What's The Hardest Thing You've Ever Had To Say "NO" To?

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like the video and subscribe right now or the doggo will tell everyone that you cheated on your test ass credit what's the hardest thing you've ever had to say no to I had to tell my marching bang director in high school now when he asked if I was actually going to our every-other-year parade at Disney World my family always struggled growing up but we couldn't afford it the part that made it especially hard on the ears that I already promised him that I could go because amount of mine told me she would pay my way I was a freshman in high school and felt horrible about it I felt like I lied to this man who was a fantastic director the room and flight had deposits put down already so the program lost money on me they had to adjust the marching plans to cover the hole I created all of my friends were going and teased me about not going I felt like the scum of the school and blamed my aunt who never sent the money until she called and asked how the trip went she had sent her check to me my mom checked the mail opened the letter to me and then cashed the check and hid the letter we were always broke and she said she used it for groceries but I've never believed that her two cottoned a week cigarette addiction in my dad's Road a weak snuff addiction never suffered but money sent specifically for me for the one fun trip I had an opportunity for certainly did I still resent her to this day for that editin thank you for the gold crime stranger my old boss in response to an offer to come back to the job I had left a month prior I really liked that job and I liked the industry I was also getting ready to start anew much cooler role in the company my wife didn't like the area we lived in I wasn't a huge fan of it either and wanted to move somewhere else I ended up finding a job closer to her hometown and we moved there I absolutely hate this job I hate the area moving also meant giving up on a house that we bought as an investment that was three months ago I still get messages from my old boss and a few of the other managers at the old plant telling me that the door is open if I wanted to come back it's getting harder to keep telling them now you should talk to your wife about it there has to be a compromise somewhere there maybe if you move somewhere in the middle of her hometown and the job depending on the distance of course if it's that present in your mind it may be worth taking another look at the situation when my dentist asked me if I was going anywhere for the holidays while he stuck a bunch of crap in my mouth not a choke in a aagh naa agh of f.e.a.r when RSHA AI in who knee I mean what am I supposed to do you get the point every damn time even worse --is when my dentist asks me something and I get the chance to answer he then starts working on my teeth and proceeds to give his opinion on whatever he asks I obviously have no way to voice my rebuttal I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose three summers ago I had just graduated high school and my best friend was having a party usually I would only go to parties if my girlfriend came with me we were all set to go but the day before the party she started to feel really sick she told me that she probably wouldn't be able to go tomorrow she told me to go though seeing as it was my best friend's party so I decided to go I grabbed a case of malson Canadian from the liquor store and headed over to my friend's place this party was a wild one everyone was wasted by the time I got there and it was only 10 p.m. when I showed up people were laying on his kitchen countertop doing body shots off each other girls were making out it was basically a single man's paradise as the night progressed I began talking to this girl from my English class we never really talked during high school but I always saw her around the conversation was really interesting we were talking about what we were going to do after high school we talked about a love of hockey and somehow the conversation got around to talking about sexual experiences at this point the party was so loud that she asked me if I wanted to go somewhere quiet to keep talking being the idiot that I am I agreed we head to my friends room and we continued our conversation about our sexual experiences she told me that she had always wanted to give a guy a blow with another girl I clearly wasn't picking up that this was a hint and I didn't know how to reply I tried to change the subject back to hockey we talked about that for a bit until she just straight-up asked me a question that I will never forget she asked me if she should text her friend to come in the room with us so that they could both blow me at the same time I was really tempted to say yes but I just thought about my girlfriend and I politely declined I reminded her that I had a girlfriend left the room said goodbye to my best friend and went home that's some legendary will you got there buddy you are 88 in Canadian throughout this story I love it as a college student paying my way through college with two part-time jobs my grandparents offered to pay off my college now this is a very large amount of money they offered me around $50,000 that I would of course pay back over time it seems like an extremely generous gesture but my grandparents are downright evil and will hang this over my head for the rest of my life it's hard to summarize their wickedness but they are very manipulative and demanding edit the worst part is even if I take the money and they were to pass away I would have to pay everything back to my aunt who is just as bad if not worse than them everything my grandparents own money land will all go to my arms when they pass away because of her manipulative ways and down talking my father in my entire family I think they would only hang it over your head for the rest of their lives edit take the money edit - I didn't see your edit how old is your aunt exactly or just take their money and run no duck all that my best friend's grandparents were similarly ducking evil and bought her a car then some months later they stopped making payments without telling her and she was ducked since she couldn't afford them she dropped the car off at their house cut ties and told them to duck off after her grandfather center and a mad about how he didn't love her anymore do you want us to try to resuscitate him nurse no he didn't want it me November 18th 2013 I miss you so much dad the best father a daughter could have asked for edit thank you everyone for the love my dad had Stage four lung cancer and his liver was failing so we were at the hospital he was talking then paused then the heart rate monitor went flat people rushed the room and surrounded him I said stop they said do you want us to resuscitate I said no he didn't want it they shut them on at her off and I had to call my mom and say he was gone it hurts so much to do but he is free now we believe in heaven and he believed that to be where he would go I'll never forget the sound of the monitor going flat he was there for my first breath and I his last tell people you love them because it could be your last thank you for the golden most of all your kind words ribbit is full of our souls but there in pathetic [ __ ] edit - here we are on mother's day he didn't look sick here as a terminally ill dad myself knowing that the end is going to be rough for me and knowing how rough the conversation with my wife about the DNR order alone was I have a hell of a lot of respect for you I can't imagine how painful that was for you but I do know how much it means to me - no I won't go er more painful and protracted battle than necessary I can only imagine it was the same way for your father I hope you make it through this rough time without blaming yourself and I hope that joy and peace find you edit thanks as well to all of you for the gold and the kindness sorry about your dad but props to you for respecting what he wanted wife left me and took my four-year-old daughter two years ago divorce was finally a year ago the hardest no I have to do sometimes daily is when my daughter asks if I can stay when I leave her mom's house rips my heart out every time harsh all I can say as a kid whose parents split up when I was four is please do whatever it takes to be around your kid regularly my dad can't stop moving a year or two here a year or two there then [ __ ] mode kicks in and he's off somewhere else seeing him in the summer times and alternate Christmases just didn't do it it's like here kit you can have the scraps of my time what hurts even 40 years later is knowing that taking that job on the other side of the state was more important to him than being where he could see me on a daily or at least weekly basis if my parents had stayed together I don't know if I would have minded moving every couple of years maybe it all would have seemed like a big adventure but for him to leave for him to go off and indulge in life's adventures without me well actions speak louder than words right so I know where I rank and that's what hurts just make sure that sweet daughter of yours knows that even if you can't be with her every day that she's still your priority it really does matter my dog when she begs for food become on human I had a rough day after a string of shitty relationships I made a promise to myself to not get involved with a woman for at least six months two months later in the pub with some friends and a very attractive woman starts coming on to me in a big way I had to say no to my promise to myself i whould said no to that promise to every steam sale ever your comment is buried deep in the middle of threesomes drugs and suicide you're like a flashlight at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by sharks drunken sex with the girl I love I said no because I knew she'd regret it we had sex the next day when she was sober Hey happy ending most of these answers are about relationships and when they had to say no to a romantic partner but as someone trying to lose weight it's still incredibly hard for me to say no to having cookies and ice cream every day edit Wow a ton of you guys are applying offering your support and advice thank you so much you guys are awesome as an adult I now recognize Cookie Monster is a tragic figure I had to say no to staying in Japan my wife was unhappy with the job market for expats and wanted to come back to the States I really wanted to stay but I liked my wife more than job man so he left he likes his wife more than Japan my GF won't even geo to Japan I'm trying to tell her that they have actual Pokemon centers but it doesn't seem to make a difference job offer in San Francisco that paid 110 thousand dollars a year a few years ago yeah but San Francisco a 110 thousand dollar job there is equivalent to a sixty three thousand dollar job in Austin Texas or a sixty-four thousand dollar job in Atlanta Georgia cost of living wise an emotionally vulnerable young woman who was all over me making a bad decision by doing so teenaged me was pretty much saturated in hormones but I bit down told her she was pretty but no left the party and kicked myself all the way home then she went to bed with some other [ __ ] you're a nice guy do you love me oh dear gonna have to pretend I didn't hear that Greg especially hard after being in love for a long time suddenly one day you wake up and your heart doesn't beat the same way and there are a thousand things more important than that other person you try to pretend like everything is the same because you're too afraid to face your feelings but when they finally ask you that question you realize that you haven't said I love you unprompted in a long time something clicks in your mind and you know the only thing more cruel than saying no is to put on a fake smile and lie so you tell the truth and watch everything fall apart it takes a long time to gather the courage to tell the truth so I hope someone reads this and it helps them do the right thing you won't fall back in love you'll only hurt the person more edit thank you for the gold also the point of this wasn't to ruin reddit relationships everywhere the point is that it isn't just difficult being the person who gets dumped it's hard to let go but it's sometimes best for both people for everyone who said they needed this I hope you figure out what you want to all the naysayers who believe that you can't just fall out of love I hope you never find yourself in my position confused and unable to identify why you aren't happy anymore only to realize that it isn't any one thing but the whole thing that has gone wrong edit - I'm a girl just clarifying : closed bracket said no to pills for the first time like eight months ago that was really ducking tough still clean though Wow thanks for all the kind words guys blows my mind how wonderful complete strangers can be congratulations on succeeding where many people fail every single day keep it up you have been visited by a warrior bear your head will gain protection from accidents but only if you comment nice helmet mr. bear thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 238,981
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, hardest thing, to say no to
Id: qGZD-mNbY3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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