EXTREME GARAGE DECLUTTER AND ORGANIZE! | Transforming my Dad's Garage Pt.1

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H my hair looks crazy hey guys welcome to get it done with Gabby we are officially starting a new series where we are tackling my dad's garage we are going to organize the crap out of this place I don't know how long it's going to take but we're going to do it I'm going to take you on a little tour of all the piles in here and the goals for this transformation uh we're going to make part of it a gym this is easily like a four to six car garage it's got space it's got a lot of space so we turning it into a gym and my dad also wants to get his huge big giant truck in here um so that'll take up probably like half of the space but so much organizing to be done so uh yeah I'm not going to mess around let's just start the offloading process if you're new to the channel we just moved here and we were staying with with my dad while we figure out where we want to live and what sort of house we want to buy and all that kind of jazz anyway he has this big giant trailer that he helped us move all of our stuff here in and we are going to use it to uh offload a bunch of the stuff in here so let's start by filling that up with whatever we can oh also anything that I take out of this garage has been pre-approved by my dad to remove so I'm not just like making decisions for him and throwing away his stuff I would not do that that's rude so anyway let's just jump right into it okay so here's kind of an overview of what we have going on there's a lot of mat Andy stuff but there's also a lot of my dad's stuff this has just kind of become the collection zone for stuff don't want to call it crap it's stuff it's all sorts of stuff um I specifically told my dad not to clean it out before I got here because I figured you guys would enjoy a an extreme declutter situation so yeah things have kind of been building to a point uh we brought up a ton of stuff from the basement uh cuz that's where we're staying at my dad's house we're staying in his basement so we brought a bunch of stuff up from there and we're just kind of trying to shimmy things around so Matt and I decided to start with some easy wins all the big stuff that my dad told us we could put in the trailer to get out of here that's what we're starting with so we had to move a few pieces of equipment out of the way uh but then we're going to start loading up the trailer and we are starting with this water bed frame my dad has had this water bed for a million bajillion years or at least the frame he got rid of the water bed portion quite some time ago but he kept the frame so he just got a mattress that would fit inside of it but he finally got all new uh what do you want to call them bed frames he got all new bed frames dressers all that kind of stuff so he didn't need the water bed frame anymore but he's not ready to get rid of it so currently we're just going to put it in the trailer and he's going to take it to the shop not exactly sure what his plan is there but it's out of the garage so that's something look at that we made a clear space Oh yeah it's happening these windows here that the lamps were on these really long Windows my dad had to get these replaced in his house but he wanted to keep them to take to the shop because if you guys have been with me for a hot minute we tore out like the attic in the shop or on side of the shop attic we completely demoed it and when we rebuild it he wants to rebuild it up with walls and have Windows and things in it so we're just going to use those windows for that so I feel like that's a good good reuse of them I think we're going to move these desks my dad has so many desks I don't know where he got them all from cracks me up these are two desks that we brought up from downstairs and you guys have already seen Mega desk that I'm working at currently so we had this huge mega desk and then he had a desk in each room each bedroom down here so we obviously didn't need that many desks so we took a couple of those out and I don't know I think that was all the big stuff that we were able to put in the trailer he has a massive burn pile out at the shop so we put a bunch of like uh burnable like cardboard and I don't know whatever other random crap you can burn anyway now Matt and I are just kind of going around seeing what we can organize we really wanted to get theat boat stuff out of the garage anything you see with like blue trim or whatever is boat stuff uh but Dad didn't have space at the shop for the boat stuff at the moment he has his boat outside it's covered but it's completely demoed out on the inside so we can't put the boat stuff inside the boat yet so Matt and I have been trying to figure out where to put that exactly okay I've been trying to do this voiceover in silence in this house for like an hour and it's just not happening so if you hear background noise it's it's just what's happening uh yeah Penny's here with me too so you hear baby sounds this tube had a live spider in it so I made matte deal with that action right now Matt is taking down this uh TV stand thing that was mounted on the ceiling because we are going to put all the boat pieces and all the car seat parts up top here on this very top shelf because my dad has no intention of like using these things anytime soon so they just need to get like up and out of the way because what I'm thinking is that I want to put the the gym in this like back section of the garage so all the big stuff back there has got to get out of the way so we are just starting by putting all the boat stuff up and oh my goodness this thing is falling apart Matt and I both got little crusty wood pieces in our eyes so as you see I like run into the house is cuz I got wood sharpnel in my eye so tight tight tight anyway we Tetris this pretty dang good if I do say so myself we got this whole like back seat with the speaker thing up there and then we got both of the chairs like right in front slash over it I don't know it fit pretty well so feeling pretty good about our uh space usage come [Music] she [Music] [Music] so I ended up vacuuming those car chair pieces because there were so many spider webs and spider eggs and all sorts of icky gross spider stuff that I could not even consider picking them up over my head if I did not vacuum them first so that was absolutely necessary but uh yeah I had put those lighter pieces up there cuz I couldn't lift the chairs but then I asked Matt to come out with the chairs and he wanted to try stacking them differently so we took those pieces down and kind of swapped them around a little bit but uh again not too bad with the tetris situation I feel like we got all of the car chair things stacked really tightly up there feeling good feeling real good [Music] f yeah I got seriously motivated this day I don't even think Matt knew that I came out here but I was out here for like an hour by myself just fiddling around with things and if I'm being totally honest I kind of prefer doing it by myself Matt and I do not tackle problems the same way I'm quite certain I not the only person that feels this way about how their partner Does Projects but he's a thinker he's a thinker and a planner and that is amazing but I am like the action guy I go into projects without a dang thought in my mind other than it just needs to get done like I have the end vision in mind but how I get there is just I just start and a lot of the time it means I have to redo things or change what I've done and it drives mat Bonkers he's like can we just slow down and like make a plan or think it through and think this is going to work and I'm like I cannot I just have like I can't do a plan it doesn't mean anything to me I just have to start and see how it's going and then make my plan from there long story short I snuck out here on my own to start you know Jin things around that far left side that you saw me like jamming and stacking things in it's all my dad's random stuff in an ideal world he would have been here with me to tell me like what's keep what's garbage but at this point he is way too overloaded at work to uh be doing this project with me so I'm just kind of putting all his stuff in one section so that when he has time I can like lay it all out for him quick and he can be like yes no yes no yes no and we can go from there but yeah at this point organizationally speaking we are not I wouldn't even call this organization this is a more shove it up out of the way sort of a situation uh because I want to start with the gym I just like the main goal is to get the gymm up because then that kind of shows me what space we have left to work with and like what we can change about the layout of the garage like shelves and you know toolboxes and all that kind of stuff but at this point I just like if something obviously goes somewhere then absolutely let's get it in the right spot but if I have no plan for it just just get it out of the way just keep shoving it keep moving it it get it tightly packed into one section and let's move on to the next thing like I said in the beginning I have no idea how long this garage project is going to take cuz there's just so much stuff in here so much stuff so much stuff to go through but honestly as I say it I think my idea of like every once in a while just laying a bunch of stuff out for my dad to like yes know real quick I think it's going to be the best bet because I don't think he's ever going to have time to like come do a garage day with me you know what I'm saying the man even works on the weekend I'm going to have to sneak in my dad's assistance every once in a while on this but this is the last little bit for this day I was I had to go in and I don't know whenever you see me disappear it's baby related stuff you know but Matt got it cleaned up in here it looks so freaking good oh my goodness so I came out here at the very end of the was it the night why does it look like it's daytime out interesting I thought it was night time when I did this I don't know who has any idea anyway we made space for the truck to pull into the garage because I wanted the truck to pull in so I could see how much actual space we had for the gym so I was moving these final things out of the way and uh ran into a bit of a situation when I went to move the motorcycle I was like m I'm going to look so cool moving this motorcycle far less cool than I thought hey Matt Matt a the foot pedal kicked in and I don't want to flick it without assistance it went way too far FL and started to cave and then I like barely caught onto the bike to set it down and then I got really nervous and stopped cuz look it just starts sliding forward oh stop I don't know what's wrong so basically the little kickstand situation I went to kick it out so I could set the bike down and as I started leaning the bike it just started sliding out from under me and I almost lost control of holding the bike up I literally thought I was going to lay out my dad's motorcycle I was terrified I had like full mom strength kick in to keep that thing from tipping over and so I was stuck like the the kickstand had flipped forward anyway Matt came out and saved me but it had to be in like a really specific position to work I'm not going to move this any further till Dad gets back because that freaked me out so I'm exhausted okay need to come over more but whatever [Music] [Music] whatever
Channel: Get It Done With Gabbi
Views: 11,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: get it done with gabbi, get it done with gabbie, extreme declutter, garage makeover, extreme declutter and organization, garage organization, garage gym, extreme garage declutter and organization, declutter and organize
Id: mAt8U9I_xFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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