When A Man DEEPLY Loves You, He’ll Start Saying THESE 12 Things

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when a man deeply loves you he'll start saying these 12 things in this training we're going to be going deeper into what a man will actually start saying when he feels deep emotional attachment to you when he's starting to get that sense of longing like this is the woman for me I can't imagine losing her or ever having her leave my side and so that you will know if a man is not just pulling away and pretending that he's interested in you but keeping you on a string breadcrumbing you and having a more superficial connection like friends with benefits or nothing long term so we're going to uncover that in this training so I'm Brody Boyd I'm a professional love coach for over 13 years if we don't know each other already and I've really studied the male brain so in this video we're going to be going deeper into the male brain how this works how a man thinks and what you can learn in that process so let's go ahead and start diving right into it so the first thing of what a man will say if he's starting to feel Deep Emotions of love for you is I got you he will say I got you because he wants you to know that he has your back he is protecting you he is looking after you he has your best interests in mind as well as his own ideally so he is taking care of the both of you and your relationship he's putting a protective covering his spiritual leadership is falling upon the relationship and he wants you to know it that anytime you need something anytime you're feeling unsafe uncomfortable that you can come to him so it's a very important thing to look for if your man is saying that to you now the next thing to know the next thing of what a man will say if he's starting to feel deep feelings of love for you is I will fix it for you so a man will want to you to know that he is willing to fix any problem that you may have if he's deeply caring for you he's going to want to make sure that your life is happy you are happy your life is happy it's easy it's simple any issue any problem especially if he's a masculine man he's going to want to step in and fix it for you whether that's with your car your computer a relationship with your boss and your job any kind of issue that you're having he wants to be the one that you can go to and he'll say I will fix it and he actually does fix it that he is designed to be that protector provider hero in your life and he gets rewarded from that by feeling that he loves you and that you are starting to hopefully love him as well so that's a powerful sign to look for the next thing a man will start saying if he's feeling deep feeling for love for you is tell me when you need something so if a man is feeling deep feelings of love for you he's going to say something like tell me whenever you need a a problem fixed like I mentioned before or tell me whenever you need anything I'm here for you I'm available he is making himself available he is carving out space time resources that he is there for you when you need him if things are going bad if you're unhappy if you're sad if you're scared whatever the feeling might be or the problem might be he wants you to know he's your Safe Harbor he is a place you can go to where you can get protection provision Comfort support and love from him that's a very important sign to look for as well that he'll be saying now the next powerful thing a man will be saying if he's starting to feel deep feelings of love for you is how are you feeling so a man will say how are you feeling as a way to let you know that he's starting to feel deep feelings of love because he's showing that he cares he's letting you know that he cares about what's going on for you in your world often times we men were not very good at reading what's going on inside of a woman what's the inner workings of her mind and so we often need interpretation we need translation and so that's why if a man actually cares about you he'll want to know what's going on he'll want to make sure that communication is clear so he will ask you directly how are you feeling are you feeling okay okay do you need anything um what's going on how are you these kind of questions he wants to know what's going on for you emotionally and psychologically so he's gonna ask because he cares he's gonna use that information as a way to start to change his behavior hopefully to make you happy to help fix a problem to help make things better because oftentimes a masculine man will get his sense of value from knowing that the woman in his world is happy and she is happy with him if you are not happy if things are not going well generally over time a man's going to feel like his self-esteem drops he's going to wonder what am I doing here so that's a very important sign to look for as well the next thing a man will start saying when he feels deep feelings of love for you is why are you feeling that way why are you feeling that way so when a man deeply cares about you he's not only going to want to know what you are feeling at any time but he's also going to want to go deeper he's going to ask why are you feeling that way why are you feeling sad why are you feeling angry why are you feeling happy why are you feeling depressed he's gonna want to get to the root of it because once he gets to the root of it he can actually do something about it he can actually hopefully fix the problem fix the miscommunication renegotiate the relationship manage expectations so that you are happy and the relationship is harmonious if he cares about you he's not going to want to lose you and the best way to make sure he doesn't lose you is to make sure that you're happy in the relationship and that he's doing everything he can Within reason to create a safe space for a healthy happy relationship to flourish with you so that's an important sign to look for as well the next thing a man will say if he deeply loves you is what do you want what do you want when a man deeply cares about you he's going to ask you what do you want because he's going to want to start providing that for you ideally he's going to be at least curious to hear what do you want especially when you're not happy when things aren't going well maybe you're having sadness anger frustration at him or in the relationship a simple question that hopefully he's going to ask at some point is just like what do you want what can I do like what will make you happy please give me the answer I want to know what's G to make you happy because he wants to win the game with you if you don't tell him the rules of how to win the game how is he supposed to win the game he needs to know the rules what makes you happy what makes you unhappy men aren't good mind readers so he can't often know what makes you happy or what do you want you have to tell him he will hopefully ask for that information if he doesn't ask for it you can gently tell him you don't want to command him because that can sound like nagging that can sound like criticism but you can say something like you know I love it when you plan the date I love it when you are taking care of me in whatever way you love to be taken care of let him know those things so he can be your hero in that way it's a powerful sign to look for the next thing thing a man will say when he's feeling deep feelings are of love for you is I want you to feel safe I want you to feel safe so when a man deeply cares about you and is feeling deep feelings of love for you he's going to let you know I want you to feel safe he may say it in different words like I want you to feel comfortable or I want everything to be good for you he's going to try to communicate that when you're around him he wants you to be A- okay okay we keep going back to this theme he wants you to know he wants to know that you are going to be doing well so he's going to create this feeling of safety ideally for you as well he's going to be protecting you from other people that are trying to say bad things to you trying to do bad things to you he's going to protect you from relatives co-workers friends he's going to make sure you're safe in the home when you're out in public he's going to do whatever it h takes to make sure that you are not feeling uncomfortable unhappy with the situation with him because if you're not again he can feel potentially like a failure in the relationship or potentially just not be interested if he's not trying to do those things for you the next powerful sign to thing to look for if a man is deeply caring about you is he will say I will make it happen I will make it happen when a man deeply cares for you he's going to let you know that he's going to be there for you when you need it so he's going to cut out time out of his schedule he's going to readjust things he's going to prioritize you so if there's a commitment if there's an anniversary if there's an event that you both have planned that really important to you and he knows it he's going to make it happen and he'll say I will make it happen and he actually will make it happen he backs up his words with actions he keeps his promises and he steps up to become a man of integrity for you even if he's not normally that way with other people or in other areas of his life because he deeply cares the next thing a man will say if he deeply cares about you is I want you to be my girlfriend or I want you to be my wife when a man deeply cares about you and has deep emotional attachment for you he's going to make sure that you become his he's going to become exclusive with you he's going to want to make a decision which means to cut off other options and choose you because he wants you to do that for him as well he wants you to be the only woman in his life and he wants to be the only man in your life he's going to ask for that commitment and that exclusivity at some point if he truly deeply cares about you because if he did really care about you why would he ever want to risk losing you to another man why would he put why would he take that risk unless he knows that you would never leave him because even if he's not giving what you want because you value him so much and you value yourself so little that's a different situation but if he feels like like he respects you that you're a high value woman that you maintain your value you set boundaries when needed he's going to ask for that level of commitment because he's going to make sure that he doesn't lose that potential future with you the next powerful thing a man will say if he has deep feelings of love for you is you're different than other woman when a man has deep feelings of love for you he's going to say that he and acknowledge that he sees you as different from other women this is one of the reasons why he's probably feeling deep feelings of love for you because he is noticing that you're special you're special something about you is special to him whether it's your personality whether it's your background your values uh the way you carry yourself your energy the things you do for him the things you are doing with him just who you are being he sees that as special he sees that as unique he hasn't seen that with other women he hasn't felt that with other women he has a unique connection with you you and that's one of the reasons why he's feeling deep love feelings of love for you and also how he's going to demonstrate it he's going to acknowledge that you are special and really love is about acknowledging that specialness within the other person love doesn't truly exist if we see somebody as common as dirt if they are just like everybody else or they are just easily accessible everything is out available we only tend to fall in love when we see something is precious rare and special because it becomes special precious and rare to us in our hearts so he will acknowledge that and that's a powerful sign to look for and the next sign to look for that he's feeling deep feelings of love for you is he'll say I want to see you again when a man really cares about you he's going to make plans for the next date and the next state and the next state he's not going to let it leave it up to chance to risk losing you he's going to put in solid plans in place so that he can see you again and he's going to make his intentions clear that he wants to see you again that he's not seeing this as just a fling or as a short-term thing he wants to make it regular he's seeing the path to a future relationship so that's important to look for now the 12th thing a man will say when he's feeling deep feelings of love for you is he'll use the words we and us when a man really cares he will shift his language from you and I to we and us he starts to see you as a unit as a team coming together for the common purpose of happiness and building a life together potentially building a family together that will shift his language when he starts to see that in his own mind of you two being a unit and a couple so look for those words we and us and they're very key to acknowledge in the relationship with him and then those are the signs that a man is starting to see and feel deep feelings of love for you so see them acknowledge them they're super important and know that how a man speaks is only one aspect of him feeling deep feelings of love for you you have to ultimately also look for his actions and is he backing them up with real tangible actions in the real world and not just words which are admittedly pretty easy to fake so always look and trust your intuition as well and look for those real actions now next if you'd like to get a loving long-term and committed relationship with a quality man that you feel like you deeply love and you want to have that deep love in your life then take our free virtual love quiz and coaching session by going to get HISD desire.com get HISD desire.com we're also going to put a link for that free gift as well in the description and the comments below this video so go ahead and pick that up as well and that's going to enormously help you on your journey moving forward to attracting and keeping a high quality man in your life so much love hope this was helpful and I look forward to talking you more on our next powerful training coming up later take care bye-bye
Channel: Magnetize Your Man
Views: 782,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating advice for women, love advice, make him like you, tips for women, how to attract men, flirting tips, make him like me, make him love you, make him love me, how to talk to men, dating advice, how to flirt, relationship advice for women, Brian Nox, brian knox, magnetize your man, antia boyd, brody boyd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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