What's New? Apisonic Speedrum 2 #speedrum @apisonicaudio

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today we're taking a look at an awesome update to appy Sonic's speed drum this is speed drum 2 I did an extensive review of how to use speed drum in this video so I'm going to try to keep this succinct to the new features we now have an internal sequencer that allows you to build your drum track right in the plug-in itself to the left we have each pad represented as a track this section is where you input the note for that track at that time on the sequencer mute solo up at the top here you can change the number of steps right now I'm using 32 the speed of the sequencer a global copy and paste for the pattern itself and then here you can change what options you have here so if we click clear this now gives us the clear option in this column so each one of the patterns can be clear globally or you can clear independent Parts themselves random by clicking the dice button either globally or on an independent track you can add random [Music] steps once again clear shift allows you to shift globally everything or you can shift an independent track or PAD as needed [Music] you get up to 16 patterns for each instance you can save the pattern to a file this allows you to drag and drop your sequence onto your door you you can also do real time recording of the media information from your controller this here allows you to sync your sequencer to your daw's Tempo or you can have a separate Tempo irrespective of what your doll is set to down at the bottom allows you to change a number of options per note velocity is kind of self-explanatory so select the track that you want to change change you can then change its velocity here you can change the probability of the note playing or not it's kind of a random way to give your sequence some life you can choose to repeat so it cuts it into pieces smaller than the note itself and then you have an offset option per note reset any of these values by holding the control button and clicking down at the bottom you have a global Shuffle option humanizing the velocity as well as a position which breathes even more life into your sequence pad wise we have a number of new options and a somewhat reorganized workflow we now have four options for the the wave shaper type that lends itself to giving some grunge or more punch to the sample for instance on our Kick [Music] Drum we can now drive that based off of this selection so a number of ways to really customize and design your samples the filter section Remains the Same the only change is the way the two separate filter types are organized the compression Remains the Same the transient section now has the ability to select soft or hard clipping the human eyes in the velocity section have been separated into two separate modules we have a new filter envelope that has been added that works with this where we used to have the pitch envelope we now have a four band EQ with two shelves one low one high and then two peak in the middle of course you can always move any of the eqs where you so see fit The Usual Suspects we have the weight form view we have the Velocity View and we have a mixer view The Usual Suspects here however the pitch envelope has been moved to this section which used to reside over where the EQ section is now in the original speed drum version one we did have the ability to do a fade in and a fade out of the waveform now we have an MS envelope which you can add several points to really customize how you want the sample to sound very useful including the ability to change the curve and we have the ability to straighten the Curve or you can use an S [Music] curve the pitch envelope is activated by clicking this button then it allows you to modify the pitch envelope with these figures below and not to miss it the stretching by pitch is here we looked at the sequencer here and this shows you the overall sequencer for all of the pads but you do have the option to do just the pad that you currently have selected so if I go back to pattern one it shows you the same sequence that is in the global sequencer that is located here we now have a mixer for all of the pads that are in speed drum and it is here that gives you a second place to change the output of your pads so I usually would change it here but you can also go down here and do the same in a much more intuitive way without necessarily having to select every pad to change the designation for its output if you hold down the control button we'll do it on these un assigned pads you can change the output of those selected pads all at once the slicer option is still available in here just reorganized in a more intuitive manner we have buses added to the plugin as you may have seen that allows you to group similar samples together to then process those samples as one and of course that can be sent out as well and each bus gives you the four effects that you get on each PAD as well as the master same for effects so you can really dial in a sound for your drums or whatever you're using speed drum 2 4 as well keep in mind that with the original speed drum on the master we only had the compressor and the transients so now we get the Distortion as well as the filter over to the left we can choose between 32 and 16 pads being displayed on the screen at once when it's on 16 you have have four banks that show independent of each other when it's on 32 you get two banks at a time independent of each other we have now and I believe when I first did speed drum 1 I kind of wanted this to be much more intuitive and to my surprise it is now so pressing this button now allows you to simply hit which note you want your pads to be triggered from much more intuitive you can select what pad with whatever [Music] key and if you want feedback from clicking a pad make sure this is activated this here resets the round robin and and if you have something that is just stuck click this to stop all sounds and that is what's new with speed drum too so you're wondering well what does it sound [Music] like this is all speed drum here with one exception for the send two I chose to send the output [Music] to its own separate channel in my doll to use the Reverb that is located there rather than what's here this Reverb is useful but I wanted a little more control right now there's no low cut filter here so when I want to clean up the bottom I don't have an option to do that with so that's an option to run into your output and that's why it's there so in classic fashion I'll show you exactly what we did with the entire thing plus some instruments that are not in speed [Music] drum [Music] if you're interested in getting speed drum 2 check the link in the description outside of that
Channel: Yish In Your Ear
Views: 801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrum vst, apisonic labs speedrum, mpc drum machine, sampler, chops, apisonic labs, beat making, music production
Id: EQB7G45ig30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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