When Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent !

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in the animal kingdom most animals are aware of who they can beat in a fight for survival and who they should avoid at all costs but sometimes animals simply mess with the wrong opponent and have to suffer the consequences watch this video till the end and you'll be shocked a curious dog learned a hard lesson the hard way when meeting an electric eel only to get vitally zapped and whimper away in agony when a rude and Rowdy elephant kicked a resting buffalo in the face the elephant quickly regretted its foolish decision when the Buffalo retaliated by poking him right in the rear with his horn wrong place at the wrong time for this defenseless baby chick that gets snapped up and eaten by a Hungry Horse like a tasty snack soup this is why you should never turn your back on a tiger [Music] when a mom and baby rhino had an altercation with three elephants at a watering hole the elephants displayed that they are the most intelligent by using enamot objects As Weapons to scare them away [Music] not even if fans can stop these sheep from fighting this dog's bark is definitely worse than its bite as it Retreats like a coward after messing with a massive iguana when a group of predatory Birds tried to snatch one of those leopard's Cubs the mother had to teach them a hard lesson [Music] did this Burgess travel through time I think this dog got what he deserved a group of wild dogs were hanging out at a watering hole when they were suddenly joined by a huge elephant who wanted the place for himself watch how he tries to drive the little Annoying creatures off his lawn by kicking dirt at them chasing them around and showing them who's boss laughs [Music] a mountain lion decided to attack a lone baby bear instead of its big mother but had an embarrassing defeat as the little bear cub bravely fought It Off [Applause] the animals in the jungle have many differences but they all share one common enemy The Lion so when this Buffalo was being attacked by the hungry Predator a heroic elephant stepped in to save its life [Music] hi when a black bear wandered into the wrong territory a very unusual fight occurred as a male lion decided to drive the animal away from its land foreign dog quickly regretted messing with the tegu lizard when it suddenly had enough of its annoying barking and decided to teach it lessen the hard way [Music] elephants know that they are the absolute strongest when they stick together so when two crocodiles were threatening some of these elephants the whole herd decided to charge the dangerous enemies together to scare them away this dog quickly regrets messing with an impatient donkey forever Lions usually know which animals they can hunt and win against in a fight but this line got a little too confident when it tried to attack a big giraffe this lion cub was so eager to bite into the Pride's meal that it got stuck in a sticky situation to say the least luckily the other Lions ate through the Buffalo stomach and were eventually able to set the poor Cub free this lion who was craving some honey quickly regretted its Choice when it got attacked by a swarm of vicious bees oh [Music] dude I think he knocked me out when a grizzly bear was feeding on its prey a pack of hungry wolves surrounded the animal and tried to steal it but the bear refused to hand over his food for which he had fought so bravely and showed the wolf pack whose boss [Music] this prairie falcon uses its hard-hitting hunting tactic to take out a clueless Drake Mallard with a high-speed headshot he didn't even give him time to duck [Music] this mountain lion probably confused itself with a regular lion when it tried to hunt a much bigger alpaca who bravely fought off the desperate animal [Music] good there is a huge difference in size between a cow and a goat so when these animals charge towards each other after a long standoff you will definitely be surprised by the one left standing [Music] a hungry leopard stalks a warthog rape before snatching its baby but what the leper didn't know was that it messed with the wrong mother who wasn't gonna give up easily on its child [Music] this cow hit his head so hard that he switched personalities [Music] a clueless raccoon accidentally got in the wrong hood and had to pay the consequences as these chimpanzees were not too happy about having an intruder [Music] these sharks worked together to mug the crocodiles and steal their food but one of the Sharks receives Instant Karma too oh apparently pigs can fly just check out this wild boar that shows that nothing is impossible [Music] a fisherman caught an electric eel but as he's pulling it in an alligator decided he wanted a piece of the action too and got himself a little bit more than a bite up to 860 volts of electricity suddenly flowed through the alligator's body and the eel's unusual defense mechanism completely obliterates the animal [Music] when a male lion attacked a leopard the female lion surprisingly chose to defend the defenseless animal who do you think would win in a fight between a crab and a scorpion well in this epic underwater battle the crab completely destroyed its opponent thank you strength in size aren't always the most important traits to have in nature sometimes all you need is confidence to beat the bigger opponent which this Fearless go proved when it took on several rhinos in a fight and won African wild dogs may not be that dangerous when they are alone but when these animals fight together they are some of the absolute scariest creatures of the Savannah so when a pack of vicious wild dogs attack this lioness it knew it was in deep trouble [Music] [Applause] when a massive Eagle decided that this goat would become its delicious dinner the poor animal stood no chance and was Swept Away to be never seen again [Music] thank you an overconfident Buffalo thought he could beat a rhino in a fight but underestimated its opponent and suffered the brutal consequences [Music] this bear cub is using world-class wrestling to take down a dog bigger than himself [Music] imagine when that bear grows up he's definitely going to be the king of the forest [Music] when a leopard and a hyena were fighting over who would get the prey for dinner the prey made an oscar-worthy performance in order to escape [Music] at about two years of age male lions reach maturity and often begin picking fights with their father eventually the father grows tired of having his authority questioned and forces the younger males out of their territory in this clip you can see this phenomenon occur as a father and his son savagely fight for dominance [Applause] oh [Music] this alligator definitely messed with the wrong guy [Music] a baffle cat didn't expect to be completely outsmarted by a careless bird [Music] this baboon should probably figure out a better Escape Plan next time it gets hunted by a pride of hungry lions this praying mantis was lucky that the massive tarantula spider wasn't in the mood for fighting as it would have easily destroyed the annoying creature an Impala who was chased by a pack of wild dogs later got stuck on a small island in the middle of a watering hole as it then became the target of a bunch of hungry crocodiles in an attempt to escape the Impala lunges itself into the water with a crocodile getting closer and closer but all of a sudden a heroic hippo appears out of nowhere attacking the predator and saving the poor antelope hippo coming in [Music] write in the comments which of these clips was your favorite in the meantime remember to like And subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Novella
Views: 13,227,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent, animal fight, animals, caught on camera, animal attack, wild animal fights, wild animals, wrong opponent, scary animal encounters, best animal fights, best animal fights in the wild, unexpected animal fights, animal attack animal, animal encounters, wild animal attacks, prey vs predator prey wins, biggest animal fights, animal fights compilation, animal battles, dangerous animals, electric eel, lion vs predator, wildlife, lion vs bear
Id: Lra2N5CsyDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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