What's Your Motivation?

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Rodry2808 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for bringing this up. I feel like we are told certain things must be a certain way to be that thing but it does not. I study architecture and its a similar rejection of different just like in filmmaking.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/thinkdesignprocess 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

day to day vlogging isn't film making, it a sausage factory of you trying to make some shit that is quickly consumed... but i'll give you the acceptation that weekly vlogging can be something more

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kingofcrob 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Casey should have just replied "ok Boomer"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mbasyar 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
on my way to the gym you might notice how fresh I looked this morning Candace's mother slept over last night and took care of the baby I wish that happened every night hi Francie Oh closet the day of reckoning is near but not today it's raining hey when it rains it makes it so hard to vlog my camera gets all wet today is Tuesday that means it's questions and answers day roll the intro questions and answers volume two let's go Angela wants to know does canister Owen ever get tired of you filming them all the time Candace yes Owen not really he's a total sport what's the biggest difference between raising Owen and Francine I was really poor when Owen was born and when you don't have any money or have any options I'm no longer really poor and now there are a lot of options and in some weird ironic way it makes it harder to raise children when you have options then when you don't have options when do we get to know what the new businesses I promise I'll talk all about my new business which is really exciting in this vlog at some point in time I just need like this much more time Annabelle wants to know how many cameras do you have how many cameras I have here I'll show you I'll show you some of them I have way way too many cameras this is like this is some of them these are all my point-and-shoot cameras these are all my camera batteries and chargers these are a couple but not anywhere near all of my SLRs these are my some of my lens those are some of my retired cameras even older cameras big camera these dinosaurs up there it's another retired camera so the answer is way way too many cameras what keeps you motivated what keeps me motivated well in short I'm here all of my dreams and aspirations are here and the only thing in between these two is a bunch of work so tackling that work is a way of moving this needle that's all the motivation I need love progress in any manifestation yeah motivations never I've never struggled with motivation ever here's a great question what question are you tired of being asked my least favorite question is what did you shoot that on dear Casey what camera do you use to shoot your vlogs that's appropriate so I use mostly this little point and shoot but then I also use this camera here which is called a Canon 70d it works really well for vlogging you're a filmmaker stop vlogging not actually a question but I am more than happy to address I premiered feature films at the Cannes Film Festival I premiered a feature at the Sundance Film Festival I have written directed edited and started my own HBO series I've been awarded the Rockefeller grant for filmmaking I've stood on stages and received prestigious awards and I'm a lifetime member of the Sundance Institute and I can tell you that that this that creating a new movie every 24 hours and releasing that movie to an audience of hundreds of thousands of people is an evolution in filmmaking see our job as creators is to further define any medium our job is to create the new cliches not adhere to those that that were defined by generations past and to suggest that this is anything but filmmaking is is to is to highlight some preconceived falsehood around what the very definition of filmmaking is with that I'm going to end the Q&A there we will now return to our regularly scheduled blog so good morning jack morning I actually don't have to put bricks together and this was not easy for me little bit further right I feel like I feel like that's uh that's today's the day today is the day today's the day what you got for me what you got for me Marlon oh I've been waiting for it it's been coming from China you need to sign that yeah haven't we been doing this long can't you just sign it for me I've been waiting for this for so long pass box is impossible Oh scratch to it my new computer it's late 10 this is mad at me for working so late I just want to go home and I got for me outside my office so pcs are to leave you guys waiting it was nice to meet you yeah bye guys you
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 2,097,587
Rating: 4.9339137 out of 5
Keywords: Motivation (Quotation Subject), American Football (Sport)
Id: 9wYDphef_Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2015
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