What's My Line? - Hedy Lamarr (Mar 31, 1957)

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I love her so much

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This sounds glorious

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I'm now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my line brought to you by Helene Curtis makers of star bet swab and end and dandruff treatment shampoo now let's all play what my line now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the delightful star of stage and television miss Arlene Francis and now a gentleman who is heard but not seen every night on radio tonight fortunately we'll be seen and heard on What's My Line mr. Robert Q Lewis come on that's a very lovely lady the Broadway columnist and flaming redhead Miss Dorothy Kilgallen thank you ladies and gentlemen and on my left are Random House publisher who also writes a column this week mr. Bennett Cerf if you notice Dorothea and Arlene limping in the night both of them have one shoe hoping that Prince Charming will bring their glass slipper to them and here comes Prince Charlie now Prince John Charles Daley good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line once again tonight we've invited some nice people to come and visit us and bring with them some interesting occupations and it's our hope that will give the panel a rather rough time of it will also have a famous mystery guest before this panel of ours in a little while and we'll meet our first challenger in just one and now let's meet our first contestant will you come in and sign in please lot of heavy coals in the audience Yvonne gave is that right sniff for mrs. J's mrs. mrs. Gaines and where are you from New York City New York City mrs. Gaines the new preps find the panel of someone familiar with it Julianne formerly would you come over here please and sit down with me are you also familiar with the way we keep score yes I am all right then let's go ahead now and tell everybody at home and those who have been nice enough to come and join us in the theater exactly what's your line is hello mrs. Gaines is self-employed let's begin the general questioning with Miss Frances mrs. Gaines your service is used by both men and women yes they are do they come to you yes they do do you have a product of any kind in your work was game yes there is a product I would say that it's perhaps to be considered incidental to the service do you use the product yourself this is game I can uh do you touch the people that you deal with do you touch the people that you deal with right well I shake hands with them that's nice um is there anything in your work other than people such as animal of any kind is there as anything in the animal family in your work mmm yes all they get animals big pardon four-legged yeah uh-huh is it a domestic animal hmm is it the animal that you help more than more than the person how I wouldn't I would think in practical terms we might agree that it was the animal that was more directly health care uh-huh is the animal one that one might have in the house is it larger than a chihuahua in everything as good as they are Li and you're pretty safe with that one I guess we could admit it's larger than a Chihuahua is it a dog yeah yeah are you do Beus about this animal John Ronnie Prince Cho ducktor dubious is not realize No uh well then may I ask do you do something in your service to the animal yes do you Baba shop it in any way yeah do you clip the animal in a nice sort of way I mean are you a dog barber or is that part of your work beautician oh my what a guy I'm afraid we've got to throw in the towel with some games it looks like we've games dog food is what gave me the clue actually we must admit mrs. James runs shay-bo a beauty salon for dogs well there you go actually miss arlene just to show you the irony of life mrs. Gaines said you could tell her that if my husband is a designer it's not the dog food at all what is he design he designs dresses for women Oh see there and then florence games oh and one thing that would take you is I asked mrs. Gaines earlier you know if there was a product involved and she swore yes you know we have blankets or coats for dogs she says we tailor make some of them yes I'll do that rather expensive too I would think so they are quite well mrs. Gaines I'm sorry that we didn't give them a ruffle time I mean we should have changed the name of Smith I'm terribly disappointed make it to the bed thanks very much for being our guest well panel I must admit this a brilliant beginning let's see what you can do with another challenger when you come in and sign in please Ivan Ivan chance is that right what the chance where are you from I'm from London England London England are nice to have you with us sir the panel mr. chance there you see them in all their majesty they're feeling pretty chipper tonight I mean we could trip the lot do you know how we keep score coming all the way from London actually well I'll keep it very sad every time yeah we try to keep it fairly but every time you give them a no answer I flip the card 10 flips and you have won the game let's go for the ten each we can't acknowledge that everybody concerned except our panel know exactly what your line is all right panel mr. chance is salaried let's begin the general questioning at the other end with Bennett Cerf mr. chance I noticed you're very sunburned I take it that has nothing to do with your occupation the sunburn that you've acquired that's our time to do a bar of compassion there correct now uh our that over here you got that over here jolly good mr. chance you're also a fine figure of a man would you have anything whatever to do with the entertainment industry nothing whatsoever that's one down and nine to go miss Francis uh are you in the sort of occupation mr. chance that would make it necessary for you to travel yes to travel yes to some extent Charlie yes oh let me have a small conference will you please yes fine travel do it do you work for a profit-making organization oh yes yes I'm at ease at the time of the terminal it is self-employed but by our broad terminology we would call mr. Chet salaried in our broad terminology but it's a profit-making organization uh is there a product involved in what you do mr. Charles Vyse right yes I would say the one mm-hmm there is a putters here again though the services I think more fundamental uh do people come to you for your services they do indeed uh do you work indoors I work indoors uh are you ever at a desk when you work from time to time oh would you perhaps I say I am getting English in my questioning do you notice it would the place of business be other than a store yes we would not quite a store you wouldn't call it a smell uh would there be food and drink serve there now unto darlin and take the government thought it was fishing ships there for a moment oh yeah George Lewis T thank you sir mr. Sean uh you say there is a product connected with what you do but primarily it is the service that will help us more than the fire wouldn't say sir yes well let me ask one question about the product or products are they dissimilar more than similar they are certainly just similar huh then the service you render you rendered to both men and women was that established due rate what are the services rendered to both men and women those men Andrew both men and women and they come to you they come to me uh you say that you have to travel in your work would it be necessary for you to travel to secure the products that are connected with the service you render would that be the reason for your travel might I consult with mr. Dahlia for hunching that question I should be delighted [Music] [Music] yes identify the answers yet I'm delighted uh well then it would it be safe to say them that you in some way service your patrons by either selling them or well by selling them these products for which you travel and yet you don't work in the store that's a tricky one yes yes I would say that without attempted to mislead you we would have to agree that ultimately the products to the extent that they're involved are pervade to those who come to get mr. chances services whether you would use specifically the term sell I'm not sure I bigger volunteer don't tell me he gives it away well that helps a great deal oh you say you do not work in a store sir are there both is there a possibility then that there would be more than one or two people wherever you do what you do yes sir the great possibility that there'd be more than one or two people every possibility would there be would there be a group of people yes there would be a group of people do you uh do you address this group of people in any way in a manner of speaking I think that's a little on how the products involved in what you do with what you do of a more or less valuable nature in other words more valuable than a breadbox I would say Sam do you have anything at all to do with antiques of any sort yes and could you possibly in your store uh auction off these antiques in your place of business I could do I think what I could do you're an auctioneer yeah [Applause] mr. chance is with Christie's I suppose is famous a name in the area of auctioneering as we will ever know it's what it's been in being some 70 members in 1760 is ready now just coming up for the bicentenary in three years time my hipper will come we will mr. Josh do you do the auctioning yourself I do the auction myself could you give us the chant I like to hear what's anything like the tobacco chime can we hear all the time believe you're auctioning off John Daly yeah I couldn't know if it's on another function oh yeah we can say that again please I think some of the Mystics mr. Chan said he couldn't auction off something that was priceless beg pardon [Music] and okay I will say this I'm not have anybody come all the way from London and not throw all the cards over because they're just a little bit too smart tonight exhaling I reckon and thank you very much for being our guest it was wonderful having you that's his nicest thing actually as I've ever had said about me and it makes me think for some reason I can't think I'll paddle of something one of my children said to the other it's nice if brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose nice mystery guest injustice and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which I have to ask my friends on the panel to blindfold themselves the blindfolds all in place panel yes yes it good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different form of questioning you asked one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and it's begin with Miss Kilgallon Oh John Bennett and I have been having such a nice rest over here Oh the other end of the panel has been so brilliant uh well now did all those I'm addressing this now to our guests did all those Wahoo's and Yahoo's accurately signified that you were a glamorous lady yeah could we have the guest answered John did you say yes Hey hey Ron thanks Ally for a moment I thought Mamie Van Doren was back oh all right and I read of it are you a movie star mm-hmm yes yes Frances are you in New York to publicize a picture that will be forthcoming hmm one down and nine to go mr. Lewis mm-hmm sorry I'd love to hear you speak yeah are you uh you're a motion picture star you're a motion picture star oh well then you're not Cinderella have you been on television over the past weekend mm-hmm that's yes miss Kilgallon uh as a guest star on some other stars show mm-hmm well I didn't watch any television uh would that show have been put on uh today uh-huh two down a date to go miss Frances would it have been if CBS will forgive me incompatible color yesterday yes mr. Lewis uh was the were you surrounded by many other people on the program I don't I know I passed look again um [Music] were you born in Europe mm-hmm you ever marry an oil millionaire in Texas mm-hmm this person well should we all say it together I think we all know girl in the world [Laughter] Hedy Lamarr I must say now one of the prettiest compliments we've ever had actually guilt Sates our producer told me before the show why you came on What's My Line right principally oh we enjoy y'all so very much and the children always say mommy please do one this broke Tony and Denise I send a little kiss huh how about I well you do okay thank you very much miss Harry that's a wonderful review that have you done it okay we better play another last funny thing Oh sir I do most difficult time trying to stick the panel tonight but perhaps we can do it this time well our next challenge you come in and sign in please Clarence B Clarence V Litchfield is that right this feels where are you problem Mamaroneck New York Ameritech New York which is in the Golden County known as Westchester County that's right and this is the panel actually there are some folks over there that live in Westchester too but let's forget it - we're gonna see trouble when you go over here join me you know how we keep score yes all right then let's let everybody hear it abouts except the panel know exactly what your line is channel mr. Litchfield is self-employed and will begin the general questioning with Robert Q Lewis uh mr. Litchfield view Dylan services yes you deal with both men and women that's right uh would it be unusual for me to come to you for our services now actually I would say in event in a broad sense it would not be impossible for you to come to mr. Litchfield you don't like their reaction John would I be better physically for having seen you for what you do so no I know no I don't think so mr. I don't think so one down and nine to go miss Kilgallen is there a product involved in what you do is there a product involved no that's two down eight to go mr. sir mr. Litchfield do you have to have some special training for what you do yes would that be some kind of a degree that you would win yes have you got letters then after your name like MD or DD or LD or something that no you didn't get down the line far enough that makes it bps cool ain't it that's it do people come to you when they're in trouble mr. Litchfield no 4060 go Vince Lewis well it sounds like they might get in trouble for going to imagine no I you say sir that you have a degree of some sort which qualifies you for the work you do now the question was did he have to have special training the answer to that was yes does he have a degree yes I see well then it there all right uh when you work so do you work indoors as opposed to outdoors both Bo yes that makes a very interesting point that needs clarification as opposed to outdoors both better make it five down and five to go mrs. Kilgallon do you talk to people in your work do you talk to people in your work yes the very friendly man Dorothy me okay does he talk to them a do you mr. Richfield talk to them to some purpose not just to chatting to be social yeah actually what miss Kilgallen asks is if you talk to people to some purpose I would say yes yes he would does something happen to them it's a little offbeat after you've talked to them no no that's 6 2004 to go mister sir mr. Litchfield you come from a Marinette do you do your work in or about Mamaroneck my office is in New York City so that would kind of make that that's pretty close to my marinara about what 16 miles or so that seven diamond three to go miss Francis but you said you work inside and outside so that your job does not keep you at a desk does it mr. Litchfield's not constantly no oh you don't people don't come to you when they are in trouble but do you give them any sort of advice in your service yes oh do you do you travel in your work yeah might you be assigned to a job that would take you from place to place oh yes oh would somebody hire you for a job to be done for someone who doesn't know you're doing a job would somebody hire mr. Litchfield for a job to be pursued on someone who does not know that mr. Litchfield is pursuing him or her oh I see now don't you easy way out of this just say no that they not ask you to go mr. Lowe well I'm slightly stunned here you travel from place to place you say that you are both indoors and out and you say that I could come to you too he said it would make myself impossible but unusual what the impossible now is to ask any more questions because we have run out of time it would not be impossible because mr. Litchfield designs prisons now whether you'd like to build one or not anytime Robert I don't know designs prisons he just most recently finished a new one in Brooklyn the Brooklyn House of Detention John I give you my word that's what I was thinking of only I was thinking of jail cells but wouldn't a prison be a product it's an awfully big one but it's a pronto because he doesn't build them he just made he draws the designs for mr. Litchfield thank you very much nice to have you with us yes and just for your information mr. Litchfield and his firm recently completed the Brooklyn House of Detention it has large any cells painted in pastel shades why here for equation window and it looks like a Madison Avenue type glassed aluminum building was that happy thought good night charlie oh I hope he isn't sweet for me good night dear Robert goodbye darling good night good night John I want you to know that Bennett says that mr. Litchfield went to college at Eli Jail good night sweet prince good night Betty good night ladies and gentlemen thanks for being with us on what my life [Applause] travel arrangements on What's My Line are made through American Airlines American Airlines flies our contestants in luxurious comfort aboard ec7 plankton this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production in association with the CBS television network [Applause]
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 414,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen
Id: nugyG6-Ikso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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