What's The BEST BOTTLED WATER? Here's What The Rock WON'T Tell You!

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disposable bottled water is everywhere but which bottled water is the best influencers like Dwayne The Rock Johnson lead you to believe that their bottled water is the best but is it are you putting your family's health at risk by drinking bottled water check this out [Music] hi I'm Gary the water guy and I simplify water filtration to help you conquer crappy water for your family you know if you're like 43 of All Families surveyed that drink bottled water because they don't trust or don't like the taste of their tap water you need to choose the best bottled water for your family but there must be some way of cutting through all the marketing hype to find the right one well there sure is and by the end of this video you'll have all the information you need to choose the right bottled water for your family we all know about the environmental impact of the leftover plastic water bottles but stick around to the end of this video where I'll share with you the huge environmental impact caused by bottled water that nobody talks about during this video I'm going to share with you the test results and explain the differences between a dozen or so popular brands of bottled water that celebrities like Dwayne The Rock Johnson Nicole Kidman and other celebrities are promoting to be the best choice for your family and along the way I'll also explain to you the different water types that are out there including distilled water spring water reverse osmosis water and we'll even compare them to tap water and rainwater and I'll share with you how these bottled water brands differentiate themselves from each other when you look at all the bottled water options that are available on the store shelves and you really look at the labels you see it seems that they really differentiate themselves more about lifestyle as opposed to what's actually in the box but what has that got to do with the water that's in the bottles that you actually drink so we've measure the quality of water in a number of different ways so the most telling is TDS total dissolved solids and we measure that in parts per million so that's the total of all the mineral content that's in water so water that has zero mineral content like distilled water for example has zero parts per million of TDS or total dissolved solids as there's more minerals in the water the TDS goes higher and higher water is a natural solvent so what happens it dissolves whatever comes into contact with and that's how that increases the mineral content so the longer that water is in the ground in an area where there's Limestone or something like that the more those minerals it accumulates inside the water and the TDS goes up and the less pure the water becomes and we measure TDS with a TDS meter now according to the EPA drinking water standard for total dissolved solids is 500 parts per million or less and we use the TDS meter just like this one to measure the TDS of the bottled water we're talking about here today and if you'd like to test the TDS of your water I've got a great YouTube video that shows you how I'll put a link in the description down below we also tested the pH of the water so pH it tells us if the water is neutral acidic or alkaline which is the opposite of acidic so 7.0 is neutral or basic anything below that is acidic anything above that is alkaline we also measure the hardness of the water that's the amount of calcium magnesium that's in the water that leaves scale deposits behind whenever water touches the surface we used our water test kit to measure both the ph and the hardness of the water so on this pyramid chart you can see the relative differences in hard water compared to soft water so for example you can see that softened water has eight parts per million or less soft water is between 17 and 63 parts per million that's water that's just naturally soft moderately hard water is 60 to 119 parts per million hard water 119 to 179 then we get to very hard water well none of the waters we tested here the bottled water came into that range so there's a lot of great information on these itty bitty labels on the back of these water bottles but you need to first of all be able to see them and secondly need to be able to decipher the information that's on there to find out how useful that information is to you when making a choice of this bottled water for your family so the first piece of information you should really look at is what type of water is so on this one here it says natural spring water so this is what those symbols on the ingredient labels on the bottle actually tell us so Nas sodium as is arsenic ac03 is bicarbonate CA is calcium and nitrogen PB is lead hopefully we don't have any lead in any of these Waters K is potassium and then we can go on to see that sio2 is silicon CL is chlorine or chlorides CU is copper mg is magnesium f is fluoride so4 sulfate ZN is zinc and NO3 are nitrates to get a baseline for comparison purposes I'm going to compare bottled water to tap water rain water and Lake water why rain in Lake water well I don't know about you but I believe mankind bees Birds trees everything was put on this planet with the intention of consuming water from lakes or from rain water or that kind of natural water source I don't believe we were really meant to drill holes 200 feet down in the ground and suck up water from Wells and that was our intended water to drink the most likely drinking water sources for us before they became polluted were lakes rivers and rainwater so as you can see here the pH of city water or Municipal Water water is around seven River Lake water is 6.2 and rain water is 5.5 now these are kind of averages there's always going to be some give and take with different areas but TDS for example 300 parts per million Municipal Water again it's about average river or lake water is quite a bit lower around 127 and rain water is much lower about 11. hardness in parts per million 136 parts per million that's kind of average municipal water river lake waters around 80 and rainwater is very low at five and the cost well of course Municipal Water there is some cost not a very high cost but rain and Lake water well it's free now many of the bottles of water we're talking about here today are spring water so what's Spring Water Well it comes from a spring underneath the ground there's also Artesian spring water again is forced from an underground aquifer that forces the water up under pressure and forces up to the surface or at least above the top of the aquifer for that Artesian spring water now there's no no health or chemical or any kind of benefits to Artesian spring water over regular spring water so for spring water to be able to be called Spring Water they can't process the water they can't do anything else with it other than run it through a carbon filter and an ultraviolet light to make sure it's bacteria free before it gets bottled all right first up we've got Fiji so Fiji Water comes from you guessed it from Fiji you know where Survivor is filmed anyway it's natural spring water tells us that right here on the label and it actually even tells you what island or what area of Fiji that this water comes from so again because it's spring water it's processed it runs through a carbon filter also runs it through a ultraviolet disinfection system to make sure it's safe and bacteria free when it gets bottled into these bottles and the website tells us that it's tested regularly from hundreds of organic and inorganic chemicals we tested Fiji Water with a pH of 7.7 so it is alkaline water it also shows as a hardness of 85 parts for a million which is quite hard it's going to clog your Keurig and the total to solved solids came in at 131 parts per million which again for bottled water is quite High Fiji Water gets high praises from actor Nicole Kidman who endorses them for being a green company but when we look at the label you can see that there's a lot of stuff in this water so first of all there's potassium five parts per million calcium 18 parts per million fluoride 0.24 parts per million that's unusual to find that in bottled water chlorides 10 parts per million in sodium 18 parts per million that's a lot of sodium just to give you some idea sodium reduced diet is 20 parts per million or less so you can see it 18 parts per million this is super high in sodium one of the reasons the water probably tastes quite good again you add salt to food to make it taste better well the same scenario with this so lead of course there's zero and that's great silica 93 copper zero zero zinc pH is 7.7 which is very close to what we tested it at bicarbonates 154 magnesium 15 nitrates point 0.3 sulfates two and zero arsenic my problem with this bottled water and it's pretty much the same problem with most bottled water is the amount of time that the water sits in those bottles like for example is bottled in Fiji we know that and then it gets I assume goes to a warehouse there and then from the warehouse it goes to a coast and then from a coast that goes onto a container ship and then that container ship goes across the ocean and then it comes to North America where again it gets loaded onto a truck and it gets delivered to I assume fiji's Warehouse in North America and then from there it goes to a warehouse of a grocery store and then from there goes you see where I'm getting at it's a long time between where the water enters the bottle and where it enters your mouth and gets used up remember water is a natural solvent it dissolves when it comes into contact with so it's sitting in those bottles coming into contact with the plastic in those bottles for a long time also you never know about the environment that water is sitting in how hot it gets sitting in those container ships in those warehouses those kinds of things definitely something to consider when thinking about getting bottled water for your family and there's another huge environmental problem about the water being bottled and being shipped especially from Europe to North America but we'll get to that a little bit later next up we have Icelandic glacial water so this one comes from you guessed it Iceland it says it's from the legendary 5000 year old off of spring this pristine natural spring water is filtered through ancient lava rock creating remarkable Purity and optimal mineral balance so they say it has a naturally high pH of 8.4 so if you're looking for alkaline water this is a good choice we tested it as 8.0 but it's pretty close the TDS tested at 52 parts per million which is very low for spring water and the hardness 17 parts per million so one of the things that makes Icelandic water somewhat unique is that they're high ph and their alkalinity in their water is naturally occurring because as the water is filtered through Lava Rock it raises the ph and it also raises the TDS content of the water but only marginally so when you check out the label on the Icelandic water you can see it's a much cleaner label especially when compared to Fiji Water so as you can see for example bicarbonates 33 calcium is only six magnesium only two chlorides is 12 a bit of potassium at one there's sodium at 11 parts per million and you can see sulfates three but again similar concerns the amount of time that it takes for bottled it to get it into your hands it's a long time next up we have boss which is artesian or spring water which comes from pristine Wilderness of Southern Norway sounds pretty fancy doesn't it false water boasts as an extremely low TDS total dissolved solids they say it's around 40 parts per million but actually we measured it at only 23 parts per million Foss water tested at extremely low 5.0 pH which means that fast water is the most acidic water here their website says that Voss water water is certified as kosher in case that's important to you too Dwayne The Rock Johnson is an actor and former wrestler who promotes the Vos water bottle brand the rock is more than just a promoter that's on a brand deal he actually owns a piece of the company which is why he promotes the brand although it is promotional material I found it odd that he doesn't talk at all about the taste of the water he just talks about where it comes from and why it's significant and of course we got the same concerns about shipping that water all the way from Southern Norway to you so for Voss water again you can see that the label is quite clean now we know there's 23 parts per million in there but the label doesn't really give us any clue of what makes up that 23 parts per million so like I say it's a very clean label a little suspicious though so next up we have Evian water so if you look at the label it says Evian made by the French Alps and it also says natural electrolytes a little bit of new information there we tested the pH of Evian water at 8.0 which makes it alkaline water we also tested told results at 283 parts per million which is quite High and the hardness at 136 parts per million was among the highest of the bunch this stuff will definitely clog your Keurig their label and website states that they've got 6.5 parts per million of sodium content so if your family's on the sodium reduced diet this definitely isn't the right water for you in fact truth be told many communities have tap water with similar specifications although their pH typically wouldn't be quite that high American and Pirelli calendar model Gigi Hadid is a big fan of Evian water she says she shares the same Health philosophy as the brand according to their website Evian is partnering with the Paris fashion house Balmain and the creative director Olivia rustein and they're designing a limited edition 700 milliliter glass bottle with egg in water and Balmain signature gold lettering and a lot of other cool graphics no word whatsoever about whether the water is going to be any different so when we look at the Evian label you can see if there's a lot of stuff in this water so calcium at 80 magnesium 26 parts per million we can see that there's the salt we talked about already at 6.5 potassium at one bicarbonate 360 sulfates at 14 chlorides at 10 nitrates at one and we have silicon at 15. first time we've had silicone in any of these Waters and fluorides at 0.1 so again we've got the same concerns about this water being bottled in the French Alps and being shipped all the way to you here as we mentioned earlier now one of the things that's different on the label here it says natural electrolytes what are electrolytes electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge so they're vital to the operation of our bodies they're contained within our blood within our urine and within our sweat common electrolytes are sodium potassium magnesium bicarbonate and sulfates so how do we get electrolytes well 97 comes from a balanced diet in the foods that we eat now most of that comes from sodium now in North America there's lots of sodium them in our diet so we definitely don't need to add more in our water chlorides are found in table salt potassium is in fruits like bananas avocados and sweet potatoes other common foods with electrolytes are beans potatoes fish milk and nuts I've put a link from Healthline in the description down below that gives you a list of 25 sources of electrolytes calcium is found in dairy products and orange juice in fact that eight ounce glass of orange juice will give you 30 percent of your daily intake requirement in calcium all right let's do a quick comparison of the spring water that we've touched on so far so you can see when we compare Fiji Icelandic Voss and evigan the pH is all fairly high it's on the alkaline side except for Voss you can see it's quite acidic the total dissolved solids you can see there's quite a range Voss is the lowest at 23 parts per million and Evian is the highest at 283. hardness again you can see Voss is zero which makes sense the water is soft and it ranges up to Evian at 136 parts per million and the cost you can see again it's all over the board Fiji is you know medium cost let's say none of these bottles of water are cheap but boss Icelandic are the highest and Evian kind of in between next up we have Perrier water so Perrier water is carbonated natural spring water so they've taken the spring water and they put bubbles into it so their website says that they've been bottling this product for over 150 years and that lots of folks enjoy the natural taste and the carbonation in the water the website says they're originating in France and their effervescent spirit is known worldwide although this water has a low pH of 5.0 it has a high TDS of 260 parts per million which definitely makes it a mineral water and again the same concern about chipping this water all the way from France to North America and when looking at the Perrier label you can see why the TDS of the total dissolved solids is so high you can see there's magnesium in there you can see there's sulfates in there chloride is in there high sodium content at almost 10 parts per million and you can see the bicarbonate is super high again because they put those bubbles in there to make it fizzy water so next up is flow water so I guess this isn't technically bottled water because they classify this as a box so this is I guess box water but anyway it's natural spring water but the big difference between this spring water and the other ones we talked about so far is this one comes from North America so the pH is 8.0 the TDs is 286 parts per million so it's fairly high in Mineral content which again makes this mineral water and full of electrolytes and the hardness again definitely on the high side at 85 parts per million now their packaging is definitely unique they're trying to get away from those concerns about those plastic bottled water so they say it's a hundred percent recyclable and 68 to 75 percent renewable and the cap is plant-based now if you crave alkaline water and you believe in the merits of the packaging this one might be a good choice for your family and as you can see there's very little information on that label what makes up that 286 parts per million of total dissolved solids so your guess is as good as mine I'm thinking sodium next up Liquid death so as you can see this I guess technically isn't bottled water now we've got canned water so is this basically just Spring Water that's comes from a spring that's been put into a can to make it look like a beer can yep that's exactly what it is the liquid death website tells us that liquid death water comes from an underground Mountain Water Source that's protected by a couple hundred feet of stone and the water's tapped Straight From the Source into these airtight cans they also claim that it goes through a fancy purification process that 100 maintains the chemical profile of the water straight as it comes from that Mountain Water Source now I'm thinking it probably goes through a carbon filter and an UltraViolet disinfection system to make sure the water is odor and bacteria free and as you can see there's a little bit of different information on the can here so they tell you that it's bottled at frankenmart in Austria it also tells us that the cans contain 23 times more recycled content than plastic bottles so again they're differentiating themselves from those plastic bottles liquid death promotes itself with International wrapper Whiz Khalifa who says it's great bong water he went on Instagram showing liquid death water playing poured into his bong before smoking and if you go onto their website you'll see videos and other content that supports that kind of a lifestyle and again no one mentions anything about the taste of the water or whether it's good for you or not so as you probably guessed by now is just a unique marketing Ploy of putting spring water in a tall boy deer camp I could definitely see why Nicole Kidman doesn't promote this brand next up we've got Nestle Pure Life Spring Water now one thing you'll notice is it doesn't actually say Nestle on here now there's been a lot of controversy in the last few years about Nestle sucking water out of the ground and depleting some aquifers in British Columbia and in Ontario in Canada so there's been a lot of controversy also coming about where this water actually comes from right now and and that may be why it doesn't say Nestle on this bottle so when we look at the Nestle Pure Life Spring Water label you can see there's not a whole lot of information here always telling us is a whole bunch of zeros it says sodium 25 milligrams and that's per 500 milliliters of water so that's a lot of salt in there tells us calcium 50 milligrams but it doesn't tell us much other than it's just as ingredients spring water and ozone which means that they've gas flushed it through ozone to make sure that it's bacteria free but let's see what we tested it as on their website it shows different amounts of pH that they've tested it for it depends on the source where it's coming from one shows 7.8 pH the other shows 6.5 which is quite a difference now we tested Nestle Pure Life Spring water with a pH of 7.5 but it had a super high 516 parts per million total dissolved solids yes you can definitely call this mineral water but that 516 parts per million is definitely higher than the 500 parts per million that's recommended by the EPA as drinking water at 153 parts per billion of hardness this water is hard don't even think about about using this in your Keurig and when you drink this water you'll notice how thick or how dense it feels and that's because of that super high mineral content in that water but Pure Life Spring Water is the cheapest of the bunch and given all the controversy no celebrities endorsed this product I sure wouldn't and I'm sure there's not enough money in the world to get the rock to drink this stuff when comparing these four water brands you can see that again there's a huge difference pH periods the lowest of 5.0 flow and liquid death are the highest at 8.0 the Nestle is somewhere in between the parts per million again you can see these are all very much on the high side ranging from liquid death of 212 parts per million up to that crazy number of 516 parts per million of the Nestle Water the hardness again they're all fairly hard and they're all going to cause problem if you use them in your Keurig as I mentioned before but again you can see there's a big difference in cost the flow and the Nestle are fairly low in cost while the Perrier and the liquid death are somewhere in between again Perrier being the higher one again that Panache of the French Alps in there makes them feel they can justify the higher cost so next up we're talking about reverse osmosis water what's reverse osmosis it's water that's being forced through a membrane so Under Pressure it's being forced through the low mineral content water goes through the membrane the high mineral content water is used to flush that membrane and to keep it clean and that low mineral content water is what's being bottled and if you're looking for more information about how reverse osmosis actually works I've got a great YouTube video I'll put a link in the description down below and if you're concerned about some of the myths and miscommunications which is super hard to say about reverse osmosis again I've got a great YouTube video that explains it all and again I got a link in the description down below so first up is Aquafina reverse osmosis water which is owned by Pepsi so they take Municipal Water they process it through the reverse osmosis process they get rid of the impurities and they make sure that it's bacteria and chemical free and bottle it we tested Aquafina water at one part per million TDS and a slightly acidic pH of 6.5 Aquafina water is soft tastes clean and fresh and you'll notice the difference it tastes very thin and that's the difference because the TDs is so much lower than some of those spring waters we talked about earlier Gillian Smith fashion director for New York Fashion Week says she stays hydrated while working by drinking Aquafina water as you can see on the label there's very little information because there's only one measly part per million of mineral content so next up is Dasani water which is owned by you guessed it Coca-Cola so they have reverse osmosis water that's been remineralized in other words they put the water through the reverse osmosis process and then they've added some minerals back into the water so what do they add into the water to remineralize it well they add magnesium sulfate potassium chloride and salt they say that's what gives Dasani its unique taste and health benefits now we know that adding salt to food makes it taste better but I've never heard of adding salt as a health benefit now we tested Dasani water at a higher 28 part per million of TDS and that's likely because of the stuff they've added back into the water and it had a slightly more acidic pH of 6.1 compared to the Aquafina and it was soft and tastes basically clean and fresh and similarly it has a medium price just like the Aquafina wire and dasani's provided us with some information on this label about what's actually in the water so you can see that the total results is less than 35 parts per million and it can also see that it's reverse osmosis water it's non-carbonated but they don't tell us what that 35 parts per million is made up of exactly Ardo Life water is another reverse osmosis water that's been remineralized it's been re-mineralized to neutralize the pH usually they add calcium to do that and it's also has some electrolytes added to improve the taste we tested Auto Life water 23 parts per million total dissolved solids a neutral pH of 7.0 and a hardness of only 17 parts per Milli now one thing that definitely differentiates this water from the rest is the gorgeous artwork on the bottle now the water itself yeah it has a neutral pH for reverse osmosis water yeah it's slightly remineralized but other than that pretty much the same old stuff and Ardo Life water has a very unique way of showing their ingredients on their bottle and although their mineral content is very low they've chosen to show them to us so as you can see bicarbonates fairly high at 11. calcium is quite low at 0.1 parts per million magnesium again also low 1.8 there is some potassium in there one of the highest of the bottled water that we've tested here today at 7.1 sodium very low and again you can see the sulfate 7.4 now one of those samples I couldn't get a sample of was boxed water now in Canada they only sold one place that sold it we drove there they didn't have any yeah they offered to ship it to us but it was going to be a 50 shipping fee so we passed so basically it's reverse osmosis water that's basically in what looks like a milk carton and they say it's a renewable resource they say it's a hundred percent recycle level so again they're looking at a unique way of getting rid of plastic bottled water waste and impact on the environment taking the information from the box water website it says that their pH is 6.4 so it is acidic like most reverse osmosis waters are and the mineral content is only two parts per million so basically it's reverse osmosis water in what looks like a milk cart but it definitely is a way to minimize the environmental impact of all those wasted plastic water bottles Kiki Palmer an American actress singer and TV personality has been singing the Praises of box water and talking about how environmentally conscious their product actually is funny though again she doesn't talk anything about the Great Taste or how she enjoys it or how her friends enjoy it so when we do a comparison of the reverse osmosis Waters we see that when it comes to pH Dasani is the lowest Ardo Life water is the highest of the reverse osmosis ones and that's because they've remineralized the water usually adding calcium to increase the pH total dissolved solids range from one for aqua Athena and around one or two for boxed water up to the remineralized waters are 23 28 hardness the sunny basically came in at one Aquafina with zero box water I'm sure it would be zero also again the Ardo life because they've added calcium to the water that's an element of hardness it brings it up slightly and you can see the cost boxed water was definitely the highest the other three were about the same cost next up we've got smart water so smart water is vapor distilled water so the distillation process basically how that works is water is boiled and then the condensation that collects you can collect it you know by putting a piece of metal above it or whatever the condensation collects on the surface runs down and that water is distilled water so it's a very very pure water very low in Mineral content usually zero parts per million of mineral content generally speaking distilled water tastes awful because there's absolutely nothing in it whatsoever to give it any taste so from their website SmartWater says that it's distilled British Spring Water that's had electrolytes added for Taste interestingly enough the parent company of smart water is owned by Coca-Cola which means the same company that owns Dasani also owns smart water when we look at the Smart Water label you can see a little bit of information but not a whole lot as you read down lower you can see ingredients Vapor distilled water calcium chloride magnesium chloride potassium bicarbonate and ozone smart water has a pH level of 6.5 total dissolved solids of 25 parts per million and it's super soft at a hardness of one they say that electrolytes are added to improve the taste but because the TDs is so low there can't be a whole lot Zendaya a global actress has been named AS smartwater's Global brand ambassador she says and I quote I'm proud to work with a brand that encourages those in pursuit of something smarter and shares a vision of universal access to safe and clean water Sandaya goes on to say when I'm on a set backstage or in between meetings smart water helps me stay hydrated and keep it smart see what she did there curious though why she doesn't say anything but why she offers this brand of bottled water to any other brand of bottled water but then that seems to be the case with all of the bottled water influencers doesn't it this is basically just remineralized distilled water in a nice looking bottle now let's talk about the elephants in the room when it comes to the environmental impact of boxed canned or bottled water what no one ever talks about is the environmental impact and carbon footprint of shipping all that bottled water remember it's heavy it's in large containers and it needs to be shipped so whether it's being shipped by truck is being shipped by a cargo ship across the ocean there's a huge environmental impact I wonder what the Rock thinks about that so what kind of water do I and my family drink when we're at home and work we drink reverse osmosis water but we don't drink bottled water we have our own reverse osmosis drinking water system so we take our tap water and we further purify it through a reverse osmosis drinking water system and we have one faucet at the kitchen sink that we use to fill up our bottles and we also have that connected to a water line that goes into our fridge so that we can get cold water from our fridge and also our ice cubes are made with delicious reverse osmosis drinking water and if you prefer alkaline water as opposed to reverse osmosis water you can always re-mineralize that reverse osmosis water just by adding a filter so that as the water heads through your faucet it's been remineralized and it's good to go and if you'd like to get some more information about a reverse osmosis drinking water system for your family you can go to our websites either waterestore.com in the U.S waterestore.ca in Canada we offer free shipping and discount pricing not only is reverse osmosis great tasting drinking water the process also removes all the Pharmaceuticals and personal care products from the water it removes 90 percent of the mineral content including lead sodium and arsenic it removes bacteria and viruses from your water and chemicals like chlorine chloramines herbicides and pesticides and if we do a quick comparison of Home reverse osmosis water compared to City river or Rainwater you can see again the home reverse osmosis water is again very similar to rain or river or lake water the total dissolved solids is low again like rain and relatively low like river or lake water much lower than City water and the hardness and parts per million is basically zero so again you don't have to worry about that Keurig and whenever we're traveling or on vacation we can always find a great source of reverse osmosis bottled water click here for your next video on reverse osmosis drinking water systems and I'll see you there any questions or comments add them down below
Channel: Gary the Water Guy
Views: 373,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bottled water, bottled water brands, bottled water Costco, nestle bottled water, what is the best bottled water to drink, does bottled water have fluoride, healthiest bottled water, is bottled water distilled, Dasani water, best bottled water, montellier, voss spring water from Norway, the rock, Dwayne the rock johnson, fiji natural spring water, evian, nestle pure life, arto life wtr, smart water, boxed water, flow water, reverse osmosis water, spring water
Id: SmHXXDL38wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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