What's so special about new Russian tanks? T-90M & T-80BVM tank review

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[Music] what's so special about new Russian tanks specifically the 90 M and T 80 BV M revealed the tankers day in Russia last year what puts them aside from previous Russian tanks why are those upgrades so important I will try to answer those questions for you in the best way possible first we will start with the 90 M T 90 M is a further upgrade of T 90 a tank that entered service in 2004 and featured new welded turret that increased its protection 1990 M retains the design of the welded turret but instead of older kontakt-5 explosive reactive Armour although being good started getting obsolete because of presence of more powerful tarnish and heat projectiles it receives new relic ie a designed to defeat condensate projectiles a more modern armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding C but such as ma 293 according to me Stolley the tank also received cage armor it is also worth mentioning that unlike the popular opinion there is no explosive reactive armour on the side of the hull the side skirts composed of steel plates an army - reinforced rubber quitting something similar to non explosive reactive Armour composition it is unknown what that kind of armor is capable of sides of the turret are apparently equipped with the different expose the reactive Armour apparently for s 24 blocks specifically designed to be tandem shaped high-explosive anti-tank and they are pretty good at it but ap as yes production they provide is minimal therefore a hit at the side of the turret with a PP SDS with the result in penetration now unlike older designs where ammo outside of auto loader is located inside the turret compartment 99 TM ammo is moved from inside to the ammo rack outside which has blast doors and blowout panels making it completely safe for the crew inside this was done because Russian research found out that majority of catastrophic explosions soviet designs and notorious for happen because em outside of the outer loader gets ignited especially in the turret more recently for older designs crews have been advised not to load ammo in the turret but that reduces the amount of ammo but thanks to a new design they can carry all ammunition and don't worry Auto order also received protection to protect it from shrapnel safety is also increased by the presence of our emit cover which is non flammable and serves to catch all small fragments from armored or projectile when or if the penetration occurs the 90m also has ability to fire most modern equally as diaz projectiles such as swing it's one ends minutes to commander of t90 M received independent thermal viewer known as half chi or Falcon eye which has new Catherine XP third-generation thermal imaging system giving commander ability to detect tank targets up to some kilometers according to Tallis gunner has Cesana who main gun sight which has Catherine FC second generation thermal imaging system and according to Tallis has at action range for tank targets up to four and a half kilometers but commander having third generation thermal imaging system means that gunner does not require thermal sight as good or better because commander is the one who will be spotting for targets anyway gunner only has to see them and according to Tallis Catherine FC can see tank size targets up to ten and a half kilometers although all four and a half kilometers they would still appear only as white blobs but cannon would still be able to engage them commander also has access to remotely controlled machine gun which is connected to the half guy and he also has asses to the yesl to the network-centric system which first introduced 1998 10010 gives him ability to track the vehicle and all friendly units on the real-time map and gives him ability to stay in contact with all units that are part of the system no matter if those are helicopters mobile artillery and so on the 90mm also has another interesting feature the plur sight which serves as backup and is protected when not used double can be used by both gunner and Commander if their main sights are taken out and also has access to Catherine FC thermal imaging system something most backup sites lack because the weight is increased to 48 tons new 11 130 horsepower engine has been implemented instead of previous styles and horsepower engine together with APU to power the tank systems when engine is turned off on top of all those things t9 TM has four cameras outside of the vehicle that provide the crew with 360° view commander's hatch can be modified that is it can be put in any position so the commander can use it as a protection when peeking outside of the vehicle unlike older t-series vision blocks for the commander have been enlarged and now give him much clearer view compared to other tanks tank also received heat shields to reduce its thermal signature the main gun now received muzzle reference sensor which helps correct the accuracy of the gun when heated or in very low temperatures Stora Dazzlers have been removed and laser warning receivers now take their positions removing the Dazzlers enabled far better area coverage since Dazzlers don't reliably work on most modern interiors although Dazzlers have been removed automatic smoke screaming against laser-guided 83 amps is still present the ATB VM is brought in as a decision to modernize ta tbv tanks from the stock new ta TBM tanks are equipped with relic explosive reactive armor and cage armor but the aatb VI modernization is not as good as the one of t 90 M first thing you can immediately see is the absence of safe America to retire which means crew has to either risk putting extra rounds or decide not to load them and lead them without that extra ammunition turret is old cast turret which many think that even with a relic it wouldn't be able to survive a hit from modern ApS dsm such as ma 293 or DM 63 another thing to notice is the absence of CI TV and remotely controlled machine gun instead commader had access to passive infrared which has the view range of around 1 kilometer depending on the light polarized and what commander 39 TM has the other hand it also has a snowman gunsight together with the Doppler which can be noticed that unlike t-72b3 that also has awesomely equipped all mingun sight is removed which served as backup site on t-72b3 now duper serves its purpose which as I mentioned is protected when not used and also has a siz - Catherine FC thermal imaging system the tank is most definitely also quit with yes due to the network centric system since it's meant to serve for the long time in the future and all modern Russian designs a part of such system TATP VM unlike T 80 BV has new 1250 horsepower gas turbine engine instead of the OD 1,100 horsepower one together with new apu that drastically reduces fuel consumption on idle dat b vm is also equipped with new out-of-order giving it a system us a PSD as projectiles Russian army ordered 31 to 90 M tanks out of which 10 will be completely new and the rest upgrades of t90 a tanks tanks are said to be delivered in couple of months they also ordered 62 t 80 BV M tanks so it is in plan to equip one tank regiment with 390 m tanks and - with dat b vm tanks in very near future upgrades and production of t90 m tanks are being held a tunisian de Gil well upgrades of te 80 BV - dat BM tanks are being held at on trans mesh so it ensures its production and upgrades of one don't interfere with the other one that is it thanks for watching as always sources are in the description make sure to subscribe if you're new to the channel or drawing the disco server have a nice day and I will see you all in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: RedEffect
Views: 202,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T-90, T-80, T-90M, T-80BVM, tank, tanks, armor, armour, T90, T80, T-72, Russia, RUA, Tankers Day, New Russian tanks, T-14, Armata, USSR, tenk, T-72B3, T72B3, T-90MS, T-90SM, T90MS, aw, wot, M1, Abrams, FLIR, CITV
Id: D6uBD_BUxAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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