WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST - Powerful Motivational Video

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sometimes horrible things happen to good people life isn't fair and it can be heart-wrenching and if you're having one of those dark days it's okay [Music] it's okay it's okay to feel that darkness [Music] when challenges and issues come back to back to back to back and it seems like something is after me something is attacking me something is attacking my journey look for the lesson in it all you will grow through what you go through the question is are you willing to go through it when those bad things happen what are you going to do are you gonna let this horrible situation dictate the way you feel and the way you handle it are you gonna fall over fall down or fall apart or are you going to face this issue with courage and with resolution you no darkness so embrace embrace that darkness don't look away from it own it step up to the challenge no matter what you face start walking take that step every day no matter what you are facing get up and start walking and never surrender and remember that even in the most wretched times when you face darkness yourself no matter how bad things get remember not to stop remember not to pause remember not to hesitate remember to put one foot in front of the other take that first step and start walking and we will fight and in fighting we will win and if not the battle and if not the war we will win because our spirit it will never surrender and that is the ultimate victory to hold your head high and even in the face of inescapable defeat to stand and to fight that is to win don't allow yourself a switch off button i know there's always an answer no matter how dark that place may be there's always a way out just gotta keep going [Music] hold on to that fundamental quality of faith have faith and on the other side of your pain is something good [Music]
Channel: Ben Lionel Scott
Views: 7,135,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben lionel scott, motivation, motivational, inspirational, inspiration, success, training, whatever, it, takes
Id: bqVxBT-Z4yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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