When Cops CATCH Evil Girlfriends in the Act

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oh my god oh why you why you dragging me oh my god really no one wants to watch a relationship turn sour however there are toxic relationships out there where girlfriends are committing evil Deeds without the world realizing yo seriously I have tunnel occasionally though one will get found out and have to suffer the consequences of their actions this woman fought with her boyfriend and cops in public I had to run into Woods to get away from you bro the wood wood fighting with boyfriend our next case begins on the 29th of March 2022 when officers in Monro County responded to a call on the Overseas Highway but were not informed about the situation ahead of time when they arrived they found a woman Courtney causing a public disturbance when officers arrived the couple decided to flee but we're quickly apprehended get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground now get on the ground get on the ground watch here watch her get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground I get on the ground get on the ground right now get on the ground no you did that you hey do not me what is the matter with you I don't care you don't bite whatever put your hand by your back right now it became very apparent that Courtney was having some kind of relationship dispute with the male involved in claimed that she had been a victim of abuse I had run in the woods to get away from you bro the wood the wood get away it's over it's over stay away from me stay away from me that's it best thing ever come on R all right can you stand up for me I can okay yeah she she got I got warrant for me and I got War the woman appears to comply with the officers suggesting she'll do anything to get away from her significant other he punched me in the face at McDonald's I to F assault charges against him assault charges against you're spitting at me hold on I want assault charges against him that's it I want a soldier I had to get in the woods okay ma'am stop yelling right now you just spit in my eye it's not my problem if it is my problem if you have something I'm going to be extremely upset I don't have nothing okay and they called the police do want a bite I was chasing her and she went to Ru and I said okay you going to jail today okay that's what I told you upon a search of the woman the officer starts asking as to why she bit him she becomes more intense with the questioning is there any reason why you try to bite me my hand no I want to get I was in the woods trying to get away from him okay bit me right I barely touched you don't even start that what is that I barely touched you I barely don't even start that bro don't even start that please don't even start that okay I've been running for for 2 hours that man I if it wasn't for that man no you listen if it wasn't for that man cond no no I told him to call the cop all right stop stop the woman becomes more resistant spitting in the officer's face and refusing to enter the car can you like I can't have this hand like I come on get in the car I can I had multiple Strokes sit inside the car I have rescue on the way sit in the car I want to wasit till I'm out here you're spitting at me right now I am not spitting you are spitting on me right now I had a stroke sit in the car no do you want to get tase go ahead me see in the car you're still spitting my try me dogs get inside the car no get in the car no no you're going to get tased go ahead do it Oscar get him in theing car all right look can you see so I can help him put the got see see what I'm saying I was just chasing her bro that my that was my girl she was one and I was chasing her in the car get in the car bro come on see now you going to be me arrested so I'm being arrest in the arrest like I told you you're still spinning I will go to the hospital no I had multiple Strokes in the hpit Tas me try me Tas me meanwhile the male tells his side of the story claiming he never touched Courtney after listening to the man the officers decide to release him from the cuffs and send him on his way right she knew and now she trying to say I did I put my hands on her I walked around here she jumped out the wood cuz she knew that she was warning okay and I was one I'm have my whole life she walked in the woods when the woods this man was on the motorcycle I said what a girl went she ran in the woods because she know she was W she didn't want the police call or nothing and you can see she just with me no you did yourself you you you call that you call that you you you call yourself to jail you want to be that you want be ja apprciate my name is Den Earl Cooper I've been here my whole life the woman remains aggressive but the officers continue with their work in the I want medical attention I want medical attention get in the car sit down sit down yeah just take me to the bro just take me to I know what I did bro I ain't worried about on the drive to the station Courtney gives her account but it's too little too late she was charged with resisting arrest with violence resisting arrest without violence battery on an officer and criminal mischief for intentionally breaking a piece of police equipment with previous warrants to her name Courtney was facing serious charges however her behavior was not nearly as shocking as this next case burning down boyfriend's house this next case begins on the 13th of October 2022 officers were called to a dispute between a couple where it was reported that a girlfriend had gotten drunk and had started throwing things at her partner forcing him to leave his house when the officers arried on the scene they question the mail about the altercation to get all the facts so you guys are married no not you're not married no you're still living in house together yeah your girlfriend still living in the basement or no that that is the girlfriend I'm calling about the wife is the wife is gone she's done oh okay yeah keep your hand out of your pocket for me sir sorry apolog the partner makes the startling reveal that his girlfriend has access to a firearm alerting the officers that this could get dangerous any weapons up there there was one in the bedroom that I didn't get out everything else should be locked up so she has access to what a uh Sig 9 mil is it loaded yeah okay when officers enter the house they find that it's getting completely trashed and that a fire may have potentially been started let me see your hands put your hands up what's burning good question step over here come on on yeah let's go let's step outside I got to figure out what's burning let's go come on the officers pull their tasers and attempt to move the girlfriend out of the house aware that they need to find the source of the burning on keep put your put your hand up put your hand up you think this is I'm making sure you don't have weap this is the third time pie of okay well we've got smoke and I've been yelling for you like I heard you before that's for my dog that's cheese buddy watch seriously okay go for it I'm going to go for it cuz I don't have time to deal with you right now the woman becomes aggressive and the officers are forced to cuffer for their safety yo seriously I have tunnel get down all right cool cool carpal tunnel okay carpal tunnel no no it's fine stop stop you're doing your job your pieces of the officers begin to question the woman but she becomes aggravated and shouts abuse single word with a rarded i I am so sick of being raped out the ass with illegal terminology on moments where I'm weak so you know what you got me handcuffed you got me indisposed I'm not going down there you do whatever the you want things get out of hand and the woman's Behavior starts to put her in serious danger as she falls while being forced to leave where do you want me stand up yeah you got got it let's go hey stop stop man see my head get a wall you took off on me you said get off you took off on me and you fell down stop yeah yeah hey now you're getting charged with assault hey guess what what the woman is taken to a cop car to be escorted away but she picks up a few extra charges on her travels as she fights back against officers someone who's 50 lb lighter than you you don't stop kicking we're going to go harder oh oh break my wrist at least R I have a Cas guys still right the officers continue to search the house until they find the source of the fire luckily the fire fire department is on its way uh there's a basement but you can't can't go down the stairs there's no way so okay it's completely uh engulfed in smoke that's I was already going down out there I'm not going down there let the fire department deal with it the woman is taken past the fire engines to a new police vehicle forced to face the consequences of her arson you need to walk like a 52 probably want them to ready the chair as well yep already done yeah you know what does that mean you know what your seat clear you already check yet you're going to sit in the seat because I'm going to put you in the seat if there's not air the woman was eventually charged with with assault and resisting arrest it's unclear whether she was also charged with starting the fire arguments between couples can grow nasty and that's the case in our next incident Katrina this next scenario begins on the 27th of December 20122 days after Christmas officers were called to a familiar scene with a woman named Katrina fighting with her ex- partner after prior incidents of a similar nature when the cops arrive the ex-boyfriend shows them video evidence of the altercation after previous police officers refused to believe this story pleas my I told you guys last night she hit me you didn't believe me whatever here's her putting her hands on me physically assaulting me the first thing she said to the police officer that showed up last night was that she would kick my she admitted that she swung on me belongs to me that was a gift to me I walk downstairs I asked her to turn the music down CU I have to go to B I go to work you saw her just physically assault me right there you just saw her hit me get your hands off of me your hands she physically hitting me on a regular basis I don't care that I'm twice your size the officer speak to Katrina to get her side of the story and she seems to show No Remorse instead making excuses that her partner drinks heavily what's going on tonight what's going on last night tonight same thing that's been going on for the last 6 months since I met him okay he I have nothing bad to say I mean I do but I don't like I love the guy but he's just very emotionally he drinks too much and then he goes off on me and this has been going on so it happened last night and he called y'all out and they asked him to leave and he did but he came back I hid under the bed because he he has guns I'm not not sure I mean I don't think he would do that whatever so I have been packing I told told the police last night like I don't I don't want anything any harm nothing to him I just want to leave with all my stuff after listening to the story the officer decides to detain Katrina until Things become clearer her immediate reaction is to become violent I don't care I just want trans behind your back go ahead ARR me you are you are not a what did I do to you no no no I did not do anything stop resisting I do you want put your arms behind your back kidding me put your arms behind your back now put your behind your back after getting escorted to a cop car the woman becomes emotional and claims that she has been abused by the very man she's been hitting we'll let you do that when you get there that's nice are you guys serious you're a for what violence vience and resisting I have never done a thing in my life I I tell I do what you guys do but on a different level like this is not fair he has me so hard have a SE the cops last night you could see all the bruises on me for me and I finally try and stand up for myself during the interview with the officer Katrina makes accusations about the illegal gear that her ex-boyfriend has supposedly hidden in the house so and that it's probably better off that way I know I I just like I you know the fact that he did this with everything I got He's Got Drugs up in their guns everything and he says he has a license C oh I can't wait I would never do that to someone no Katrina is taken to jail searched and placed in a Cell for the night she gets upset over the the ordeal but the charges she faced weren't too severe she pleaded no contest to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct than a resisting arrest charge was dropped she was given one year of probation it might seem uncommon but police have to take on a lot of situations where girlfriends have been assaulting their Partners like in our last case assaulting boyfriend our final case begins on the 21st of May 2022 where officers were called to an incident where a woman had vandalized her partner's car and assaulted him upon arrival the police learned that the woman has run away and are warned that she has mental health issues and possesses a firearm making them more cautious about the [Music] situation crossing over to a she we're not going to chase it cuz if we Chase it and she has a gun yeah we just amp it up and she's suicid and she's going under that you guys don't follow me I'm going to hit her with the taser the police found that she had hidden under a parked vehicle and so used their audio equipment to begin negotiations with the suspect Cynthia this is Sergeant coron with the CWB Police Department we just want to help you out we do not want to hurt you we have no intentions to hurt you at all we just want to get you Medical Care please come out and talk to us please come out with your hands up just show us that you're not armed or anything we just want to help you out the officer speaks with her ex-boyfriend about the situation learning more about her well-being and mindset are you related to her no I'm her boyfriend you're her boyfriend do you know what's going on and I didn't want this to happen I was moving 109 that okay I'm having no not right now she might be armed all right I can't have you go over there man I'm sorry we're just trying to get her to come out so she can get medical help that's all but I just don't want to escalate it in any way yeah the officers managed to speak to the woman on the phone but she isn't able to listen in her current emotional state hey Cynthia you broke my heart hey let me tell you something this is Officer SSA I've been through what you're going through okay but let me tell you something leave me alone uhuh you don't know what I'm going through he's been Ling to me for 2 years but he loves me we were supposed to get back together again yesterday and today I found out from somebody else that he's leaving I know hey Cynthia I actually went through the same thing like two months ago okay I I did and you you know what I lost my family I lost my kids and it's hard I get it okay it's very very hard exactly but you know what at the end of the day we have to be stronger than what I don't want to talk to you I don't want to talk to you I'm talking to J get off the phone do you want to talk to him we just want to get you help since I know you're hurting right now the woman becomes aggressive and threatens the officers down the phone escalating the situation hey let me tell you I just want to know do you have a gun on you press charges against harassment with you do you have a gun on you Cynthia eventually the woman removed herself from under a bus but quickly hid under a different vehicle the officers seized the opportunity don't follow do not follow me I'm telling you guys don't follow me I'm going to hit her with the taser someone wants to cover me stop show me your hand back up back up back up back up back up back up the cops begin a swift operation to try and remove her from her position without endangering themselves can't arrest me for death show me your hands come out right now just crawl towards us just crawl towards us no why you trying to arrest me Cynthia crawl out here tell me tell me my right your right is to come out right now trying to resc me hey get out from my yo get the out of here the cops tell the cops to leave no the cops get out you need to get the out here get out the standoff continues with the officers threatening to get the police dog to solve the situation you need to listen tell me why you arres come on tell me why you're arresting me now tell me why you arresting me c get out we have the dog don't listen tell me why you're arresting we're trying to help you all right just come out help me how by arresting me no by getting you to come out before you get bit you need help huh how do I need help you're about to get bit by the dog and it's going to hurt the officer successfully dragged the woman from underneath the trailer she's quickly cuffed before she can get away again come out now I don't have a gun come out Drager oh my god oh why why you dragging me oh my god really why am i d it why are you arresting me watch this what why you have thing on me I don't have anything oh my God okay we're going to help you up okay can you tell me why I'm being arrested the woman claims that she was assaulted and is taken away in an ambulance to get checked at a local medical facility my god really Jam did he tell you how he choked me too that's fine I'll po charges against him I got proof you guys could have told me you why you were arrested me instead of being silent Jamon come here you chicken lady can you take it easy take it EAS all right just take it easy you're yank it on me after getting the all clear the woman was taken to a jail where she was charged with aggravated assault and battery against a household member resisting law enforcement and criminal damage to property
Channel: The Supreme
Views: 19,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evil, girlfriends, girlfriend, cops, criminals, criminal, most wanted, crime, true crime, bodycam, interrogation, wanted, wanted criminals, police, suspect, suspects, footage, detective williams, video, caught on camera, interrogation room, arrest, arrested, law, inmate, inmates, scammer, jail, prison, karen, corruption, above the law, people, entitled, realize, realized, documentary, police interrogation, detective, videos, crime documentary, caught on video, dr insanity, bodycam videos, bodycam footage, cop, men
Id: azW4LzX4sX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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