What's The Best Programming Language?

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the most frequently asked questions i see either on youtube comments or discord are what's the best programming language or what's the best programming language to learn first as a beginner i like to say asking what the best programming language is is like asking what's the best tool to build a house it depends just as a hammer and a saw are used for different things different languages excel better depending on the application they're being applied to also one thing to keep in mind is that there's a difference between learning a programming language and software engineering like if i gave you a hammer and some lumber you wouldn't be able to just go build a house just because you learn a programming language doesn't mean you're going to be able to architect complex software things like writing your code efficiently making it more readable so if another programmer picks it up they'll understand what's going on these are things that come with practice things from looking at other people's code so that's just something to keep in mind it's not just about learning the language but also how to use it properly so what is the best programming language well this answer is going to vary depending on what sector of software development you want to get into whether it be building games or you know developing mobile applications if you're starting out it doesn't really matter you're you know you don't even know if you're going to like programming it's best to just get your feet wet with any popular programming language and go from there but i know it can be confusing there are so many different languages out there you want to make sure that you're using your time efficiently so in this video i'm going to give you some guidance and some comparisons on what i recommend based on your goals all right let's run the intro [Music] before we jump into the video i would really appreciate it if you guys hit the like button it does help the channel in a massive massive way also feel free to join the keep on coding discord server it's totally free and you can connect with other developers and ask questions so if i started over what language would i start with there are a couple in mind here the first one is going to be php the number one language okay just kidding guys it's definitely not php the number one language i would recommend is python python is one of the most widely used and versatile languages out there you can do a lot with a little amount of code there are numerous powerful libraries you just import into your program and start using so the language itself is powerful it's super high in demand in the industry and as i've mentioned in previous videos if you're ever doing an interview you're at a huge advantage because like i said you can do a lot of stuff with a little amount of code so that's going to save you a lot of time over a language that's very verbose and that's why i recommend python as the number one language to learn currently now this may change over time in a few years there's always new languages that can pop up and become very popular but for currently in the foreseeable future that's what i would recommend now the number two language that i would recommend and speaking of verbose languages is going to be java if you've been watching this channel for a while and you've been watching me for a while you know that java is my bread and butter it's my number one so i have to recommend it and it's been one of the top languages out there for the past 20 years it's what put object-oriented programming on the map where you model your code around real-world objects and although it has lost some steam over the past few years it's still widely used and high in demand and i don't see it fading away anytime soon now java and python from a programmer's point of view are actually very similar syntactically so it's very easy to switch from one language to the other the main difference is what's under the hood uh java is a compiled language and python is an interpreted language now a language that's compiled first what it does is it takes the program and it converts it all into binary zeros and ones and then it runs the program whereas in interpreted languages it does that line by line so it takes a line converts it to binary runs it takes the next line converts it runs it so there are some performance advantages there that's a little bit outside of the scope of the video but that is something to keep in mind and look into if you'd like so let's talk about a couple other languages that i would recommend these are a lot newer i like to call them the cool kids on the block because they haven't been around for a while but they've really taken off over the recent years so the first one is going to be rust now this is syntactically similar to c plus plus but it can guarantee memory safety which c plus plus you have to actually manually manage your memory so uh it could lead to potential memory leaks and according to the 2020 stack overflow developer survey russ was actually voted the most loved language and it's not even close and it's also the fifth most wanted language there's also a really cool article on how discord writes a lot of their code in rust because the garbage collector in go was actually causing latency spikes in their app and it's actually a really cool article i'll leave a link down below if you want to check it out the second language is going to be go now it's a statically typed compiled language developed by google on that stack overflow developer survey it was voted the fifth most loved language and the third most wanted so that's really just another language that you can't go wrong with and i believe in three to five years it's just going to be more popular than it is today so let's say you have an idea of what you want to do let's talk about what the best languages are so say you know you want to get into front-end web development it's going to be javascript simply put javascript is what browsers run and that's why it's the most popular programming language in the world it was developed in like 10 days so it is a fundamentally flawed language which which can make it a little bit wonky to work with but hey that's just something you got to deal with you can also use it with back-end frameworks like node and dino so you can actually get away with having your entire tech stack in javascript now say you want to get into mobile app development the mobile app world is dominated by ios and android so if you want to develop apps for ios you're going to want to learn swift which is also developed by apple if you want to learn how to build android apps you're going to want to learn kotlin or java by the way i do have a video comparing those two languages if you want to check it out now this is a little debatable but if i were getting into mobile app development i would actually look into the mobile app frameworks these allow you to write all your code in one code base and it actually deploys both to ios and android so the first one is going to be flutter which is created by google and it uses a language called dart which is also developed by google and the other popular one is going to be react native which is created by facebook and it uses javascript so if you already know javascript or if you already know react it should be a pretty easy framework to pick up finally let's talk about game development because i know this is something that a lot of you want to get into the two largest game engines are unreal engine and unity for unreal you're going to want to learn c plus for unity it supports a few languages but c sharp is the main one so based on if you want to get into game development and which engine you prefer those would be the languages that i would go with so the main takeaway for this video is that the best language is subjective and it really just depends on what industry you want to get into and what your goals are and again if you're just starting out it doesn't really matter you're just trying to see if you even like programming and yes some languages will be harder to pick up than others like c plus is for sure a harder language to learn than python in the long run it really shouldn't affect you if you're passionate about programming and it's something you really want to get into all right so i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did again i'd really appreciate if you guys hit the like button it does help the channel in a massive way again they keep on coding discord there's a link to that down below thank you guys so much for watching and as always keep on coding [Music] you
Channel: Keep On Coding
Views: 43,484
Rating: 4.9494534 out of 5
Keywords: programming language, programming java, programming, programming python
Id: ycpvT9MrEXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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