How to play Necrons: Immortals

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hi everyone and welcome to unit review where your hosts Jack today we're going to be looking at the nekron Immortals that are in this they're in this Army pretty good units to be fair incredibly versatile um whatever your play style is or whatever Detachment you like to run you can pretty much find a place for mors in there I think I I think with how we've got ways to play them later on they are really good at a lot of different rules and a lot of rules I actually didn't realize so yeah me neither yeah stay around and see what how to play them later but first Dan St loock what we got okay so Immortals you've got a movement five y they're tough five they've got a three up Save which is nice one wound leadership of seven and an OC of two because they are battle line battle line so yeah so you for B unit pretty BG standards stuff really there is it nothing to shout home about but still decent decent enough T5 is nice but yeah other than that it's pretty normal yeah um abilities so we have the of course the reanimation protocols as always for the nekron Army so again you're getting D3 wounds back so you're getting pretty much d3e models back per turn which is quite nice in your command phase and the other one we've got I'm going to mess up this but it's the impliable implacable eradication there we go as if I said it first time but each time this model in the unit makes an attack you reroll the wound roll of one if the target of the attack is an enemy unit within um range of objective marker you reroll the wound roll instead so so in bu baked in rerolls of one but if if it's if the target's on an objective it's full wound re rolls that's really nice very good stuff very good stuff H keywords then what we're looking at yeah yeah fairly straightforward here infantry uh battle line and Immortals and that's it not much to it then do you want to start off the the unic competition as well yeah you can do um you can have either five or 10 of them and every model is equipped with e a gus Blaster and a close combat weapon yeah uh five models is going to set you back 75 points and 10 is 150 so 15 points a model yeah um now this unit can be led by a few different hqs can't they um I'll R them off but I'll also put them on screen we've got the chronomancer imot the storm Lord H Orin the diviner overload overload with a translocation shroud plasman um psychomancer uh Royal Warden technomancer and trzan the infinite Tran the infinite is my favorite not because he's great with this unit I just love as a character um so lots lots of units and this is where I guess is the turning point of the flexibility that we'll see later on that can do yeah there's there's a lot of really interesting combos with some of those characters in um in that unit definitely uh and because they um because they're Immortals they can be led by a lord type like an Overlord and have a cryp tech in now and that's where you start get some real fun exactly right we'll come on that in a bit stay tuned H warar Dan what we're looking at yes and this is really interesting so the standard as I said there is the gaus Blaster which like all Gus weapons has got lethal hits so sixes to hit um will Auto wound yeah but you can get that down as way to get that down to fives um we'll talk about later it's got 24 in range has come down a bit used to be 30 in uh in ninth Edition but 24 still okay B you're getting two shots each model um ballistic skill three plus it's strength five AP one and damage one not bad so it's okay really good to be fair really not bad again with the stuff that we do later on really nice lethal hits I they always come in handy right you got sixes Auto wounding that's what you want next ones as well and what about the next one yeah the other option is really interesting as well this is the Tesla carbine it's really interesting because first of all it's got assault so you can advance and shoot good um which also means you can advance and do actions really but it's also got sustained hits too which is really thematic you think about the all this like Tesla energy arcing around you know bouncing off different models and stuff um so it's got 24 inch range um two attacks again per model hitting on threes strength five again but there's no AP but but and it's damage one the no AP probably everyone proba looks at that like the list and everyone Playa thinks oh well no AP well what's the point in that cuz like you need the AP in this Edition which is very true but there's little ways we can add to that later on which nice and and also volume of fire as well you know that's it you know what's it two taag each sustain two sustain two can become comes in handy comes in clutch and what about melee weapons how good are they in combat Dan are they amazing uh no I mean trying to Big them up there for a second they're kind of okay I mean they've got a a generic close combat weapon they're basically whacking you with the rifles but rifles yeah uh they've got two attacks hit on three strength four no AP and damage one yeah combat kind of get them out yeah yeah get them out so they can actually do what they're intended to do yeah they're gun they're really a gunline unit definitely really are um but very nice so moving on to the stratum side of things then so we've got a few of them um the first one we're going to be looking at is the canopic Court the it's called solar pulse this one um so it's one CP H it happens in your the start of the shooting phase so that's key though the start of the shooting phase um not when this unit decides it's the start don't forget that um Target one cryptech model from your army um you um you select one OB marker within 18 in of the canop of the cryptech model until the end of the phase weapons equipped by friendly necro models have the ignores cover ability when targeting units within range of that objective Mar so they're not getting that plus one to the save so it can be really handy especially if you're the units position like one little guy just took behind the corner it's like oh that unit's going to get thingy it's like no tell you what I'm going to remove that just to ensure that my AP weapons are going to get through that yes that unit so quite handy yeah definitely for you um as we said there a shooty unit so giving a little Strat to give them a little bit of help to delete something that needs to on an objective why not yeah if it's going to if it's going to get them off the point to then stop them from scoring next turn probably worthwhile doing definitely worth it um next one Dan the next one is our old favorite from the hyper Crypt Legion Cosmic Precision really good for this uh this is a strategic Ploy um it's only one CP and this is the one where if you're arriving units arriving from Deep strike or from hyperphase uh instead of having to be outside of nine of enemy units you can be outside of three so you can get a lot closer but a unit like this um with battle line with it oc2 and some and some good guns if you can use this to tow onto an objective and then delete what's on the objective EAS steal it right yeah and I think as well this is where we used to see The Meta with h imot the storm load he has an ability to basically in his shooting phase to do a um the lightning like 12 in so again that he normally comes with that position to drops down Immortals fire he blows his load however you want to say it and then just your your steel objectives which is really really handy yeah so good the poor man's version is the plasma so which will point and stuff and do Mortal wounds no but um yes um then yep one last one H I'm going going to going to butcher this name again obank I would have I was on it my tongue so there again this one is one CP um this one is it's called enslaved artifice um is it yeah so it's used in NE obes fanks um Detachment I was going to say have we have you ever used that Detachment no but I'm there's we'll come on to this in a little bit but there's I'm tempted to try a sleeping kind of G on this one isn't it yeah yeah I'm Ted to try it so this one if no one's probably actually read this one before but it happens in your shooting phase or fight phase you select one nekron's unit from your army uh that's not been um selected to shoot or fight this phase yes until the end of the phase each time a model in your unit makes an attack an unmodified hit roller five scores a critical hit see that you can combo that with the sustain two or lethals that's really good that's really nice yeah either way you play whichever load weapon load out you're running um that can really benefit that you can do it with a with by putting a plasma an in unit as well but there's reasons why you might want a different cryp Tech in that unit which we're about to come on to yeah that's really good I think they're all the strategems that we like to use yeah pretty much yeah I mean there's a bunch of like the generic ones which fit as well but those are the three key ones I think yeah ones that like probably stand out as like maybe uniqueness to how the best player this unit I would say um right well I guess we've got a lot to cover in this section because they are such a versatile unit that's worth talking about so Daniel start off with how best to play this unit yeah so we're going wanted to start with um unit sizes so obviously you can run them in fives or tens um and uh I prefer them in units of 10 just for the damage output really and for the extra OC you get obviously and it makes a little bit harder to shift you know a bit more resilient I agree and also if you Chuck in if I'm if I'm going to invest in a character to lead a unit I want to Max that unit size so that they we get the best benefit out that that's it you want to stop stock up on points to make sure that you're going be doing the best output and U I mean fivan units particularly with the Tesla because it gives them Advance they can be good for secondaries because you can move you know you can you've got that added movement um so there is there is some play there for them but for me it's it's 10 man all the way yeah I would agree I would agree with that one what about best Detachment do you reckon yes the best Detachment for me is the canopic CT it's just it's just good all around one basically but basically this one has built in rerolls um to the wound roll and plus rerolls to the hit roll as well and so when you're in the power Matrix you get because of the Detachment rule you're getting your rerolls and but this unit has it built in re roll of wound rules of one and if you're on objective rerolls of full so you can yeah so if you're in your if you if they're led by a cryptic and you're in your power Matrix you're getting your opponent's on an objective you're getting full rerolls to hit and full rerolls to wound crazy is really good so nice isn't it yeah yeah um now the next one's quite an open one but there's a lot to it yeah load out leader really which I mean um it depends on your meta I think a lot so init there's a lot of people that like to take the gaus guns because you get the minus one AP yeah the um and you're getting lethal hits so if if you need those lethals and you need that AP then then okay sure that works for you definitely my counterargument to the AP are is that as you just mentioned is almost almost all units are in cover yeah um most of the time yeah so the the AP difference between the G and the Tesla doesn't doesn't actually make a lot of difference does it it really doesn't so the Tesla with the sustain 2 um you're getting a lot more hits and I think because the meta is Shifting um we're starting to see uh Orcs out right on top yeah and you know we're seeing orc list with 100 120 boys coming at you you want to try and thin that that her com yeah absolutely call as many of them as you can can so all of a sudden Tesla that Tesla with the two sustained hits the ability to get those um uh yeah you got your rerolls you can get your crits on fives if you know what you're doing so Tesla becomes very very powerful I think in that situation very true very it also obviously Tesla gives you move advance and shoot and um even if you do need the AP you can run them with luminor erors who can give you that plus one to um to your AP and and inbuilt armor of contempt yeah um for your troops keeps them make more sturdy there's not a lot of in this list that makes them hardier but the the output that they can do or maybe the flexibility that they can do is definitely there with this unit in their leaders that they can bring because again we mentioned briefly before but like you can bring like an Overlord and a cryp in this two benefit to P so many units out there only getting one benefit so again quite a nice combo and we um beyond that we open this up to the nekron community on social media again um uh and we got some absolutely filthy tactics back hon I'm loving this section only because all this stuff learning so much more than stuffff mean some of you are pure evil but we absolutely love it some of you I mean it's like the the names at the end that we're going to give out prob you name and shame them really it's not a thank you look at these name and shame these people is awful we're going to whack all your names up in credits um because there's too many of you to mention um like we' be here all day reading them out but thank you again but um we'll get let's dive into it do you want to do the first one I certainly can both on when you told me I was like you're lying I was like you can't do that and you're like no you can't so yeah so um this was filthy it's awful and I didn't even consider it I don't like the unit but um 10 Immortals with a chronomancer inside of a knfe night side nobody takes a night no one takes Flyers anymore because they're just bit silly but basically you disembark the unit you shoot with the unit um and then you basically are able with the chronomancer to to scoot back inside of the night so normally I think everyone's right there saying well you can't disembark and then Embark again in the same turn yeah but there's a loophole isn't there disembark and gete right so this is a different phase so you basally disembark your movement you get out you get in the right position you move into your shooting phase you shoot all your weapons and since the chronomancer can move and shoot you then move back in to your unit so you're keeping your that unit safe that sexy it's so good with the night you know they have um obviously they can move a long way 60 in I want to say off the top of my head at least that was what that was yeah they can move a long way you got a lot of M there it gives an added layer of protection I mean night size are not as tanky as certain tanks obviously but they're not meant to be their fly but it's an added layer of protection on top of that as well though so if you're in the hyper CP Legion at the end of your opponent's turn you can remove the KN Si off the field to come back in in your movement phase that's mad so again it's just that that ever ending combo of like w right right they're here they're going to do this right now they're moving packing up moving over here I have to try this I've nearly got a night side finished playing up I really want to try I've got my imals here I've got my so I'm half tempted so I me that's just it's one of those ones that passes the would I how would I feel if my opponent did that to me test yeah and I'll be like this that would make me cry you know what I mean yeah I want to kill oh no they're off damn it but that's a really good one but that we got many more sorry we'll rattle on but the next one's fairly straightforward is is um another idea is to keep some fiveman Tesla unit units with Tesla in reserve because they're great for um late mid well mid game CU they've got to come on by turn three but those mid game secondaries and also even five of them oc2 that's 10 that's 10 OC so you can like sneak on and Nick some Nick some objectives as well so there is and they're quite you know 75 points for a naked like fiveman unit with no with no leader it's worth it it is worth it and even if you throw in a cron man s in there for what like 50 60 points that's you're in you you you moved you have a Kim on you shoot and you get onto an objective most objectives in 10 are just outside of six inches yeah you can't can't you can't just walk on from Reserve yeah but the corner maner you you come on you shoot and then you move on it yeah 10 10 straight away clever good way of stealing it good what's up next next one again a very good combo so again you're comboing 10 Immortals with um the otch the storm Lo and a chronomancer for holding down the home field objective straight away you must be thinking that's going to be quite expensive 100 odd points cor Mana 60 points these guys um you know it all adds up to like what 200 odd points three yeah 300 probably chipping 300 points and these guys are going to hold your back line and straight you might think well I don't want to keep 300 close to 300 points on my back line like I want them up the field and doing work well do not worry so what you can do with this guy imot is going to be for fing you CP each turn you get an extra CP for imotech being on the on the battlefield which is really good you want that CP for later on for other things yeah and he's protected because he's tucked away on your home objective exactly and then what you do is youas move your your guys off out of cover to shoot up the field with the long range weapons that they've got and then they scoot them back onto your home field objective ah with the shoot and Scoot from the croner man SC the cron maner so even though it's a it's a point it feels like it looks on paper like a point sync yeah because but they're not just holding your back field objective then they're they're able once your opponent reaches that midb they can pop out do some work and they they're an enormous deterrent to you know if you can almost your opponent can't get on that objective you've got 10 you got 10 guys 10 guys of the leaders on there so I mean even if they do come in the backline 24 in range for OverWatch oh you could do some tasty OverWatch there especially CU again you're in the canopic Court you're getting those rolls as well getting full rerolls yeah cuz you're always in your power Matrix on your home objective exactly yeah brilliant so combos nicely that one is that one's good good it's good again I'm liking this because I'm like oh I'm going to start doing this sort of stuff in my Army now yeah make me a filthy better Chas well we've got two off meta ones to talk about as well though because as I said we do work with other other detachments so start with your awaken Dynasty go ahead um so again you're looking at 10 um with Tesla Immortals um you pairing him with the overlord with the Shroud you're giving him the nether realm casket which gives them unit stealth which is very nice and a plasma aner yes now you can use the the overlord allows you to use a strategy for free um so you can use a conquering Tyrant I believe is a battle tactic so that give you fre rolls to hit nice so again it's pairing with your your inherent reroll to wound y um obviously a lord has got the um an Overlord got the resurrection orb so you can pop that to bring a few back you lose a few guys you bring them back Y and you've also got the Resurrection strategy in your back pocket if you need to as well so you can make them in this Detachment you can make them um you can give them a bit more punch for shooting but also make them a bit more tanky as well so it's a nice nice Midway yeah really so yeah quite like that comb and the other one of course is when they're being led by they get plus one to hits so they'll be hit on twos yeah so yeah it's decent really okay yeah not bad not bad at all last but not least is a new obes fanks again which is a like kind of the Forgotten um Detachment at the moment you know I see this on this and I'm like I'm still bit like H well would I really use this one is it really filthy but when you kind of do talk about it it is like oh there's a it trains it TRS it's decent yeah you want to talk with uh I can do if you want yeah um so we're talking again with 10 Teslas um you're running with the overlord with the Shroud again and the Eternal conqueror um the reason you're running them with the overlord with the Shroud is because he Auto he gives you auto advance of six and Tesla is assault and is assault weapon so you advance and shoot yeah so you're looking at uh you know sixes right yeah yeah so five and then six on your advance so you're looking at 11 inch move really nice um given the Eternal conquer enhancement uh uh which is reall hits against Targets on objectives so again that's pairing very well with the reall wounds against Target and objectives yeah um running with a chronomancer and then you you're actually getting another five inches of movement so your movement's gone up to 16 inches yeah um and if you if you give them the enslaved artifice strategy you can get um the overlord can give you that for free I believe because it's a battle tactic again you getting criticals on fives instead of sixes um so that that procs really well with your with your fishing you're basically fishing for fives on your rolls to get your sustain two and you're getting your roll wounds because they're Immortals and if you're shooting um the worthy foes Target you get plus one to wound so in this Detachment it's like a mini oath of moment in your command phase you pick a unit on an object I think has to be on objective but got um uh and then you get plus one you get plus one to wound that unit so it's pretty decent and with the rolls yeah pretty yeah frees to twos withing ones nice your damage output's decent isn't it yeah that's really good well I that's all the best ways to play them and the filthy ways to play them some f for thought for us definitely there definitely good ways of playing this um how best to play against this unit then is because they're not they're not tough either no I think you're right I mean they will they will die to a charge by anything that's half decent at melee they will die to Small Arms fire because only T5 one wound three up save so you put enough LZ guns into them you kill them yeah I think it's all about just rep playing them again that way of like all right move shoot move right where we going to move and going keep them safe good or again if you're teleporting them around the board moving them back into your to kind of keep them safe that's the kind of best way to play them isn't it yes I think if you're playing against them your if your opponent's employing like those shoo and Scoot tactics or whatever you need to use your high movement um units to get line of sight or you need to bait them to come within range of a unit that you can chargeing with that's it I think best way to play them if you see them in the open take advantage get rid of them make because they they can cause a pain later on so make sure you take them out sooner rather than later but you think about something like lar jet bikes have' got I think 14 or 16 inch move if you can you you know they think they've scooted back behind some cover and you just whiz around the side of it yeah and and open up with your sharan catapults they're going to delete them they gone basically gone from so yeah there's they are um that is why it's important to if you're playing them to play them kg um because they will die to not not quite to a stiff breeze not the worst of chaff but they're not not they're not tough no definely um good I think that wraps it up that's an old yeah spot on um Lots yeah lots to talk go through there um if if there was an off chat that we haven't covered something there let us know in the comments if there's a different way that you like to use them we really interested to know and thank you again to everybody that contributed on social media and gave us some some of those um insights so some really really interesting ideas there that we're going to try out so thanks a lot thank you so much
Channel: WorHammer40k
Views: 1,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Necrons, immortals, How, play, guide, 40k, warhammer, help, wh40k, warhammer40k
Id: xykCjjQPprI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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