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I was talking to my friend on the phone this morning and he's been on a very long journey a lot of highs a lot of lows but now he's doing incredibly well he's heavily invested in real estate has a very successful business I mean you talk about a turnaround he's it and uh he says Eddie do you know what the best part of all this is when I get up in the morning I think yes I don't think oh man I wish I could sleep just a few more minutes I don't wish for a little longer in bed I think yes and I found that moving if that's not Peak living I don't know what is the second your eyes open to be excited about what's to come right so I asked him Tom you know what's the the biggest mental change made in your life that brought that about and he said essentially this is a a term uh used a lot by Dan Sullivan he says I learned to always be the buyer now I'm just starting reading Sullivan's books so I'm not too familiar with the idea I said Tom can you explain kind of expand upon that a little bit paraphrasing he said he started to look at life like he was worthy of it like he was the decision maker right and I don't know if if you've been there I certainly have where it's like man I hope this person accepts me I hope they hire me I hope I can be included now that's uh it's an existence of constantly selling yourself but when you make that mental shift of instead saying uh I have value to add to this person I am the buyer here you Empower yourself right a buyer cannot get rejected instead of walking around hoping the world accepts you it's having confidence in yourself and your ability as my eighth grade teacher Mr Bettencourt used to say when we were kids the worst thing you can do is hold your hands up to the sky and hope something of value falls into them the worst thing you can do is take the power out of your hands and Outsource it to fate [Music] because the truth is you do have value to add there is change you're going to make in the world there's a beautiful mark on Humanity to be created by you and there must come a time where you see that as a valuable resource you're on a mission and it's not about other people saying yes or no to you it's do you want to allow these people to come along with you on your mission not selling yourself but buying the pieces that will comprise your greatness subtle shift but also a powerful one and the reality is people respect it right that's the crazy thing when you find the courage to dig deep and unlock that confidence in yourself you get more of it from others and this is from experience right I've never been the loudest guy in the room not an attention seeker it's easier for me to listen right but I find that when you live with conviction the world around you conforms respect finds you people will never believe in someone who doesn't believe in him or herself and this is kind of an interesting note the good friend of mine has has helped uh do some booking on podcasts and events right and part of that's trying to get speakers and personalities to participate you have to explain to them the value and this is what I found amazing he says a formal well thought out letter stating the ins and outs how grateful the host would be how beneficial The Experience would be gets ignored 99 times out of 100. but a simple hey X is happening gonna be incredible give me a shout we'll see how we can get you involved gets responded to way more often why because you're not selling you're buying right people want to be around those who live with conviction who have value to add so make that clear right instead of writing up those four paragraph emails asking the world for answers for assistance and you weren't put here to wait for permission to tiptoe through life and not make any mistakes you weren't put here to impress others or be accepted by those around you you're here to live life on your terms to make magic to enjoy the passing moments with the ones you love spent how you choose to spend them never forget how much you mean and how valuable you are never forget that you have every right to wake up and say yes I get to get out of bed today I get to Chase my dream and bring along with me the people and things that are worthy of the pursuit that's not arrogance that's confidence that's not existing that's living in a world of conformity of please take what I have to offer in a world of concession in a world of I don't want to but okay you will have to get to the yes you have to become the buyer not only in each specific exchange but the buyer of a destiny that belongs to you a cheat code in life is understanding the significance of getting to one because if you can get one you can absolutely get to and if you can get two you can get three four five five thousand five hundred thousand or five million once you realize that something is possible you're no longer the same person you once were your hands need not be held to the sky as though the universe is going to drop something into them no you've cracked the code you have the info and the burden has now been placed directly onto your shoulders that little question is this possible dissipates getting to one was your proof of that and then the obvious accompanying question now what are you going to do about it what are you going to do because the race isn't to 1 million it's to one one is the power one is the reassurance one is everything you need if you can sell one painting you can sell fifty thousand paintings if you can make one three-pointer you can make thousands of three pointers if you can create one genius marketing video that goes viral you can create hundreds thousands millions again the evidence you got one anything beyond one is procedural it's a testing of methods it's becoming Relentless in your pursuit to repeat the process with the pieces at your disposal but make no mistake those pieces are there everything you need is there so long as you get to one I had to recently break through to this realization like so many of us I'm an ambitious person I love the game I want to add value to more people reach more listeners generate more Revenue scale impact all that stuff of course but for a while I just couldn't figure out how I became almost disillusioned what am I doing wrong Maybe what if maybe do I dare say do I dare even think for a second that I've gone as far as I can go but was ultimately rescued rescued by the realization that I was asking the world for things I didn't have instead of leveraging what I did I needed to separate the value I possessed from the logistics that would transport it because and this is what we forget I've already performed my Miracle I've added value to one person and if you can add value to one why not ten why not 10 million it's not a product issue it's a scaling question the car Works figure out how to get it to the racetrack the tool is effective now get it into the hands of the builders you see the difference the confidence that comes with that instead of doubting all that you bring to the world asking yourself if more is possible you say yeah of course it is because I've already done it here is my proof now what's around me that I can use to deliver it how can I try things reposition things figure out how to scale and get further but I know it's possible [Music] so many of us have already gotten to one we're adding value we're doing what we believe in but we're asking the wrong question we're still asking whether more is possible it is the burden is just on you to bring it to fruition the burden is on you to find a way [Music] to scale the value contained in your one thing and by the way if you haven't arrived at one yet buckle up right getting to one was one of the best periods of my life right finding your value proposition enjoying the process exploring finding that intersection of value and personal contentment you'll eventually arrive there [Music] but remember for you the goal is not one million it's one one idea that works one approach that lights you up one action that opens your eyes to the upside that makes the world better to those around you when you found your one thing when you know it makes a difference then you move on to the scaling chapter right then how do we turn one into one million but they're two different questions so remember that moving forward no matter how stuck you feel if you have one you simultaneously have a little seed capable of producing Infinity it just needs attention trust yourself to work through the logistics because that's all it is transform the if into how and start building that staircase straight to the Moon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] an-cortez arrived on the shores of Mexico with roughly 600 Spaniards all of whom quickly realized that a mighty Empire waited for them not too far inland in Cortez inspired by Spain's current golden age and the encompassing sense of ambition and Adventure that gave life to the whole journey to the new world he pushed his men forward into the unknown ordering them as Winston Reynolds writes in hispania to destroy the ships behind them symbolizing the Valiant pushed forward with no return everything would be on the line and over the years this act has become folklore evolved into the famous phrase we all know burn the boat burn the boat foreign why is this an important idea well I look at it in very simple terms doing anything meaningful is hard not planning on it or hoping to do it but actually doing it and when you're in the heat of metaphorical battle right when you're on your way facing the adversity and the challenges and the hardships whether it's social physical or mental that growth comes with discomfort our instinct is to want out when we are in pain our brain's default is how do I stop the pain and what I've learned is that if you give yourself off ramps you'll take them if you allow for a plan B it will become more and more appealing if the mentality is give it your all until it's inconvenient well we all know what happens right since Excellence doesn't allow for skipping the inconvenience foreign T turn around and get back on those boats you're forced to create outcomes because suddenly everything depends on it [Music] does this mindset come easy no I don't believe it does took me into my mid-20s to realize hey I've never done anything without a life raft or a safety net I always carried option b c and d around with me in my pocket and the result was above average at plenty of things was great at none but when your back is to the wall and those demons are closing in it's incredible what you can do which you can create you will shock yourself with your competence and your ability waiting to be unlocked now I'm not saying keep jamming this square peg in the round hole if you know something's not for you I'm simply saying if there is something you want something that you know in your soul is pulling you in and you really want to see that thing come to fruition you can't have pre-made off-ramps for yourself from the inevitable difficulty comes in because it will it always does I refer to those moments as checkpoints areas of internal deliberation high security guarded Gates where many arrive but few get to pass through not because they couldn't but because the cost of access was expensive too expensive mentally physically and socially expensive taxing most simply say no thanks they get back on that boat waiting for them by the shore they arrived on and return to the world they've always known the way I see it this is not about right or wrong no that's missing the point entirely I see the question being how bad do you want it a little a lot how about enough to go all in because if you want to see levels of yourself you never thought possible you need to kick the ladder down behind you force yourself to rise to the occasion amidst the chaos map your path straight into the darkness of night not because it's the most convenient but because you gave yourself no other choice you burned the boats and are content to watch their Flames slowly disappear behind you as you go where few have gone [Music] there are a handful of recorded lectures online by Jim Rohn who has definitely become one of my favorite thinkers over the years and I found this little nugget the other day that I wanted to share he says there are four emotions that will change your life disgust decision desire and resolve and I want to talk about the first one because I found the story to be incredibly powerful and also relatable right in various aspects of Life over the years so he he frames it by talking about a Girl Scout walking up to his front door to try and sell him some Girl Scout cookies when he's 25 years old and uh he's broke doesn't have any money at the time and tells her what I assume to be a white lie as to why he can't buy the cookies at that particular time right so he tells her that he can't she walks away he says after he closes the door and goes back inside he felt something that completely changed his life disgust an overwhelming feeling that he simply didn't want to live like that anymore he didn't want to lie he didn't want to be broke and I'm quoting him he says uh the day you can say I've had it may not be the day it ends but the date begins and that feeling which of course on the surface seems like a terrible thing right no one wants to feel disgust with their circumstance but it's ultimately one of the most powerful indicators life can present to us there has always been and I assume will continue to be that point in many uh different facets of my life where I say enough is enough I just never thought to categorize it and label it like he did but that's what it is you know getting to a point where you look around and realize you've conceded too much you've strayed too far beyond what matters to you you've left too much on the table that feeling again while uncomfortable is often what becomes the first step towards that which is truly meaningful a better version of yourself [Music] a realization by the way it's not denunciation caor right it's not saying I'm not good enough or I'm inadequate I would describe it as the exact opposite it's thinking enough of yourself to acknowledge that you're better than this it's saying yeah there's a reality where I stay the same where I don't change where I allow this to just be my life but that's not the reality I'm going to choose because I respect myself too much to continue living with that dissonance between my actions and who I know I truly am I think at a deep level we all understand this you know so many times in life funny enough we don't change until we have to until our backs are completely against the wall it took me years in my previous professional life to say enough is enough but ultimately got to that point I've been there in relationships been there with my creative work been there with my finances and what's especially interesting is that as you grow evolve and your goals change what you expect of yourself changes grows along with you you'll find yourself at that place again and again and again and that's good listen to it right that's your intuition telling you you're ready for more that something else awaits that the status quo is no longer sufficient and there lies the opportunity right to recognize and Associate that feeling of disgust as Rome calls it with the need to change or an opportunity to change before things blow up or become more difficult than they need to be everything in your life has been allowed by you to some extent you know that's an important thing to understand if there's someone in your life that's making it hell you to an extent are responsible for that right no one gets your time without your permission if you're doing things that don't move motivate or inspire you well the reality is you're choosing those actions another circumstances may be specific to to you they may be difficult and I understand that but are you asking yourself how you can begin moving away from it how you can put walls between yourself and the things that drag you down because the bottom line is it's very easy to become accustomed to things that are a drain on our lives the old frog in the boiling water right you throw a frog in a pot of hot water it'll jump right out but you put it in a pot of cool water and you slowly but incrementally increase the temperature until it's boiling the Frog won't realize it's burning alive I think in the same way we learned to live with that situational disgust the things we're unhappy with just become the baseline or normal it becomes regular and what I love about this Girl Scout cookie stories that light bulb moment where it's like no I don't have to accept this I Can Take Back Control I dictate how I'm going to live and I know this isn't it now you don't need to have all the answers right away in fact you most certainly won't have them but every journey is the saying goes begins with the first step that's precisely why the moment is so powerful you don't start moving to that new place until you realize that you want to start moving away from where you are rone talks about disgust being a powerful motivator that's why the initial leverage you need to create that momentum to see the gap between where you want to be and where you are and this is ultimately a call to that realization do an audit on yourself and your contentment the places you find lacking they're calling for your attention and it's normal it's okay it's part of life but it's also your opportunity to begin making that change I like very simple very straightforward notes to help me parse through this simple list two columns on the left everything that brings me some level of anxiety or that is a drain on my piece and on the column on the right directly across from it simply what I plan to do about each item nothing major but a tangible manageable step because as Jim Rohn says you begin to utilize that feeling of disgust or discontent to act return that message into something beautiful an adventure some variation of growth that's where the good stuff is by the way it also changes our relationship with those emotions when they emerge it's no longer poor me I'm stuck my life is hard and the list goes on and on no it's oh this doesn't feel good how can I use it to connect me to something that does let's listen to that I don't like the feeling of making excuses as to why I can't buy the cookies I don't like the feeling of not having the financial resources obviously you can't fix it overnight but let's make a plan let's allow the wheels to hit the road right we'll tell you who knows might be more than I've ever done this is the magic beginning he alludes to the confidence being earned the purpose the meaning and ultimately being that we only get results will replace our attention the outcome we've been looking for so when you find yourself at that point when you experience a repetition of disappointment or frustration with your circumstance let that be the gift it's trying to be let it be the reason you will soon wake up a different person moving towards that which aligns with who you are just one more day the power is in just one more day don't need to have the whole book written stories told or City built it's not about one universal solution to all your problems it's about continuing forward until the Breakthrough it's about knowing that when it feels most hopeless to go on that's precisely when it's most important to do so the world is not asking of you everything just something so give it something keep yourself in the game keep your head up and your eyes open keep your feet moving even if you don't know where they may be leading you you need not a billion answers but one breakthrough one breakthrough See We All Fall we all lose our footing life can be tough and being that this is par for the course the contract we signed before we breathed our first breath of air it's a Fool's errand to exhaust energy on the occurrence to be angry at the situation to feel bad about yourself for wandering there no it's about recognizing where you are and then finding it within yourself to step away one foot closer to the Breakthrough to recapturing what matters When Things become too big we simply shut down complexity is crippling but truth be told the path is not complex are manufactured interpretation is what's complex so simplify step forward one more time a little bit closer to the Breakthrough a little bit nearer to the light at the end of that tunnel remember there is no all-encompassing formula but there is the strength that emerges from one's willingness two inch forward when all seems dark when temporarily you've forgotten what that sense of excitement feels like when the thrill of progress seems foreign shut off the mind this isn't the time to weigh Pros versus cons or this versus that move into the haze trusting that what you need will reveal itself because as long as you don't stop it most certainly will you'll find yourself again your path again things will make sense again but that right is earned now when we're tired warn in our solitude beaten down we might not be able to see it in the moment but that's when the beautiful things are made so trust that you are the designer you've been looking for all along [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 179,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech, morning motivation, best motivational video, motivational speeches, best motivational speech compilation, change your life, morning motivational speech, speeches compilation, morning motivational video, self discipline, best motivational video 2023
Id: Mye7bTaoUxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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