When Abused Girlfriends Realize They've Been Rescued

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in today's episode we will investigate five cases the sheriff office come out with your hands up nothing's going on 100% where helpless women had to seek help from the police he just like really mentally unstable he doesn't have a job so I'm paying for everything in here to be saved from their violent husbands before it was too late I'm leaving okay I'm leaving don't make that way like she B I didn't even hit my wife first you'll meet ex-convict Edan Billy who threatened his girlfriend and her little girl with a knife the woman fearing for her life hid at a nearby gas station until the police arrived what initially seemed like a regular domestic dispute ended up becoming a totally complicated situation he's just like really mentally unstable and he just got out of like a rehab like he disappeared for the night and then he came back and he said he was going to himself and he was going to me and he was like telling me all plan of how he was going to do it and said how was how was that he told me he was going to slip my throat he said that he has no reason to live anymore and that he's going to himself and I had to pretend like I was coming to the store just to like get something I still have like my belongings there and everything but I know like if you guys pull up I'm I don't know what type of weapons he has like he's not even playing so we're going to work it out so we're going to find we're going to come up with a plan okay um does he have any Firearms being recorded right now I had everybody it's it's I don't want him to find out what I'm saying that's why okay um does he have a vehicle at the house so you you've got the only vehicle are there any firearms in the house how many Firearms okay I'm scared for my life right now I'm trying to get him sent to chill cuz I just want him to get okay we're we're not looking at jail right now so you're not doing anything wrong you're looking out for the best interest to you your daughter and him at the same time okay has he done this in the past not like this he ever hurt himself in the past has he ever like cut himself or anything like that how did I know like he really does he hates her father just because like I don't know it's a man thing and he was just telling me like tonight how he's going to make sure to her Dad too so when he's not intoxicated what's his like when he's sober he's a great person and now it's time to meet the dangerous boyfriend in situations like these the police always proceed with great caution because we're dealing with someone who is an ex-convict has mental health issues struggles with alcohol has weapons in the house and has threatened to kill people around him this means the case will be handled by heavily armed Special Forces yeah I don't know if you're able to try to reach out to him and see if we can get him to come out of his house we need to make sure he's okay he threatened to hurt himself so we're just trying to make sure he's okay and at this point he's it looks like he's not answering our calls and he's not coming out of the house all right well can you try to can you try to call and have your family members try to call and see if he'll answer you guys I'm I'm up there there's you won't be able to get in here right now they not no one's going to be able to get close but if you want to come to like the the outer area of it we'll get someone to talk to you there Ed and Billy this is the Sheriff's Office come out with your hands up you are not in trouble but we need to talk to you we are not leaving I got just well right Hands Up Up Hands Up come out come out towards us drop what's in your hand drop it drop all of it hands up walk back to the sound of our voice forward towards us there you go hands up keep coming it's the sheriff's office keep coming hands all the way up there you go back it up back it up back up back up to me back up to my voice nobody I'm by myself listen here I live on this side and this side is theirs yes correct did something happen yes Edan it's the Sheriff's Office you need to come out with your hands up we are not leaving Le this is the Sheriff's Office come out with your hands up put your hands up and start walking towards the sound of our voice ad I got he's in the kitchen I saw his name we're more pepper ball we are not going anywhere this the sheriff office come out with your hands up hands up he hey hey hey contact this room right here hands up this Sheri off come out with your hands up slowly behind your back hands behind your back do it now ass what going on here hours what the is going on bro hey come my grandma hey hey no hey over there call my grandma get back over there call my grandma hey what is the H waiting for this though we let you know in a minute Betty Billy Betty Billy 863 all right get your phone I already I talked to about for you I let why were you ignoring my phone calls when I was calling you I want have my phone oh my I was [ __ ] asleep bro I'm not going to lie to you bro why bro have a seat bro I don't really have a seat yeah now you will meet the suspect's grandfather who will try to convince the police that his grandson is innocent and that it's actually his girlfriend who is to blame for everything he claims that she is the aggressive one and is just pretending to be the victim and everyone believes her because she is privileged because she is white all we wanted to do is just talk to him he didn't say oh this was going to come down I was on a k Flor bro and I got up I surrendered completely all the way I had no problem surrending bro but it's that Pauline that was making all this while you was in there sleep like you was in there doing something and that Pauline she's a white girl she stabbed my grandson and ran over him well you still with her hey look look look let me finish now don't don't make that white girl like she's a victim she's a suspect in this game and they even question that white girl cuz she's white and she's she's small she claim that you hit her I gu no I never that's what I said you the be the victim and she's the suspect but they going to look at her as a victim cuz she's she's white and she's she's a girl she's a female am I am I allowed to go into my apartment yet no not yet I'm sorry okay um Dad hey just so we keep the peace I just need you to not have any contact with no I won't get it in my son that's how you doing sir all right you have question for yeah why is he being arrested he's being arrested now so based on the information that we had for the original call is um he had a knife he threatened to harm himself and also harm po or poine um also so with that that's that's enough information that I need with them being dating for the amount of time they have been dating and living together as a family I know he nothing no okay you're living there together right now look look is a suspect this is the victim she stabbed him and she ran over him that's why he's been trying to get away so that's why he bought a house over here like I said the natives the S be Mist by y' guys by by the white people every time a Indian would be in trouble he's a suspect why the guilty one is the vict okay well I'm going to have a conversation with him over here I'm just letting you know that like I said he was asleep and Y over there CU I have a search warrant you don't need a search warrant what have a knife we're not searching his residence for any he have a knife why y just search the whole res again I'm going to explain everything to you but I'm going to do it away from your grandpa okay so I need you to step away from the car oh but do he have a knife can you step away I have no KN so we get the 911 call that said maybe you had been drinking last night a little bit you didn't drink anything last night I did but like I no I'm just saying that you may have been drinking last night and that when you came home cuz you you were you here all night last night that's her right there bro that's one that police okay listen I'm I'm trying to explain just so that's fine don't worry about them right now I'm just trying to get your side of the story okay there's two sides of every story all right so did you stay out last night no okay so you were home all night I came back home yeah what time did you come back home was it early in the morning hours no yeah probably like 1 12 okay all right so you you might have and been out drinking and stuff like that and then this there was no type of like situation I told her that I wanted to break up with her last night because of all the dumb be going on bro I'm not I'm not I'm not a physical person bro like it's just she I feel like she's mad at me bro because I broke up with her and she been trying to like cuz she's done called the police on me so many times about dumb [ __ ] lied and like bro you can probably check their bro and like so the original call was that you might have said some things this morning that you maybe didn't want to live anymore or had I have no purpose in life no it's just she just knows that like I'm done for and she's like trying to like make me go to hell you you had no you never had a knife no you have any firearms in the home no you have no firearms whatsoever no this isn't quite true in fact the police will obtain a search warrant for the house and find a gun which significantly worsens the situation for edin since he is a convicted felon the police will gather evidence such as the weapon and victim statements while the only defense Edan offers is denying the entire situation okay you didn't make any threats to harm yourself no you can check history bro I told police I got stabed by her bro she's by her did you stab by anybody else no it's by her bro like I'm trying to leave the house and she was in front of the door trying to block me from leaving and I had just got stabbed like couple months so was it by your cousin yep I thought you just said you didn't have you were you weren't stabbed by anybody else when just now I asked you you said she stabbed you and I asked you if you were stabbed by anybody else and you said no yeah no I thought you meant like that night oh that night no at this point in time you are being placed under arrest for Agate assault with a deadly weapon okay what all right um I can reach you the search warrant if you want I'm going to leave a copy of the search warrant inside the residence I see aggravated assault aggravated assault yeah it means he threatened somebody with a deadly weapon all right and um possession of farm ammunition or El tronic device by a convicted felon um he's a convicted felon there's there's a gun inside that house okay so so like this girl is has set this all up she she's making up all of this stuff we gave numerous commands that come out he never did he could have came out said this a misunderstanding think he was asleep I don't know how you fall asleep through an armored vehicle breaking your whole window alcoholic and he was passed out so I'm telling you something and you're telling me something else in return I'm just telling you what we did it's not like we came hey come out you know we made several attempts to get a hold of them if he would have came out we would have talked to him would have done an investigation that would have been it but [Music] is it hey it's officer M of lgo police police department hey how are youit I'm sorry hey do you have a warrant to search my place um did I say oh I wasn't searching your place you hav talked yet no do you have a warrant to come in my house no goodbye Ma'am can you come out and talk with me please F can I speak with your girlfriend please yeah AB perfect thank you hi what's going on I I don't know I didn't want to make it into like this kind of a deal that's why I called his parents he called you I guess yes he drives me nuts it makes yeah makes me shake this has been constant this has been the last few years yeah he's right there he's watching i' be a part of this conversation please I'm not saying anything wrong I'll talk to you in a minute yeah I'll talk to you in just a second hey I'll talk to you in just a second let we talk with her first so is it just the mental health issues has he put his hands on you no but he he kind of blocks me he blocks you yeah if I want to leave or if he's preventing you from leaving he's not allowed to do that right he doesn't have a job so I'm paying for everything in here which is another reason why I don't want to leave my home cuz I'm paying for everything I'm trying but he does not want me to break up with him that's not his decision he seems like he wants to talk to us so I can kind of call him out here while you're getting some things ready to kind of like distract the situation right so let's bring him out here um and kind of get his side of the story hey Tyler who called you guys I want to know that and what's your name uh my name is Officer Weber actually wait I want to start recording not because of anything cuz I know you're recording me oh yeah it's out of respect is that okay if I start recording you're out in the open you can record as much as you want wait I want to record you guys okay so what's what's going on inight Tyler before before I talk to you sir I'm going to record you okay I just want to know for a fact that it's okay to record all of you you're good what's what's going on and I want all of your names before we have a conversation sir I'm going to get all of your names start recording so we can give you okay I got to figure out this phone I I broke my phone I got all right so while you're doing that you can kind of multitask so what do you what's going on I I don't know what's going on tonight you're the one that's at my door and I'm being honest with you and thank you ma'am I I'm multitasking right now you're doing a great job yeah I know I'm doing a great job so what's going on tonight dude if you ask me that question she said give you a second I give you a second so I'm just trying to you're on my property right now and you're behind closed doors dude we got called here for call for service who called we can be here was it my parents that called you I don't know was it your parents I just give me a second I'm going to record you I really don't know how to use this phone okay well I don't have all night so let's get started I don't have all night either how long you guys been together 10 years in the next like seven days happy happy early anniversary wait dude so have you guys been argu how do you you're already recording have you guys been argu hold on no I got to figure out how to reverse this so that it's actually a real thing bro you got to let the world know you to figure out how no dude no don't know me bro you're on property this is America we're not back and forth we have a reason to be here I just didn't show up for for [ __ ] are you mad at me right now the reason for the call right so okay I'm going to try to hold on before we get professional we you already said you you allowed me to put on the camera yeah you can record there was a welfare check that that's the reason we're here your parents called because they were concerned about you being intoxicated okay right so we're my house say again am I in my house yeah but you're it's still is it illegal to be intoxicated at your house no but it's ille okay well have a good night guys all right y thanks yep good talk absolutely perfect here we goang baby this might seem like the end of the intervention but it's just the beginning the police were called to perform a welfare check on Tyler because his worried girlfriend told his parents he was drunk again what she didn't mention over the phone was that Tyler mistreats her but she couldn't leave him because he wouldn't let her just as the officers were about to leave Tyler's property they heard a loud argument and his girlfriend screaming he won't leave alone hey all right so we didn't even make it off the property yet are you okay yeah he's left me alone he's leaving you alone yeah he left me alone I don't I don't want to do I just don't want to escalate into something else right yeah so am I going to be back out here in an hour or we going to be able to resolve this no I hope not I hope not I want stop you guys are more than welcome to walk in and come hang out dude stop like no under police bro lgo do do you work foro you can go in your room and watch the door do you know uh milleron listen if she asked you to please leave her alone leave leave her alone for the night okay yes ma'am perfect have a good night have a good night guys the officers hadn't even left yet when they heard another argument this time even more intense even Tyler yes sir what did we just talk about what dude dude what did we just talk about Fu man she's asking you to leave her alone what do you not understand you pushed open the door did you not the doors are broken dude I no you pushed open the door she was in there what was she yelling at you for what was she yelling at you about perfect what is she getting what was she yelling focus on me what was she yelling at you about yelling at walked in the bedroom here what was she saying to you dude I'm look at me bro like dude you would have back up back up you tell me to back up on my property I worked hard stand back over by the door go ahead's property Tyler keeps insisting that they can't do anything to him on his property but it turns out he's only renting the place anyway the officers saw him twice harassing his girlfriend and preventing her from leaving the house in this situation a simple statement from the girlfriend saying she doesn't feel safe would be enough for the police to take action however it won't be necessary because Tyler is about to escalate the situation on his own didn't remember okay it's our landlord's property okay so she's going to get out of here tonight so we don't have to deal with you anymore no she's not yes she is and you can't force her to do that that's cool if she wants to leave that's all right okay I mean she said that to me multiple times I was standing the the driveway I heard her screaming it okay that's fine I'm going to miss her but if you're going to take her then I'm not taking her anywhere she's going on her own accord cuz she doesn't want to be here because of what you're doing to her you not perit to treat her like I'm going to say it from a female perspective you treat her like [ __ ] with respect no that's not respect bro you don't break in the door and scream and Y bro this is a professional conversation I'm scream at her and when she telling you to leave her alone I'm going to turn 30 in a year dude I'm just trying so proud of you you act 12 right now oh yeah am I 12 you're like so you're you're literally 12 goodbye like a child no stay out here Tyler stay out here she's going to Tyler she's getting her stuff and she's leaving dude but yeah I did this is my place I did this I worked for it I you paid for it this is real this is real you're 12 you stay out here you're going to stay out here go for yep take a deep breath there you go there you go that Gate's closed you're on my that I'm pay I don't have a right to be here you don't have a right I wouldn't have known that you pass I want what are you going to do bro what are you going to do I'm I'm you want to talk to someone this is Myer and I take care of that girl bro she doesn't even know it back up bro don't not going to tell you again what is he going to do yep there it is right there yep put your hands behind your back I need you to go in your house please you you're so weak bro is this seriously what we got going on on your back no you dude you can't even do it I didn't do anything illegal I'm still on my property you're not walking me out on my property I didn't do anything illegal bro what the [ __ ] are you doing carck you're going to get take some time off not from work but from this cuz this is a full-time job like this he's a full-time job okay so take some time off get yourself together think about what you truly truly want okay so if this is what you want to live with for the rest of your life then you need to make the hard decision right now okay I don't want him to get in trouble for anything I I don't I'm not well he's in trouble right now for that I don't want him this is your this is like I told her this is this is your perfect opportunity we are giving you an easy out he's going to walk all over you so an injunction is he can't call you he can't text you he can't contact friends to come in contact with you or anything like that okay let's interview I hate this whole situation she's getting her stopping sleep dude but yeah I did this is my place I did this I worked for it I paid for it this is real this is real year 12 F you so I'm not being arrested you want to see [Music] [Music] yeah just looking for the bad guy the bad guy's inside heide here put your hands behind your back put back put your hands back I'm good get on the ground get on the ground ground get on the ground get in the ground get in the ground get the get the ground get the get the ground get out the ground your back behind your back give me all right no no you stop you stop there you go a man good you okay brother yo you're pretty good man you okay brother no I'm not good you need to get up I'm going to stand up you want to sit you down in a wheelchair just stand me up we're going to stand you up yep listen I just had too much Dr please please take this out of my chest we're going to get him out make way make way make way excuse me yeah you so what is happening here this is Martin a 300 lb man who went berserk at the airport after missing his flight due to being drunk and then tried to force his way onto another flight when he was not allowed to do so he started attacking people around him including his wife and his six-year-old child now we will hear statements from Witnesses and victims to better understand Martin's actions that day he was getting kind of loud and right here thisa right here right in these seats here and he was getting kind of loud and then um she sitting was sitting next to me and he he actually said to her not he says oh really I'm being bad and he says I'll drop you right here and you said he's your husband has he done this before he's no no but the drinking yes but he drinks he becomes aggressive yes yes so he drank today yes okay that's probably changed his mood yes so we received a call from the agent at gate 48 that a super going to take it off so I can so you can catch your voice but it's okay that we need a supervisor there's a a a customer being abusive towards his family so I came up and as soon as I came up she came over here like no we got to call the police cuz he was screaming already and the get in the gate area and everybody's just staring the wife her sister and the kids were like kind of like in a corner like right there sitting in the front and I I noticed that there was fear so then I looked at them I'm like are you guys okay and then she's like no need help so I told her to come back here where this area is kind of away from him so when she did that he started following and wanted getting aggressive verbally she's like he's going to hurt somebody he's going to hurt somebody and I was like he can't get in here he busted that door open like nothing he just went boof and open the door and I told him sir you can't be in here and he just kind of shoved me out the way like get out of my way but with his body not his hands that's that's still a battery that's still the battery he was telling her like you really doing this to me and he grabbed his cell went o I'll got you brother St really [Music] yes if you give me water I'll be fine I got water a Pooler in my don't kick that please sir I got water my yes sir just chill out relax I just want to go home yo bring me back to the flight bro n it's not going to happen man oh man you're kidding me right you couldn't even just let me go I didn't even hit my wife of course the police cannot let him go because even though Martin didn't hit his wife he can still be charged with several offenses such as criminal mischief for damaging that door assault for threatening his wife battery for shoving the employee and disorderly intoxication stay sated don't ever grab me again stop he's trying to make sure you're not going to fall no I'm not going to fall in my face I know how to act you're under arrest give me the phone stop want phone like a child give me the stated please like the fire department do you want to live or not you're notat you're not threaten anybody you're under arrest understand how it you're hurting nobody you're hurting me nobody touch you right now offic you try to run or do anything it's called Escape okay it's a felony you do not want to do that if you try anything you're going to get tasty there you go relax all right there you go nice and loose there you go c c there you go iron worker Iron Work tough work man little bit you guys got the toughest work out here no no no you do bud that's some that's some tough work what do we got to do get in no no no stay seated stay seated I don't drink a lot it's just uh what' you drink though was it I don't know they had what you have no they had uh I don't know some Gray Goose or something and it was like good stuff never I never touched it in my life why are we here I got beautiful kids beautiful family why are we here y we're here cuz I Dr story cuz I drank that's it drunk that's it cuz I drank I I wanted to get on this on a flight right well let me ask you this right here you you said that you were drunk I'm going to ask you a personal question I this this is just me and you talking were you drunk or are you a drunk do you have a problem both hey honesty I like it oh I like it you know you know and you know this is not how to begin or end a vacation at all did you understand what the officers were there for I never said I didn't I'm but I'm asking you I'm asking you I understand what they're there for yeah why didn't you just comply with the officers what they needed just my wife and uh her sister but it's I would I would can't let me go from here can't sorry sorry that you know that that ship sail when you decided not to comply I would have comply with any one of you got I don't want to get tased I don't want to get you know nobody wants to taste we don't like using this stuff so you can't help me out there's no helping you sir yeah now now everything's on you our job here is done [Music] woman screamed help me bloody murder basically I opened the door and then door open the door and then she got back in closed the door and you hear tons of stuff screaming knocking around sounds like there's a struggle going on inside basically struggle going on over there yeah and I would totally like I want to make sure she's okay these are the people who called the police because of their noisy neighbors they are usually loud but this time the residents of this apartment complex were worried that a woman was seriously injured in the argument the police then went to the apartment where a real drama unfolded well kind of Sheriff's [Music] Office BR kind of Sheriff's Office BR can of Sheriff's Office you're at the door so open it up every day every day here I can hear you at the door open the door it's the Sheriff's Office due to exiting circumstances if we have to go ahead and break the door down or get someone with the key to open the door we will we just need to find out if everybody's okay yeah they come up to the door and they kind of you can hear you can hear them resing up against they probably looking at you right now I mean if they want their door open for that's okay that's fine about cuz the fire the fire rescue going all come and open his door when the door had already been broken down the suspects decided to leave the apartment through another exit pretending they had no idea that the police had been calling them and breaking down their door for the past 30 minutes or so dispatch make note that they uh they basically was inside the house once they saw us reach they came out the garage door there's no way in the world you didn't hear us knocking at that door off the keys down the keys down throw the keys down throw the keys down you got any guns weapons anything on you need we we need to know about nothing at all at all why did you guys come to the door why didn't you come to the door we banged why are you shaking so why you so so why you so why you shaking you guys just came out of nowhere and I okay you came out of nowhere you heard us knocking on that door the whole time you didn't hear us knocking we're banging the hell out of the door my hands are R banging on the door and you didn't hear us we're downstairs anybody else inside I'm sorry nobody else is inside I'm sorry I don't know what's going on what's your first name uh Kyla spell for k y l a a r c whoa whoo wo k y l a a r c e a r c e yes how do you sp r r k y l to come out here and well if you guys would open the door you this is brand new no I'm good thank you are you guys married no okay do you live here with him what's going on here why are we getting calls from your neighbors that they're hearing glass brakes and they're hearing stuff being thrown around what's going on with you guys nothing nothing's going on we were watching a show L Listen to listen to me I got information from Neighbors all night long help me help me you're hurting me stuff breaking stop doing what's going on but like would I come on take a walk with me I don't want to you come with me can I just sit down no come with me what this is standard procedure in cases of domestic violence or similar situations the police always separate the two people and question them individually at a distance so they can't come up with a story together usually in most cases the victim doesn't want to admit there's a problem due to fear for themselves and also because they're afraid their partner might get into trouble in this case the girl will make a huge mistake but you'll find out more about that later okay I'm just asking about what's going on your neighbor say what's going on why are your neighbors saying all this about you about your screaming for help help that's why we had to break in your door your door is broken the fireman popped it you're going to have to get the association to fix your door are you serious I'm dead serious all right we're banging on the door banging on the like I just told you my hands are red and his hands are red from banging on the door there is no way you could not hear us I'm so sorry what's going on nothing at all I promise you nothing at all not pressing charges nothing at all not pressing why would you not press charges I don't even know how to say of the cops thing but like why would you not press charges about what if you said you wouldn't press charges what would you not press charg I mean I just said that to just cuz I don't know what's going on nothing's going on 100% how long you been we're watching we've been together for 2 years we're good no problems ever no problem neighbors that have been hearing things throughout the middle of the night nothing's going on nothing's going on so they're lying literally yesterday my freaking plants fell from the backyard and I just started cry crying because I just couldn't do it at late at night maybe that's it so then what you're telling me is all the neighbors standing out here behind me that called us and your neighbors that live on your floor there the second floor there are all lying I'm not saying they're lying I don't know what they're perception is they're saying you're screaming for help okay and the fact that we're banging and banging and banging and once we get in you guys try to pull away because we're not I don't I didn't really hear you like were you guys sitting in the garage the whole time we're no we're like sitting in the room we're about to go get breakfast and you didn't hear us banging on the door oh that's Tyler I I find that hard to believe we were ringing the bell okay so youell sorry I'm sorry did your did your bell go go to the phone or his phone why do you guys have a video Bill oh it doesn't go to mine what's your name again all right Deputy Allen Bro Look situation didn't even have to go this far well I don't know what it's talking about I get it I don't know what's shaking like it's like yeah because who would not only that you got scratches all over you and stuff like that what's going on talk to me I have no idea what's going on you tell you tell it exactly how we have you how do you have nothing what's going on dude you coming out of the garage you're shaking like crazy you got scratches all over I get it I'm shaking cuz all a sudden someone just block so you live here with someone else that's just that's by myself live her by yourself or she who is sh to you she's my girlfriend okay so who was the other dude that was here a friend okay so what happened nothing we just hang out we watch TV and that's it but everybody was yelling and screaming you got neighbors over here and people people don't even live here saying that she was screaming at the top of her lungs something was going on look I'm not trying to make a story up I don't and I don't want to I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable more than what you are in the situation but the thing is bro we're trying to find out this is more life or death situation it's called circum going on out of nowhere so that's what I'm confused about so why would we were knock on the door you just come to the door we're downstairs I'm in the shower she's watching the show and then we're downstairs I hear things going all the time so I don't know what is what when you live right next to each other you hear things all the time so well your neighbors and everybody heard you screaming and no heard her screaming like something was wrong and then she's not answering so therefore that gives us even more of a suspicious then where we got to go and find out who who's alive and who's dead or or see if anybody's okay that's where we're coming from okay I mean yeah but everyone's fine I mean I get it okay so do me a favor you said it's a bedroom right here open this up for me well we've already opened the door I'm just asking you to open it up cuz so we don't have to go back up cuz I can go back up and go back in I'm already I've already have look look look I have a I have a lawful right to be in that home to make sure there nothing's going okay so open the door let us check and then we're good what is it what is the reason I I understand she's here I'll go check yeah he's saying it's a bedroom down there that's okay you don't have you don't have to cooperate we we're good I just asked him to open the thing cuz it's so the door is already open and we have lawful right to be here so just open the thing KY if they think someone else is in the house that's what they're trying to say to me we want to make sure everyone's okay in the house no one else in here okay well open it up okay well open it up then for what okay well I'll just go I just go upstairs and go you said nobody else is here he just said his friend was here and his friend just left now tell me the truth yeah but I'm downstairs there's too many listen to what I just said yeah you just told myself and this Deputy that nobody else is here he said his friend was here and his friend left so now you're saying that so now you got story she may not know cuz she doesn't go upstairs to see but how do you not know when you've been in the house time there's three like like it's it's too much I barely hear anybody downstairs I work on my computer and nothing's going on everything's good look at me okay look at my face I'm [Music] [Music] good what's going on well I had called earlier and I was waiting to talk to somebody um I didn't have a cell phone so obviously got no alation my husband would have been drinking and I left so I don't know what like my rights are or like okay anything physical pushing kicking scratching sh just an argument yeah are you but he's drinking so I'm like fine I'll leave when you say he has your cell phone did he take your cell phone yeah okay were you trying to call 911 when you took your cell phone just cuz that would be a separate that would be a crime so if you were at the house right now now what we would advise you to do is one of you to separate you know one of you he's never going to leave it's going to be me every time okay have you guys had prior instance is a domestic I called once before because his drinking has increased Orange please hey Anthony hey hello how are you s I guess you and your wife had had an argument earlier any pushing kicking scratching shoving or anything like that during the argument what any pushing kicking scratching shoving the argument nothing like that okay um she wants to get her phone and some belongings so that she can go and stay in hotel for the night go to work in the morning do you have her phone nope okay where's her phone at no idea you enough all right you want to what's enough there you do you want to hang out with officer Lowry while she or me and officer Lowry while she grabs her belongs no dude you guys aren't welcome what's that you guys aren't welcome okay well she wants us here so we're going to be here as long as she want well it's my house it's both you guys are married it's marital property okay well it's my house you can't keep her out of it listen listen nobody's trying to agitate this anymore you have two children in the house all we're doing is a documentation report a documentation report saying that you guys verbally argued and that she got some belongings and left the house for the night you're going to make this a lot more complicated if you try and refuse her entry into the house no I'm not okay she needs to get inside to get her phone and belongings that she needs to spend the night elsewhere no all okay sir you cannot keep her out of her own house okay that's my house get the out of here okay she how about that she's right okay so I tried to be polite but at this point get the out of here okay so here's what what's going to happen I'm going to tell her that she has every right to force entry into the house okay no she does not yes she does she lives here and if you try and stop or I'm going to take you to jail telling you that right now just make sure he doesn't come around the side of the house you have every right to be in the house every right to be in the house been drinking a lot huh yeah dude [ __ ] my property now I'm here cuz I got called here get the out both y'all get out now Tony youever been arrested before you want to go to jail tonight no I don't me I don't want to take you to jail Okay Okay Hand she'll tell you what belonging she wants you hand them to us and we'll leave that's all we want that's pretty fair we won't I won't step a foot on your porch I'll even step back on the grass and she can tell you what what you want you hand it to her why can't why can't we do that I feel like that's reasonable that's pretty fair no that's my property get the off you guys are married no you're not married no it's my house you're not married period period so look it up marital property is generally considered property acquired during the marriage and both spouses have rights to it this includes the home they live in regardless of whose name is on the title so the woman definitely has the right to her belongings inside the house since Tony is not allowing anyone to enter the house his wife will now go in through the garage with the police which will provoke a strong reaction from Tony mother I opened it let me have the cell phone [Applause] Tony here the phone she wants us here you better back up back up man back up you're going to go to jail you're going to go to jail back up all right you're under arrest under ARR birth tonyy hey dve done you're going to get tase if you don't stop stop three two stop resisting right now stop mother stop stop we're going to get Drive St you going to put your hands behind your back under arrest you're under arrest put your hands behind your back for resisting for what for resisting you ready for what resisting I'm you you're not ready put your hands on your back chance yeah to the car headt head yeah stop to the car yeah hey you just you just assaulted a police officer what did I do you just assaulted a police officer you just threatened him with the intent to headbutt him good job you mother are you really going to kick me right noway down now that's battery on law enforcement office two felony charges enjoy prison yeah you enjoy prison yeah you [ __ ] you can come in into my house and then you him again get another charge yeah yeah yeah every time you kick him it's another charge yeah youh hey if he doesn't want to get in just tase him drive son him oh yeah tase him you going to sit up or yeah whatever you guys want we want you to sit up instead of being a child oh yeah big tough mother huh we need you to turn around dude I can't I'm cuffed so you're going to lay like that yeah shut have to move you around like a little baby again shut up mother I knew he wasn't going to be like open it but I thought he would at least open it so I especially when we just reason with them or hey just give us the phone hey just hand us the phone and we'll leave you know but I don't want him in trouble he's a good person he unfortunately he did he did this to himself um it's it's kind of one of those things so there's really not a whole lot we can do about it we tried to reason with him we tried to talk with him about it he just kept going he needs to understand that this kind of behavior is not nool it's not I did not want to take you here at all trust me I was getting ready to go to lunch I did not want to take you here so then you charged me a felony of uh assault on an officer tell a police officer you're going to head butt him while you're this close to his face okay it's my house just like imagine your wife was in the house and she's locked you out and you tell us I want to go inside the house it'd be different go inside the house and your wife P for it it doesn't matter you guys are married you know for a fact that if I would fought back that it'd be a different story I remember that if you would have fought us I probably would have been using my Taser I probably just we just would have fought you back okay so I didn't fight you guys right okay so you you threaten to head but an officer that's that's the violence that's the reason it's resisting with violence is because you offered to do violence to an police officer the judge is going to put me in prison for you guys coming to my house for my wife cell phone give me a [ __ ] break
Channel: MrBroken
Views: 1,441,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, crime, story, explained, police interrogation, police, detective, true crime
Id: IOhNe5c-Q20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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