When billionaires donate money | Internet logic 1

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Oh Bill Gates donate 500 million to some charity get out your calculator on it current net worth is ninety nine point three billion dollars got it roughly point five zero four percent of his network which is the same as me donating five dollars oh my god it's like me donating five bucks I'm such a hero it's like my grandma donating twenty dollars and I get that for my birthday it's like if Bill Gates went to a soup kitchen ate 99.5 percent in the soup and then gave the rest to the homeless that is exactly the same as what he did it's like he adopts ninety nine point three billion puppies and then only plays with five hundred million of them that means Bill Gates is neglecting ninety eight point eight billion puppies dude that's more than all the puppies on earth oh my god he's a monster you know if you think about it the donation is like Bill Gates cleaning a pool and then dumping five million gallons of oil into the ocean it's basically the same as making a corona virus vaccine just giving it to 0.5% of the population and then sneezing right into the open mouths of the other 99.5% why doesn't he hug his family and like stab a thousand dolphins the same as his donated it's mathematically equivalent to saving a cat from a tree and then just throwing 200 more back up there why doesn't he just come into our apartment unclog our toilet and then take two hundred dumps right back inside he could burn down 99.5% of all trees and it'd be the same thing I bet he uses his turn signal point five percent of the time and the rest he just runs over someone in a wheelchair he probably cleans up after his dog pulling five percent of the time and the rest he just swings it at a baby his donation is like pouring his kids a bowl of Lucky Charms with only 0.5% marshmallows and then just hitting them in the head with a milk carton god this all makes so much more sense when it's put into perspective it's the story that no one's telling we need to tell people about this oh don't worry I have an app for everything I say or think is automatically upload to Twitter on 14 different accounts all double digit followers oh that's good yeah I feel like the world is just better off when it knows all of my thoughts and opinions I mean remember that one guy who didn't even have a Twitter and never got to see what I thought Oh in Ted Bundy exactly and we know what happened to him yeah and that can't be a coincidence oh it's definitely not hey guys quick question have either of you two recently or ever donated anything better we're making the world aware that other people could have donated more actually I was at the grocery store the other day and the cashier asked me if I wanted to round up my total to the nearest dollar and donate that extra amount and my total was like eighty dollars and seven cents so rounding up was like 93 additional cents Wow I know a lot but I still said yes such a visionary but that 93 cents is the same as john d rockefeller one of the richest people in history accounting for inflation walking into a slightly larger grocery store because he was low taller and then donating three hundred and twenty-five million dollars boom Oh million how much did you donate not much but I recently gave twenty actual dollars not some proportional below $20 is exactly what we said my grandma would donate it's like someone half his height donating $10 why do you keep bringing up height this is exactly how the conversation started you know you're part of the problem [Music]
Channel: Zach Star Himself
Views: 615,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zach star, zach star himself, internet logic, when billionaires dontae money, parody, when the rich donate, donations, donating money
Id: MwEs6cRrhXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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