When Alien Students Discovered Why Earth Is Called a Deathworld | HFY | SCI FI Short Stories

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instructor Sabal was in charge of the largest group of multiworld children in the entire school from all across the Galaxy students attended his classes and learned not of just knowledge but they learned of each other and different cultures it was not until the addition of Julie the first human child to attend the school did instructor subal run into issues with his students befriending and accepting a newcomer Julie it seemed was an enigma to the other students the planet she hailed from Earth was surround founded in mystery and Legend being called a death world or uninhabitable instructor Sabal felt that this stigma was why Julie ended up eating her lunch alone in some dark secluded corner of the common area every day he had seen on many occasions the young Earthling tried to reach out and befriend the other students but they were all too wary of the earth child to ever reciprocate the effort it was then that he decided to show the entire class how alike all of his students were no matter what world they hailed from every world could be called a death world and what planetary body did not have areas on it that were uninhabitable when it was all put into perspective instructor Sabal was confident that the mystery and threat of the unknown that surrounded Julie would disappear and friendships would soon Blossom so as he sat looking over his class he gave them the assignment in 3 weeks from today I will require a video presentation from each of you depicting your home World paying special attention to its dangers both animal and geological he said students that share a home world may work together on this presentation but be aware that this will be 40% of your final grade so please put forth an effort worthy of the weight the grade will carry and so Julie who was the only Earthling in the entire School much less the class toiled on her assignment stressing the dangers and Perils of her home world as did all the other students on presentation day she was to be the third student to give her report she sat nervously waiting but she also was very interested in the reports before her what dangers lurked on these other worlds she was soon to find out the first presentation was of a world called beri and the three students that were from the planet went in great detail about how deadly and dangerous the forer was they provided a video of a smallish furry creature that walked on four legs and had a bushy tail Watch What Happens here one of the presenters said excitedly as the video depicted the small animal being presented with a piece of cloth dangling it in front of the creature in response the creature made a hissing sound and slashed at the cloth with a paw and the students all saw some claws appear seemingly out of nowhere as the Beast attacked see that the presenter yelled pointing at the video screen those razor sharp talons were not there but a second ago if that had been your arm M this Beast would have cut the skin to the Bone a smattering of Applause and murmuring broke out in the classroom the presenters all smiles and standing straight with pride returned to their seats only Julie seemed to not enjoy the presentation in fact she sat there with a look of confusion on her face noticing her furrowed brow instructor Sabal asked her did you have a question Julie still with a look of confusion Julie replied but instructor wasn't that just a house cat a small smattering of laughter broke out from the students instructor Sabal held up his hand for silence but there was also a ghost of a smile on his face no Julie that animal is a vicious Beast it would in no way be appropriate to have it in a household not if you valued your life at least still looking confused Julie just nodded and waited for the next presentation as the second presentation began the students giving it said the Beast you saw before may have been deadly but not nothing will terrify you as much as what we call death from the skies they then launched into great detail how the scourge of their home world could descend on them from the heavens at any given time rending flesh from bone and inciting Terror into the populace when their Shadow merely swept across the ground it seemed all very dramatic with music playing in the background and then the video finally focusing in on the Terror from above a brightly colored flying creature that had a short curved beak now claws are bad enough said a presenter but watch the strength of this creatures more in the video The Feathered creature grabbed a hard covered seed and began to bite down on it with a loud crack that echoed through the classroom the cover broke in half revealing the soft seed inside which the creature began to eat the class went wild did you see that what if that had been a finger thank the Creator we don't have those on our world Julie stared dump at the screen finally she waved a hand at the Monitor and said rather loudly but that looks just like a parakeet silence fell on the classroom murmurs of she is just jealous and how rude could be heard instructor Sabal was worried that his plan was backfiring he had never known Julie to be anything less than pleasant but her behavior today was borderline at best okay Julie he said a little sternly please come up and give us your presentation for some odd reason he could not fathom Julie looked nervous and stayed in her seat instructor I fear I may have misunderstood the assignment she said finally I was under the impression that we were to show the dangers of our planet not so much the dangers of our pets instructor Sabal choked pets he said loudly that feathered Merchant of death could never be a pet Julie looked crushed and under her breath she mumbled something what did you just say the instructor demanded immediately a student next to Julie stood up she said my four-year-old cousin has a stupid parakeet instructor the instructor glared at Julie you will now give your presentation or I will contact your parental figures and you will attain a zero for this assignment slowly and with great reluctance Julie left her desk and walked to the front of the class every eye was on her and all of them were not friendly Julie knew that this was social suicide no one talked to her now they sure wouldn't after her presentation if they thought a parakeet was dangerous fine if they wanted her presentation they would get it feeling there was no way out of this Julie began my presentation is of the dangers we can face on my home world called Earth on the video screen a Blue Marble of a planet appeared slowly rotating in the north of my home continent we are faced with animals that fear no creature she said slowly as an image of a small squat Beast appeared on the monitors the scene changed to a beautiful landscape covered in white when suddenly the creature burst up from under the ground sending white spraying in all directions the entire class screamed in alarm and Julie paused the video the words Wolverine were frozen on the screen superimposed over the snarling face of the vicious Beast what is that one student asked pointing a shaky hand at the monitor it is a wolverine Julie replied glumly they are a nasty animal that no the student interrupted what is all that white stuff confused Julie stared back at the screen what the snow s n ww the alien copied snow what is snow getting really confused Julie replied snow is rain that gets frozen before it hits the ground a gasp of alarm escaped from the student your rain freezes in the air like outside not in a laboratory Julie just looked at him and Shrugged her shoulders yeah for about 25 40% of the year depending on where you are silence greeted her words anyway she continued unpausing the presentation you can see the Wolverine is so nasty it is willing to attack Predators much larger than itself here she showed a small Wolverine snarling and advancing against a grizzly bear what in the seven Hells is that a student screamed pointing at the huge creature made of muscle and senu on the screen pausing the presentation again Julie looked at the screen then back at the student what the bear those things are all over my home world the student stammered shaking in his seat all all over how are you even alive Julie laughed oh bears are bad all right but there are much much worse things on earth than Bears you must be lying a voice said and it took a second for Julie to notice it was her instructor who said it he was sitting in his chair shaking with fear smiling Julie just fast forwarded her presentation a little bit to where warm clear calming water was all that could be seen 71% of my planet is covered in water she said and in that water are many creatures like fish crabs seahorses squid and the like and as she talked the pleasant pictures of each animal flashed on screen we even have what we call seals she said looking at duat an alien classmate that looked so much like an anthropomorphic seal it was frightening duat smiled widely as he watched the seals play and leap in the waters we also have sharks Julie said and out of nowhere a gigantic great white shark appeared on screen chasing down and biting into the seal in a rush of red stained water fleshy chunks of bloody meat sinking into the depths were all that was left of the seal duut sat with his mouth open a Silent Scream on his lips stop it stop it stop it instructor Sabal screamed but instructor Julie said I haven't told you about vampire bats that rip open your flesh and drink your blood or crocodiles or lions or snakes scorpions spiders stop just stop instructor subol gasped his hand clutched over his heart duat stared in abject Terror at Julie how how did your people even survive he asked because Julie replied calmly glaring out over the terror stricken faces and wide eyes of her fellow students because the most deadly creature from Earth are humans and saying that she headed for her seat as she walked down the aisle she could not help but notice that the other students shied away from her in fear when lunch rolled around Julie almost cried she knew that her presentation ensured the rest of her school days would be spent in self-inflicted isolation as she nibbled at her sandwich her appetite long gone a shadow fell over her looking up she saw the seal like dojat standing over her Julie just looked up sadly you are awesome dojat said earnestly did you ever see a shark before in real life he asked sitting down next to her shocked but pleasantly so Julie said yes my uncle and I caught one while fishing once it wasn't as big as the one in the presentation though she admitted you caught one duat said impressed imagine catching a beast like that another Shadow fell across her with another student asking can you tell me about those vampire bat things they sound scary and another Shadow and another Julie all smiles tried to answer all their questions but there were way too many when the Lunch Period ended Julie was surrounded by admiring students as she walked back to class looking at the window instructor saal smiled it may not have gone entirely to plan but it worked he looked back to his work trying to grade Julie's assignment he tried watching more of her presentation while the students were at lunch but gave up when and seeing what a fish called a piranha did to a large Bine herbivore he gave a short laugh if she survived that place he said under his breath she deserves an a
Channel: Sci Fi Universe
Views: 230,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sci fi universe, SciFi, ScienceFiction, SCI FI STORY, ALIENS, hfy stories, HFY, hfy, best of hfy, alien story, sci fi, space horror stories, science fiction, Sci-Fi Mystery, SCI-FI Short Stories, Humanity Fuck Yeah, alien classroom, Earth Deathworld, human resilience, intergalactic education, Earth wildlife, extreme Earth climates, alien reaction to Earth, Earth dangers, educational sci-fi, thrilling tales, interstellar learning, Earth's predators, alien perceptions
Id: WxQYpbiIPqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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