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[Music] hey guys what's going on I hope everybody's having a fantastic week a lot of you have been asking me what happened to your car tour video what happened to your trunk video what happened all these videos that you took down long story short my department has been very supportive of my YouTube endeavors however they were not so supportive of me posting video of what equipment we had in our cars I know they were worried about officer safety issues this is all information that you can find on Google guys I'm not showing you anything extraordinary or anything secret or anything like that I'm not showing you how our software operates or what my passwords are and stuff like that this is all public information this is this can all be looked up online but out of respect for them they wanted me to take the videos down so I did that's the reason why they have been taken down now with that being said I reached out to a friend of mine who is the sheriff of a neighboring County and I told him kind of what was going on well I ended up asking him if there's any way that I can use one of his vehicles for a separate car tour video that's not related to my department he was so extremely supportive of this idea the first words out of his mouth were absolutely what do you want do you want a tahoe do you want a Caprice just let me know and I'll hook you up you know like I tried explaining to him I'm trying to create transparency between law enforcement and the public I don't believe that we should be keeping secrets there's no secret that we have weapons in our car we have high-tech equipment in our car again this is all stuff that can be found on Google so today I'm going to do a full car tour video and I'm gonna include the lights the sirens the trunk the engine I'm gonna compile everything into one video for you guys to enjoy let's begin so here's what the inside of the Chevy Caprice looks like this thing hauls ass like this thing is so incredibly fast and the v8s are just ridiculous so up here he keeps his his spare handcuffs he's got his spotlight which I think works see if it worked he had works and this is the front antenna to the radar up here he's got his little fancy GPS in car dash camera system and what's really cool about his car and it's totally different for mine he has this control box and this is how he activates all of his lights and stuff so he can control the rear lights the front lights turn all of them on at the same time he can activate a siren do it manually air horn like everything can be controlled from this box and that's really handy to have because with us I mean we have a whole switch box just for the lights we have a whole nother control box just for the sirens and a separate microphone for the PA like all this is included in one little handy thing so it'd be really nice to have this I wish I had this in my car here is the controller for the radar unit and this one's really cool this one's a lot different from mine because this is the this is the genisis - it's not the newest but it's newer them on this button activates the front antenna to check people speed this one activates the rear this will lock their speed and I remember this is the fast button so if you have a group of cars that's coming at you and you notice that one of them is going faster than the others you can hit this button and momentarily it'll display the fastest person speed in that group then you can control your volume of the radar the range that it's gonna go you can do your internal tests stuff like that so this one is really awesome I wish I had the Genesis 2 again and of course you can't go anywhere without your backup what's really cool about their department is they actually use like iPads and stuff like we have the full laptops and everything but I don't know I kind of like my laptop so I'm not sure I'd want an iPad I guess that's just a matter of preference down here he's got his Motorola radio cupholders gearshift and I know a lot of you watching this are gonna be like well what are you having as passenger seat so anyway this is called a seat organizer and a lot of us we have different uses every cop uses it differently some of us put our ticket books in there some of us put like pay for for jail and stuff like that in there so I'm not gonna pull this paperwork out but this is uh this is flashlight another radio traffic laws you can't go wrong with having traffic law shortcuts down here's this ticket book if you think you have somebody that might be drunk on this other road this is what they blew into there's a difference between an alga sensor and the intoxilizer and I'll I'll explain that in a different video this is a now Cosenza though and here's the trunk for those of you that saw my last video he doesn't have as much stuff in his trunk that I do I guess I have a bunch of crap in mine but and when he says I was rain jacket he's got this like industrial I think this thing can lift the tank kind of jack this thing is huge that's what she said over here he's got his backpack he's got some other paperwork bags stuff like that so that is what is in his trunk no shotgun yes and I know a lot of you are engineered so I know a ton of you hear me ask me what kind of engine he has so this is the v8 and as far as I know it is a 6.0 liter I don't know again I told you guys I don't know anything about cars I know like that's the engine it works that's all I needed to do I just need it to work and I'm sure a couple of you gonna ask why does he have the wraparound push bumper the reason why they have wraparound push bumpers is because this is for pit maneuvers this is so you don't damage your car while you're trying to spend somebody else out so that's why we have these like you'll see wrap around bumpers on some of the police cars correct this yeah they'll let us know in the comments the Internet's harsh I'm not a mechanic [Music] all right so I know a lot of you are gonna want to see the lights so this is how it works so basically if I hit the front button or you can hit the rear button and then we've got our siren it's really hard to see I think the tents pretty dark on this door I wish I had dark ten grand this is where they go not much leg room plexiglass rear antenna and he's got a camera in the back they can watch watch his suspects or whoever he takes to jail so you can keep an eye on them for the I think going back alright so here is a 10 meter and this is how cops they measure your tent so they roll down your window they have this little slot that the window goes through put it on there and this will give you the percentage so the legal limit in Georgia is 32 or higher so he's legal guys that is it for today I hope you enjoyed the video if you have any questions let me know in the comment section below and I'll try to address them as quick as possible like I said I wanted to do a compilation video for you guys instead of doing like a trunk video and then doing an engine video and all that I tried to do everything it wants and you guys were asking about the lights and sirens last time so I tried to include everything in one I should be coming out with another video probably sometime either Friday Saturday somewhere in there I hope you guys have a fantastic day and I will see you soon [Music]
Channel: officer401
Views: 1,322,015
Rating: 4.9264259 out of 5
Keywords: police, car, cruiser, patrol car, patrol, officer, tour, car tour, officer401, 401, police vehicle, cop car, police car, chevy, caprice, 2011, black chevy, police lights, lights, siren, wail, yelp, phaser, motorola, whats, inside, whats inside
Id: MSLXD09Oxlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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