These Blogging Mistakes Cost Me OVER $300,000.00

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believe it or not we make a lot of mistakes vlogging um today we're going to sit down and tell you some of probably our top most memorable mistakes um and so let's get into it number one the thing that is kind of top of mind for me uh this year I did not add a single blog post to my personal blog big fail on my part but it's something that I think happens to a lot of us we get started on something and we're not following through but that leads to mistake number two which is the overproduction of content so we've done this actually several times but the one I'll point to right now was cook for that one we produced over 100 articles on the website at the same time we started a bunch of other sites and this huge portfolio of sites so that's not the only one we have a bunch of sites with like 100 articles on them having too much content to be able to actually like follow through and then because we had so many sites being able to focus in and actually get one of them done well that was a big problem so I guess the the learning there it's not spread yourself so thin that you can't do any one thing really well along those same lines cook for folks the content that we produced on cook for folks had another big mistake and the mistake was in the search analysis it came from a little bit of an experiment we were running but the concept was this if we could Target low competition search phrases that people were actually searching for and we could create the best content we would win that was the hypothesis this was before people started talking a lot about topical Authority and before any helpful content updates at all and it was working for the first little while for about five months and then Google put out an algorithm update and from that point on that site has basically it dropped and has been mostly stagnant ever since the thing that we did this is kind of The Insider scoop here that we haven't talked about in other video so much is we found like five specific key phrases right five specific um searches that people would would make and then we applied them to a whole bunch of different foods so it's like um how much X do you need for a group of 50 people and then we would build a table that would be like 10 20 30 40 50 whatever a bunch of different people and we thought that's golden right you just basically write the same article 30 times about different foods the problem is those articles don't interrelate at all like what are we the expert at Food quantities it doesn't tie back to like party planning or event plan it's just straight up like here's the facts here's how much you're going to need for about that many people the articles are fairly helpful they get some traffic but there's nothing cohesive tying it together so there's no topical Authority we have a whole video talking and analyzing actually we have a series of like three videos analyzing and talking about cook for folks and what went wrong that I put out about a year ago I will put it right there so you can go check it out the next big mistake was uh a few years ago we sold all of our blogs and we did it here on YouTube uh and it was really cool and we got a nice Payday the problem is for us specifically we teach blogging and there's a lot of stuff that happens right so like Google updates came and went now you have ai and we had these sites that were getting big that we hadn't even like fully monetized yet right we prematurely sold them knowing that like they would be worth so much more we just put a little more work into them and just left them for a little bit longer but again the goal was that we would sell all those sites and start some new ones right away problem was we had just hired a couple new people and we put a lot of emphasis on YouTube and learning YouTube as a team and so it was like 9 months before we started the next batch of sites which included cook for folks so the big sites that we had we don't have right now and we've had to start over so for the last year we've been working on a couple of websites and we're getting there but we haven't had anything big to be able to use to see what was really happening with AI with Google updates so so we've had to rely a lot on data from viewers like you as well as from members of project 24 um that for us was a big mistake in large part because we're the teachers and so we needed at least a couple of big sites to be able to test things with and as part of that one of the other mistakes that I wanted to mention was not focusing earlier on on the eat and then also early monetization opportunities uh again just because we typically Focus so heavily on content which is a good thing you should focus heavily on content early on because content you need content for your content business but there is a balance and we should be we should have been doing some of these other things where you know simple things where we had you know 10 writers on a site and we didn't give them author profiles or little biographies or setting up the about me page that's just little things like that that now make a huge difference on a website yeah it doesn't look good to Google from an eat standpoint when the author of a blog post is Creator 7 and there's no bio there's no picture but there's an author box there that just says Creator 7 it anyway just does not send good signals yeah and I well and I think that there's something to be said there about even if you're just an individual Creator we emphasize heavily creating a lot of content early on just in that beginning phase because you need that content to start ranking however there are other things worth investing into earlier on as long as you're not spending too much time on them uh We've swung way too far probably onto the content side in some of our sites and some of you may have done the same thing a lot of people tend to swing way too far into the website design and then they don't end up with any content but just being able to identify where you are kind of you know on that pendulum and figuring out what's the best place what's the correct amount of time to be spending on each one of these and that's why in Project 24 it's somewhere in kind of I think the 30 to 50 post range where we actually say okay now take a little bit of break from content we're going to teach about eat and we run you through this whole course with like 30 some odd lessons that are all about different ways to build eat so this year I have my project double time site and you're going to get a full-on update here but the cliffnotes version is like I fell way behind and I'm nowhere near the goal you know if I have to prioritize creating content for you or doing something for project 24 I will prioritize that over my own blog every single time the problem is in order to do a better job for you I also need my other blog so I have not done a good job prioritizing that and as a result I was supposed to go beyond podcasts months ago I haven't done it I was supposed to have an info product two months ago it's almost ready right like there's so many things that I was supposed to do that I didn't do and so the lack of results completely comes from not focusing on those things at the time I needed them just everything got delayed and that's unfortunately something that's going to happen to people a lot but if you want to succeed in a certain time frame that's what it's going to take and I think another mistake that you can make is setting up these goals for yourself and then getting down on yourself when you're falling behind the reality is is like in my life the fact that I didn't achieve that goal like is not a big deal this year over the next few months like I am going to make that site what it was supposed to be and it's going to be just fine and I'm going to have another big site that I can use as a testing ground and that I can show you things on I'm so excited to be able to actually show you guys stuff um but it's easy I've been looking at this and kind of dreading the end of the year because I know I'm behind and in the end like when I look at where I am now versus where I was a year ago I'm much further along and I'm happy about that and I need to be happy about that so that's another big mistake I think is like setting an expectation for yourself and then when you're falling short of that expectation um letting it really weigh on you we have members in the project 24 Community who will make sometimes make posts and they'll say like my project 36 or project 72 it's like those people who are sticking around they are actually seeing success maybe they got they were slow to start or they haven't produced as much content as they should have but people are still making it so just because you're running a little slower than everybody else's doesn't mean you have to stop and I think a lot of times we we get so caught up in being behind that it deters us from moving forward right um anyway that's a really good one and I think something to kind of go along with that my next one that I wanted to share was not diving in totally to the AI content creation earlier on yeah um we did we've done videos over the years with AI content creation some of them it's just hilarious the results that came out of it but then some of them that were better more recently that the results were not that bad but like Ricky said there's just been so much going on and in order just to do the things that we needed to do on a daily basis we weren't able to explore that field as much as I would have liked to yeah um you know we talk about you being a little bit behind on your project double time it's like well what if we could have made a little but you know what if we could have made a system where there was some artificial intelligence helping us out you know maybe we have an editor who's going to go through and fix those up and add anecdotes and experiences and opinions like we could have used that to our advantage but there's just that learning element that time investment that I wish we could have taken advantage of a little earlier so one of the things that I'm committed to over the coming months is exploring that a lot more in fact right now um with our creator files podcast like Julia is diving in deep on AI we're interviewing all sorts of experts uh people who have been all in on AI all year in a lot of spaces not just in blogging like people who really really really know this stuff we're working um we're working with someone specifically on developing a lot of specific prompts that we think are going to be really helpful for Content creation for repurposing some of your content for other formats so many cool things we can do with AI the big thing for me and why I shied away from AI in the very beginning was I still think it's incredibly important for the human element to be there and for your original ideas and your unique and original perspective to shine through in your content and if we lean too heavily on AI we get we're just going to lose all of that but if we can learn how to if I can put my thoughts out in a few bullet points and let the AI do the actual writing it can do it so much faster and for a lot of people what I've seen it's going to do it better and then you can massage that and add in your own personal stories you can even write out your story in bullet points and let it tell your story for you so many things that it can do um as well as helping to evaluate your content and why it's not doing I'm so excited actually for the many use cases we have for AI but being able to continue to make your content actually connect with people because there's a real person behind it let us know what mistakes you have made in blogging this is really the cliffnotes version of our mistakes over the years there are so many more let us know what you've done in the past but then also things you've done to remedy some of those mistakes we'd love to hear it thank you guys for watching
Channel: Income School
Views: 5,854
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Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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