What's My Line? - Edward G. Robinson; Martin Gabel [panel] (Dec 18, 1960)

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what's my life brought to you by Sunbeam makers of the new deluxe Sunbeam automatic percolator the Sunbeam radiant control toaster and the Sunbeam automatic coffee master now let's all play what my life winning panel of What's My Line first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in papers coast-to-coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen thank you ladies and gentlemen and now I would like to present a gentleman who is about a carrot in Broadway as the star of a show called Big Fish Little Fish it's only a week away from Christmas and he's Arlene Francis Christmas present all year round martingale this being the season for sentiment on my left a wonderful actress and a perfect wife all in Francis thank you dear now a gentleman whose Christmas this year will be the Marius Christmas because Random House has proven to be a powerhouse mr. Bennett serve and now a happy fortunate gentleman who on Thursday is gonna marry one of the loveliest girls in the world and as a toast of everybody from Federalsburg Maryland to San Francisco California tonight mr. John child daily good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line we get into the closer to the Christmas season I always think more fondly of Bennett and the panel and so tonight we're going to be very gentle with the panel we just got some extra hard occupations for them to try and figure out we'll also have a famous mystery guest a little bit later in the program and we'll meet our first challenger after this and now let's meet our first challenger would you enter and sign in please Wendy Wagner that right this is our Christmas present to you the way is it miss or mrs. right missus method and where are you problem um Nassau Nassau in the Bahamas is that where you live yes Oh fund with me I present our panel some of them I think go down to that wonderful island of Sun and good frolic and now would you join me over here please come if you know coming from there so how we keep score on What's My Line yes I do all right then we let the folks in the audience and those who are watching at home know exactly what your line all right you can tell you that mrs. Wagner is salaried and deals in a service and I think we ought to begin the general questioning with Random House's random raucous righteous million go on rambunctious rambunctious real literate the literate Bennett sir Thank You Rock hunter can we go on that yeah mrs. Wagner uh may I ask if the service did you perform has anything to do with the many tourists that visit Nassau and of course four-year no one down and nine to go and Bennett you're just cracking good at this sort of thing miss Kilgallen this is we're gonna do do your services have anything to do with entertainment or amusement yes uh have you ever pervade the outside of Nassau yes and you ever been connected with the cinema yes uh how you are gonna stand in for a star no two down and eight to go mr. Gable and mrs. Wagner is there anything athletic about what you do yes um Nassau is a beautiful resort for Sun and the sea is there anything relating to the sea in terms of the athletic things that you do yes uh has it anything to do with swimming yes are you a swimming champion no three thousand seven to go miss Francis do you have anything to do with skin diving yes is that what you do skin dive yes love to be there I don't know really where to go from there John well thank you I find out it is I would say this that you have determined the fundamental line which is mrs. Wagner's but she has a particular identification which I think would be of interest to all of you in a particular way see if you can figure out how she uses skin-diving particularly as a means of making a library does she trained people in skin-diving and take them beneath the sea and show them what's going on with a flora and fauna no that's a four down and six to go into sir mrs. Wagner are you one of those hopeful people who try to find buried treasure down under the sea no that makes it five hundred five to go mrs. Kilgallon no mrs. Wagner you have said that you have been connected with the cinema uh have you ever done any skin diving before the camera yes have you done it in a sort of substitute way rather than as yourself have you been the skin diving alter-ego of a famous person yes I think that's it I'm gonna fly logs over and congratulate and we connected you'll be Connecticut this was a tough one mrs. Wagner is what we call her a stunt skilled skin diver Dorothy which is what you will really define and then the Lloyd Bridges no no an actually different shape I can see that better much better listen this is Wagner works for zip productions and zip productions is a great many people know because of television produces two skin-diving programs I believe one is the equi knots and the other one is see see hunt and it's in these two television programs mrs. waiter does the stunt skin diving for the the women leads and in the pictures and I must say that this has been a great art efficient and good fun and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thank you the same to you and I'll take up skin day formidable a formidable panel that is not as - it can do with the second challenges Oh will you enter and sign in please boots Gator miss or mrs. mrs. mrs. Gator where are you from well originally I'm from West Virginia by 11 York now you live in Newark now continue serving to Newark New Jersey may I present the panel Gaeta will you join me here please you know how we keep score mrs. Jenner all right then we'll let the audience hear the audience watching at home know exactly what you're like mrs. Gator is salaried and deals in a product and let's begin to general questioning with Martin Gable mrs. Gator could I use your product yes you could it could I use it more because I'm a man than if I were a lady no this making difference one done you go miss Francis sorry got a cold is it a product that we'd have in the home well you could have it at home if you could get it yes I is it a product that has been or is alive with the lava Rotter with your permission mr. Gaeta by our terms of reference we would not describe it as a product that is miss miss pencils we speak with animals rings I got it - Donna taking over Peter - Melissa this is very computed when you said that mrs. Gaeta that was alive you just meant that it was a live product that it had nothing to do with the fact that the product a tanning time had actually breathed and been living is that correct yeah and the term live simply meant that it was a lively item is that what you love did a big fella big seller yes ma'am uh is this product in the absence of Steve Allen bigger than a breadbox no no that's three down and seven to go mr. Geller is this product anything I could hold in my hand yes you can hold in your hand if I could get it you'd be up yes uh knowing women as I'm sure you do do you think I'd like to get it I think you if I got it would I wear it where it could show poured out at sixty going to gable is it decorative rather than useful no five dotted five to go vis friends is this a product that if I were able to I might have it in my pocket or my bag you could but it would stick out no on that 6040 go vis to services gate it is this product very valuable what is your term very valuable give us a dollar value go platinum go you mean I've made of a rare metal but would you give it a dollar value to just to help us out you're gonna give me an O John anyway you mean yeah yeah really go Vince Gill gala did we get a dollar value John no we didn't then it didn't want to volunteer but you bet the gold in the Platinum bit though mm-hmm wouldn't show I don't see how I can be such a lively seller if it's hard to find could we have a clarification on that well actually we did not I believe ever declared it was hard to find she keep saying finally well but this would suggest the lively character of verbs oh you mean it just be right dr. shell that's dead one could use it you but you wouldn't you wouldn't bet that I couldn't find it tomorrow if I went shopping would you oh you could find it if there's no gambling allowed on television program we have to 675 to w1 now the don't you see John this is very important to us because we're going to be seeking some rare thing it's gonna be something you know don't do that because it's been described to you in mrs. Gators terms is a lively item ergo it is so popular with the public that it's likely to disappear from the showcase almost as soon as it arrives but if you were determined to find one I'm quite sure that by traversing New York City a few times back and forth and doing it all the stories we could life of dr. Kinsey is empty is this solid rather than liquid yeah this is solid resin uh is it something that likely would not be folded you can't fold it now that's and it sticks out is it long and slender rather than chubby oh when they're yeah it's a fairy wand okay no dirty cognizant yeah I wasn't really asking have we established is it edible no but to go miss Freneau z11 be particularly interested in this at this time of year yeah actually because of this particular season I can see where a high degree of interest would be generated by the need we all have to find new gifts and such you know to give away christmas time has it anything to do with money no let's check out another this was fun mrs. Hayden makes electric back scratchers damar same our products damnit money and and this is a back stretch and it works from a battery does it not and you just said and you turn the battery on you go cure you know this case your husband doesn't have any fingernails it's good thank you very much miss you nice mystery just in just a moment but first here is a word from our sponsor and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which overall these long 10 years plus as you well know our panel is always blindfolded are those blindfolds all in place panels really good will you enter a mystery Challenger and sign in please all right as you know in the case of our mystery guest we go to a different form of questioning one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and let's begin with a lien fences would one find your name in the theatrical section of the paper rather than the sports section here's the physical thought you have there are you at present appearing in either a play nightclub or motion picture in the metropolitan area where that will disappear yes exactly are you to be looking at it by a buckaroo I think Pleasant sometimes unpleasant you know there in our profession we have to adapt ourselves almost anything there you are the Parchin act is an act if you do this Kilgallen is that a yes or a dower well that's a very good question well yeah yes could we uncover well I would say there that the suggestion is that specifically the question was that are you appearing now on Broadway in a major cinema or stage presentation is excellent for nighttime not the walk out and dine to go miss Kilgallon John you realized then it didn't mean tonight because it's Sunday which kid no but just in terms of reference now rather than the ascendant were you in any place on Vanderbilt Avenue last night so what were you in any place on Vanderbilt Avenue last night till I couldn't do by Saturday wouldn't be able to talk anything like that sudah today we go mr. gable John yes sir as one short actor it is my impression that I would always know the greatest of short actors this must be Edward G Robinson you're right declare up the fight if there is to be one that's cleared up first actually mr. Robinson is one of the stars as you know in PP which is opening on Wednesday is not open yet ergo I call it happy yeah I'm sorry I messed that up yes my dear would you like me to change the subject sure would I didn't know it was a time to point out that the place that I referred to on that ago Dabney was just a place where a party was held for charity and I wanted to rule out some of the celebrities who were there but I would also accent it on the same evening mr. Robertson mr. Robinson was pleading poverty him with his article mr. Robinson who's feeding poverty him with his art collection oh then I know but it's a character that I was assuming at the moment I could miss hard to hear he had laid his frog you know after all the paintings the Irish in every smile there you know you open in Pepe this week yeah unloved went at Tuesday and there Tuesday evening I don't know that's the time record for the other stars out there our Vic Pardo meal is 60 stars Oh 60 stars I happen to be one of them perhaps of the happens in that okay I might not have been one of them excellent all very happy pictures it's not a fair statement that that in in Pepe are many of the men with whom you came to great famous and Bing Crosby and arrived and when some of the other well did you like Sinatra racing uh well almost anybody every now I can mention Janet Lee and it couldn't know that and goes on and on it's the roster of so many of the Hollywood stars out there and I might say in mine of the season tomorrow night he's gonna be busy to you any medicine square granite on festivals abit chanooka I mean Hanukkah festival I said no / you say Hanukkah did it took me a long time I used to read the papers and say gee I must go see one of those chanooka fenneis festival for the gate and my good friend should be saying well Hanukkah is coming up and I say yeah that's wonderful at Hanukkah election occurs great stuff to my body but I was wondering if they've been well it's Hanukkah may we thank you for back to you having to see us on Sunday night when you visit your business we congratulations may I do it on your upcoming Mary thank you very much L there were a great man let's test them after this word from our Halterman sponsor and now let's meet another contestant will you enter and sign in please right there Edmond t.o.p else key right mr. Oakley Elsie where are you from Villanova Pennsylvania Villanova Pennsylvania's right nice to have you with us may I present the panel and would you join me over here and you know how he keeps going yes good we let folks in the theater and those watching at home know exactly what your life all right panel we can tell you that mr. OPL ski is salaried and he deals in a product and we'll start the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen because I've done so well yeah you have done very well you got a lot of laughter and good fun tonight mr. o PL ski uh is your product something that I might have in my home no one down in nine to go mr. gable I come from I was born and raised in your part of the country mr. o PL ski is what you do something that's more apt to be done near Philadelphia than sort of any other place no to dominate to go bees prancing is the product setting that would be found out of doors yes would it be found on the land as opposed to in the sea yeah it would is it anything that grows no three thousand seven to go with the third that's the o PL ski do you work for profit-making organization yes I do does the product profit made partly at least out of this product that you work on yes is it a manufactured product yes it is is it manufactured in a factory yes is it made by a company that is large enough to possibly be listed on one of the exchanges yes you're looking dubious no I'm dissing dr. dubious went home last week in Tokyo you wanna know what this product you mean doctor this possibly you have anything to do with either the electrical or the amusement industries no bored out in six to go mrs. Kilgallon Oh with this product ever be used I withdraw that uh is this product wholly or partially of metal yes uh could it be used at the construction of anything yes it could is it in fact used in the construction of anything I think with your permission we will say you must be a little bit careful as to the exact meaning that you're going to give to this answer we will give you a yes to that answer but you could misconstrue the answer the particular product that you are involved with uh can be used without being used in construction you know what I mean can be you know by itself this is what we meant to convey that it is an elemental part of construction is what I meant to convey Jews in concern skin it's an elemental part of construction but is not used in Tombstone when it is used in construction in other words if you are going to use it it would be an integral part of what you were constructing is that a fair statement mr. Phil yes but by implication at least it is for our friends product is not used in the construction business well now this is the thing I was trying to tell Dorothy you must not miss screw this construe the answer it is involved in construction but it's not necessary a tool of construction does that answer I'm sure it does John because they did a very sincere effort to be clear I realize that it's just that in the muddy mush of what I call my mind I'm a little murky I'm sorry but I have to throw edges we've run out of time to the this is one real tough one actually mr. OPL skin cells church steeples they're made by the overly manufacturing company church steeples and you can get a nice one was it eight feet of sixty feet anything from 900 to 29,000 Japs for Christmas awfully good June mister ophie ophie thank you very much being again I think we had a lot of fun tonight and I would like to say good night miss Dorothy Kilgallen good night and happy wedding girls don't you good night more tonight Dorothy and John the very best thank you hello John and to Virginia and good night and happiness to you too Bennet what the heck you know now the genie is too good for you don't you I quite agreed to absolutely and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on What's My Line What's My Line is a CBS television network production in association with Mark Wilson and Bill talk you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 92,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Edward G. Robinson (Theater Actor), Martin Gabel (Theater Producer)
Id: efQ1rcj8QtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 09 2014
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