Acustica Audio "JAM #acusticaaudio

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today we're taking a look at Jam from acoustical audio jam is 14 Hardware units with 25 sets of saturation its main feature is its Dynamic saturation and preamp color let's take a look at the controls on the left we have the usual input on the right the output at the top here we have a plus 18 and a minus 18 to boost your signal for even more saturation we have the various saturation families here so it's 14 units Hardware units that were sampled and it's split up amongst these 25 saturation families under that we have the mix type and we'll get to that cuz that's a very important thing that I think some people may not know does something special we have up to 16x in high quality mode over sampling and up to 64x in eco mode these are the gain reduction plus and the gain reduction minus meters this knob here controls how much saturation you're asking at the plugin we have four listen modes the normal left and right mid the side and the Delta which is the difference between the plugin's input signal and what the plug-in is doing we can switch to side and mid here or keep it in the middle for left and right and that is what the plug-in is processing on here we have the shape which you can dial in just how hard the saturation is dry and wet mix knob and we'll come back to that because this works with this that's the top section the bottom section we have the preamp now a lot of people were talking about the difference between jam and pumpkin Pro this is where that difference comes in this preamp section here is the color of the hardware that is sample and let me note each one of these 14 units here when you select a unit it will change the preamp color to the unit selected we have a high pass low pass low shelf High Shelf this is how you select the frequencies this is how you select the game this is the preamp color you can push more into that there is a distortion Point depending on the preamp that you select it changes this button here insert works with this which works with that stick around we'll talk about it and of course at the top the preset management system in the newer acoustical audio plugins and then finally we do have presets that come with a plugin with quite a number of them available all right some of these are pretty damn awesome we'll talk about this one here I think this may become a part of my vocal chain permanently but that's the controls let's take a listen at what we did with Jam what we have is the same record from pumpkin Pro this time I have it running in Reaper because of its plug-in handling capability I did put Mystic and salt and opal in places where I needed but we have Jam pretty much on everything with the exception of the overheads right now we're at 3.8% and all of the jam plugins are bypass so if we engage we're at about 10% here's the kick before after here's the hat before after here's the snare before after clap before after here's the percussion before after here's the bass before after here's the lead before she walked right out my life after she walked right out my life here's the backgrounds before she walked right out my life and after this is the drum bus before and after all right and then for the master bus we'll do a complete before and after before she walk right out my life cut me down with the blood night and after she right out my life cut me down with a bloody KN ran away ran away with My Soul play me like to tune on the radio she walk right out my life cut me down with the bloody night R away ran away with My Soul play me like the tune on the radio as you can see there is a strong color with this one especially when you drive saturation all right I want to talk about this mix type cuz I think I have a grasp of what it's doing I think all right so if I could explain it in the way I'm thinking here this only activates when you modify the dry wet mix knob it doesn't do anything for the full-on wet signal let's demonstrate the the filtering here cuz I think this this will kind of help understand some of what's going on this insert button puts the preamp and filter section before the saturation when it's not engaged it's after the plugin like after the saturation module just as you see it here right you saturate up here this dry and wet is only for the saturation right when you put it in dry and you don't have the insert button activated the preamp is still in play so let me demonstrate that right and I'm going to do it kind of extreme here so right now this is what we sound like with the preamp and the saturation and everything set at wet and we're on classic mode and I'm driving it hard to drive the saturation now out of the picture and to show you that the lower section is still in [Music] filter right they're they're independent of each other right and that's in the classic Mode that's that's what you would expect for that saturation to work right there's several steps to this the first is that the insert can be put into the saturation chain before the dry and wet mix knob so if we do that all of a sudden now the filter has a different [Music] effect Soul radi it's it's now before the saturation but because we're in dry right you won't hear it until you get to wet if that makes sense all right so this is essentially a routing button now here's where it gets interesting if you change the mix type to let's say digital right and we'll just use the 1X for demonstration now what happens is when you go to anything besides 100% what's being affected is now being modified so you're either going to distort the Peaks these three options or you have clean peaks with these three options that's my understanding from reading the manual so let's put this at halfway so that's at 50% so now let's see what happens she walk right out my life cut me down with a bloody [Music] Night with My Soul [Music] so it's either the Peaks are distorted or they're clean so that's the digital one if we go to the soft one it should be a little easier right so it sounds like it's letting the especially the Peaks that have the most information being Modified by the plugin those are coming through clean and I believe the way to use this is if you wanted to kind of maintain some of the original signal in other words parallel saturation this gives you the ability to allow you to choose whether or not the Peaks are distorted or clean that's kind of roughly my understanding so let's look at distorted soft [Music] as you can see it's it's just the opposite now right so now the the Peaks are distorting but the anything after the the transients basically aren't really being touched as much right so that's what that drop down menu is for we've looked at the controls we've did a before we did it after we looked at some of the advanced features in here there are a number of presets that we can look at now one of the ones that gentleman Carl fath he provided this preset is called the male voice anti noyer now this record had some naslin to it because that was sort of the way that I recorded it like with this grunge on my on my voice well just take a listen this is before she walked right out my life after she walk right out my life smoothing that thing right on out and he's using that Tech that we just talked about with the mix type so right now he has the dry and wet mix knob at 30 right but because of the nature of the mix type he's blending it it did the trick man of course there's some EQ on there as well that's boo boosted up to 8 DB on the high shelf and on the low shelf down here at 154 that does smoothing some things out there kind of gives it a smiley effect right once I put this on it was like that's [Music] it [Music] that's my review of jam from acoustical audio if you're interested in getting it check the link for the description outside of that
Channel: Yish In Your Ear
Views: 4,076
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Id: mog8UZEnlU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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