When A Man Falls (Full Movie) Sharon Stone

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and I went to the same you're here I went dry whoa we we went kita gotta shut her down shut her down first hey you and I you and I went to the same high school you went to my high school didn't you huh rich Valley high and yeah we were in the same grade you remember me maybe I'm your your your bill right yeah yeah did you just start working here I haven't seen you around I've been here eight years that's it Wow yeah well I guess yeah I'm never usually here this this late so I didn't it's amazing yeah well rich value.i yeah well hey great to see you I'll see you around yeah yeah and mortem we're expecting a lot of to get out the snowshoes and show and if you do have to travel make sure to keep those tire chains handy big coming up net oh yeah it's scary Gary Wow hey how long I haven't talked to you what has it been like four years yeah yeah yeah no wow hey come on do you believe that come on guys he had that he was wide open ever since he heard his shoulders throws have been sold off mid seasonally it's season he's still alright that one I don't know you seem a little out of it no no I'm just tired a little bit yeah long Lincoln well I'm gonna get going oh whoa hey we just got you I haven't seen you in four years come on come on have one more oh you know what's been going on how's work works works good and the funny thing I ran into a guy we went to school with bill remember bill I sort of a quiet guy kept to himself bill we picked on him all the time yeah yeah well get this is it he's a janitor at the place I work he's a night change series yeah and he's exactly the same guy he hasn't changed at all since since high school account missing self stares at the ground that's funny yeah that's funny Wow bill hey hey how's Karen belly Karen yeah she's she's scared she's [Music] yeah hey whatever happened what do you mean you know we used to see each other every weekend almost come to the house sitting in the back hanging out when his friends be there and be barbecuing this weekend you come to my house we get some steaks and we fire up that ol barbecue like old times you're not sure hello no I think you've got the wrong number hello no you got the wrong number Oh hello Dave yeah finally hey it's me how are you it's funny I just kept dialing the wrong number somebody else kept answering I think I'm losing my friend oh so how's everything going good yeah good where'd you guys end up going oh I just went out no one they didn't come out with you yeah they did you sound weird I do yeah it doesn't sound like you they can't [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] I really appreciate this guys I don't know what's wrong with my legs you know it seemed to be working doodad usually they're pretty good amendable I don't have an idea why this is happening something like this does happen the third [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like more [Music] hey how's your day fine something wrong why why don't I just see my I don't know everything is perfectly fine anybody can do whatever they want to do around here right well there's no one else here Karen that's right meaning you don't you know I know what what what I'm not doing it that's not what I don't want I'll keep my mouth shut you just you just do whatever it is you you wouldn't you why don't you just go ahead walk out of the room like you always did at home I do just walk right everything is my fault it is an insult to the cook put too much barbecue sauce on your food duty the psychology behind it is the food isn't good enough on its own so you got to cover it with a whole bunch of mess to get a good flavor but not this I did not know that you're cooking up a storm Hey yeah I would have had one on here for you if I knew you were there maybe next time you bet take care she likes you she's very friendly she's friendly to you not to me that's cuz I know where is she married I don't think so oh I don't know about that have you been on a date last four years not really so the last time I remember you've gone on a date then would be before before the accident started driving again er I don't have a car mom do you have a phone what I need to call my mom no sorry do you know what they have one downstairs sorry there is something wrong I can't get inside knock yourself out maybe I can do it wait a little trick I do this myself a couple of times myself out yeah Craig garden slip it in boil it around there you go no problem tell your mom and dad I said hi so you were licensed in the state of Delaware right so how can the government say it was wrong for you to practice sorry I initiated business before I had the physical license document I passed the test but apparently that doesn't matter and you get fined for that you can go to jail for that this is pretty serious okay you know I mean even if I don't go to jail I'll probably lose my job and I don't think the company is gonna protect me so oh my god Kafka novel it's crazy hey there bill how's everything going hey you you work your work here all-nighter yeah yeah every day huh yeah just to Sunday to Friday yeah and I don't know I don't know how you do it I mean I I don't think I could do that stay up all night and everything you used to it yeah yeah I guess it's just like you know anything else huh no what does that do for uh you know like you know with your wife I mean you know seems like everybody bill all right well yeah something much dragon okay something to fetch her something I know I'm gonna get this you have a good weekend all right [Music] sky is if got me its graceless I am [Music] well again with the girls [Music] okay did you say something are you okay your eye looks bruised no I'm fine I heard you guys fighting before oh that's nothing I'm sorry if we're being too loud no that was fun yeah because you're so quiet and I hardly ever see you coming or going I didn't even know you exist thank you well it was nice meeting you thank you two of them going up suddenly whatever is touched by a ray of happiness can you guess there's no way out but to climb halfway in the other hand is left and right in son true Shyamlal you and you are and we are more [Music] it's we we [Music] the average person sleeps for 20 years over the course of a lifetime six of those years are spent dreaming the scientific term for being aware that you are dreaming is lucid dreaming once you become lucid it is possible to actively control your dreams some people can naturally do this for others it must be learned okay small windows of time exists during the ritual of sleep when it is possible to begin lucid dreaming but it can become a door to another world where you have complete control a world where your wildest fantasies can come true [Music] okay [Music] Karen hello hey no you're gonna be well somebody has to get groceries no I know but I didn't know where you'd gone you didn't leave a note or can't look what you got because you probably shouldn't be buying the same thing well why don't you just see what you get an ally what I get about that what are you just gonna follow me around the store all night yeah you stood all the time we first started dating what yeah you stood wherever we'd go I'd walk behind you you never noticed no why would you do that well I liked I liked how every single guy would be you know looking at you everyone that would go by and you know you were mine don't do that well well well yeah are you married aced account I used to count each one that used to go by one there goes one there goes another one do you think is what look around you look around you see anybody looking at me do you do see anybody looking at me yeah I know you used to do that and I know when just stop dude you too and everybody I'll stop doing my that's when you stopped hello [Music] [Music] in order to lose a dream you must first remember your dreams it is necessary to start a journal keeping a daily log of your dreams you will start to recognize patterns and reoccurring characteristics when dreaming these characteristics can be used to help tell yourself that you are in fact dreaming this will facilitate lucidity [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's is the same materials my training clothes that can I buy a hot dog here - that's fine buildings falling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right folks you will get everything I mean absolutely everything for $19.99 did you call right now we'll throw in our coldest gift we got corporate condiment shakers we count it's a $50 value can you believe it call now 1 800 yeah I'm looking for I'm looking for a sleeping aid over here all right over here okay which one is you're looking for anything just anything it just something you know I use these I'll take a couple of these before you go to sleep you're out like a coma patient mm-hmm use these huh yeah from time to time they're good because you don't get that sluggishness in the mornings that's the problem with some of the sure-sure you fall asleep and then you can't wake up yeah yeah where are those you know let's go find those I'm not sure if my my supervisor I I can show them to you like I don't know if that let's get some of those puppies as no no harm looking Hey hey are you doing up there just replacing the shingles Oh replacing some shingles hey when you're done up there where you go to my house I got to do the whole roof mm-hmm yeah hey what do you think tonight we go get a couple of drinks must be the tar must be the why ya know when I was a kid I was helping my mom and groceries to the car and it was summer and I remember the smell of the lot hot asphalt I guess the the tar the shingles ruins me then [Music] [Music] I don't want a star you listen to me I don't want to store credit I want a refund sir I don't know what else we can do for you okay is your manager here can I talk to him or her well I'm the store manager sir you're the manager great uh because I have to tell you you really don't know what you're doing well I've been here for seven years sir seven years seven years that's great that's great I'm sorry you've been here seven years great everyone just stand back the big man's in charge things happen when he's around sir would you like store credit or not take okay go over here you said it would hold I'll be quiet trailer this [Laughter] [Music] hi are you Bill yeah I'm off supporter but to have a woman in your time I'd like to ask you a couple questions about how what but get you to come down to the station about my neighbors I heard them fighting before she okay I just like to talk we've had some complaints from Samiha neighbors complaints from my neighbors what do you mean we just need to clear up a few things is she okay I did she tell you I talked to her I said sir the first things first she was what did he do this afternoon I was sleeping this afternoon most of the time I was sleeping why you sleep during the day I work at night I'm the janitor but among my neighbors say not giving the specifics here my neighbors main complaints of it is their look I don't know anything about you but your records clean but any time so if we can just keep it that way my record what are you talking about look don't bother the other tenant don't bother don't harass anyone and don't threaten anyone I don't know wait did you think I was gonna hurt her or something who the woman who lives next door to me you threatened a couple of children that's why you here what who's hot he said you attacked him in the hallway energies that one would have bet they broke into my apartment a couple of Tino's yeah broke into your apartment yes they did did you leave the door locked no I I know then how they get inside I don't know I just brought you down here to talk okay I'm not saying one thing or another raped her her husband her husband raped her so if I can get you to keep yourself out of trouble okay let's see what's bolston I've heard him answer okay so the next door when I heard you I heard him thank you very much for her screaming sorry I heard he waved terrorists all you look there to me I'm sorry I didn't mean you auntie room and look at their stuff I'll never do it again it was wrong and I'm sorry can I go now could your room can you play Nintendo no no Nintendo for a month but mom oh no I don't even know what to say I'm so sorry if I were you I would have slammed the door in my face already but well I brought you this oh it's just I don't know why I listened to it you've probably heard me playing the tape during the day thank you and I would like to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night I can't I work at night okay well this weekend - maybe if you're around we'd love to have you over I don't know I don't think so but I don't know okay well it's an open invitation and again I'm very sorry but it was nice seeing you again hey all right yeah what do you want here are you sick no um do you need you need help you want me to get a doctor good no what do you mean do I need I just you know what yeah what's the matter with you what what's the matter with you what do you mean what's the matter with me what's the matter with you what is that supposed to mean do you know what your life is you wake up and you go to work and then you come home and you just try really hard not to disturb anyone it's like you don't exist you know it's it's really good it's really kind of sad what would you like me to do I can't change what there was seven years ago and it wasn't your fault she ran allied she went out of the intersection you know but you you just choose to carry around this guilt for something that you didn't even cause so what'd you think so you think I'm afraid oh no no I think you're a shining example of someone who's dealt with their problems hey you know why you sleep all the time so that I don't have to deal with Karen or work or any anything any of this and so I don't need I don't need you to come in here and lecture me okay let's go leave me alone okay [Music] what about this bring out the smash now do you mind if I take a look in these bags why [Music] where we kind to pick up your son you get some day for winter break remember [Music] [Music] okay what's wrong you tell me I don't know but why are you staying at work till 10 o'clock at night every night okay um I I is anything ever gonna change and then some things are different never say all right listen to me I'm not mad okay I'm not just gonna sleep on the couch because I just don't want to do this anymore not if it's gonna be the same thing day in and day out listen Karen I avoid things you know I mean I avoid um I I have white Thanks you know you know when I when I when I think that I feel like you're upset about something you know I but you know I'm not gonna pretend I knows things when I don't she's not gonna do that for the sake of look I know things are gonna be different things gonna be different very different okay nothing's gonna change and if I'm gonna be alone I want to live alone right what what do you mean I mean I think it would be better if we live apart I really do so so so that's just it I mean I mean I think we should go in [Music] there is [Music] oh yes I mean let me get these for you oh yeah I can get one up no no I gotta yeah so how you guys still looks the thing good to have you home well you go to bed already I have to get up early what for so try to keep this a secret we bought this card for Adam and Lindsey sort of a company sorry no thanks Burnham and Taylor this is Karen hey tell me what's going on look Carrie I'm at work I can't talk about this here I'm hanging Burnham and Taylor this is Karen all I was saying was that I think that we meet in the middle of my lunch break I don't really feel like spending it talking to you about this so I'm hanging up [Music] hi this is Karen leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible Thanks okay all right listen to me I screwed up okay and there's some things that you know I regret yeah I think I've taken for granted you know that you would be there when I got home I think that I took for granted all the times that you would act happy you don't try to get me out of the when I was in a bad mood or something I took it friend I took for granted that you offer to spend your life with me and I think I prevented you you know from you know doing certain things you know career because I know how important it is to you but you know you gave it up so you could be you could be at home with our son and you know I know that prevented you from getting to where you wanted to be with work but you never want single company you know one time complained about it you know you just quietly accepted it because you were willing to compromise for me and I took it all for granted and now I see you becoming this home in person without me and that's the thing that's just killing me you know because I want to I want to be there you know I want to be there by your side and I know that I have this tank I put on the Sigma a bravado and I never talk about you know my feelings and stuff like that but nothing makes sense anymore nothing makes sense without you because I mean look like you know I I know that I am and I don't think I'm anything more or less than I see in your eyes and I I'm sorry I you know I wasn't I wasn't there for you and you know I'm sorry I went on all these different times about personal stuff at work and and and you know I'm sorry about that you know and you know and I know it's selfish of me to you know say that I don't want to see you leave me but that's just it I mean I want to know about your day Karen I want to know about you know everything that's going on with you I want to wake up with you next to me I want to know about every last little minute detail of your life because I am interested in I know that this one single phone call it's not gonna you know it's not gonna you know fix everything I understand that and everything but if you could just understand that I am gonna listen to you from now on I'm gonna listen to you about everything and I'm gonna change things are gonna be different and you know you you know you don't have to call me back I know busy you I mean you can't call me back if you want but we can also talk about this stuff you know at home and everything but I you know I just wanted to okay so I love you and you know yeah we have a good day all right bye [Applause] you have one new message first message right listen me I screw message deleted I just then I'm sorry what time is it um about 10:30 mmm I'm sorry no no it's okay mmm-mmm-mmm this it was in the garbage yeah throwing it out okay yeah but uh it's my house it's nice why are you act like such a freak bill I guess just I don't know how to be around people I don't know you know as it seems like with you it's all just to show huh you know you know I don't think this is who you really are way act with me and other people and stuff I think you just put on this facade when you go out in public but uh yeah you know I mean how are you gonna expect people to get to know you if you don't let them in no but um yeah what do I know well [Music] yeah you know name [Music] you want to keep it no you could have [Music] hello I'm calling on behalf of the giving hand foundation we're non-profit organization dedicated to helping children in need of food clothing hygienic products toys and other items there's gonna be a collection truck on your shirt and we were wondering if there are any items we don't think so we're nonprofit organization ma'am so anything that we collected directly means of a childhood I say ma'am I'm not a woman oh I'm sorry can you hold a second I'm sorry what we know I really don't think so sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our class is gone yeah it's snow out there yeah what our classes are gonna take this semester same stuff just more advanced classes oh really like what calculus to multivalent what calculus you're taking that melting elbow calculus yeah you're taking that again huh yeah the impending disaster competition for the islands limited resources [Music] every mole I represents a whole family the reasonable leg goes towards the leg is to protect the people spiritually whatever you going on what no not Google friend what do you think's fighting about and then they shifted from ancestor worship what it means to worship even as the last few threes I'm not an idiot okay I know you guys are mad about something already smothers no come on we're not we're not fighting about anything that everything's fine really hey come on I'm going on the wraps what we're going out show me the whip CVM [Music] yeah sure here [Music] this cell laughs strange bird stranger still what is how I eat juice with on August 16th 1960 Joe Kittinger did something no man had done before as a part of the US Air Force sponsored experiment he rode a helium balloon up a hundred and two thousand eight hundred feet into the air the atmosphere became thinner and thinner outside his protective suit and the sky turned black as he rode up to the end of the Earth's atmosphere he stepped up onto the edge of the carriage in which he was riding he looked out on the earth so far below him and any jumped [Music] says he's got the faithless swish from hearts bounce around kids and now this one last scene to kill up to when I die I'm Diane cool I'm leaving so whispered dreams out dreamin here whisper cell [Music] after losin so whispers ow whispers Oh whispers OH No [Music] whispering [Music] a whisper whispering get on the ground get on the ground all right gimme your wallet what your wallet give it to me what are you deaf oh and hand it over Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] picking up Gary's stuff [Music] [Music] do you remember me yeah I'm sorry for what for the way I was picking on you and making fun of you and I'm sorry I acted like that yeah few things I could have done differently [Music] it was a long time ago yeah [Applause] [Music] okay let's see yeah I ask you something what's he like what kind of person was he before he got married like back in high school when you knew cuz I'm uh I can't imagine him you know like without my mom he didn't judge people he was his smart you know it's smart real smart but he didn't you know show off about it's just a really pleasant person to be around that's a good friend too [Music] it's been our top seller ever since Consumer Reports article ranked it's one of the safest on the roads I just bought one for my own dog we haven't done it yeah just turned 17 I figure if they're gonna be out on the roads I might as well be in something safe I see all these parents buying their kids sports cards and whatnot and I'm thinking you know you're just encouraging them to drive fast you you got yourself a great car here I bought one for my own daughter you know it's reliable thank you for putting it all together any problems any concerns you just give me a call my number joy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello God you scared me I didn't know anyone was here I start next week in the mail room but they said I could go ahead and get familiar with the place I'll start learning the names of everyone who works here I hate spending the holidays alone so I figured this wouldn't take my mind off hit do you think I could move in more stuff over the weekend no it's locked but I could let you in really that would be great how do I get ahold of you I'm patty bill two of them going up suddenly his life is touched by a happiness can you guess there's no way yeah but to climb halfway is left and right don't you sambal you and you are now and we are more [Music] yeah [Music] we [Music] we [Music] hello [Music] sky you sky a sky-blue you sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 1,026,750
Rating: 4.1069832 out of 5
Keywords: when a man falls movie, when a man falls full movie, sharon stone movie, sharon stone full movie, sharon stone movies list, sharon stone movies, when a man falls, free movie on youtube full movie, popcornflix thriller movies, free full length movies to watch on youtube, full length movies on youtube to watch for free, Popcornflix, free movie on youtube, Full movies English, Full movies, free movies, popcornflix drama movies, Starring Women in Drama Movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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