What's The Most Obvious Hint You've Dropped And The Guy Still Didn't Get It? (r/AskReddit)

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girls what was the most obvious hint you dropped and the guy just didn't get it my buddy in college was stressing over when to make the move to kiss a girl he liked while we encouraged him to not wait for the perfect moment and just go for it he admitted he should have tried to kiss her when they were in the shower in the shower maybe she's just being nice by putting soap on my teat for me how kind of her it's snowing just stay here you can sleep in my bed to be honest I would just think to myself she is really nice offering me that I better not screw this up by trying to sleep with her and then proceeded to say doesn't seem so bad but thank you we were discussing costumes and I sent a picture of me in my bunny suit and said I'd need help out of it his response was telling me he hoped my room at was home or that would suck I had to tell him I was implying I'd like him to take it off me and it took him a minute to catch up edit for those of you concerned it was very much a suggestive picture I'm not sure it could have been perceived as just friendly and no you won't be getting proof of said picture for those in Mighty M's law I was very much ready to hit him with the bat of bluntness because we get along great and he'd seemed 30 with me before bless you for hitting him with a bat friend was complaining he was hot because of his long sleeve shirt I said oh I'm sure you'd be just as hot without the shirt he was so unaware that I finally just kissed him this one is really sweet I once was modeling clothes I plan to take on vacation for my boyfriend after showing off a couple of outfits I told him to close his eyes and changed into Len Cherie he opened his eyes and I asked him what he thought his jaw dropped and he said you can't wear that outside I put my clothes back on complained I was a bit cold so he gave me a blanket I then told him there's space for two under the blanket in an obvious flirting tone he answered with no thanks I'm not cold I still tease him with it once in a while we are married now holy crap I'm mentally slow I just realized I was him a week or two ago I went on a second date with a girl to a hockey game and I don't feel comfortable doing touchy-feely stuff until I outright say I'm ready to commit seriously so halfway through she says man it's pretty cold in here isn't it and I said no if anything I'm a little warm things went normally for the rest of the game but afterwards I got straight ghosted LeMay oh I couldn't for the life of me figure out why but that may or may not be it it could be anything really that I hadn't connected those dots yet so I physically fasab armed when the light bulb went off I went out of my way to come in early and talk to this guy every day for like a month before someone else told him I was into him I also repeatedly told him I liked him he thought I was just being nice when a girl admits to liking you a guy faces a dilemma one you could be joking and pulling his leg - you just sympathize for him or you like him as a friend and that's it I had a girl invite me round her house once just to show me her posters they were all of Harley Davidson motorbikes and she said she's never ridden a Harley before awkward silence and after a few other sort bits of small talk I decided to be on my way two years later I'm sitting on the bus and realized what she meant Holle ridden the Holley my name is Holly a guy I'm currently seeing invited me camping earlier this month we were cuddling and I noted how nice the showers are in the bathroom at the provincial park I said they're really warm and lots of space for two people trying to hint for him to join me for 6e time this man without missing a beat says actually you could fit like 10 people in those showers we laughed about it really hard the next weekend and he said I knew what you were getting at but my brain just wanted to answer it logically literally said I want to be yours and the dude just keep smiling and goes on about random space facts that one hurt a bit guy here a girl took my hat off started running her fingers through my hair and asked what did I do to get it so smooth I proceeded to tell her all about the new shampoo I had switched to a month before until she cut me off well don't leave us hanging man what's the shampoo no head and shoulders when I was like 15 to 16 this girl from school I had a huge crush on kept inviting me to her house when she was alone wearing the smallest tops and asking for back massages I never got the hint years later when I started going out with my mouth am k that girl's sister tells my gf hey my sister had such a crush on him back in school I was not a bright teenager geez never missed one that obvious a girl came to my house once and spent the night around the time for bed she told me she doesn't sleep with a top on all panties I told her that so kay I'll sleep on the couch so she can be comfy she called me from downstairs later that night and told me she cold and sleep and she was cold I figured well obviously you're naked so I gave her another blanket and went back downstairs I'm sure if Emily from 15 years ago saw this thread she'd say invited this guy to my place after our date got him into my room into my bed he was just lying there so I told him my back was feeling sore and asked him if he could give me a massage his reply oh I don't want to crush you with my weight he was about 170 pounds gave up and went to sleep truth is I did get the hint but at the time I was a virgin and I was convinced I had an STD yeah good combo turns out I didn't have an STD virgin with an STD it's amazing what our teenage minds will come up with to make us even more awkward and weird not a girl that I was staying a night at a hotel and the hotel bar had just closed I went out front for a smoke and start chatting with two women we shoot the crap for a few minutes and then all head back into the hotel and to the elevator we get in they press 15 I press nine and one of them turns to me and says I don't suppose there's a secret bar on the ninth floor we can go to my dumb response no but you can grab a cab and be at a bar in ten minutes then the doors open and I leave this is amazing how long did it take you to realize brushing teeth 15 years later wait a minute I'm not as brutally upfront as some of these people but mine happened yesterday how do I know a girl is flirting with me he asks she touches you a lot while you two are talking I cannot relate at all that never happens to me I'm sure it does I tell him and hit his arm I can't think of any time that's ever happened see this is a rough one because I had this one girl I'd talk to all the time and she'd sit next to me in class I had a huge crush on her and she'd be overly touchy all the time she'd occasionally even rest her head on my shoulder slash sleep on a during class when she was tired just stare into my eyes for prolonged periods of time and hug me when I told her I had a crush on her she shut me down completely and told me she only saw me as a friend I asked a guy on a festival to come take a shower with me he didn't get it he just repeated there was only one free shower and I was like well they are the guy I'm sure it's fine and he just looked confused and told me I could go first we became close friends since that happened about two years ago and this summer I spoke to him about it and he really had no idea he did the biggest faster per my vebber scene we were playing don't drink and drive on Mario Kart just the two of us I was thrashing him so algate in a chance by lying sideways across his lap for the entire race he didn't take the hint we started dating two weeks after that he was concentrating hard to not get an erection he forgot about you for a while one time a girl straight up asked if I wanted to take my pants off and I didn't get it I was like but they're actually not uncomfortable at all usually when girls ask you to take off your pants it's for their comfort no one wants to come in contact with the kind of tough fabric a lot of pants are made of when they are sleeping also always take off your belt that's just cruel to accidentally poke someone with your belt buckle I used to be oblivious probably still AM there was a girl at a local grocery store who was flirting with me but of course I didn't get it after quite a bit of this I leave town for a few months and we're responding via email I can't remember why but I was asking her a string of silly questions like why is the sky blue chicken or the egg first where do babies come from etc she answered them all saving where do babies come from for last and answered it with when you get back I'm going to show you I got that one asking him to take picture with me hugged him a couple of times told him he has nice hair started smelling him and told him he smells nice I even looked in his eyes for like two minutes turned out he was Gayle Mayo my fiancé thinks leaving my bedroom door open when she spent the night when we were just friends and she lived out of town and there was absolutely no reason for me to think anything romantic was going on was obvious I got up and closed the door because the AK was on and was low-key miffed edit we were friends for a long time before we got together and she had a meeting early in the morning so I gave her my bed and slept on the couch she left the door open thinking I would take the hint do you know how creepy it would be if you tried to hop into bed without her asking if she wasn't into you I threw my panties at him and he kept explaining God of War law man of culture [Music]
Channel: Reddit Buddy
Views: 12,012
Rating: 4.9135137 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit top posts, reddit compilation, people share, top reddit, crush, flirt
Id: _S99Wz--m-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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