cannot deny this is a great great song it wasn't until the IV novellas we Gary won all those Awards where people started seeing him as a songwriter and I think that for good probably was the point really where people started to talk about them as a band who could like songs gallery as a great songwriter I think take that was his opportunity to kind of prove himself and also to be if I'm in a boy band I just want us to be the biggest and the best boy band in the world gary was proving himself but occasionally it was to the detriment of the other members cracks and frustrations were beginning to show as Gary started to dominate their music what a Robbie meant to sing lee boca and relight my feeling I think is that very what you did he went in and I got a call off the producer late in the night saying we we've had him in all night and it's just not working and so the next day I just thought I'm just gonna do it in defense of everyone else I I should have said to everyone I'm gonna go into a vocal today there's a few things the other time can go which believe me still come up and I just went in after I'll do this bang and I did it I just did it in a way that upset people when you decided to call it a day like were you involved in that decision well I was quite involved I think it became very obvious that the band had began to after Robbie left start going wrong because it wasn't the band then it was like it was the band - somebody and so it was a different band I think it felt natural it felt natural to go let's call it a day at the top the pop group take that have confirmed their to split up after three years of success including seven number-one hits and from today is no war when take that split it was massive any celebrity journalist would remember that time like other people talk about remembering President Kennedy being shot it was a huge story I think a measure to take that success and fame was when the foreign language set up and they split up and if you think that Newsround can be a take that special John Craven can dedicate 50 minutes to the breaking up of a band that's when you realize that it's transcended just pop music do you realize that you're one of the few people on earth who's managed to get better-looking as they've got hold well let's face it in the last ten you're like a great chief I've not been that attractive in the last ten years in all honesty you know what the first thing I didn't want to be is I didn't want to be a fat dad yeah just didn't want my kids going is more me and is daddy dreaded it and you know what I've got an attractive wife ya know and when we got married yeah a little too confidently then it's just here you know you didn't even realize you later know I'm not a very attractive one big time and when I married it I was a fairly attractive husband other honor no you were I was today sees the release of Gary's first solo single Robbie's comes out at the end of the month what's going on is this a serious spat or is it all hi I think it is I mean I think really it's one side of it is really coming all from Robbie Gary knows that he's gonna be a big big big star Robbie you know he'd make a great comedian a great presenter he's a good singer but whether or not he can write good songs still remains to be seen how long was that yeah the problem is is that you you don't choose to be what people think about you people just assumed always gonna be the next George Maggie's gonna have a huge solo career all the rest of it it's an odd thing when everything built up around you that eventually you you believe it I intend on doing some work and trying to do an album of my own I've got my own studio so I'm writing songs all the time uh hopefully in the top five in America I think Gary probably played it wrong maybe there was just a slight hint of arrogance at the time I think he probably thought himself that he would release an album be number one beloved when you have a boy band there are people there to make up for your weaknesses when you go alone you have to fill those roles yourself he wasn't quite as good when he was on his own in interviews he wasn't quite as charismatic onstage at that point I think he probably struggled with the full package coming up next is my special performance from LA of my single so help me girl live on top of the Pops at that point I think Britain was tired of the ballad you were entering lad ISM I think Britpop was a huge thing it was all about being a bit rock and roll and then you were gari releasing another ballad heavy album sat behind the piano I don't think people wanted that at the time but meanwhile on the other side of the street something was going on this absolute bomb came into the charts which was Robbie and the bomb went off and it obliterated Gary because the candle burned brighter for Robbie Williams Gary really received the brunt of Robbie's betterness overtake that you really did play a part in enforcing Gary into the misery using for so many years Robbie was always on hand to do a bit of Garry bashing and Robbie's very funny and it was good copy I regret that gas became part of my stick for too long but even through you know when I was used to say about things about gas I still loved him tremendously you know I think that's why I was so hurt and the bitterness was because I I loved that person you know my herd came out in anger and aggression and nastiness and when that goes away all that's left is the love it was just everywhere the papers you read the TV programs you watched the radio stations you listened to everyone was sticking the boot into Gary Barlow they call him a national treasure now he was a national joke then he was the butt of every week terrible line that they had to come up with they couldn't write him off enough you know it was shameful poor Gary you're thinking going down the gym couldn't save his career he was struck me as being clever he's a nice guy but he can't sing can't dance and he can't write songs Gary thanks so much for inviting us round to your house night runs are doing all right hey GB in the house getting down with me holes yeah give me fire I please all right yeah yeah thanking you oh I remember presenting top the Pops one time and guy who's there as a solo artist and things were not going very well for him at all and both were sending the wings well a band were playing and doing their take and Gary could not have looked more forlorn and more pathetic I guess in a really sad way I don't mean in a horrible way but at that time I just thought it's all over it really is all over for him there's there's a slight myth that the album the first album didn't do so great was actually the second one and even if it had probably had a big hit lurking on it it probably wouldn't have gone through the media wouldn't have taken it seriously they were just on to the next thing what we knew about him was what was said about him by other people which is Gary Barlow's finished Gary Barlow is embarrassing Gary Barlow cannot write hit songs anymore that's what we knew because other people were creating that agenda for him and he was just there I think in what do I do now where do you go when something like that happens when it all falls apart this dog hi just getting naked hitting it pet him I was interested to meet Gary's mum a lady he was always shied away from the spotlight and has never spoken on camera before what come on were starving okay who wants tea who wants coffee I was fascinated to hear her take on it all from Gary first joining the band to coping with the darker times this is phenomenal Margot thank you so much oh yeah when Gary comes home and says I'm gonna join this band cool take that like what was your first what was your first thought then right so what would you be doing with this band did he say we're gonna wear leather we're all right for each other in jelly there's a lot of dancing involved yeah yeah oh gosh well it's been your proudest moment I've got to say the OBE haven't I really a good day it has been the ultimate occasion as unless it was it was a good day yeah the best bit happened after really didn't it yeah cuz I've made it I've made a stew at home right so we raced home we got the award done the pictures race down we all talked into this stew that I've made earlier wolfed it got on a plane flew to Edinburgh did a gig most amazing gig the crowd a lot oh it's just the perfect day and you were there or you in the hole did the hole yeah brilliant it's lovely we have a quiz that night so we did a quiz yeah yeah hey listen yeah you wanna have a good time yeah we're having a jump with a quiz rock and roll oh my go there there was a point after take that finished it was quite it's quite tough I think for anyone to go through let alone as a parent to see a son going through this kind of stuff what was what was it like that sort of level of criticism sad hmm very sad not nice but like they say it makes us stronger person help you doesn't it really you can't give up what's the point in giving up hmm was it what was Gary like to be around at that time quiet and thoughtful I would say hmm it was a bit of a no-go subject wasn't it really yeah well there's not much to say really awesome it was all being said for me yeah please welcome Gary Barlow and Howard Donald I'm Gary Barlow tonight in a moment we'll be hearing the nominations for best song since the Brits began but what's it gonna be will it be prey or will it be back for good cuz it could hit me my dick I didn't write that one oh sorry I'm the whiz sorry Kelly Robbie Williams this man Robbie Williams has made me very very ill I am on pills because of you well go on have your moment in the limelight Judas sorry Gary but I was always the talented member of the band I mean that's all right it's all right now's all right now it wasn't worse than any of the other ones but it's just I don't want to dwell on like too much like feel sorry for me but it was not absolute yeah it to be you you know you don't want to be that person you want to be the one laughing about the person the jokes about you don't want to be the person that the jokes do you not I mean that was the worst bit of the whole thing it wasn't there being losing a record deal and it wasn't you know not singing for seven years or it was feeling like a dick every time I turned on a radio show or something it was feeling like everyone's laughing at you I was worried for Gary because I knew he was gonna take it seriously and he was gonna take it to heart and shirin if he did he was it was breaking him up it was almost like he'd accepted defeat he got stuck into the biscuits was lying on his grand piano in tears wandering here it all went wrong one of my friends ran into in New York and didn't recognize him could he put on so much weight he wasn't sleeping great was smoking 40 cigarettes a day at least he ate a lot he'd been indulging in every way possible and he'd been very down and very depressed Carrie had the most incredibly strong marriage that would have got him through it you know he was becoming a father that was as resolute as strong as ever and that's great because if he dad had that I really don't know where he to be he was really a forgotten man and when you've had it and lost it that's the worst thing when you're used to the adulation and the fame and the success and everybody knowing your name and wanting to be your friend and then suddenly you're you're toxic you know your kryptonite and Gary was kryptonite for years I don't know I don't know if depressions the right word I think he was on the road to it at that point because he was showing all the signs but music was always there I think Gary learnt the most important lesson in his life during those years in take that he didn't really know who he was he wasn't a natural pop star the wilderness years for Gary was him learning who he was but sooner or later the fighting spirit that is Gary and the talent that is Gary said enough enough I can't go on with it was this written on this field yeah mr. Majumdar Martha I was really hoping you're gonna start singing then I really was so tell me about this piano this was the piano that drove me mad eventually because I swear whenever I used to sit at this piano I used to write a hit I just did it was one of those instruments that I'd like what was written on this back for good written on this yeah yeah I love it here anymore sure never forget all those songs and then it slowly drove me crazy this piano because obviously after after the record deal ended and I was you know sort of spending a lot of time in the studio by myself trying to come up with stuff I just didn't talk about it used to talk until the point where I remember spending two days just looking at it to him do you think it would be safe to say that you were probably depressed probably I think I was driving myself insane at the time and I wouldn't I wouldn't be told it's just step away get out the room beautiful day Oh credible credible day ah come on you might be just Sony's born for this weather listen it's born for this weather you might be surprised but I've heard all these this is born for a day like this isn't it get on the keys you know going twice you harmonize with yourself I harmonize every time every song ever even once Anastasia right can you remember what the worst job offers you got were you ever get off a pan tap yeah did you yeah we're in Liverpool oh we attempted no why no one I'm great in pant oh now hold up be stupid you'd be a great buns people who travel miles to see Carlos but I got to pant oh and I stopped reading what other things celebrity wife swap did they mention which couple you might be spoke yeah got a Linda messenger no but I was really trying to sell it ah okay nowhere I really think we should do this dawn a romantic rain yeah thank you very much Cheers cheers mate and was there a point where you ate unhealthily yeah really unhealthy really what would you eat eggs I'm okay what would you meet then um what would naive but at your biggest how big were you um just over 17 stone right yeah how are you now 12 problem was for me as I hit sort of you know 25 my career went out the window and it was like how do I just change everything and I don't change the way I look don't want to be recognized anymore it was almost like a protest for me really yeah big time I knew what I was doing did you yeah I was enjoying it and I enjoyed the fact no one recognized me yeah cuz even being in your house then there was a couple of photos with her oh god yeah he really was quite a porker I was yeah look heavier than you are now not much oh yeah no matter how are ya yeah Alan thank you thank you very much Buddha Oh when you look back on it giving all that sort of wave of criticism I get no sense of you that's kind of ha ha see I'm back on top and you thought this and Here I am you know what I mean you know what that was like 13 12 13 years ago yeah we can't of forgotten I mean I haven't look like it must still sit there having fun I'm bored it's fine fine it's happened it's done and there's been a happy ending but we're still sat at home now I'd probably be quite bitter because I remember reading a lot of really really personal and hateful stuff and it's not even what was written it's what you become it feeds into your life you know you go into a shop to buy some you know crisps or something and they get slipped behind the counter and they put Robbie CD almond it's like a bad smell follows you around and that led me to then not going out the house for about eight months at all seriously yeah yep yep just didn't go out well because I was happy at home and no one could get to me there so when I put weight on people stopped recognizing me which meant the joke stopped it was that like the only time in my life I wanted to be forgotten it's like forget me please everybody forget my name exists I thought in my mind I've got to go back to where I start so I went back to being a songwriter so we've got like two or three nice songs and we thought we'd send them out to people and people weren't listening to the songs people were just go no we don't want songs from him and they were like well of you have you heard what the art no we just we just don't think it's right for our so it got the point where we were put in another person's name on these these CDs because my name was it just was turning people off straight away it's like when you when you're not hot nobody want it's anything to do with you whatsoever in 2005 a TV documentary was made which reunited to take that boys for the first time in 10 years the response to seeing the band together again was massive when we came back after all those years and we did that documentary none of us knew how it was going to go at all and then the next morning my phone was filled with call saying you know we've got uncredible figures for the show there's a guy that wants to put you all back on tour this Sundin want to do a big piece that was like people wanted his back for the first time in years I got on the train that morning I sat in my seat I just took my glasses off and took my hat off I just thought I'm happy to be me today it was a very poignant moment that was that was the day I thought I'm gonna I'm gonna lose this weight as well I was like everything changed that day they took my a raise with over with what's up I wash my face Oh a quick a better yeah I must grow while talking Oh Oh off the back of the success of the documentary before take that boy is announced they were going to reunite for a greatest hits tour people realized there was a realist Alger for the band and they were a missed we thought everyone had forgotten about us but it seems like they haven't so I think we're really excited and we promise to put on an amazing show and it just all fell back into place and I don't think they could believe it Jessie Garry who'd gone through the hard times he didn't expect to be given a break and I remember us we signed them up in Birmingham they were doing a show in Birmingham and we'd signed the contracts it was all quick kind of celebration and great look forward to hearing the music and as I was going Gary slipped a CD into my pocket for me to listen to on the way back and it had patients on it and I just kind of thought you're smart you you knew you know something's gonna happen he was like I still know what the public like to listen to I don't care who criticized me how much out of favor I am I can still like songs that people like and he can and that was his way out of this star just so because inside to Rose it was a second common it was the second coming of take that and it was massive if you have something or someone in your life that you really like sometimes you have to have that thing taken away to make you realize how much you like it what about if you don't even know how much you like it and then it's taken away and then that person comes back from the dead smiling warm happy and better than ever that's rocket fuel 2010 saw the moment every take that fan of dreamed of Robbie Williams rejoined and the band were finally all back together only because we always knew as a band would get Rob back one day and she really yeah we always knew it how did you know that because it was always gonna happen wasn't it yeah yeah it was it's not the natural end of the story but for me now the interesting bit is that actually what happens next now that your solo record has done so well I was almost expecting to sort of feel like that was a greater priority to you now you talk like take that is still oh it is it's number one it's the it's the one thing that everything else moves for the other things like TV and a solo record they're just things I do to fill the time in yeah because I like to work and it's being offered to me yeah so why not do it gary has thrown himself into a multitude of projects from climbing Kilimanjaro for comic relief to being head judge on x-factor these last few years have been full-on for Gary we went to watch the x-factor being filmed at the o2 and then got in a cab and went to Wembley to watch the boys perform the London Eye go back to the hotel after the gig Gary calm he said he'll why'd you wreck of the tour and I was nearly in tears I'll be honest I found it really emotional and I told him you know said gazzis it's it's a funny thing mmm going through and coming out the other end of it as good as he has its I'm proud of him he's in a position now where he's almost untouchable you'd really have to think hard if a negative story came up about Gary because the public backlash would be so strong against you if you presented the story they didn't like he has leaped into a new category his own category it's the Gary Barlow category it's not definable yet Gary Barlow is now part of music establishment and that's a very different place to be in you know he's kind of following in my footsteps and I love that if you've got the Queen asking you to sort out a few things for you you're not gonna be stuck for things to do over the next few years he does this thing where you go what do you want me to sing and you go anything you want what do you think we talk about what songs and it's great you know I like the lad I'm sure you want Gary Barlow for helping to make the whole thing do you feel like everything you've gone that Jubilee is so positive right now that do you still get negativity at you if you go if you look at things like Twitter Twitter's the only thing I've cuz I've done X Factor I was on it a lot but I actually quite liked it the best use of something like Twitter is for the last 12 months I've had this girl on there who her best friend must be my biggest fan and she's been on there saying I want you to come to my friend's wedding and sing at it right and we're arranging I'm gonna turn up and sing and after a friend doesn't know anything about it like the best friend is worried as well cause like I've been to gigs and stuff as well I've performed and in the audience I've seen a sign with a hashtag get Gary to lose wedding so this girl has been everywhere and I've seen it which is why I want to do it you'll be incredible it'll be the best I feel for the groom in a way hi he zoom I thought goes dude he's gonna be like oh it's just me and you babe I don't have in the better she's gonna go like that see you later please it's gonna be good he's in love of my life true to his word three weeks later after 12 months of incessant tweeting and campaigning from her bridesmaid Emily Gary arrived to surprise Lu at her wedding put your head against my life what do you hear just trying to make close your eyes but don't forget what you and here so it'sit's that a can rock songs later no I'm not blue really passionate laughs if you like me wonder massive congrats on your special day now scary v6 kisses best autograph in 1 million chances passed me by mr. Dold you take them back take me back to where I used to be it's much more relevant and important without being too grandiose about here than now just his music because he's representing causes a projects some family values he's developing the most phenomenal song but these songs are gonna last way off the none of us who are here I'm just excited about what's next I think he's got a lot of joy in in what he's doing I think that this last album was quite cathartic for him I think this is the album that he wants to make very second album you know there's a lot of that in it when Gary at least the solo album this time he must have been slightly anxious knowing what had gone before and it was exactly the same you know he was at the peak he was there to be shot at you know he couldn't have been more popular things couldn't be going better for him so there was a risk there absolutely it takes Gus and for him to work it so successfully commercially and to make the album he wanted to make you know it's incredible when we did face to face it was lovely because it was just a perfect song for two people to play the piano to you do sing it's the real first proper true Gary Barlow record mister as the who he is as a person a songwriter he'd them it was an incredible personal record and they've been he'd gone sit through some terrible he'd gone through tragedy personally they've had to deal with some really serious personal stuff his family last couple of years and that changes things a stew tragically a few days before Gary was due to sing to close the 2012 Olympics his fourth child poppy was stillborn how long did it take you to write that album I thought of you last time about three months it was a really intuitive problem-free record to write written in this room and most of it yeah yeah do you remember which songs came first I'd it sort of those first few days it's often stuff you discard once you get those first two or three days out the way you expect things to start happening but I didn't expect let me go to appear on the fourth day and that's unusual for in a record making environment to get a single like that so early the first time I listened to let me go yeah and I thought it was this unbelievably up like ah and I could imagine people dance I thought this is incredible and then I listened to it again and I thought the same and then I felt like the third time I listened to it I actually heard it and I came to the conclusion that that song was written by your stillborn child yeah yeah I will talk about a little bit of this but I don't want to talk about any no no I don't mind to because you know I know there's a I know I don't like the beat to be things that are unsaid really but there's a point where I stopped in respect to my wife because you know like I said to you earlier there's a there's very little that's personal in my life people know about a lot of things and it's you know from from my from that thing happening to my dad's passing there's a lot of them in this record with me and and it's funny we've let me go because I didn't want to have a sad album I really didn't and I really tried for it to not be I made a real effort for it to not be a sad record I wanted it to be a celebration record because that's where they're out in our lives with the whole thing that happened and it makes me really happy when I see people going crazy to that song it really is because it should be a celebration that song because in some respects it's alive that record and those lyrics and what it relates to and it keeps it keeps a life and a flame in the whole thing and and I love it I love that it has got two elements to it I love that on one hand you think this is just the most forever I've had to this record and then if you when you start going beneath that you really you see you know what it what it's saying it's not my voice it's someone else's full of sad can hearts all we need to blend every single paw science or religions hole never home it's a lie and me it's me so it's gonna take a bit of stupid I know what's right what does the future hold Gary Barlow does this yeah not much I think we all recognize that this is a pinnacle I can't go back on John rocks after this nine years ago you couldn't have imagined that you'd be talking about five nights at Wembley Stadium relevant number one solo records and records as a four-piece a five-piece like it must be so you must be so proud I remember feeling for about a year like I've got no future as an artist or a writer or anything to do with music and that was a long 12 months that was a long 12 months before there was any kind oh poor glimmer so to look forward now at this point and look into the future it's amazing it really is I'm safe compared I've got bad news for everyone Elton's busy what is it but he did say if James Corden's there can he do his part doesn't shock me the other person he said that could be channel out oka channel okay for one day only Eames I'll be out in John asked this room to be a that full of a thousand white release alright okay guys I'll bring you in on a bring you on a type one two three four yep it's got to be tight with it just watch me and I'll the last few days of imprinting they say you should never meet your heroes well they obviously never met Gary Barlow the bee okay guys notes sloppy
Channel: Linda Nielsen
Views: 1,748,745
Rating: 4.7751279 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Barlow (Musical Artist), gary, barlow, take that, Robbie Williams (Musical Artist), when corden met gary, James Corden (TV Program Creator), elton john
Id: BO5ort3TPVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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