Whats New in FlutterFlow | Oct, Nov, Dec 2023

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let's dive into this year's what's new in flutter flow and recap 40.9 million widgets were used 1.6 million projects and 2 billion lines of code created 1 million users on flutter flow and 20,000 deployed apps to the App Store and we're just getting started in 2024 we're going to continue to build different and make building on flutter flow even better now let's get into some product updates first up flutter flow now supports API based Authentication so you can build apps that integrate with any custom backend to get started go to settings authentication and set the authentication type to custom you can now use the add new custom authentication to log in action on any interaction or log out or update simply make the necessary API call and update the user ID and authentication SL refresh tokens with the login action and you're good to go next up is a new Carousel widget drag this onto your canvas in order to display a series of items such as images or cards that a user can swipe through for example here I'm using it to display a series of travel destinations this widget allows you to easily set the distance between objects how large the main element will be using the properties such as viewport fraction and Shrink size in addition we've also added a series of Carousel actions such as next first and jump to to help you in your build next up we listened to your feedback and made some upgrades to working with actions although you've always had the ability to add multi conditions we've made it easier for you to see condition labels no matter how many you have next you can now also change the action names to make it easier to identify your app logic and finally you can add any documentation on conditional actions or Loops happy building next up working with apis just got a lot simpler with our new Json the data type feature you can create a data type with the same structure as your API response and convert the Json return return by the API to the data type first let's set up the data type in our data schema tab now you'll only need to create this data type once for your entire project next we're going to create an appstate variable with the data type that we created and finally once we pass in our API call and it succeeds you can route the appropriate fields of our Json response into our created data type by updating our appstate variable now we can avoid hpos in our Json paths or requests next you can now use your keyboard to more quickly navigate through the widget treat use the up and down arrows to move between a parent and child widget and use the left and right arrows to move between the siblings of a parent widget this should help you build a lot faster in flutter flow and we had so many more product improvements in October that you can see here however if you want a full list be sure to subscribe to our newsletter or check out the Community page now on to November we now automatically detect and provide recommendations to make your apps more beautiful and performant first up is our UI enhancements tab which identifies suggestions to make your UI more beautiful or accessible it's like having a design expert right by your side helping you create the best possible experience for your users simply click on the UI enhancement recommendation to go to that property panel and make the recommended adjustments and then we also have an optimizations tab here you can identify items that could lead to Performance issues in your application this includes things like having unused queries having the query on a wrong widget or having an unbounded image amongst other issues once again as soon as you click on the optimization suggestion it'll take you to the page where you can make the changes needed next up is one of our favorite features flows flows are a collection of preconfigured pages and components to add specific functionality to your app in addition to UI elements flows include actions logic and schema in just one click you can add powerful functionality to your application for example we have flows for account creation group chat and even to add AI to your application next flutter flow now supports enums if you care about type safety and avoiding bugs because of typos in your Json path or document field then enims are for you enums are a data type that include a fixed number of constant values for example in this example I'm using the enum for roll and creating different possible user States they're perfect for scenarios where your UI State changes based on certain conditions to start working with enums head to data types and add a new enum you can even add an enum data type into your documents within Firebase now you can also Define app wide constants that can be used throughout your project constants are fixed values that never change to start working with with constants had to app values and select constants in this example I'm adding in a constant for the video path that I'd like to use in my application since I'll be using this video path in multiple different places this is a super helpful way for me to keep that video path handy and if I ever need to change the video path I can always do that by going into my constants variable furthermore we've upgraded our search to include the names of pages components API calls variables and custom code for example I want to know where my app State variable show users is being used so I'll click on this purple icon and I'll be able to navigate to where this appstate variable is actually being used with this upgrade you can quickly navigate your project and see how elements are being used in November we also announced her one signal integration which means effortless email and SMS messaging are here to stay with this integration you can now perform two key actions add a user with tags which allows you to seamlessly register users to receive email or SMS messaging and categorize them with tags for targeted communication and second is to delete the user which is to allow you to maintain a clean slate by removing users from receiving notifications when necessary so now imagine triggering bespoke email and SMS campaigns the moment a user account is created or customizing messages based on user Behavior this is what's possible with one signal and flutter flow next up our new markdown widget lets you seamlessly integrate Rich Text formatting using simple markdown syntax it allows you to format text easily without the complexity of a full-fledged what you see is what you get editor or the need to write HTML code you could use this widget in various applications like notetaking apps forums privacy policies or for blogging platforms they are particularly popular in Technical and coding communities for their ease of formatting code Snippets and descriptions finally another favorite feature manage Firebase we can now create an configure a new Firebase project for you just select the name and project region and we'll handle the rest you no longer have to add service account or configure a new database next you can now toggle on a text field to have Focus using the new wiet Focus State option in the variable dropdown menu this lets you show or hide animations or components when the user focuses on a particular form field we've also added the ability to trigger an action when the focus State changes on a text field either when the user focuses on a text field or moves away from it this lets you build tailored experiences where a UI can react intuitively as the user navigates from one field to another in this example I'm showing how toggling on the focus state allows us to create a snack bar and there were so many more updates from November such as being able to set image height and width by variable having the ability to see your test mode status dependent on the color and even design systems being able to support widgets that generate children dynamically and so much more now let's move on to December previously actions in a sequence would wait for the preceding action to finish before executing now we've introduced a non-blocking option which allows actions to execute even if the previous action hasn't been completed simply togg it on on any action block next up we've made some big updates to make it faster and easier to work with backend queries first up we've updated our UI to show a summary of the filters and ordering you have on a query secondly you can now copy and paste back in queries across widgets so you'll never need to recreate the same query twice and third we've added a new option to move a query up to any parent or ancestor of the widget if you want to make quick changes to your backend query continuing the theme of improving ux across the board our newest draft feature automatically saves your progress on API calls custom code and backend queries now you can easily return and continue your work right where you left off and while we're on the topic of ux you can now rename and modify the names of your app State fields and the names of your constants now you'll never need to delete and recreate an item just to change the name next up we've made some upgrades to make it easier to work with booleans first we've added a new conditions flow so you no longer need to select single condition versus multiple conditions next we've added a is set and not empty to operations reducer on the list and we've we automatically now create a condition for variables that don't have a Boolean operation or reducer another quick flutter flow tip if you want to see where a component is used in your project just select that widget right click and select show usage this will help you find where your components are used even as your project grows larger to end December we continue to focus on bug fixes and user experience improvements that are shown below once again you can find a complete list on our community that's all the updates we have for this video thank you for building different and building together with us this year we can't wait to make flutter flow even better for you in 2024 happy holidays
Channel: FlutterFlow
Views: 12,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flutter, FlutterFlow, No Code, No Code Tools, How To use FlutterFlow, Google Flutter, Dart, No Code App, FlutterFlow App Builder, No Code App Builder
Id: Kr8rxMkR71I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.