What's New In PTC #Creo 8.0 - #PDSVISION

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[Music] today's theme if you look at freddie mercury he had his trademark with the eeo we at pdf's vision have mikko hinkanan his trademark is creo and by that i hand over to mikko thank you very much roger for this nice introduction my you know trademark is bad here today every day and uh maybe freddie mercury had a good hair day every day but without further afan destructive comments we go direct the webinar what's new on creo 8 and uh there is a quite a lot of new substance integrate and uh origin days go through the system and find enhancements first then some general get usability and productivity enhancements then we have a bit deep dive with the water-based definition and detailing then we do have a simulation optimization store track with the generative topic optimization as well and then something with additive and super active manufacturing and at the end of the or webinar we have questions answers conversation so don't hesitate to ask more if you wanna know more details about us then as a reminder this is a first webcast of the series of four this is kind of a general introduction to what's new in the creole parametric eight and then we have even more deep dives out there later on where you can register as well so let's go for system level enhancements at the system level enhancement we have let's say half a dozen things of a big bigger ones and as you know the creole parametric has uh embedded browser web browser and the default has been uh quite a long time for uh internet explorer you can change this one to chromium paste browser as well if you want to and what's been done is upgraded to version of the chromium based browser 2 version 85 just to guarantee that you have proper id security on the place then the same thing applies also for the career security updates so ptc has basically up their standard a bit with uh what kind of you know possible loopholes there might be and go through them with the tedious kind of process and make sure that your free application is safe on any network government environment there might be then as a continuation of this ip security we also have upgraded our uh java to java 11. and nowadays it's also possible to run creole not using java but using amazon correcto instead and the difference basically for the end user between those two is that oracle's java requires an uh paid up license but you may get the abs license for the current a bit more kind of economical price in general you don't really need java for the creo at all but if you run for certain applications then you have a requirement for that you have to have something you have a base lock the library in your hands then uh a new one is the multi-monitor support so that you can basically scale down application a bit maybe scale up the phones and so forth so that you can actually make best use of your 4k displays and so forth and still see the letters and dialog boxes and so that they are not so small so it makes your daily work a bit easier and then one thing more that you know creo 8 is yes it's supported with windshield most reasons versions like uh element.1 element.2 is you know the ones that are supported and with windshield 12 we have a planned ones that are 1202 and 12.1 what's it what is upcoming in the track then for us a bit larger case up to customer upgrade is that we used to have the 308 a thing called enterprise releases and those were basically the releases that we supported longer ones and then we have a non-enterprise releases that you have a support span of maybe around one or two years and previously we had the creo 4 and 307 as enterprise releases which were having an extended lifespan support for them but then you know btc got thinking again about this uh enterprise releasing scheme and realized that it's not necessarily nice that we have pushing the customers to certain in the price releases and makes them kind of force them to have a certain kind of upgrade paths for them so for so that's why we are having uh from this point on the new kind of release scheme which makes it so that all the applications from the creo 8 upwards will be supported for total four years and first two years the maintenance releases are delivered each quarter and then subsequent years you have a bit reduced rate of those maintenance releases out there so this makes it possible for you to stick on the one of the you know launch releases for around four years so you don't really have to care about the which exactly is it secure seven or three or four that i have to go you can basically pick anything from degree or seven crew eight or something like that and still have a supportive software for the years to come that's about system level general highlights what we have then about when we go to create parametric usability and productivity things whoops i jumped two slides already what's been happening is that the dashboard has been upgraded and uh my video is slacking at the game moment so dashboard is upgraded and uh what does it mean you have a bit different look or feel about the buttons also the dialogs on that dashboard are now separable so that you can track them away and sometimes it is so that for example in the video you will see that the disorder is making a belt definition but again those floating windows may might help you which you can have multiple faulting ones as well might help you about defining exactly what you want a bit faster rate then the datum displays on the lower left corner we are having this uh new one uh semi kind of uh oh that's a transparent semi-transparent or somehow like that a place today and you can still use the kind of a legacy datum display tapes if you want to which might make sense in a bit larger models then there's a new one called transparency display where you can control the displacement display of the 3d solid models quilts and desolated geometry all of them are having a separate kind of fun ability to you know make them transparent so let's say that i'm gonna concentrate on my surface modeling so i'll make that as a you know solid but everything else is actually transparent or somehow ghost like around it so i can really concentrate on that one another one is that so it showed me all the solids and just hide the old desolated and quilts it just helps you with the management of the display a bit better and then again the great catcher is also been improved a bit you will have a bit of uh better controls when it comes to visibility of the display dimensions and constraints in the sketcher so that they don't kind of get lost in the background then the new thing in the monitoring on the what you can see is that the on the left here will have a uh part one and it has a design items folder which contains of quilts and also your bodies but then what you can do today is throw this design items folder to totally new kind of a window and this kind of helps you if you're coming from some kind of a multi-party designing software to creole to have this kind of fun uh construction geometry tree that you can kind of relate it you will see your bodies you will see the features underneath or you see your wheels then on the other hand we have this new possibility of making a custom crops in the design items which then help you again to concentrate on the design equips what you want to have or the decision is what you want to have and this makes it too easier to understand the model structure anyways come to let's say idea models of complex surface modeling we do have this new capability called snapshot and what do we mean by that is that you can go and uh take a look at your surfaces and say either preview to snapshot which means that show me the original surface when it was done without trimming and the other option is that no well copied as it was when it was created so if you need an additional copy of something you don't really have to go with this mode to the beginning of the model 3 make a copy go back and then start quick modeling this feature will do the snapshot just right after the initial surface creation thus making you a bit faster on that one but it is also very great for the packing capabilities where it's come to investigating model about modeling order and so then a new whole feature is there as well there's this thing called a sketchup sketch page multi-hole and basically what you do is just click hold and then select the sketch space and then you start drawing some kind of a geometry you can do the points as a with the point patterns or some other kind of a geometry type and in the video here we are showing you the kind of polygon and at the each corner or each vertex of those lines there will be a hole so we'll see that at the line you don't have anything but at the end of the line you will have a hole so if you have to have some kind of a great uh let's say complex drilling butter or something like that this makes it quite easy for you to create those drilling butters and guide them with the dimensions also we have some enhancement in the tap back and tapered holes so the lower left picture in there shows you a picture you have with your taper hole and then you have some reduction to the constant diameter oh well i would say a typical use case for this would be the injection molds or something like that with the water cooling channels on them if we then go further with the usability and productivity theme at the voltage systems basically means cabling model we do have possibility of including a new kind of one tapes and uh also the string features string fits in there so that you have different kind of objects types in there which you can then of course robot reporting the bill of material as well then the sheet metal is also enhanced in a way that previous with the flat walls was uh just based on the one reference just one line but today you can include multiple lines to one flat wall and thus generate uh you know multiple ones and it wasn't the one go previously this was only possible with the flash floor but now the flat wall is supporting that this one as well then we have something completely new we have ability to create curves that have a shortest distance between two points and you ask okay that's a line yeah but if you have go along a surface which has a holes then of course you have to go around the holes which make it a bit harder to find out what is the shortest distance and uh or you know shortest distance on the surface or resistance from the solid or shortest distance on the body are basically the options and this can be handy for let's say finding out the roads for cable cables roads for uh you know piping or something like uh on the composite modeling you can also have a use cases for this one then we have something been kind of far out there for a long time and uh outstanding request about how do we handle things like that uh if you have a assembly that is coming from let's say external source or subcontractor or something like that and you're just purchasing that as one item you typically can still assembly from for the in the cat and with a lot of components and nowadays what we can do is basically make assembly as an inseparable and that will cause that oh there is only a dot asm file and all the parts file are basically missing and windshield will support this one as well so what is possible now is basically import some stuff of later on create some assembly and then define that as an inseparable and basically all the sub-components are gone from the principle point of view also you will land as a single asm file and all of those components are embedded in there and sure yes you can reverse the process as well so if something is separable and this quarter on next quarter is gonna be also a traditional separate bowl and you can get all the individual components out there and this inseparable lesson please is supported also for the import side of the things and uh i'm not going to do this but if you import export update to create parametric then you have the possibility also to support this one second thing what is happening in the import export department is that you have ability to export solid vertical geometry and this can be very handy for let's say fire telemetry analysis or maybe rendering or something like that applications where you can handle wanna show that uh on the third-party applications we want to have the wheels as a solid out there and these are supported on the test related terms like a jt or at the a bit richer content like uh step 242 which is typically used with a workbench definition then still at the usability productivity department we have a render studio and it's been now upgraded a bit to support also the gpu rendering instead of uh cpu rendering and then you have a bit more computation power available in there also you have a new not really nice options about the noise so that you will get basically a bit faster to the results or the preview level that you see that is this what you want or not so kind of a general performance tuning in that department then i'll chip a second time of water in here before we go to what a best definition of detailing where there's also a great pile of new stuff in there uh in the modern base definition what you do is basically plant all the dimensions in the 3d model and basically use that as a documentation and now the symbols which you still have to use from time to time for example uh defining a surface quality or special treatment for something we have a completely upgrade of those symbols as well and they do also contain so-called schematic definition which means that i can later on go and uh check for example at that step five but what are what are exactly the surfaces that are affected rather than just having one uh surface that you know the node is applied for so it contains a bit more intelligence than just a one of the short phrases also there's a new gallery where you can preview the stuff before you actually place it and uh yeah you can also customize the symbols of the t-shirt trend today the second thing regarding to this model based definition is that when you apply germanic tolerances and dimensions we have at this uh kind of application called gdt advisor and it also supports today assemblies which is previously didn't and if somebody is not familiar with this particular tool idea is really that the advisor is giving you hints about what kind of dimensions or tolerances actually you can put in there basically poking out the tolerances which you can't and basically on the left lower left you have this advisor trip which basically says that you have these issues with your models and on the top left you have the feature tree which says that okay these are the [Music] kind of geometrical entities that you might want to mention and thus you it can drives the quality of documentation in there as well then further on this one surface collection has been enhanced so to support something like uh loop surfaces seed and boundary surfaces and you know those basic selections what you have in the cryo parametric but this is now also available for the standalone annotations in mpd thus making it very much easier for you to collect all the small sort of faces that you might want to have for your 3d notes for example let's say these are machinable sort of phrases now in the video we are collecting all everything in between and thus all of the green ones are the ones that this note is applied to so this tolerance of shape in this case then we have something completely different back to pro detail or 2d drawings ptc has now introduced a set of tools just for basically modifying existing 2d drawings and i mean the ones that you let's say have from the legacy data let's say dxf files or dvg files you have also been able to import them previously but when it comes to modification of them it's been all if you use createparametric it has been a quite tedious process and some of the companies have been using uh you know some other applications to keep the existing or legacy data in a good shape but this kind of application now helps you to do everything in the career parametric rather than not have a need for additional applications and in here we have something like new things like a view so you can have multiple views on on this one and uh the views are kind of related to each other so that you get a bit of help while doing your 2d kind of fun drawings from the scratch for example or maintaining the existing ones but in general the application is not really meant for um having uh i would say this as a 2d kind of application it is just meant for keeping your legacy data a bit easier uh i would say maintained into one single system like a using create parametric kind of windshield and not need you don't have the need for any third-party applications to you know do small changes to your legacy drawings then we go for simulation and optimization department what's new in there a few years ago we get this new one called creole simulation lab and uh it get uh two different license levels and then with the creative simulation lab plus you have a cfd kind of a computation possibilities in here and it's all based on some other technologies so it's quite nice on a kind of embedded cat for concepting studies and stuff like that so what's new with the creo 8 is that you're going to have steady-state fluids and you can see now on the screen on the video that somebody is completing this as a transition case so that everything is moving over time and you have a lot of voltages in there but if you're just interested about uh in temperature it just might be that you are much much faster getting a converse results than running on the time dependent scale so ability nowadays is to run it on the time dependent or time independent in a way so that it's steady state or not so it basically i would say it enables you to get the fastest solutions but on the other hand gives you the possibility of this kind of investigative that if the solution actually is stable over time or not which is if there's a difference in the results you will see that okay there might be something dependent on this as well um what else there was then we have a second application from dance cooperation it's called creon simulation and that's basically enables you to do uh structural simulation like uh stresses and strains also modal analysis and some thermal and what's new with the creo 8 is that you have ability to use a large deformation in there basically you have a user controllable option in there which enables you to system to start to detect that if it's a lot of large deformation case or not and this of course enables you to get a bit bit more accurate results with your hands also we have improved some messing diagnostics in the process manager that if you manage to get a situation where the meshing is not really working then you have ability to start packing it a bit easier and uh get the results done faster then another kind of computational application is generative topology optimization which was introduced in 307 and in there what you do is basically you define an area of where you want to for example fix things then you want to also what you want to kind of define areas where you can't go and maybe somewhat additional geometry for the loading of this thing and then you load it and let the system find out the solution that it kind of fulfills the design criteria what's was previously mandatory was that you actually had to do some kind of a sketch about this envelope in here that okay which is the space where i'm looking the solution and now system is automatically giving you some kind of envelope which you can accept or if you don't want that have it have it manually made by yourself and basically then system is a subtracting material away until the design conditions are met and the new ones are for the design conditions are quite nice so for example drafting for casting or fortune type of geometries and that enables you to land directly on the producable manufacturable geometry rather than having a have a separate kind of motivating step for it then you have a second one called medium minimum pen radius which simply means that if you think about let's say a milling tool you have a minimum radius for the milling cutter size so that you don't you get two small geometries and that also basically enables you to control how small details you want to have in here since the minimum radius will be violated so if you want to have very kind of tender structures you have needle likes have a smaller radius but a bit bigger one if you have a more convenient slab structure so that is also driving the generation of the marker then we'll have a few minutes with uh additive and super active manufacturing and uh let's go with additive first then we have active manufacturing suite in the cryo parametric as well and it enables you to basically make the trace of the printing machine filled with the components if you want manufacturer we have now able basically enhance the product with the ability to insert multiple components the one goal also improvements have been made to optimize it for build direction so it depends now for surface quality and the dimensional accuracy that you know which is the position that you push the pieces in the tray so that is also a kind of optimization thing that you might want to do on that one and all of those have been enhanced with the creator another option what you have in here is that if you are doing those lattices you can also drive the dimension or let's say a density of them with a kind of computational results from the stress calculation so if you have this kind of a pending beam situation that you have in here you can first of all calculate or compute the beams in there all the kind of lattice isn't there and then make them kind of happening around the actual computation result so you will vary the density of those based on the previous computation results this was of course previously possible by using multiple zones and uh making it happen in that as well but this kind of leaves uh i would say a freeze a lot of graphite efficiency in there that you don't have to do so many manual steps and you can do much more iterations in here rather than sticking to a manual important here what else do we have well maybe that's a bit better on the next slides we have new types in here as well for tracer polar shape for those light diseases as well and then there's a new kind of algorithm behind it of them as well and uh as a one nice kind of example of what can we do today is this kind of a heat exchanger where you have a let's say green red fluid and then you have a blue wall between those two and all of those you will get for for the lattice generation automatically and this kind of enables you to make the heat exchanger so that you have a maximum amount of the contact area in the shortest possible kind of distance and you will get the e3 volumes out of it as an outcome so if you have any exotic applications where you know the space is really the the issue this might be one of the solution drivers for that one yeah this is again how do i say a bit better explanation about the active manufacturing solutions with for the lattice variability so idea is that you will forgo first of all some computations of therapy simulation live or the cryosimulate and then you go for export them results and then you start defining lattice density based on simulation results and then you get that one lot this tends it in there and then you rerun the simulation just to validate the results that they will actually fulfill it or if not you can also do some corrections there is a few data formats from the stress simulation that you can use as i mentioned the pure simulation live is one of them also the career simulator process it's nice then something new for the subtracting manufacturing what we do have as a new feature is five pax is high speed milling and we have of course so far the three axis high speed meeting but the five axis has been lagging in there even though the creole parametric also supports five axis milling but the tool paths generated specifically for the five axis milling with the high speed milling kind of approach i have been lacking so there will be around seven new kind of a tool paths and these are available for you if you happen to have at this new product called career high speed meeting plus and what is happening in our product offering the previous we had this creo three axis mode machining extension and that name is kept for the three axis but we all also get a new one with the five axis milling in here and what is happening here is that current users of this three axis small machining extension will get these three to five kind of uh axis license for a day without any additional cost and on the other hand this creo high speed milling 3 axis production product is now available for those who are not using let's say more than 3 axis of the machines so basically we have a new product operating in here and uh what's nice with all of this is that previously it's been quite kind of fun difficult to do uh effective let's say roughing or re-roughing parts in five boxes so basically you are now able to use your let's say full messaging capacity a bit better or a bit easier and this is perfect specifically so it's very nicely for the molten die kind of production parts what else there was in this one there was the yeah and also if you previously have created some three axis milling paths nowadays you can convert them to five taxes as well but this can be very handy if you have let's say some let's say you have two machines on your shop floor and one is three axis one is five axis and basically sometimes you just wanna change the machine that you actually run it so it's easier to take the full benefits out of the machine or if if you basically upgrade your machines merchants then it's also easy that you can upgrade the tool path as well so it basically drives kind of a user efficiency in that one also what's very nice is that we do have automatic basically the powering of you know two parts in here so basically we don't have to anymore trace each and every corner in here and using kind of column triactric page based approach system will now automatically find that what are the edges which we should do apart and then call through them and then there is also kind of a new options when it's come to red tracks we don't anymore necessarily track to the it's going to save plane we are retracting to the spline that is avoiding the component totally uh i've been running route through my slides like a madman so far i think i think it's time for q a session at this moment roger do we have anything nice in here yes we do mikko and one question is do you collect training materials for the new functionality somewhere [Music] uh yes sure we do have a training courses for its career release and also it's quite nicely supported in the ptc website on the support side so there is all kind of a collection of what's new in this release and also release notes for that one but is there some particular one that you're looking for it doesn't mention that it mentions if we collect training materials for the new functionality so i think that was a good answer mika okay so um was it if you are using three axis milling was the five axis available for free yeah so idea with that one last question also but if you have this existing creo all milling kind of application toolkit then you get uh without any additional paid this five packs is toolkit or more billing capability for high speed billing as a free of charge for you but if you don't have it yet then you have two options either you but purchasing the uh the three or five boxes kind of a milling toolkit a hospital toolkit for you and that's basically options so so for exiting users you get the fifth taxes as a free of charge but for new ones you don't okay then you just just decide if you want three axis or five axis when you buy the new license then i guess yeah that's the thing okay depending of course with your needs does windshield support inseparable components yeah so we went there and the windshield will support them and if you look at the the slider should we go actually in there i will go fast forward and back in here now somewhere at the system we had that one which we will support 308 that's the thing and also when support 308 it supports all the possibilities that there is so let's go and try to find out which was the versions come on now in here now so which eleven one eleven two are the ones that that currently supporting creo eight and also that was it well we'll be supporting that one and in which the site of course you have the same thing in there if it's an inseparable assembly then there is just a single assembly part and nothing else so no kind of substructure in our items either thank you and if there are no more questions yeah here's one one more is it possible to light up one part planes or axis in a big assembly yeah that's also kind of a good question which always pops up is that i have a huge assembly and then i just want to have one datum plane in there for either you know placement or something then of course it's possible you can do that for for example with the search tool just hit the control f and what's happening that you get the descriptor search style of content you said i want to search from that part show me all datum planes on that one and as a list but then you select one of them and tada it's selected so it's that's this kind of a way easiest way to select just one particular one in the huge assembly without actually seeing them in the first first hand to get your camera display cluttered i will add that one to the the steep guy webcast that we have and cover that in there as well and when it's comfortable deep down webcast let's call fast water again and when do we have our next one any other questions not in the questions tab right now so you still have possibilities otherwise we look at our deep dives so our deep dives i will cover that questions regarding datum playing visibility in there i'll make personal note of that one then we have a second tip that which will come to motor best definition on general you know geometrical tolerances with the visa rionos he's doing that one and then the last one simulation on gto i have a deep dive you know at the beginning of next month with that one so things are looking really good when it comes to creo i think so that this is also a great release if you know the seven was uh kind of outstanding in the in that sense that we have uh multi bodies and new car for modeling methodology this is still giving you even more richer set of tools and uh ability to really i would say get the things done in the multiple different ways since people are noticed you know changing cut you know system from one to another it's easier for people to at the jobs and they get the tools done things done with their own weight that they've been used to so you don't really have to become but so basically we are supporting multiple approaches of german design perfect thank you very much for today mikko and thanks everyone for attending and don't hesitate to sign up on the website for the deep dive thank you very much and have a good day
Views: 252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, Creo, PDSVISION, DesignSolutions
Id: 1vdZzW5-24Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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